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Is Climate Change Real & Human-Caused?

The ISCFC is all about reducing our individual and collective contributions to climate change.

But is climate change really happening? Is it mostly caused by human activity, including our production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases?

In the United States and elsewhere, there are people who are not convinced by the science. But the great thing about science is that we use evidence to evaluate scientific questions. So what is the evidence related to climate change?

Are you or are you not convinced by the majority of climate scientists who say that climate change is real and largely human caused? Why are you convinced/not convinced? What evidence might change your mind one way or the other?

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Is Climate Change Real & Human-Caused?

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jacmap   2024-10-15 14:29:13 (Last post: 2024-10-16 10:13:50)
gas usage

try to walk and bike to places more

wilmei   2024-10-16 10:13:50

I ride my bike a lot and even try to walk to most places and I really only take a car to go to polo and football

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Rublon   2024-10-15 13:34:41 (Last post: 2024-10-15 13:49:24)

Wow I use less Co2 than the avger person.

linkim   2024-10-15 13:49:24

LUCKY! I wish I could say the same thing...:)

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NorDeV   2024-10-11 10:24:28
Cut Back On The Dairy

I know that everyone likes ice cream, milk, Mac n' Cheese, and just cheese in general--- but have you ever thought about how it affects the climate? Cows--- the source of all our dairy--- release methane, a global-warming inducing chemical, through their digestive system.(As in, when they b*rp or far*...) Personally, I am the only dairy eater in a lactose-intolerant family, but I still feel that we could cut back on the dairy so that farms don't breed cows so much, and so (Hopefully) the amount of methane going into the atmosphere will reduce. (Lactose-free ice cream is good, people!) This is just a thought, but personally, I will try to cut back on the dairy. A pebble in the ocean still creates a ripple! Thanks for hearing me out, and if anyone has any other ideas that don't involve giving up cheese for the sake of the world and reducing methane, I'm all ears!

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LucasPartrite   2024-05-21 23:49:20 (Last post: 2024-09-26 20:34:55)
Planes affecting the carbon footprint

Plane rides are one of the most carbon-emitting ways of transportation. From my personal carbon footprint, my transportation section was up around 6,000 kgs more than normal because I took many plane rides around the world. According to billiontrees.com, a plane emits around 90 kg of C02 per hour. To put that into perspective a normal car emits around 1 kg of C02 per hour. Planes emit way more carbon because they burn a lot more fossil fuels than any other type of transportation. A plane like a Boeing 747 uses approximately 1 gallon (about 4 liters) of fuel every second. Although it is hard to avoid plane rides, the next time you are on a plane think about how much carbon the plane is emitting into the

Archer H   2024-09-25 09:27:23

Yes!! I recently calculated my carbon footprint and was shocked to see how much a couple airplane rides a year shot it up more than 5,000 kgs. Over 16 million flights per year are handled by the FAA which is a huge amount of carbon emissions. As you said plane rides are essential for our worldwide travel, but we do need to consider how much carbon we are emitting every time we fly, even short distance flights.

Char B   2024-09-26 20:34:55

I completely agree that air travel is one of the largest contributors to carbon emissions. Your personal experience highlights just how significant the impact can be. The comparison between planes and cars really puts it into perspective—it's startling to realize how much more CO2 planes emit. Given that many of us rely on flying for both work and leisure, it’s crucial to be aware of the environmental cost. While it may not always be feasible to avoid plane travel, being mindful of our choices can help us mitigate our carbon footprints. Perhaps considering alternatives like trains or limiting long-distance trips could make a difference.

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BHS-HH   2024-09-25 10:09:58
Climate Change confirmed almost a century ago

Climate Change was hypothesized in 1896 by Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius, many years later in 1938, this theory was confirmed by the scientist Guy Calendar. Humans have known about climate change for almost a century and a loud minority still don't believe in it.

So to answer the threads question, yes, Climate Change is real and cause by Humans.

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Melissaschiopu   2024-05-14 23:33:38
Schimbările climatice cauzate de oameni

Schimbările climatice reprezintă modificări semnificative ale climei Pământului într-o perioadă lungă de timp. Există o mare consens în comunitatea științifică că schimbările climatice sunt reale și sunt cauzate în principal de activitățile umane. Emisiile de gaze cu efect de seră, cum ar fi dioxidul de carbon, provenite din arderea combustibililor fosili, precum cărbunele, petrolul și gazele naturale, contribuie la creșterea temperaturilor globale. Defrișarea masivă a pădurilor este, de asemenea, un factor important. Aceste schimbări climatice pot avea consecințe grave asupra mediului și societății, inclusiv creșterea nivelului mărilor, fenomene meteorologice extreme și pierderea biodiversității. Este important să conștientizăm aceste probleme și să luăm măsuri pentru a reduce emisiile de gaze cu efect de seră și a proteja planeta noastră.

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qugrBOD   2024-05-13 10:46:16
Carbon footprint

Climate change is real and humans are the cause. Things that we use everyday like vehicles emit carbon into the air which is a green house gas. Greenhouse gasses trap some heat in the earth's atmosphere and too many greenhouse gasses make the planet overheat leading to climate change. In my research, carbon has been more prominent in areas with machines, and less prominent in areas with trees because trees take in carbon and produce oxygen. If we start relying less on machines, we can reduce our carbon output and help prevent climate change.

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ststBOD   2024-05-13 09:05:32
Climate Change is our Reality, but It's Not Just Us

Climate change happens naturally in multiple ways, like the release of Methane from cows, but we humans excel the rate for global temperature rise by multitudes. We use machinery and factories that release hundreds of tons of CO2 and other green house gasses. The gasses are great at trapping temperature because they're magnetically of balance with their charges. When heat hits them the jiggle and trap the energy in heat form. Ultimately this causes the globe to rise in temperature slowly. To conclude, yes  climate change is real, and when it comes to thee question of if we're to blame, majority answer is yes.

