Department of Chemistry News

August 21, 2014

Gary Christian named 2014 ACS Fellow

gary3 squareEmeritus Professor Gary Christian has been named a 2014 Fellow of the American Chemical Society. This honor is bestowed upon scientists “who have demonstrated outstanding accomplishments in chemistry and made important contributions to the American Chemical Society.” Professor Christian will be recognized at an induction ceremony during the 248th ACS National Meeting in San Francisco, CA in August 2014. A full list of 2014 ACS Fellows was published in Chemical & Engineering News.

The ACS Fellows Program was created by the ACS Board of Directors in December 2008 “to recognize members of ACS for outstanding achievements in and contributions to science, the profession, and the Society.” Fellows come from academe, industry, and government. More information about the ACS Fellows Program, including a complete list of all ACS Fellows, is available on the ACS Fellows website.

For more information about Professor Christian and his research, please visit his faculty page.