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Think Big

Now that we see what our collective and personal impact is on the planet, let's think big!

What big and bold ideas do you have for reducing personal, community, country and even global carbon footprints?

Use this space to develop and discuss your big ideas! Who knows- maybe one of these ideas can be the next key solution to the global climate challenge!

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Think Big

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ruggine1   2024-10-09 11:12:00
Think big

We all need to work together to sae our planet and our lives, for example: do separate waste collection, recycle, take public trasport ecc.

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ruggine1   2024-10-08 12:31:29
think big

we all need to collaborate together for save our planet, our lives and the lives of future generations

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alina25   2023-04-28 09:29:34 (Last post: 2024-05-12 21:01:44)
The balance between the human race and the well-being of our planet

The balance between the human race and the well-being of our planet is quite difficult to balance. People need more and more things that are not exactly friendly to the environment and the planet. what can we do to balance the balance? I think we should reduce as much as possible the objects that we don't really need or replace them with others that are better for the environment. I admit that I also buy some things (clothes for example) that are not really useful to me, taking into account that I have so many good things that I could continue to wear. therefore, I will try as much as possible not to spend so much money on things I don't need, but to invest them in things that will also help the planet.

matej_drzaic1   2023-05-03 08:45:28

To add on to you’re point I think people should use more recyclable materials that are biodegradable, as well as organize more events for recycling, cleaning and informational ones too because it is very important to learn about how much one piece of plastic can damage the environment, and the ways that our pollution can affect animals and plants. We need to be aware that we are the cause of pollution and that only we can fix pollution and save our planet.

marlow   2024-05-12 21:01:44

I completely agree! I often buy new items without considering what I already have and how my purchases will affect the planet. I feel it is important to pay attention to the packaging of items and minimize our purchases of plastic or other packaging materials that are harmful to our planet. It would also be great for communities to continue to transition from plastic products to more paper products. In addition, it is essential to enforce recycling and composting policies to limit the amount of waste dumped on land, making its way to our ocean, polluting the water, and hurting marine animals. We definitely need to be more conscious of our daily actions and their effects. Has your community taken any effective steps to further protect and heal our planet? Do you have any other ideas on how to do so?

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dalila.dumitrache   2024-04-10 03:47:21 (Last post: 2024-05-12 12:59:14)

#Don't pollute the environment to regret later

ValBOD   2024-05-09 19:16:54

I wholeheartedly concur, but I also think it's critical that everyone understands what pollution is and how they personally contribute to it. In my experience, though, I was not made aware of the ways in which the things I did on a regular basis contributed to pollution. Therefore, I think that younger generations need to think more carefully about how pollution starts and what they can do to prevent it from happening. Continuously to be able to induce curiosity in them about this topic we should normalize it, due to that this is a very urgent problem that must be solved for a better future. Don't you think?

olmaBOD   2024-05-10 12:36:47

I completely agree and think that many people need to be educated about pollution. I think this because I see many people just littering and overusing things that are harmful to the environment. They must think it is just okay to do but in reality it is harmful to the environment. It may not be harmful in that moment but in the long run it could do some damage. According to a national litter study there are about 50 billion pieces of litter along roadways waterways since 2020. This number continues to go up as does mass production of single use plastics. These plastics are thrown away after one use and emit greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere creating the greenhouse effect. Becoming educated will help with the worlds awareness that we are killing the planet day by day.

mareBOD4   2024-05-12 12:59:14

I agree, especially by the fact that there is so much pollution that is flooding up our oceans. A fact that really comes up to my attention is that Americans used about 50 billion plastic bottles of water last year. And not even 1 fourth of those water bottles were recycled. In addition, plastics in the environment never fully decompose and only break into smaller pieces.

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sgrodo   2024-04-26 08:29:56 (Last post: 2024-04-26 10:52:10)
the future of renewable energies

Renewable energies are not just an option, they are our lifeline, they are not just a choice, they are our destiny.
Let us think big, invest wisely, and pioneer the technologies that will power a cleaner, greener future. We must develop new technologies to:
enhance efficiency, address intermittency, Integrate into existing grids and explore emerging Sources.

jacopo006   2024-04-26 10:52:10

I wholeheartedly agree. Renewable energies are essential for addressing environmental and energy challenges. Investing wisely in them means not only ensuring a clean and safe source of energy but also fostering innovation and creating job opportunities. It is crucial to develop advanced technologies to improve efficiency, overcome intermittency challenges, and integrate these sources into existing networks. We must be leaders in creating a cleaner and more sustainable future by investing in research, sustainable energy policies, and awareness.

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Ashley Condon   2024-04-23 05:42:08
Horses for Transportation

One thing we think would greatly reduce Co2 pollution is to bring back the horse and buggy in replacement of motorized vehicles.  Motorized vehicles cause pollution to the environment.  These pollutants cause harm to our health.  They have greenhouse gasses that can greatly affect climate change.  The burning of gas and other fuels creates very harmful byproducts.  They also create Co2 which is the most common human cause of greenhouse gasses (Department of Ecology State of Washington).  Horses are selective grazers which causes them to not eat tougher grasses.  This is because they can not digest them (Extension Horse).  Horses are very important to the environment because it increases the plant diversity in an area.  (Lonker, Fenchner, El Wahed).  Horses are one of the biggest contributors to renewable energy and resources.  They produce up to 9.1 tons of manure every year.  This manure can be turned into green energy.  These farms and other energy companies around the farms can use this energy (Middleton Place Equestrian Center).  Lots of horse farmers utilized trough watering for their animals.  This helps the protection of natural water sources.  It also prevents erosion on the edges of the natural water source (Middleton Place Equestrian Center).  Vehicles are America's biggest air pollutant.  They are producing about one - third of all U.S. air pollution (National Geographic).  Highway vehicles release about 1.5 billion tons of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere every year (U.S. Department of Energy).  As you can see the horse creates a smaller Co2 footprint than motorized vehicles (Extension Horse).

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Maia.andreea   2024-04-19 01:23:17
Think Big

Let’s save the planet smile

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Jusrin   2024-04-16 00:34:32
Foot print

My foot print is small

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emiliams   2024-01-31 12:46:40 (Last post: 2024-04-16 00:27:17)
Think Big

One big idea that I have to help reduce carbon levels in the atmosphere is to have more enviremental field trips. We could create plant a tree day, on a weekend/day where we plant trees, or clean up the plastic around the campus or in a local park. Or, we could take a walk to Sam Bridges in Greenwich, and plant native trees to Greenwich inside our campus. Some native trees in Greenwich, Connecticut are Norway maple, London Plane, and Honey locust. smile

Qbi Wang   2024-04-16 00:27:17

I think it will be a good idea because it will make school fun, but if you want to go to other places that are more far away, you will still need to take transportations that will emit carbon dioxide.

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adelina.bursuc   2024-04-10 03:47:56 (Last post: 2024-04-15 04:28:05)
think big

for a healthy body try to go to the gym, have a balanced diet and go get some fresh air every day

Arle62   2024-04-15 04:28:05

i agree, it seem sometimes difficult to keep these habits but it's important in my opinion

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bianca.elena   2024-04-10 03:46:45
Think big

I think we can make new ways to help our planet

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Iulia.miron   2024-04-10 03:44:41
keep healthy

a healthy body will make us happy.