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adelina.bursuc   2024-04-10 03:42:42 (Last post: 2024-05-12 20:56:33)
global warming

global warming is something that we caused by not caring about the environment or planet earth itself

Kaleaashley27   2024-05-12 20:56:33

Yes, global warming is human-caused and has contributed to climate change. A main factor is greenhouse gas emissions being emitted into the atmosphere and trapping the sun's heat, resulting in the greenhouse effect keeping heat near the earth's surface. A prime example is human's excessive usage of plastic and nonbiodegradable trash that when burned releases carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen into the atmosphere. Gas waste containing nitrogen accounts for water pollution and acidic rains. According to the United Nations Climate Action, today the earth's temperature regulations are warming at a faster rate than ever seen before in history with increased temperatures altering weather patterns across various regions and disrupting the balance of ecosystems. Other defining factors that lead to climate change include burning fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and gas has amounted to over 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions and nearly 90% of all carbon dioxide emissions. Cutting down forests also prompts climate change because trees both absorb and store large amounts of carbon dioxide. Deforestation is the cause for about 10% of climate change because when trees are chopped down the stored carbon is released back into the atmosphere. I think that climate change is very real and is a result of humans disrupting the earth's natural balance of carbon emissions into the atmosphere. Though climate change is irreversible, I think its rate can be slowed and we can reduce the amount of human-caused emissions of carbon. Instead as a society, we can look to use renewable and sustainable practices to cut back on waste and pollution.

*United Nations-Climate Action-Causes and Effects of Climate Change
*European Parliament-Climate Change: the greenhouse gases causing global warming
*EPA-Climate Change Indicators: Greenhouse Gases

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caluBOD   2024-05-12 20:52:11
Climate Change is Definitely Human Caused

Climate change is definitely real and human caused. In the short time humans have been around compared to the existence of earth, humans have managed to alter the atmosphere and impose irreversible damage to our climate. There are huge trash piles floating in the ocean, dumps of trash not able to be composted or recycled, and most importantly, the things that sustain life on earth are wasting away. Land ice is melting causing sea levels to rise, as well as the pollution that has been emitted into the atmosphere, contributing to the build up of greenhouse gasses that are heating up our planet to unhealthy levels.

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aiquBOD   2024-05-09 10:06:11
Are we still in an ice age?

People who say that climate change isn't real state that we are not in an ice age at the moment. I would disagree with that statement since there is ice on our poles which constitutes an ice age. We are actually in an interglacial period were the ice pulls back to around the poles. That means it is concerning to have our planet's ice sheets melt as we are still technically in an ice age.
https://geology.utah.gov/map-pub/survey … ce%20age!)

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Elizabeth USA   2024-04-24 10:18:35
Climate Change is Real and Needs to be Stopped

Climate change was started by the industrial revolution and affects our world more and more everyday. It was started by human activities that would release greenhouse gasses and large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Some of these activities include burning fossil fuels, farming livestock, and cutting down trees. While I understand that by doing these, it makes our lives easier, it is also very harmful to our planet. We can have more food options and produce more heat. Not to include that by cutting down trees we are able to make paper, make it easier to build, farm, use wood for fuel, etc. The average temperature on the earth is increasing which may be great because it feels like summer instead of being cold out. But that is not the case. By doing all of these things, we are doing more harm to the environment than good. Glaciers are melting and animals are losing their habitats and are going extinct. There are also more droughts which is bad for everyone because we need water to survive. The ocean is getting warmer and rising which will cause more hurricanes and severe storms. This is harming marine life and making it unsafe for those who live near large bodies of water. There are also more health risks, not enough food, and poverty. These are all horrible things that are happening to our planet because of climate change. You may be asking yourself, how can this be stopped? There’s many different ways that our planet can be saved. We could stop using fossil fuels, invest in renewable energy, stop cutting down forests and trees, etc.

https://climate.ec.europa.eu/climate-ch … %20warming.
https://education.nationalgeographic.or … restation/
https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/sci … ate-change

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AllisonUSA   2024-04-24 10:08:09
Is Climate Change Real & Human-Caused?

Climate change is a real thing. Many parts of our environment are changing because of climate change. “Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. The changes could be natural or human caused.” (un.org) Some examples of natural causes of climate change are changes in the sun’s activity or large volcanic eruptions. Some examples of human caused changes include the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas, cutting down trees and many more. “It is extremely likely (> 95%) that human activities have been the dominant cause of that warming. Human activities have contributed substantially to climate change through: Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Reflectivity or Absorption of the Sun's Energy.” (epa.gov) Humans use fossil fuels to power their homes, schools, factories, etc. Fossil fuels will eventually run out and we can’t use it anymore. Fossil fuels are running out and causing climate change. We should use renewable energy, so we can help stop climate change. Some renewable energy sources we can use are solar fields, wind farms and many more. According to eia.gov, renewable energy accounted for 12% of Michigan's total in-state electricity net generation in 2022, most of it from wind. In Michigan, there are 1,658 wind turbines across the state. There are also 66 solar farms across the state of Michigan. To wrap up, climate change is caused by humans and it's real. There are some major effects on the environment from climate change.

https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/wha … ate-change


https://www.gsi.ie/en-ie/education/eart … %20engines.

https://www.eia.gov/state/analysis.php? … rom%20wind.

https://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-envir … ast%20year.

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BreckenUSA   2024-04-24 08:45:59
Climate change is real.

