News in Care & Treatment

February 01, 2022

Do Microglia Cells Hold the Key to Understanding Personal Genetic Risk in Alzheimer’s Disease?

A team led by ADRC's Jessica Young, PhD and Suman Jayadev, MD are working to document how the biology of microglia and neurons is disrupted in Alzheimer’s disease patients. The researchers want to understand how an individual’s genetic background influences their own disease process, and ultimately, how they may respond to targeted treatments.

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Categories: Science Updates, Care & Treatment , News

January 26, 2022

Dementia risk drops after cataract surgery

Older people who had cataract removal surgery to improve their eyesight were less likely to develop dementia from any cause compared with those who did not, according to new research findings from the Adult Changes in Thought Study.

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Categories: Science Updates, Care & Treatment , News

January 20, 2022

Takeaways from the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference

Dr. Angela Hanson, MD, researcher and geriatric physician at UW MBWC, reports on what she learned at the Alzheimer’s International Conference 2021, including the effects of COVID-19 on the brain, omega-3 fatty acid supplements, the MIND diet to improve brain health and prevent dementia, and promising therapeutics in testing.

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Categories: Science Updates, Care & Treatment , News

November 22, 2021

Dementia, COVID-19, and the Holidays

The holidays can be a joyous, yet stressful time under typical circumstances. With the COVID-19 pandemic, this holiday season presents new challenges, especially for those who have a loved one living with cognitive impairment or dementia. Our team discusses some special considerations to help adapt these strategies this holiday season to effectively connect with our loved ones. (From the archives!)

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Categories: Care & Treatment , News

October 08, 2021

A Discussion about Diet and Brain Health Research with Dr. Angela Hanson, MD

Angela Hanson, MD, explains the science behind three currently enrolling studies at the UW ADRC: The Meal and Memory Study, the Lipid MRI Study, and the Metformin and Alzheimer's Disease Prevention Study.

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Categories: Science Updates, Care & Treatment , News

August 27, 2021

Wearable sleep monitoring technology to improve diagnosis of Lewy body dementia and Alzheimer’s

Dr. Debby Tsuang presented on technology for early dementia diagnosis at 2021 Symposium on Digital and Wearable Biomarkers in Lewy Body Dementias

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Categories: Science Updates, Care & Treatment , News

June 14, 2021

The Intersection of LGBTQ Identity and Dementia

By raising awareness about the unique issues this community faces and increasing cultural competency in health care, providers can increase the quality of life of queer folks experiencing memory loss.

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Categories: Science Updates, Care & Treatment , News

June 09, 2021

Q & A on field of Alzheimer’s research with Dr. Thomas Grabowski

A discussion about the latest advances and research in progress.

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Categories: Science Updates, Care & Treatment , News

June 07, 2021

Update on FDA Approval of Aducanumab

Our team at the UW Memory and Brain Wellness Center was excited to learn about the FDA’s approval of aducanumab for use in certain individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, and would like to share some information about this newest therapy with our patients.

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Categories: New FDA Drug Approvals, Care & Treatment , News

June 01, 2021

UW Alzheimer’s Researchers Receive 2021 Garvey Institute Awards for Technology-Driven Solutions

Winning ideas include improving patient-focused, population-informed care in clinical neurosciences; using neurocomputational modeling to track memory decline; and using deep learning to diagnose Alzheimer's disease and predict its progression.

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Categories: Science Updates, Care & Treatment , News