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Maryam09   2023-11-04 14:42:01 (Last post: 2024-01-31 12:57:25)
Shift Your Way to the Thrift

Fast fashion clothing brands have been impacting our climate negatively since the 90s. Since the opening of the first Zara store, fast fashion has been all the rage on the internet because of the cheap and trendy clothing. Many people are attracted to the shenanigans thrown at them from these companies, but they do not realize just how bad fast fashion is to the environment. First of all, most of the clothes made by these companies are very bad quality. They cannot be worn more than a few times before starting to look old or used, so most people throw them out and buy new clothes from the same companies. These clothes fill up our landfills and they stay there until some of them decompose. Most of these clothes are made from plastics and other materials that do not decompose even after hundreds of years. The fashion industry produces 10% of the entire global carbon emissions annually. And these numbers are still increasing and projected to be up to 50% by 2030 (zurich.com). One way we can help save our planet from both climate change and having too many clothes in the landfill is by shopping less fast fashion and thrifting more. Thrifting not only helps reduce waste in our environment, but it is also a cost-effective way of shopping and improving our wardrobes. According to TruEarth.com, thrifting helps to reduce the amount of CO2 emitted through the manufacturing and shipping of clothes. Also, thrifting can help improve relationships in our communities with local thrift stores and create an overall better environment and planet for our future.
Works cited:
https://www.zurich.com/en/media/magazin … 0by%202030.
https://www.tru.earth/the-environmental … 20products.

johnrb   2024-01-31 12:57:25

I totally agree. This is a problem because Zara still uses cheap synthetic materials like polyester, nylon, and acrylic to produce clothes. Synthetic materials are made from petroleum, a fossil fuel that's a major contributor to climate change. If Zara still uses this material this could be a reason why fossil fuels impacts our world. Using more expensive material that does not use fossil fuel material can be a good impact on CO2 levels dropping from clothing brands that are using these materials.

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johnrb   2024-01-31 12:42:18
Think Big

Think Big: A big idea to Whitby that could change Whitbys thinking on using alot of CO2. This idea is gathering lower school kids with their buddies and going to the garden, at the garden we will plant native plants that snatch CO2 out of the air. Planting these things could also give more plants for bees to polinate this could also help more honey get around with bees. The reason why we will plant native plants is because then the animals won't mind the new plants. These three benfits could make a impact on the community. The lower school kids could also be inspired and do this themsleves with their parents at home to also help the enviroment in the area they live in. This could be a great idea for the Whitby community!

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johnrb   2024-01-31 12:35:10
Think Big

Think Big: A big idea to Whitby that could change Whitbys thinking on using alot of CO2. This idea is gathering lower school kids with their buddies and going to the garden, at the garden we will plant native plants that snatch CO2 out of the air. Planting these things could also give more plants for bees to polinate this could also help more honey get around with bees. The reason why we will plant native plants is because then the animals won't mind the new plants. These three benfits could make a impact on the community. The lower school kids could also be inspired and do this themsleves with their parents at home to also help the enviroment in the area they live in. This could be a great idea for the Whitby community!

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johnrb   2024-01-31 12:34:10
Think Big

Think Big: A big idea to Whitby that could change Whitbys thinking on using alot of CO2. This idea is gathering lower school kids with their buddies and going to the garden, at the garden we will plant native plants that snatch CO2 out of the air. Planting these things could also give more plants for bees to polinate this could also help more honey get around with bees. The reason why we will plant native plants is because then the animals won't mind the new plants. These three benfits could make a impact on the community. The lower school kids could also be inspired and do this themsleves with their parents at home to also help the enviroment in the area they live in. This could be a great idea for the Whitby community!

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IIversonBHS   2022-10-06 19:18:54 (Last post: 2024-01-31 11:45:38)
Electric Vehicles

I think as technology advances car dealerships will slowly move towards the electric car market. Especially after seeing how successful Tesla is.

24ruiz0543   2023-10-30 21:15:24

I agree, it might also be easier to manufacture too.

OliverM.C   2024-01-31 11:45:38

I would say that yes this is a good Idea how ever the manufactuing and shiping still release emitions and it would requier you to drive 8,400 to 13,500 miles to couteract it. How ever the more souces of renewable energy plus the electrifcation of factorys and shiping vehicles would also grately help reduce emitons.

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OliverM.C   2024-01-31 11:36:58
This souds crazy but it could be possible

What to do with all the captured CO2 and make a profit the question we all wonder sometimes. Well why not try to make it into parts of a laptop computer, the casing of it can be made of carbon fiber and posably be used to make parts of resistors of carbon fiber and non conductive parts made it. Some conductive parts that don't need a lot of power and or heat sinks can be made of graphite. The carbon fiber can maybe be used to make the pcbs for the computer. The only problem is the proceses of turning captured CO2 in to carbon fiber takes a lot of energy to do since it is a highly inret (it isn't very reactive) and have to be heated to very high tempatues (200-5,500 C) so I will need to find a way to make it more efficient but I can put some reserch into it.

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ARocchetta   2022-11-16 15:15:44 (Last post: 2023-11-30 14:12:50)
You can make a change

I feel that everyone can make a change and should try. You can help save the environment by doing the little things like turning off the lights in a room when you leave or turning off the water when you don't need it for example, when brushing your teeth turn the water off and when doing the dishes use a bowl of water instead of leaving it on. Also, you can carpool, which will also help with CO2 emissions. These little things might not seem like a lot but if everyone does it, there will be a change.

Hayden Fernandez   2023-10-30 10:44:34

I agree everyone can do these things and they take little effort but make huge difference.

Kinsey S   2023-11-03 09:02:06

I agree that all the little things can make a bigger impact if everyone does it. However, we still need to talk about the actual bigger and more complex issues. Such as deforestation and burning fossil fuel. These Big corporations and manufactures are creating a bigger impact on the planet then you can ever make in your life. Each year approximately 12 million hectares of forest are destroyed. Deforestation is responsible for roughly a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions.And the burning of fossil fuels is the main cause of green house gases world wide.
https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/sci … ate-change

chardastar   2023-11-06 09:02:43

I agree that we can all individually contribute to the fight against climate change through our own actions and choices, however, there is only so much we can control. Unfortunately, no matter how many times an individual turns off the water while brushing their teeth, or engages in another environmentally friendly individual action, it cannot offset the damage done by large corporations. That is not to say that one should give up and not try at all- any water saved, cup recycled, distance walked, shirt thrifted, etc. is a triumph, but it simply does not have a large enough impact to make a very tangible difference against climate change. That impact must come from climate change policy! So advocate!

kierstins_roach   2023-11-17 23:36:16

I agree. Sometimes we cannot help ourselves when practicing everyday activities, such as monitoring our shower duration, or how many times we use our dishwashers in a day. This isn't our fault, we are just doing this so we can help ourselves. Although, if we do slow practices, I do believe that we can help out or climate, even if it's just a little bit.