Climate change is real there are multiple sources and pieces of evidence that prove it is real. According to nasa.gov there is scientific evidence that is discovered each day that is affecting the earth’s climate. Many factors affect climate change such as burning fossil fuels, using a lot of plastic and not recycling it, car emissions, etc. All of these things contribute to heating the earth and messing with the earth's atmosphere. The changing in the atmosphere brings along many effects such as warmed ocean basins, melting glaciers, changing extreme temperatures, and a lot more. Other factors that increase carbon emissions are waste such as plastic bottles, non reusable bags, school lunch trays etc. Switching from styrofoam trays to ones that can be reused and washed would get rid of all the waste thrown away everyday. While buying enough plastic trays for each kid would be costly at first, the schools will save money because they are a one time purchase. Reusable water bottles would be a good fix if all or at least a majority of people switched over and didn’t use plastic. We would decrease the amount of plastic being put into landfills. As well as decrease the amount of plastic being burned down and put into our atmosphere. Plastic bags have both their pros and cons. Some of the pros are that people can reuse them to pick up dog poop. People can also put other stuff in them for storage, or use to line trash containers. But they also have many cons because just like plastic bottles a lot of people just throw them away leading to them also ending up in landfills and going back into the atmosphere, creating more climate change. While only 12% of waste is plastic, it is still a good idea to reuse plastic items more often. It is also a good idea to replace one time use products with their reusable counterparts. This way the plastic waste will be cut down. If we can find greener solutions to everyday problems, the world will be a cleaner place in no time.

Climate change is real there are multiple sources and pieces of evidence that prove it is real. According to nasa.gov there is scientific evidence that is discovered each day that is affecting the earth’s climate. Many factors affect climate change such as burning fossil fuels, using a lot of plastic and not recycling it, car emissions, etc. All of these things contribute to heating the earth and messing with the earth's atmosphere. The changing in the atmosphere brings along many effects such as warmed ocean basins, melting glaciers, changing extreme temperatures, and a lot more. Other factors that increase carbon emissions are waste such as plastic bottles, non reusable bags, school lunch trays etc. Switching from styrofoam trays to ones that can be reused and washed would get rid of all the waste thrown away everyday. While buying enough plastic trays for each kid would be costly at first, the schools will save money because they are a one time purchase. Reusable water bottles would be a good fix if all or at least a majority of people switched over and didn’t use plastic. We would decrease the amount of plastic being put into landfills. As well as decrease the amount of plastic being burned down and put into our atmosphere. Plastic bags have both their pros and cons. Some of the pros are that people can reuse them to pick up dog poop. People can also put other stuff in them for storage, or use to line trash containers. But they also have many cons because just like plastic bottles a lot of people just throw them away leading to them also ending up in landfills and going back into the atmosphere, creating more climate change. While only 12% of waste is plastic, it is still a good idea to reuse plastic items more often. It is also a good idea to replace one time use products with their reusable counterparts. This way the plastic waste will be cut down. If we can find greener solutions to everyday problems, the world will be a cleaner place in no time.
Climate change is real there are multiple sources and pieces of evidence that prove it is real. According to nasa.gov there is scientific evidence that is discovered each day that is affecting the earth’s climate. Many factors affect climate change such as burning fossil fuels, using a lot of plastic and not recycling it, car emissions, etc. All of these things contribute to heating the earth and messing with the earth's atmosphere. The changing in the atmosphere brings along many effects such as warmed ocean basins, melting glaciers, changing extreme temperatures, and a lot more. Other factors that increase carbon emissions are waste such as plastic bottles, non reusable bags, school lunch trays etc. Switching from styrofoam trays to ones that can be reused and washed would get rid of all the waste thrown away everyday. While buying enough plastic trays for each kid would be costly at first, the schools will save money because they are a one time purchase. Reusable water bottles would be a good fix if all or at least a majority of people switched over and didn’t use plastic. We would decrease the amount of plastic being put into landfills. As well as decrease the amount of plastic being burned down and put into our atmosphere. Plastic bags have both their pros and cons. Some of the pros are that people can reuse them to pick up dog poop. People can also put other stuff in them for storage, or use to line trash containers. But they also have many cons because just like plastic bottles a lot of people just throw them away leading to them also ending up in landfills and going back into the atmosphere, creating more climate change. While only 12% of waste is plastic, it is still a good idea to reuse plastic items more often. It is also a good idea to replace one time use products with their reusable counterparts. This way the plastic waste will be cut down. If we can find greener solutions to everyday problems, the world will be a cleaner place in no time.
Climate change is real there are multiple sources and pieces of evidence that prove it is real. According to nasa.gov there is scientific evidence that is discovered each day that is affecting the earth’s climate. Many factors affect climate change such as burning fossil fuels, using a lot of plastic and not recycling it, car emissions, etc. All of these things contribute to heating the earth and messing with the earth's atmosphere. The changing in the atmosphere brings along many effects such as warmed ocean basins, melting glaciers, changing extreme temperatures, and a lot more. Other factors that increase carbon emissions are waste such as plastic bottles, non reusable bags, school lunch trays etc. Switching from styrofoam trays to ones that can be reused and washed would get rid of all the waste thrown away everyday. While buying enough plastic trays for each kid would be costly at first, the schools will save money because they are a one time purchase. Reusable water bottles would be a good fix if all or at least a majority of people switched over and didn’t use plastic. We would decrease the amount of plastic being put into landfills. As well as decrease the amount of plastic being burned down and put into our atmosphere. Plastic bags have both their pros and cons. Some of the pros are that people can reuse them to pick up dog poop. People can also put other stuff in them for storage, or use to line trash containers. But they also have many cons because just like plastic bottles a lot of people just throw them away leading to them also ending up in landfills and going back into the atmosphere, creating more climate change. While only 12% of waste is plastic, it is still a good idea to reuse plastic items more often. It is also a good idea to replace one time use products with their reusable counterparts. This way the plastic waste will be cut down. If we can find greener solutions to everyday problems, the world will be a cleaner place in no time.

