Department of Chemistry News

October 26, 2007

Munira Khalil joins faculty as Assistant Professor

We are delighted to welcome Dr. Munira Khalil as a new Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry. Dr. Khalil earned her Ph.D. in 2004 from the Masssachusetts Institute of Technology under Professor Andrei Tokmakoff, a pioneer in the field of two-dimensional (2D) infrared spectroscopy. Dr. Khalil’s graduate work resulted in her receiving a Lester Wolfe Graduate Fellowship and established her as one of the best young spectroscopists in her field. She was then the recipient of a highly competitive Miller Research Fellowship to support her postdoctoral research at the University of California-Berkeley with Professor Stephen Leone.

Dr. Khalil’s research program aims to understand the ultrafast structural dynamics of light-driven chemical and biological processes in solution. For more information about her research program, please visit her faculty page or contact her directly at