Malachi24   2023-11-30 14:12:50

I fully agree with that any and everyone can change the would. I agree because even though you aren’t in control of everything you can control what's in your control. What I mean is this is that you can use cold water once in awhile instead of hot. You could stop the the water after you get the water you need on your toothbrush. There are many more things you can do for the world and you should.

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Kevind4   2023-11-03 09:17:47 (Last post: 2023-11-15 15:07:36)
Plastic Water Bottles Are A Scam

Plastic water bottles can have variety of different type of water but most Clear/White caps are just tap water with good marketing. You can literally get the same water from your tap. According to the University of Queensland tap water is safer and contains less harmful chemicals in it. It's also cheaper to use tap water than bottled water which is usually at least a 400% markup according to Candjwater. Save money, save the world,save yourself,and drink tap water. You are spending 20 today to save 100s in the future.

Junlelle   2023-11-08 00:31:31

I totally agree, but it’s not just the fact that it’s a waste of money but it’s also worse for the environment, taking 1000 years for them to decompose. Additionally, 80% of these water bottles end up in the ocean, harming the animals living there. In all honesty, people should boycott plastic water bottles, since all in all their a disadvantage. They harm the environment, they’re a waste of money and aren’t even any safer than tap water.

osKer   2023-11-10 15:51:03

I agree that buying bottled water is practically useless in countries like Canada and the U.S, because we are privileged enough always access clean drinking water from the tap. But in some places, like parts of Africa, they don't even have taps. It is very hard for them to get clean drinking water, so the easiest or only option is to buy bottled water. Even though its bad for the earth, we have to remember we are all fighting climate change in deferent well climates.

rcmq   2023-11-11 00:17:14

I agree that they are a scam. Plastic water bottles started as a convenient way to easily get clean water, which eventually turned into another major way of contributing to global pollution. Destroying ocean habitats, contributing to landfills and climate change are not worth the small convenience in our day-to-day lives of purchasing these single-use plastic bottles. If everyone puts in the smallest effort to use a reusable bottle this will make a big difference and change the way plastic is affecting our Earth.

jaydo   2023-11-15 15:07:36

I agree with you for sure, using plastic bottles has chemicals from the bottle and we drink that which is super unhealthy if your constantly drinking from plastic. Plastic bottles kills the earth pretty badly so just drinking tap water is a good way to do their help to save the earth. Using tap water is also cheaper than spending at least $4 at a school vending machine, we can save money and use tap or a water fountain.

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Zack L   2023-11-02 20:40:47 (Last post: 2023-11-11 16:08:58)
Water In Plastic

94% of US citizens buy plastic water bottles, and around 50 billion of these plastic bottles are bought in America annually. The reason why this is so bad for the planet is because plastic bottles can take up to 1000 years to break down. Even worse, they aren’t biodegradable.The process of making plastic uses a huge amount of fossil fuels that later result in global warming. Not only can one singular plastic water bottle contribute significantly to global warming, it also puts marine life at a very high risk. Many marine animals after eating plastic or getting tangled up in plastic die every year. A solution to this is, instead of buying plastic water bottles in bulk, we can invest in just one reusable bottle and reduce the consumption of plastic bottles. Another solution is for companies to start using better and more eco friendly packaging.

BigCmanCrago   2023-11-11 16:08:58

i completely agree with what you're saying about the waste produced by plastic water bottles however, there are some places in America and around the world that are not fortunate enough to have clean tap water to fill reusable bottles therefore I think our first goal before cutting down on plastic bottle production should be too have clean tap water everywhere so people aren't forced to use plastic bottles that contribute to pollution.

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ainarapalacios91   2023-11-09 03:29:45
Think Big

There are several ways you can help reduce pollution:
Reduce plastic consumption
Opt for sustainable transportation
Energy conservation
Recycle and reuse
Small daily actions can make a difference in reducing environmental pollution.

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chardastar   2023-11-06 08:37:19
Climate Change Legislation Progress

In 2022, one of, if not the most significant pieces of climate change legislation in American history was passed, and yet most people do not know about it. If you are reading this post and racking your brain to find what newsworthy climate change bill you remember hearing about in 2022, and coming up empty handed, you are not alone. A lot of people do not know about the climate change law in the Inflation Reduction Act, or IRA, but it is major! With this bill, the United States of America dedicated $369 billion to climate and clean energy investments. $369 BILLION! For many Americans, this is not only a cause for celebration, but also a shock, because for so long, American climate change policy has seemingly floundered, and even regressed. But the IRA is a major step forward. According to Krupp 2022, "Multiple independent analyses show the [IRA] will reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions some 40% below 2005 levels by 2030 . . . "
     Gratitude for the climate legislation in the IRA is devoted to all of the tireless lobbyists and constituents who fought tirelessly to get this bill passed. Because of them, and because of the American representatives who decided to take a stand for America's future- for Earth's future, we can keep fighting to save this planet and its life from the destruction of climate change!

Works Cited:
https://www.edf.org/blog/2022/08/12/big … ate-change

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Takoyama   2023-11-04 20:56:44
Eat the rich.

We could cut back so far on deforestation and further reduce emissions if we just dialed back the capitalism a little bit.  It's genuinely agonizing how neglectful and ignorant these billionaires are.  FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TAYLOR SWIFT'S PRIVATE JET HAS IT'S OWN ANNUAL FOOTPRINT OF OVER 8000 TONNES.  THAT IS OVER 600 TIMES THE U.S AVERAGE PER CAPITA.  THAT IS ALMOST 2000 TIMES THE GLOBAL AVERAGE.  Stop claiming overpopulation is a valid reason to continue cutting down forests when you know damn well Oprah Winfrey has at least 8 multi million dollar estates just in the United States alone.  Coal burning might be one of the biggest contributions to global warming but do you wanna know what the most preventable one is?  Permitting white women with dreadlocks to go do iowaska in the middle of Nevada every year.  Burning Man puts out over 100,000 tons of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere every year.  It's absolutely superfluous.  Just stop it.

Sources: https://www.forbes.com/sites/prakashdol … 4fb9e5c086

https://www.velvetropes.com/backstage/o … frey-house

https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2023 … 0annually.

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usernameblana   2023-05-03 11:59:11 (Last post: 2023-11-03 11:17:46)
Are we as individuals to blame for climate change?