* science.nasa.gov
* Why can’t our school use reusable trays – The Mentor
* Plastic waste in the U.S. - statistics & facts - Statista

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Amelial   2024-03-22 07:29:48 (Last post: 2024-04-24 07:31:15)
How have humans impacted the climate?

Climate change has always been a things. It’s an ever changing battle that always been going on. But how has it changed since humans have stepped foot here on our earth? Humans are the main cause of the rise in fossil fuels. We are the ones making mass amounts of products in plastic and metal. The manufacturing of all of these products is creating greenhouse gasses that are going up to our atmosphere. When we burn things and manufacture them and then the gases are being emitted to our world causing the greenhouse effect. So i would say yes climate change is more human caused than what change was happening in our climate before. So yes climate change is real and we are the main cause. So we need to start eliminating these gasses fast before it’s too late.

Ashlynnvg   2024-04-24 07:31:15

Do you believe climate change is caused by human activity? Human activity can be a great factor in climate change.“ Activities such as agriculture, road construction, and deforestation can change the reflectivity of the earth's surface, leading to local warming or cooling.” This quote states that human activity can cause harm to the environment.“ When fossil fuels are burned, they release large amounts of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into the air. Greenhouse gasses trap heat in our atmosphere, causing global warming.” The quote shares how burning of fossil fuels affects the whole world in a bad way. There are multiple ways we can change this. This includes keeping fossil fuels in the ground, reducing plastic, and improving farming and encouraging vegan diets. Fossil fuels have the biggest impact on climate change. Some effective ways to make a difference for our environment would be switching from driving a car every day, to riding a bike or walking. We are willing to take the information about climate change that we now know and apply it to our everyday lives, are you?

https://www.epa.gov/climatechange-scien … ed%20areas.

https://www.clientearth.org/latest/news … %20warming.

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RyleeUS   2024-04-24 05:01:59
Is Climate Change Real & Human Caused?

Yes, climate change is real. It is also caused primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels. Human activities have released large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. Due to the large amounts of carbon dioxide and other gasses, it has caused the temperature on the Earth’s surface to rise. “Human activities currently release over 30 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year” (epa.gov). But the only way the gasses got released into the atmosphere was from human activities. “Rather, it is extremely likely (> 95%) that human activities have been the dominant cause of that warming” (epa.gov).
Climate change is one of the biggest problems we have in the world today. It is defined as "long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns". Climate change can cause a lot of things such as droughts, severe storms, warmer temperatures, and rising oceans. This is really happening today and humans should be the ones to stop climate change from getting worse because humans are the ones who caused it. It is true that humans have caused climate change because of burning fossil fuels and chopping down trees. Humans really should start taking action to stop climate change. 2023 was the warmest year in 100,000 years ever put in record as said by the World Meteorological Organization. Cases of greenhouse gases, surface temperature, droughts, and even ocean heat acidification have increased. Not only did Climate change contribute to the economic losses such as heatwaves and floods, causing billions of dollars in damage. In Antartica, glaciers melting also means wildlife is suffering. In Taiwan, people have to turn on their air con’s or fan’s, however it is only spring. The spring that we know of today, is nothing compared to what spring was like in the past years.

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RaiganUSA   2024-04-23 13:12:53

Yes, climate change is real. It is also caused primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels. Human activities have released large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. Due to the large amounts of carbon dioxide and other gasses, it has caused the temperature on the Earth’s surface to rise. “Human activities currently release over 30 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year” (epa.gov). But the only way the gasses got released into the atmosphere was from human activities. “Rather, it is extremely likely (> 95%) that human activities have been the dominant cause of that warming” (epa.gov).
Certain gasses in the atmosphere block heat from escaping. The heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gasses was demonstrated in the mid-19th century. Most of the heat absorbed by the greenhouse gasses radiates in all directions and warms the Earth. Over the past century the burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil has increased the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. This happens because the coal- or oil-burning process combines carbon with oxygen in the air to make CO2. Ice cores drawn from Greenland, Antarctica, and tropical mountain glaciers show that Earth's climate responds to changes in greenhouse gas levels. Ancient evidence can also be found in tree rings, ocean sediments, coral reefs, and layers of sedimentary rocks. This proves that current warming is occurring roughly 10 times faster than the average rate of ice age recovery warming. CO2 from humans is increasing more than 250 times faster than it did from natural resources after the last ice age. Humans caused global warming. But could also help reduce global warming from getting worse. This is why you should change or reduce the number of gasses you put in the atmosphere.

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annabelle c.   2024-04-17 03:54:26 (Last post: 2024-04-23 06:15:38)
Climate Change is Definitely Real & Human Caused

Climate change is one of the biggest problems we have in the world today. It is defined as "long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns". Climate change can cause a lot of things such as droughts, severe storms, warmer temperatures, and rising oceans. This is really happening today and humans should be the ones to stop climate change from getting worse because humans are the ones who caused it. It is true that humans have caused climate change because of burning fossil fuels and chopping down trees. Humans really should start taking action to stop climate change.

anwaCPS   2024-04-22 16:12:02

Yes, I agree that climate change is human-caused and should be addressed by people. While there are natural causes, such as changes in Earth's orbit and variations in solar activity, it is 95% likely that humans have been the dominant cause of warming (according to the EPA). Specifically. humans have contributed to climate change through the release of greenhouse gases, such as CO2, CH4, and NO2, and human activities, like agriculture and deforestation, decrease the reflectivity of earth's surface, which allows for further warming.

https://www.epa.gov/climatechange-scien … 0and%20gas

Ellen Marshall   2024-04-23 06:15:38

2023 was the warmest year in 100,000 years ever put in record as said by the World Meteorological Organization.Cases of greenhouse gases, surface temperature, droughts, and even ocean heat acidification has increased. Not only did Climate change contribute to the economic losses such as heatwaves and floods causing billions of dollars in damage. In Antartica, glaciers melting  also means wildlife is suffeing.In Taiwan, people have to turn on their air con’s or fan’s, however it is only spring. The spring that we know of today, is nothing compared to what spring was like in the past years. This is why I agree to not chop down trees and burn fossil fuels. Better alternatives are stated in this company founded in 2003: elephant poop can be turned into everyday use paper. It is a very simple process and much more sustainable than chopping trees down. First impressions might not be up to mind but think about our Earth! Our Earth needs our help! In conclusion it is better to use the resources that we have in abundance compared to what we are limited.

https://wmo.int/media/news/climate-chan … s-2023-wmo

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brandon1211   2024-04-16 00:28:32 (Last post: 2024-04-22 20:56:00)
Climate Change is chiefly human caused and is real.

Climate change, started by the industrial revolution, is a problem that we all face now, not only the greenhouse effect but also the raising of ocean levels. This has resulted in an increase of average temperature in the world, which lead to harsh results. Hotter summers is an example of one. With hotter summers, hyperthermia is just a problem that more and more people will face. With limited space, urbanization has also came into place, leading to the need of more cement for the construction of buildings. Consider this, 1 kg of cement results in the release of 0.9 tons of carbon dioxide, which is harsh for all. Not just this, the usage of cement and deforestation traps heat in cities, making cities hotter and hotter. Since this problem occured, the result is the overusage of Air conditioning, which relesase carbon monoxide. This makes climate change even worse. This is just a little part of it. With the economic bloom post-WWII, the American Dream Life is fact. This made auto manufacturers create cars with V12 engines that emits too much carbon dioxide and waste gases. This, results in cities to be hotter. Climate change is a chain reaction of human behavior, and should thus be stopped by us. If not, the sinking of Venice or Amsterdam is not unpreventable, it is just a matter of time

roflCPS   2024-04-22 20:56:00

I agree with the facts provided here. Climate change has become increasingly evident and the impacts of humanity's carbon emissions are being felt throughout the globe. Because of the increase in the frequency of natural disasters (i.e. hurricanes, wildfires, droughts, torrential rainfall), it should be harder and harder for people to deny the existence of climate change. One of the biggest issues with climate change is the lack of action and I think once people start personally feeling its impacts, action will be easier, but until then it is a hard battle to fight. I agree that continuous deforestation is one of the most pressing issues right now and would have incredible impacts if more conservation was pursued. I also agree that significant lifestyle changes would need to accompany any large-scale action combatting climate change (i.e. the full removal of gas-powered vehicles, decreases in the consumption of meats, conscious consumerism, etc.). If action is not taken soon, the consequences you mention will be inevitable.

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violins   2023-11-17 22:20:40 (Last post: 2024-04-22 18:55:42)
climate change

climate change happened before humans, but we make it worse

Adrianapedro60   2024-03-22 06:00:15

I agree with this statement. Obviously the climate of the earth has been increasing. However, it has been increasing a lot faster compared to before people. People do a lot of things to increase the climate, such as, cars, industries, etc. It is important for people to start changing their lifestyles and considering the climate rising.

soroCPS   2024-04-22 18:55:42

There isa really important distinction between natural climate change and human induced climate change for sure. In a book that I've been reading for my climate change class, the distinction has been described as "cold to cool" climate change vs. "cool to hot" climate change. This makes me think of the slow carbon cycle. While fossil fuels would make their way out of the ground eventually through erupting volcanoes and add carbon to the atmosphere, it is human action that speeds that process up. When we deliberately dig up fossil fuels for energy that would have taken hundreds of years to resurface, we are adding so much more carbon to the atmosphere than would naturally find its way back out of the atmosphere, messing up the careful balance that the slow carbon cycle set up by itself. The difference between natural climate change and human induced climate change is that when the climate changes naturally, even if the atmosphere is heating up, it knows how to self regulate. When we get involved, we upset the balances. This site: https://www.noaa.gov/education/resource … atmosphere. is also very telling on how human intervention affects how much carbon we're putting into oceans, also affecting the slow carbon cycle. Our effects are massively hearting the environment and the creatures that live both on land in the ocean.

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bianca.elena   2024-04-10 03:41:34
I think climate change is our fault

We as humans made the mistakes of polluting our planet by throwing trash everywhere and by destroying our environment.

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maracp   2023-11-09 03:21:18 (Last post: 2024-03-25 14:32:28)
Global warming

Hello, I'm Mara, I live in Ondara, Spain
and I studing at the IES CHÀBAS in
Dénia, I think that climate change is
caused by man because we exploit natural resources for our needs and use fossil fuels to generate electricity, transport, heating,
industry... also the felling of trees
greatly affects the climate and the
amount of CO2 we emit and we are
damaging the atmosphere by
increasing the greenhouse effect and
global warming.