Not exactly. There are many factors that contribute to climate change, including the actions of corporations, governments, and other institutions, as well as broader systemic issues such as economic and social inequality. In fact, 53.1% of our personal carbon footprint is burned without our consent.
The term carbon footprint also known as personal carbon footprint, was popularized by a 250 million advertising campaign by the oil and gas company BP in 2005 designed by Ogilvy and Mather which was a plan to divert attention from fossil fuel companies to individual consumers. Basically, reframing climate change and fossil fuel use as a personal problem in order for them to continue to burn 12 million times more fossil fuels than the average person.
Of course, we as individuals can and should do something for the environment such as conserving energy, reduce transportation emissions, use water wisely, reduce food waste and so much more. But, don’t let an oil company make you believe that you’re the source of this problem while they are the ones that have the biggest impact.

abraBOD   2023-05-11 22:56:09

In short, I believe that we are to blame for climate change. There are many reasons why we are to blame for the planet warming and climate change. To start we have been emitting carbon dioxide since the industrial revolution into the atmosphere and caused the levels of carbon dioxide to increase. The Parts per million have always been below 300 but starting in the 1950s, the line started going up; and it hasn’t stopped. The proof that we are causing Climate Change is very evident and is very alarming to hear. As of May 2023, we are at 420 ppm of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere. The severity of carbon dioxide and why it is important is that it is a greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gasses in a normal amount are good for the earth; it keeps us warm at night, when our side of the planet is facing away from the sun, and keeps us from overheating in the daytime, when our side of the planet is facing towards the sun. Greenhouse gasses keep us alive on this “goldilocks” or perfect planet. But when people hear about such a drastic change on this planet they tend to get afraid and put the blame on something else, like nature or some big gas companies. The idea of there is no climate change started right when the popularity of Climate Change Activists started to blow up. There were large numbers of protests around the US that startled the media and caused them to retaliate and spread “climate change hoax” propaganda about how climate change is false. On the individual scale, I believe we all have a part in it; if it's choosing to bring your reusable water bottle or get the free plastic one, choose to recycle the box or soda can instead of throwing it in the landfill. It takes everyone to do their part in choosing to save the planet. If we don’t we may not have many more years on this Earth.

https://www.climate.gov/news-features/c … al-warming


Jawd   2023-05-11 23:23:55

I agree that we as individuals are not fully to blame for climate change and that it is a systematic problem in governments and corporations. Many individuals, especially in lower income areas, are very uneducated about what is happening to the planet right now and how they are contributing to the problem. The lack of education on climate change can lead to misinformation about whats happening, which can lead to people denying what is going on. Not to mention that lots of people relay on jobs that produce a heavy amount of CO2 into the atmosphere without them being aware of it. the big corporations and governments on the other hand, are aware of what is going on to the environment but are choosing to ignore what is going on so that they can more money. Even though regular people do contribute to climate change, it is usually because they are not informed about what is going on, while the coperations and governments are fully aware of what is going on and choose to ignore it.

GyagBOD   2023-05-12 09:08:49

Climate change is a difficult problem that has been brought about by multiple causes. Although people definitely contribute to climate change, it is unfair to blame individuals mainly for it. The truth is that governments and businesses have a significantly greater influence over the environment than do individuals. For instance, 100 corporations contribute to the vast large quantities of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. Fossil fuels, which are the main causes of climate change, are extracted, produced, and distributed by these corporations. Governments are crucial when it comes to environmental policy and industrial regulations. Governments have repeatedly failed to take significant climate change action because of political pressure or a lack of political will. It's important to keep in mind, though, that many of the problems caused by climate change are structural and call for a united effort. For example, switching to renewable energy sources requires essential improvements, which can only be carried out through government action. Systemic problems like economic and social inequality also have a role in climate change. It is necessary to solve these problems through changes in policy and group effort. In addition to this, it's still critical for people to limit their carbon footprint. Everyone can contribute to building a more sustainable future, and the act of doing so is crucial for all of us.

naroBOD   2023-05-12 09:31:07

In my personal opinion, one individual is not to blame for climate change, but many individuals together. Yes, everyone does contribute to some part of climate change through their own choices that impact our environment. Their home lifestyle, energy consumption, and travel can add or decrease from the problem of climate change. Climate change is driven by the greenhouse gas emissions caused by us humans. Greenhouse gases can increase in our atmosphere due to the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and energy use. Our choices as individuals and the choices made by individuals with more power than the average person greatly impact the rate at which we add greenhouse gases into our atmosphere. In order to fix this issue of climate change, it would require a collective effort of changes in our economical systems and the normalization of excessive energy use.
Site: https://www.epa.gov/climatechange-science

Avery Marshmallow   2023-11-02 09:11:07

I agree with your argument that a singular person should not be blamed or blame themselves for the whole of climate change. However I do think that every person does contribute to it partially and must self reflect sometimes. Yes, big corporations may be to blame for the majority of greenhouse gas emissions, but the reasons that these companies run is because we as consumers buy from them. I think it would be more beneficial as a whole to not only self reflect on our own actions but also on the actions of companies. How can we as consumers have corporations take responsibility, how can we take responsibility?

chri_szun   2023-11-03 11:17:46

Although I do love hearing people talk about the fact that the large corporations have been using the people as a scapegoat because of their waste to distract them from the fact that those corporations use an abysmal amount of carbon-based energy, this post does feel a little too aggressive. The only reason these companies are around is because customers buy from them, so it is also up to us to stop buying their products and to warn/spread the word to others about how much carbon they release into the atmosphere.

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159C519   2023-11-02 17:44:07
Will the human population continue to grow exponentially

I feel like the human population will continue to grow exponentially for quite some time and then it will have a dramatic decrease because it's starting off exponentially but it's gonna move more towards a logistic growth rate and it's going to hit its carrying capacity. In the second link it explains that the human population will hit carrying capacity sometime in the time ahead.(with the links just copy them and then paste them onto a new tab) :>|-(c ; )>o

https://bio.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/ … definitely.


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Mae see   2023-11-02 11:18:50
Think Big

I would start switching to  a Tesla, get an electric car, or even a hybrid. Try to reuse what you have and start saying no to fast fashion. Try something new and try going thrifting every once in awhile. Planting more greenery might happen to be a contribute to reducing carbon dioxide. Have sections for your trash. Recyclables, non recyclables , and glass.

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woolsey12345   2023-11-01 11:20:26
Reusing Clothes, Furniture, and Other Items

Many people in the US throw away clothes that they no longer wear, even though there are easy ways to reuse them. Giving clothes to siblings or other relatives when you grow out of them is an extremely easy way to cut down on how much of your clothing goes to a landfill. There are also stores like Deseret Industries where you can take your used clothing, furniture, and books. The items are made available for much lower prices that make it easier for people with less money to afford.

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brglBOD   2023-05-23 10:00:28 (Last post: 2023-11-01 09:50:32)
Small Efforts = Big Change

If we all work to stop littering, start recycling more, and to reuse old items, we could help the environment lot, and greatly change the rate of turnover on daily products. Jeans and shirts often last a long time, and don't need to be gotten rid of when yo u don't wear them anymore. Instead, we could donate our old items like clothes, or even sell them for some money back. I think if we can stop the mentality of "Im just one person I can't make a big change" and start thinking of it like "Im just one person, but if I change, and you change, and we all change, that would make a huge impact!". This is very important on the way to saving our Earth, and necessary to thrive.

rectorazariyah@gmail.com   2023-11-01 09:50:32

I agree, even participating in little activities could work wonders in promoting change. Also, the mentality of being only one person could eventually be helped if we took more time explaining the importance of helping the earth rather than just looking down upon people who have no idea where to start.

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Silvia_TC   2022-11-07 14:25:44 (Last post: 2023-10-30 21:21:02)
Fast fashion contributes…a lot!

Fast fashion is defined by cheap and often trending clothing that is mass produced. A lot of people buy and get these clothes because of their low prices and  affordability.  This is a problem considering that the fashion industry accounts for over 10% of global carbon emissions. We should turn to other affordable solutions like thrifting your clothing, or to up-cycling them. We also have to factor in that you don’t have to completely stop consuming fast fashion, but to try to limit your consumption, and think about the average lifecycle of your garment: Will you repeatedly wear this item? or will you shove it in your closet, never to be seen again after two weeks? In conclusion, fast fashion impacts our environment severely and we should become more conscious of this and consume more sustainable fashion.