Amelial   2024-03-22 07:36:49

It’s interesting how humans have gone from doing everything we can to survive hunting for our food and building structures for sleeping to making everything so easy and almost boring. Humans are the Maine cause of global warming we have slowly been heating up this planet by manufacture and estimating more carbon emissions everyday. Now we have to think about the fact we have made all of this stuff can we convince people they don't need it anymore? We lice in a society of lack of motivation our climate is falling apart and we should care that we are the ones that will fall with it.

Natare27   2024-03-25 14:32:28

Climate change is most definitely real and caused by humans and the way we run our societies. Climate change can be seen in almost everyone’s everyday lives; many areas dealing with more wildfires, many coastal towns looking into ways to protect themselves from rising sea levels, and many other examples. Although climate change has occurred naturally in the past, modern day climate change is very obviously caused by humans. As many know, trees and plants as a whole respirate opposite to other living organisms by taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen in turn; the full process known as photosynthesis. But humans have ruined natural balancing by cutting down mass amounts of trees and plants for personal gain. The exploitation of plants isn’t the only things humans have done to cause climate change. The reasoning for the deforestation is commonly due to humans urbanizing and industrializing in every area they can. The industrialization and urbanization has caused major increases in the carbon levels of the atmosphere; which in turn causes changes in climates all around the world.

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Lilyshackelford08   2024-03-22 16:26:20
Is Climate Change Human Caused?

Climate change is a big issue, and a lot of it comes down to human actions. When we burn stuff like coal and oil, it releases carbon dioxide. That gas hangs around in the air, trapping heat and warming up the planet. Then there's deforestation. Trees soak up carbon dioxide and with fewer trees around, there's more CO2 in the air, making things even warmer. There’s also car and factories that produce tons of pollution, making the problem even worse. Us humans are causing our own climate problems. But if we change some of the things we do and the way we think about the climate, we can definitely start fixing things and making a positive impact on the planet.

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Ameliac!!24   2024-03-22 07:56:14
Is Climate Change Real and Human Caused?

Climate change is a very real process that is having many negative effects on the health of our Earth and the environment. Some of the impacts of climate change on our Earth that we are seeing is a rapid incline in animal extinction, the green house gas emissions effect, temperature increase of the globe, severe storms, rising sea levels, and increased drought. There are many other effects that climate change is having on communities and people and their mental health as well. It is a very real process that was not caused by humans, but is amplified by humans. Climate change has been going on for billions of years and has been drastically changing and evolving as new life has been growing, new animals have evolved, and when we have mass extinction events along throughout the process. But humans have only been on Earth for a fraction of that time so humans are not the cause of climate change. However, humans are one of the main reasons that the state of our Earth is progressively getting worse. We are burning a TON of fossil fuels, cutting down forests, and each and every human being on the planet is emitting CO2 into the atmosphere by doing things like driving to school, ordering things online, etc. So although, climate change isn’t human caused, humans are the main reason that climate change is worsening.

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31898   2022-02-25 00:43:03 (Last post: 2024-02-23 15:51:49)
How does climate change affect decomposition

Hi, i want to know further information about this topic.

TylerWilson   2023-11-02 09:09:44

Climate change speeds up the rate of soil decomposition, which releases more carbon. Basically, this is climate change powering itself. However this alone is not enough carbon emissions to keep up climate change up, it is mainly human pollution.

Mae see   2023-11-02 11:00:00

I agree with your answer, most of climate change is from human carbon footprint.  According to the source “EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency,” It states the contributors of carbon footprint are 28% from  transportation, 25% electrical power, 23% from industry, agriculture, commercial and residential.  The following has to do with us human, we work in the industry, use electricity, live in homes,  and we use gas. We Use it when we go to school, driving  to get Starbucks.  Which is why we are the most contributors to carbon. And with the huge amount of carbon that's produced, that adds to  the climate change. With climate change, there's many uprising hurricanes, storms, droughts, heat waves, melting glaciers, and warming oceans which affects the lives of wild animals. There are many more things that climate changes adds to, but those are just a few things that I have listed. Climate change is something we have to take into account, because it causes extreme damage to our earth.

abmcfly   2023-11-02 13:48:48

Basically, climate change is BAD.

kaylee sy   2023-11-02 21:23:24

Hi there @31898, climate change affects decomposition in a number of ways, including increased temperature as this speeds up the rate of decomposition.  This is because warmer temperatures increase the activity of the microbes and other organisms that break down organic matter.  Moisture is also important for decomposition.  Too much moisture can slow down decomposition, while too little moisture can stop it altogether.  Climate change is causing changes in precipitation patterns around the world, which could lead to drier or wetter conditions in some areas.  This could have a significant impact on decomposition rates.  Increased acidity is another factor that slows down decomposition.  Climate change is causing the oceans to become more acidic, which could have a negative impact on marine ecosystems and the decomposition of organic matter in the ocean.  Nutrient availability also affects decomposition.  Climate change is causing changes in the availability of nutrients in some ecosystems.  This could lead to changes in decomposition rates, as well as the types of organisms that are able to decompose organic matter.

Learn more:https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10 … 00118/full

Overall, climate change has a very complex impact on decomposition.  The severity of the impact will vary depending on the specific climate conditions and the type(s) of ecosystem(s) involved.  However, it is clear that climate change has a significant impact on the decomposition process, which could have implications for carbon cycling and other ecosystem functions.

Research on climate change and decomposition is still ongoing as there is still much that we don't know.  However, the evidence suggests that climate change is having a significant impact on decomposition and that this impact is likely to become more pronounced in the future. Good question and hope this helps big_smile

chan.le7   2023-11-02 22:17:16

@31898, There are many different components on how climate change can affect decomposition. Firstly the temperature has a huge impact on the decomposition. In warmer conditions it's easier for things like bacteria to decompose faster. Different weathers can also slow down the process of decomposition. In the cold the moisture can get bad and make the process of decomposition slower. Natural disasters such as floods, storms, and hurricanes can also affect decomposition because hurt the ecosystem therefore affecting the decomposition process. Carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases also have an affect on the decomposition. A increased or higher temperature can help the decomposition then in can release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This can also have an impact on the decomposition.

Mae see   2023-11-03 11:43:28

Add on for mine,
Here is the link if you want to learn more about it
https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/source … -emissions

samaarrq   2023-11-05 23:57:40

TylerWilson: I agree with the idea that carbon emissions is not the only thing that keeps up the climate change, but it can be human pollution too that is keeping the climate change up.

Jatziry   2024-02-23 15:51:49

I agree that most climate change comes from humans' Carbon Footprint, how they travel to work or school, and how much they go on vacations or business trips all of this affects climate change.

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kevv   2022-11-04 03:44:09 (Last post: 2023-11-13 21:49:00)
I think it is real. =)

i think it's real because the area were i live in Italy,there have been some big "natural disasters" like floodings and the melting of the glaciers, i guess those have incresed so much in the last 10 years because of the pollution.
the melting of glaciers is mainly the fault of waste disposal and global warming, my area cant live without the glaciers,because we live thanks to tuorists and if that happen means that our citizens have to leave their homes and activities.

And^   2022-11-06 21:11:04

I agree with your statements about climate change. In the US, we experience climate change just as you guys in Italy experience it. However, the severity of climate change varies from country to country. Some countries experience climate change more than others which supports our claim that climate change is real. Your claim that pollution in the last 10 years has caused climate change is agreeable. I want to emphasize that point to ensure clarity because sometimes pollution can happen naturally as you mentioned. In my opinion, I think the pollution that is causing climate change is from us. This is because, without our human activities, pollution and climate change wouldn't be happening. These activities cause a dependency meaning climate change and pollution to depend on human activity. Therefore, climate change is real and is human-caused due to the relationship between the human population (including activities) and climate change.

suki iyer   2022-11-07 19:29:20

Yes! Global warming is affecting our environment and changing our lives. There are so many more weather-related disasters, and it is all because of humans and pollution. It is a huge part of our lives now, and we need to work to prevent it from getting worse. These natural disasters are going to continue, and disrupt our way of life. Human activities that produce greenhouse gases must stop.

elliott_08   2022-11-07 23:50:10

I agree completely! I also live in an area where global warming is a very scary idea to think about. Destruction of homes because of fires and the melting of glaciers is very serious as well. Pollution, like you stated, is also a huge problem, since it also affects wildlife which are crucial to environments around the world!

507763   2023-11-06 04:21:26

Yes, I completely agree. I think that a lof of people don't  believe it is true because they don't look at the trends between the increase of these natural disasters and climate change. Ignorance is also a big factor; a lot of people might recognize it, but don't do anything about it, because they think that it's out of their hands, but it's not! If everyone does something small, it will make a massive impact!

elliesimons   2023-11-13 21:49:00

I agree with what you said. Climate change is indeed real, and there is lots of scientific evidence that shows many human activities contribute to it. The burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and many other human activities release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, trapping heat and causing the earth's temperatures to rise drastically. These events lead to various impacts such as extreme weather, rising sea levels and lots of disruption to ecosystems. it's very important for us to take action to reduce our carbon footprints and promote more sustainable practices to help reduce the effects of climate change.

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chinaskl   2023-10-28 09:40:57 (Last post: 2023-11-06 00:34:47)
The Impact of Climate Change

Climate change is a global phenomenon that is reshaping our planet in unprecedented ways. Rising temperatures, melting glaciers, and extreme weather events are just some of the visible effects of this ongoing crisis. It poses significant challenges to our environment, economy, and the overall well-being of all living organisms. To combat the adverse consequences of climate change, concerted efforts are required at the individual, community, and international levels to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, preserve ecosystems, and adapt to the changes already in motion. Understanding the impact of climate change is not only a scientific imperative but also a moral obligation to ensure a sustainable future for generations to come. Cambio Climatico

jessicaamanatullah   2023-11-05 23:41:47

I agree with the points you made. Climate change is reshaping our entire planet and not one region or country is safe from it. Results of climate change other than the ones you listed include:
1. LACK OF FOOD : food sources such as farms or fisheries might be affected negatively by change in weather or extreme weather events. ( UN Displacement )
2. DISEASE AND SICKNESS : climate change will increase the risk of spread of infectious diseases and the risk of other illnesses. ( UN Key Findings )
3. POVERTY : not only can extreme weather events displace families and citizens such as floods or extreme storms, but extreme heat can prevent workers from doing jobs that take place outdoors, resulting in loss in jobs and poverty in individuals. ( UN Key Findings )

On another note, what you said about efforts to combat the consequences is totally correct. We can't sit around and wait for magic to happen, we as a community and individual must make the change. We can't forget that we aren't doing this for just ourselves, we are doing it for the world and people of the future.

JinjooH   2023-11-06 00:34:47

I agree that climate change can pose a serious challenge for many different environments around the world. Climate change can increase the amount of natural disasters which directly harms animals and the places they live. Along with this, climate change is causing more droughts and floods which damages food crops. This brings a lack of food and it brings poverty as people aren't able to sell their crops.