24ruiz0543   2023-10-30 21:21:02

I agree, not to mention that most clothing that comes from fast fashion rips in about a week. Thrifting is great, though unfortunately more and more fast fashion brands have been showing up in local thrift stores.

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Chunky.p   2022-03-21 08:39:14 (Last post: 2023-10-30 10:48:32)

Think about then impact of your privilege. For example, I am a white, upper-middle class person. This means that i will probably not experience food insecurity or live in a food desert in my lifetime. I also have access to climate eduction, sustainable shopping, and basic rights such as clean water. For a lot of people, fast fashion is the only way for them to buy clothes and we shouldn’t shame people for doing their best because, ultimately, the rich are the major contributors to climate change and capitalism further perpetuates that.

Hayden Fernandez   2023-10-30 10:48:32

I agree I think that the more privileged will do lots of things without thinking about the people in need.

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taja   2023-05-04 14:45:06 (Last post: 2023-10-30 10:27:44)

I think that we need to pay more attention on our impact on world because we are shaping our future.

sagoBOD   2023-05-11 09:02:18

I can agree. The way we act and carry out with our lives can be either beneficial or bad for our world. One way we can help our world that's very simple is cutting back on eating meat. Meat can contribute to greenhouse gases being released like carbon dioxide, Methane and nitrous oxide. One study said that 57% of greenhouse gas emission is due to meat production. So simply not eating as much meat to none, could help us take steps toward shaping our future better.

Der_WylldeKerl 3   2023-05-15 03:51:03

i agree too to this comment

Vananthony   2023-10-30 10:27:44

I agree, if more people cared and payed attention to whats going on with the planet climate change wouldn't be so drastic and our planet would overall be more healthy.

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anjaBOD   2023-05-14 17:39:45
What causes most carbon foortprint?

Climate change in our world continues to be a big problem that us humans are trying to
fix. One of the main sources that causes tons of carbon emission and greenhouse gases
is our transportation. According to the Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and
Sinks 1990-2021 transportation was the largest portion (29%) of total U.S. GHG
emissions in 2021. MY total carbon emission is about 17,741 kgs of CO2 per year, but
the the amount of CO2 that is from my transportation is 13,160 kgs. I can tell that
more than half of my carbon emission does come from the transportation like many other people in our country. They mainly come from cars, trucks, ships, trains, and planes. There are many ways we can still reduce the amount of carbon we put out from our transportation.The Center For Climate and Energy solution says that there is a variety we can help to reduce C02 from our transportation methods. They recommend biking, walking,or running,using electric vehicles, and carpooling with other people to cut down the extra miles. All of these ways are very simple and eco-friendly.

https://www.epa.gov/greenvehicles/fast- … 0in%202021.

https://www.c2es.org/content/reducing-y … footprint/

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Turboreactor   2023-05-03 14:46:27 (Last post: 2023-05-11 20:31:27)
Time for change

The potential to stop the collapse of entire ecosystems is in our hands. The devastating effects of climate change include increased wildfires, worsening air quality, more frequent heat waves, worsening droughts, rising sea levels and flooding, and faster ice cap melting. Just because we are aware of what is happening does not mean that animals are. We might support activism, participate in demonstrations, and sign petitions to aid. If it were already too late, scientists and others would be advocating for change. Small actions multiplied by millions of people have the power to change the world!

ngBOD   2023-05-11 20:31:27

I agree, Climate change is an undeniable reality that demands our immediate attention. The consequences of our actions have brought about significant changes to the environment, and these changes pose a grave threat to our survival. We must acknowledge the impact of our actions and make changes to the effects of climate change. We must take small steps to reduce our carbon footprint and work towards creating a sustainable world for ourselves and future generations.

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NaorBOD   2023-05-10 16:51:33 (Last post: 2023-05-11 17:56:21)
Sustainability in everyday life

As Climate change seems to be a bigger and bigger problem requiring the help of many individuals to start to solve we need to look to everyday solutions to help the problem. Firstly If at all you can you should take public transport of at the vary least try to travel with other people so that all of your travel carbon loads are shared and reducing the load if everyone went individually. Additionally Red meat is the most carbon intensive food group and if you can avoid purchasing and thus disincentivizing farms from having cows and other red meat animals and reducing CO2 production further.   

Sources https://www.sciencejournalforkids.org/w … rticle.pdf

WebiBOD   2023-05-11 09:15:00

I totally agree with you, using public modes of transportation does share the carbon emission thats released into the atmosphere and when you drive in a car alone thats your carbon emissions but when you take public transportation it has a lot of benefits to the climate issue in the world right now. its also just something you can do everyday to stop this problem that effects every single one of us. Another way to help with the climate change problem is to purchase or rent a electric vehicle. The plant will thank you. The website IEA Global EV Data Explorer tracks how many electric batteries are purchase in the whole world each year, there has been a large increase from 2019 to 2022.

Source: https://www.iea.org/data-and-statistics … a-explorer

JaLiBOD   2023-05-11 17:56:21

I completely agree with the idea that there are numerous ways we, as individuals, can contribute to reducing our carbon footprint. Simple actions, like unplugging devices when not in use, or even carpooling, can have a significant impact on the environment and the future of our planet. The issue of climate change is currently a major concern, and we must take responsibility for our actions to ensure a sustainable future. While it may take a collective effort to make a significant change, each individual can play their part in reducing their carbon footprint. One effective way to achieve this is through our mode of transportation. In fact, transportation-related carbon dioxide emissions were the leading contributor to climate change in November 2017. By carpooling, taking public transport, or even cycling, we can significantly reduce our carbon footprint. To put it into perspective, going without a car for a year can save up to 2.6 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

Source: https://www.nytimes.com/guides/year-of- … -footprint

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mfoss26@bishopodowd.org   2023-05-10 20:54:41
The Only Way To Truly Save This Planet

The only way to save ourselves and Earth is to shut down everything. Shut down all the factories, all the manufacturers, stop mining for petroleum, stop everything. Reducing your carbon footprint is a good start to trying to make an effort, but not everyone is privileged enough to care about these issues. Not everyone is privileged enough to be able to worry about pollution. There are people whose priority is putting food on their family's table and not having to worry about their lights getting shut off.
So people in 1st world countries can continue to preach about reducing carbon footprint, but there's still hundreds of millions of people who can't afford to care about that. I know that's unrealistic to say that we should just shut down everything that's causing greenhouse gas emissions, but that's really the only truly effective way. We need to go back to primitive technology, we need to reverse industrialism.

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xedaBOD   2023-05-09 17:17:47
How to make shopping more sustainable

People all over the world like shopping for clothes, household goods, gadgets, and other necessities, but we are unaware of how much carbon trash we generate while doing so. You are engaging in "first-hand shopping" when you purchase branded clothing at a mall. What is first-hand shopping, you ask? First-hand purchases put the environment at risk since a pair of jeans requires 3,781 liters of water to manufacture, from the production of the cotton to the delivery of the finished product to the store. First-hand purchases are things that haven't been worn by anyone and are brand new. That equates to the emission of around 33.4 kilograms of carbon equivalent.  That is all you need to buy a pair of jeans when you buy them directly. When you shop secondhand, such as by visiting a thrift store, you are lowering your carbon footprint by forgoing the purchase of a new pair of clothes in favor of burying ones that have been used once and are no longer desired. Because it prevents clothing from ending up in landfills, minimizes carbon and chemical pollution from the clothing industry, and uses less water, thrift shopping is healthy for the environment. Most secondhand stores also provide to regional causes, some of which might be environmental ones.

https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/featu … o-ambiente

https://topicinsights.com/sustainabilit … l%20causes.

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peruBOD   2023-05-09 11:29:44 (Last post: 2023-05-09 13:48:06)
Energy Turbines at Bottom of Roof water Drains

My Idea is too add small, affordable water turbines at the bottom of the drainage pipes of roofs. The gravity would force the water to go down the drain pipe, and at the bottom there would be a water-mill-type turbine that would spin, therefore produce energy. These would be highly effective in places where it rains a lot, and would be affordable. Eventually they would pay themsleves off because the energy produced would cost more than the item.

peruBOD   2023-05-09 13:48:06

I forgot to mention: This would help with global warming because it would utilize a system that is not being taken advantage of to produce energy, reducing the average energy usage of homes. Because the energy is not being used up from fossil fuels, it is beneficial towards reducing carbon footprints. House heating, cooling, and related energy consumption makes up proximately 20% of the gas emissions, so this would be effective in significantly reducing that numebr

Work Cited
https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1 … olds%20(1).

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Mahsa   2022-11-07 21:18:32 (Last post: 2023-05-09 10:10:35)
How to decrease your Carbon Footprint?

Here are some lists of things you could do to decrease your Carbon Footprint:
1. Shorter showers may make a big difference.
2. Unplug the thing you dont's use
3. Switch to LED lightbulbs. This can save up to 90% of your energy costs!
4. Fix those leaky faucets.
5. Walk or bike when possible.
6. Fly less.
These were some examples but there are many ways to decrease your Carbon Footprint!

Marco Araujo   2022-11-16 15:01:27

In my opinion the best/easiest way to reduce your carbon footprint is to walk/bike more. It is a very easy thing to and it saves you. from polluting a lot of C02. Also, an easy way to reduce your carbon footprint is to stop buying snacks with single use plastics. If you don't shop for your self then just ask your parents to stop buying them. If it's a must get item then say this. For instance, Fishy crackers come in 2 ways. 1 comes in individual packets while the other one has a lot of them in one singular bag. It's a little thing but it makes a difference.

kyeisthatguy   2022-11-16 15:17:38

I believe that the best way to decrease your carbon footprint is to drive less, wear more clothes instead of turning your heat on, and carpool more. We can decrease our carbon footprint by telling your friends or family to follow in your footsteps to do better for the world. Making these actions habits can maybe help our world out in the future. One step at a time

HenryF222   2022-11-16 20:12:20

Other than carpooling, biking, walking, and using public transport more, another easy thing to do to decrease carbon footprint is to use less house warming or cooling, and instead use blankets or wear more clothing. Another thing that me and my family have started dpoing is remembering to turn off lights in our house whenever we go out, and even when we are not in that room. Also reusing plastic bags and tupperware. There are so many products that come in mutiple small plastic bags that are such a waste when we could reuse things, or just not over package products.

Levi booker   2023-04-05 07:22:56

I believe that the best way to decrease your carbon footprint is to drive less, wear more clothes instead of turning your heat on, and carpool more. We can decrease our carbon footprint by telling your friends or family to follow in your footsteps to do better for the world. Making these actions habits can maybe help our world out in the future.

abraBOD   2023-05-08 11:15:47

BTW: You can't Fly ?

tathBOD   2023-05-09 10:10:35

some other ways you can decrease your carbon footprint is:
1. put a bucket in your shower to catch extra water and use that water to water your plants
2. take fewer flights or with fewer layovers
3. carpool or ride a bike if you don't have an electric car
4. use blankets or jackets so that you don't use as much heat
5. turn light of when you leave a room and un plug your computer and other things when they are done charging

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Doriss   2023-05-03 22:43:25 (Last post: 2023-05-03 22:43:46)
War is not justified


SophieThong   2023-05-03 22:43:46

Some individuals or groups may argue that the benefits of warfare make it justified to engage in war, but I strongly disagree. In my point of view, a war is never ever morally justifiable, regardless of the potential advantages.
    In war, many innocent children and adults lose their lives. The shootings, terror bombings, and as well as severe malnutrition, are the main causes of war-related deaths. When a war starts, many young individuals must engage in military service without knowing whether or not they'll return back to their homes safely. World War II is a prime representation of how brutal and devastating war can be. According to sources, it is estimated that 35 million to 60 million people died in WWII. (How Many People Died During World War II?, 2022)
    We simply do not actually gain anything at all from war. It causes havoc and mayhem. According to new research, the social and economic fabric of nations is very often damaged by war. (NCBI - WWW Error Blocked Diagnostic, n.d.-b) War also causes reduction in material and human capital. Additionally , many of those who return after fighting in war suffer from PTSD. According to research , the symptoms of PTSD include intrusive memories, avoidance, negative changes in thinking and mood, and changes in physical and emotional reactions. (Symptoms and Causes - Mayo Clinic, n.d.)
    There are many consequences of war that can change someone’s life forever. In research of Force , the effects of war are long term physical and psychological harm to children and also adults. (2020)  According to new research , some of the most threatening physical consequences of war are injury, sexual violence, malnutrition, illness and disability. (environment@fawco.org, 2022) These bad outcomes may fundamentally alter a person's way of life. And because of the trauma and depression , people may go so far as to commit suicide. Survivors of war also have to deal with the grief of losing some family members.
    Some individuals believe that because war has some advantages, it ought to be morally justified. Despite the fact that it is true that some benefits of war may exist, this does not necessarily imply that war is acceptable. War may benefit technology advances and military advances but it is because of war that people have to leave their homes in fear of losing their lives, go through trauma and also separation from their families.
    War can never be justified, war is devastating and destructive. Wars are fought because of the power thirsty governments and dictators, it is fought for misguided ideas of power and of righteousness. Many people die from war or lose their family members, they also have to bear the many consequences of war. People face death, injury and even sexual violence because of war. There is far too much damage and destruction caused by war that it cannot be justified. We should choose peace over war and violence. War causes too much damage to humans , animals and the environment.

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HenryF222   2022-11-16 15:15:21 (Last post: 2023-05-02 11:56:27)
Spreading awareness and education

Although it would be great if everybody was educated about climate change, a very important factor is what people would be the most important to educate. I think that teachers and parents should acquire good knowledge of climate change because they are the adults that have the biggest impact on children and their learning. The younger generation is the generation that can create the biggest changes because they are the future. Spreading awareness about climate change and what we can do about it is important, but i think that we should especially educate teachers. I think if we educate teachers and parents, in only a few years time, there will be big changes and more people will have knowledge of climate change, and what is going on.

Antonela N   2023-05-02 11:56:27

I agree with your statements but I would also like to make a point that, during the time that we take to educate people and younger generations about the climate change we are also going to be more affected by it, therefore it would take a minimum of 10 years to fully educate people on such big topic. I would suggest that more school take initiative to take a part in programs such as GLOBE that not only educates students, teachers and others but is also measuring climate change and helpig the scientist from NASA and others to help us save our planet.

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Silvia_TC   2022-11-07 13:42:11 (Last post: 2023-04-10 18:55:50)
Carbon footprint: Who’s to Blame?

It is a proven fact that the average person produces less carbon emissions than the average successful corporation. When we step back and acknowledge this, it's important to ask the question of who's to blame. 

While it is important to hold yourself accountable for your carbon footprint, we should not ignore the fact that the majority of carbon emissions aren’t coming from individuals themselves, but from big corporations. We should not turn a blind eye to this and we should hold these companies more accountable, and more focused should be directed towards them in the carbon footprint conversation.

MannyMosheyev   2023-04-10 18:55:50

I totally agree with this. While it is important to be self aware of you own carbon emissions, one individual contributes hardly anything compared to big companies and corporations. I still believe that peoples personal emissions are way higher than they should be, yet big companies that are emitting exponentially more carbon should be held much more accountable than the average person. I believe that large, successful companies should have more rules that regulate their emissions and make their companies more efficient, because at the end of the day, they are the ones with the biggest impact on our collective carbon footprint.

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Jake Roux   2023-04-06 12:43:24
Can ecological terrorism be justified?

Activism has a long history in the United States and depending on who you're speaking to the meaning changes drastically. I think all of us here can agree that our planet is dying, continuing at our current rates or ramping up those rates of carbon emissions or other greenhouse gases are going to inevitably cause one of the greatest catastrophes in human history, possibly making the planet unlivable. but if we've known this from the 1960s and onward. Why have we done absolutely nothing about it besides minor reforms that no institutions hold countries truly accountable for? And only when it is beneficial for the nation state to curtail carbon emissions in the short-term do they take action? For example France, which is widely regarded as one of the most  clean energy producing Nations in Europe, exports a lot of its energy to other nations within the European Union. due to the nuclear power plants that are in France they are able to “cleanly produce energy”(I will talk about why I quoted that later) They are able to sustain themselves with said energy while only using minor amounts of  fossil fuels.  France is taking initiative with EU policy to limit the ability to consume fossil fuel products and energy. Which is a good thing but you have to understand the reason why France is really doing it. If  France has a monopoly or leading at least in different energy sectors after fossil fuels would be banned or Limited they would have control not only in the energy Market, but also geopolitical influence Within the EU. France would be such an indisposable player that without it the EU would lose much of its ability to power itself and we already saw with the War in Ukraine how that would play out if major energy sectors got shut down. so with this example we can see nation states will only take action if it is in there best interests to do so, just as Noam Chomsky said “The duty of the nation state is to protect itself no matter the cost”

Now a very important piece to cover is the term “clean energy” or “green energy”  because in reality most green energy or clean energy is not either of those things. In the context of what France does for its nuclear power plants there is very little natural uranium or the elements used to create the necessary processes that nuclear power plants rely on. North Africa and Canada are those major natural resource Traders that possess large quantities of uranium used to power French nuclear power plants. In Canada and North Africa there are huge labor rights violations especially putting an emphasis on North Africa due to the authoritarian structures placed within how business is conducted and the massive inequality.  Mining natural resources is incredibly detrimental to the environment as well which to be fair does not come close to burning fossil fuels but has completely different consequences that are not as directly Linked like burning fossil fuels are. Nuclear power plants are a great alternative but let us not fool ourselves that we are also destroying the planet around us when we use it. not only is France just trying to get  ahead of the market by making trade deals and monopolizing the energy sector in the EU but they're doing it in the name of creating a Greener world. This is a Completely dishonest attempt at just trying to Corner the market and have greater political influence.  This isn't about climate change, this is the same system that has been enabling people and institutions to Perpetuate the problems.

So how do we fix the system when the protectors of the system will only work in the preservation of the state and the wellbeing of it? How do we work to build a world Where  the moral thing to do and ethical thing to do is priority over the interest of the nation state. Even if the nation states interests have positive outcomes there is still the problem of how do we have the preservation of humanity over the preservation of the system.  radical action that includes a variety of strategies from destruction of private property to  arresting individuals that are not only largely benefiting immorally but also the individuals complicit within the action. Violence should not be the first measure but when you run out of options and your world is burning what other alternative is there? Another example to explain to How crucial Political violence is when trying to create Broad Social and economic change is the Civil Rights movement. it's often narrativeized that  Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were different sides of the debate of whether violence is justifiable but they were simply two sides of the same coin. both of them recognized that if they took a only non-violent approach it wouldn't be as effective a movement and possibly we wouldn't have seen civil rights be passed for several more years or possible decades. They also realized a  completely violent movement would just be labeled as terrorists and the substance of their words would fall short compared to the narrativization. We have a strong non-violent branch of individuals in the world advocating for climate change reform but we do not have a strong enough violent sector of individuals. The world is burning and we're going to turn to a crisp if we continue to let this fire Rage. Start a fire to end a fire.

So my central question is what can we do without having some kind of Civil disobedience to show how serious this issue is?

(This does not advocate for violence in any way shape or form, I deserve any action taken by individuals to break any state or federal laws in the name of climate change or any other  civil disobedience for legal reasons)

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Jake Roux   2023-04-06 08:42:05
Our economic Structures

For hundreds of year our economics structures have incentivized exploitation of labor, resources, and the environment around us with basing our market structure around the accumulation of capital and profit. This is obvious when we take a brief look at how corporations and governments that are in the pocket of western business' interests treat the natural resources of nation states. In classical economic theory one of the first things a nation should do is to extract resources to increase the capital flowing through a nation. Colonialism justified by religious, eugenics, or any other pseudoscience to just accumulate wealth off of our world. In Neocolonialism we go to impoverished nations with high quantities of resources and put them in debt traps by the IMF and World Bank(institutions specifically created  to invest in developing countries that are desperate for funding and investment after centuries of colonialism ruining the possibility for the nations to develop independently.) We created funding to shift the directions of these nations legally by creating as already mentioned debt traps and contracts that

"Cutting expenditures or raising revenues, also known as austerity.
Focusing economic output on direct export and resource extraction,
Devaluation of currencies,
Trade liberalisation, or lifting import and export restrictions,
Increasing the stability of investment (by supplementing foreign direct investment with the opening of facilities for the domestic market),
Balancing budgets and not overspending,
Removing price controls and state subsidies,
Privatization, or divestiture of all or part of state-owned enterprises,
Enhancing the rights of foreign investors vis-a-vis national laws,
Improving governance and fighting corruption,"

Well, by forcing these nations contractually to extract resources and purchasing them for pennies on the dollar it not only exploits the already battered nations but the people within the nations, the resources, but also not allow for more sustainable practices by removing "export restrictions"

This is just one part of a larger system that will go beyond nation states and geopolitics just to create profit so how do we stop or fix these systems that are the main reasons for the world we live in today? How do we stop a system that plays off the weaknesses of humanity if we want to save the protentional of humanity? How do we create a system that puts people and the world over profit when the system is what Thomas Hobbes wrote about, The Leviathan. "A powerful force of nature resistance against which was to be futile if all bowed before and contributed to the establishment of a powerful state that state would in return secure the well-being of all who were part of it that through a collective effort a collective good."

It might not be a nation state that the leviathan was supposed to be but this Leviathan is more powerful then any nation-state could ever be for one reason, you can't escape it. How do you fix  a undemocratic, market driven, all powerful institution that only cares about creating capital while humanitarianism is sidelined and our world burns for this creature of our make?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internati … etary_Fund

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Jefe102   2022-11-07 23:29:12 (Last post: 2023-04-05 06:40:21)
How to help

Ways you can help save the environment is by doing the tedious things like turning off the lights in your room when you are done with them or turning off the water when you are brushing your teeth. Also, you can carpool, which will also help with CO2 emissions. These are the things that you can do to help the earth. It may not seem like a lot but when everyone does it, it leads to a whole lot of change.

Beatrice Stasiuk   2022-11-16 21:20:43

These are all great examples of ways to help, biking and walking to close enough places can help with CO2 emissions and help you get more exercise as well. I totally agree that the smaller things help make a big impact. Another example of something that helps out is bringing your own reusable drink cups when you stop at places like starbucks, sometimes you can even get a very small discount from doing this! You can also make a habit of purchasing food and other products that don’t use plastic packaging.  Not only does this reduce waste it cuts emissions used to manufacture the packaging. Volunteering for clean ups and other activities like this around your neighborhood  help a ton and can encourage them to hold these events more often.

Crothwell   2023-04-05 06:40:21

I think that these are some excellent points. If enough of us can take many small actions, they are capable of adding up to produce something much more beneficial. Doing things like turning off the lights whenever you leave a room, turning off the water when brushing your teeth, taking shorter showers, and stopping the water when you don't need it, can all do a lot to help reduce carbon emissions. Transportation is another thing to consider, as lots of transportation has huge environmental impacts, producing large amounts of carbon dioxide. If we switch to electric cars, hybrid cars, public transportation, or even to walking or biking, it can be very beneficial. I live in a small rural town where these options aren’t as available, but i walk and bike whenever I can. Carpooling is also another thing to consider, especially for those living in more rural towns, as while maybe we don’t have as easy access for public transportation, biking, walking, and electric cars, we can always try to carpool so there is one less trip.

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Shadowmoney   2022-11-07 23:18:18 (Last post: 2022-11-16 15:15:52)
Why do nobody care about Carbon footprints

People ignore carbon footprints for some reason. I understand if you don´t care but for others not know or be oblivious. How can we spread the message so Many people know.

jakeb   2022-11-15 16:01:13

This is a very good question because it is one I am not sure about myself. There are many reasons I feel for this but I do believe there is one really basic reason why. I think It is not talked about enough for people to even care or know about it period. This needs to be a bigger topic in climate change because if we can all lower are carbon foot print our climate would be is a much better place.

Lettuce   2022-11-15 22:05:14

Many individuals are aware of their carbon footprints, yet many are indifferent because they do not contemplate the big picture or what can happen in the long run. This reveals how selfish and self-centered people are since they either don't care about long-term effects and take no action, or they don't care at all.

Olivia W-G   2022-11-16 15:15:52

Their are many people in the world who are aware of how big their carbon footprint is. Those people that know about the carbon that they are producing are probably trying to do something about it. But there are still many people who are aware about this topic but they aren't looking at the bigger picture. Like what our world become in the next 50 years if we don't do anything. They could also be thinking if that one person is doing much more than the average person then it could be the same if I continue to not change anything.

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lsauia   2022-10-25 21:52:56 (Last post: 2022-11-08 08:57:33)
Decrease the use of plastic bags

I think we should decrease the amount of plastic used worldwide and enforce the use of reusable bags. Countries should come together and enforce the use of reusable bags and enforce consequences for countries that don't implement those certain rules.

brandon1211   2022-10-25 22:46:04

This is totally agreed, since plastic bags contribute to water pollution such as plastic pollution that kills marine creatures and burning plastic bags add on to air pollution.
Countries like Taiwan forces you to pay for the plastic bag, encouraging the use of reusable bags.

alondrah   2022-11-07 21:18:40

lsauia, I agree with your statement plastic bags are a huge problem worldwide. Enforcing a reusable bag, however, would also be a problem as they cost more money to be put in every store worldwide. Though they would economically be good they would affect the usage of money in further events worldwide if all countries use their own money to support these bags.

victoria.wong   2022-11-07 22:13:18

I agree that we should reduce our plastic bag consumption. Aside from promoting the usage of reusable bags in stores, I think it would also be a good idea to take existing single-use bags for repurposing. For example, plastic bags can be used to make yarn, which can then be used for creative projects. It’s also important that the right types of reusable bags are promoted, since bags such as cotton bags can actually cause more destruction to our environment!

Martha o   2022-11-07 23:10:18

I totally agree with this, because people in their everyday life use so many plastic bags and then just throw them away and aren't able to reuse them. It takes these bags 1,000 years to decompose witch means that trillions of toxic particles enter our earths soil.

Otis Crowder   2022-11-07 23:53:58

An international system of outlawing plastic bags would have amazing benefits for our environment, but how would it be implemented in developing nations or areas in which plastic bags are infinitely more convenient for a citizen?

Andy Chen   2022-11-08 00:14:17

I fully agree that we should utilize fewer plastic bags. In addition to encouraging the use of reusable bags in stores, I believe it would be a good idea to reuse current single-use bags. Additionally, it's critical to promote the proper kinds of reusable bags, as those made of cotton can endanger our environment even more.

EliCott3975   2022-11-08 01:16:05

Utilizing less one time use resources in general would be great for the environment. This includes electricity instead of gas which is a one time thing. The repercussions for not implementing the plastic bag mandate is a very good idea and should be implemented around the world

a3studioweb   2022-11-08 08:55:57

I fully agree. I totally agree...we at A3 Studio Web do some social campaigns against pollution.

a3studioweb   2022-11-08 08:57:33

I totally agree...we at A3 Studio Web do some social campaigns against pollution.

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Reyhana   2022-11-07 23:51:24 (Last post: 2022-11-08 01:08:48)
Spreading Awareness

Two heads are always better than one. This is correct. I believe it is critical to raise awareness about the problem and how it affects each individual. People may feel responsible and want to assist and support if they are aware that they are contributing significantly to the global carbon footprint. There is a better chance of finding a solution if more people try to reduce their personal, community, national, and global carbon footprints. More people can help if the message is spread. Even if they cannot find a solution to global warming, they can change their habits that harm the environment and increase their carbon footprint.

Monique_1234   2022-11-08 00:27:37

I agree. People should spread awareness by maybe posting more about it and having people of influence speak about it publicly.

EliCott3975   2022-11-08 01:08:48

This idea is good in theory but I don't know if that many people would care. I would love to see people react to global warming, but many would not do much to reduce their carbon footprint

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