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yasssmine   2023-11-05 14:13:47
Human Emissions have a change on Climate Change

Humans have and still have a big impact on climate change. Starting in the years 1850-1960, global temperatures were only 0.4 in Celsius and have now risen by 1 to 1.2 in Celsius, starting in the years 1961-1990s. Since the pre-industrial era, greenhouse gases have increased, which caused a major growth rate in human population growth rates. As a result, this has led to concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Human emissions of CO2 had a large growth of parts per million. From 340 ppm (1979) to over 400 ppm (2015-2023), this was caused by the burning of fossil fuels. Not to mention how big of an effect the atmosphere has on climate change.Stabilizing the concentrations of atmospheric needs to be able to reach the level of at least net-zero emissions.

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GingerHinton   2023-11-04 18:19:56
How climate change affects the plant

Climate change is a huge problem for not only the human population, but also every other living organism on the planet. The warmth radiating from the atmosphere that we sent up there is increasing harsh weather conditions, making extremely hot regions increasingly hotter, and is also hurting so many habitats for species all around the world. As humans we must find ways to prevent this from worsening. https://www.globalgiving.org/learn/cost … te-change/

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AleMaf   2022-11-11 02:35:00 (Last post: 2023-11-04 16:54:01)
Countries more at risk and less at risk of climate change.

The pollution is increasing more and more, as well as the temperature of Earth's atmosphere. My thought is that we need to dramatically change our behavior, otherwise we will find ourselves in an extremely ruined and therefore uninhabitable world in the future. We are ruining our planet, and leaving a world in very bad condition to our descendants and future generations.
I attach an image about the countries most likely to survive and with less, in the future if the situation doesn’t change.


L.Gonzalez-SJR   2023-10-23 12:35:41

The reason why the African region is at risk, is because do to terrible governments and war. I saw a documentary about the DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo). Are cellphones are made up of a material call Coltan it's a metallic ore it's only found in the soil in the Congo rainforest. The deforestation in that country is terrible, two weeks ago I did an assignment about elephant ivory how it's solid in the black market. If you want to know why poachers are doing this is to finance conflicts and wars. Elephants are now an endangered species and that is not good. Elephants eat plants that are toxic to humans and some of those plats resale carbon  and if they are extinct that is not good. right now the African regions need to find a solution to their ecological deficit.

Cnewton2005   2023-10-23 14:52:25

It’s not surprising that Greenland is very green on this chart. They seem to be very good at staying eco-friendly and keeping their environment clean. On the other hand, I am very surprised that the United States is as green as it is. I was expecting it to be in the red because we don’t seem to care about our environment that much.

BenjaminT.sjr   2023-10-23 18:22:32

I totally agree with your post. I think we can all be more responsible with how we use energy, water, and other things. These things need to change in order to help the next generation be able to live in a safe environment. I also believe that it is the more developed to help the less developed countries be better with how they use their energy and other things. Overall I totally agree with your post and that we need to do a better job in energy conservation.

P. Montenegro-SJR   2023-10-23 20:40:30

I won't lie I'm surprised at the amount of green in this chart, though it seems it's the smaller countries who will suffer the most. There's no time like the present for action, if we don't get the ball rolling then by the time it does it may be too late. What you said about ruining our planet for future generations is too true, guess it's on our shoulder's now to do what the last generation couldn't.

Brayden - sjrstate   2023-10-23 23:38:51

It is very intriguing and hopeful when I see countries like the USA and other western countries so green although often we are under the assumption that we do a very poor job at protecting the environment. Although we definitely could do a much better job, compared to the continent of Africa it is discouraging to see how poor they are at protecting their environment.

zoeym-sjrstate   2023-10-24 10:03:22

These statistics are actually very shocking to me. I really expected the more industrialized nations like the U.S., Russia, and the European countries to be way more at risk. I am not at all surprised that Greenland is very low risk. They seem to be doing a lot to limit carbon emissions and stay eco-friendly. However I am most surprised with the amount of green on the map and with Australia being in the same category as Greenland. I feel like I don't hear a lot about Australia doing much for the environment.

AnnaK-sjr   2023-10-24 10:33:17

Hi! I completely agree with your post and found it to be very interesting. With the chart you've attached to your post I was very surprised to see America in the green. We seem to be such a wasteful and careless country when it comes to the environment and protecting it. We don't have programs in place(or at least very many widely successful) to be preventive or reactive to environmental harm we see and experience. I however was not surprised to see places like Switzerland in the green.I just completed a project on how environmentally aware Switzerland is and all the efforts they are taking to be conscious of the carbon footprint they are leaving on the world.

24ruiz0543   2023-10-30 10:15:43

I agree with this post, something I found pretty surprising was the amount of green and how much there actually was. Especially in the United States. I know that we aren't super terrible when it comes to pollution, but I honestly thought we would at least be in the yellow.

Brian Pacman   2023-11-04 16:54:01

Yes, I agree with this post as with the amount of pollution in the earth increasing the chart that was attached to your post was very insightful. As most of these countries that are more likely to be affected by climate change are countries with very horrible living conditions because of their governments status or economy in that country. But there are exceptions such as countries that mostly used for manufacturing or deforestation to supply the countries that are not at risk of climate change. Because of this I hope that instead of a few countries being targeted or concentrated to destroy themselves to be more susceptible to climate change it can regulated to a point that the pollution of the that one country be separated to other parts of the world so it would barely hurt countries collectively instead of damaging one country completely. On the other hand those other small countries that are being hindered by politics and just very bad living conditions should be more inclined to get help from other countries. As with this support we can help these less favorable countries to stand on their feet once again and participate into reducing the worlds pollution which would not only help this generation but also stabilize and secure a future for future generations for any person around the world. Which this inevitable outcome if handled correctly was already stated by this post.

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Teterete685   2023-11-03 15:42:24
Climate Change

Climate change is a density independent factor that is produced mainly by the human race.  Some of the causes of climate change are the burning of fossil fuels and cutting down trees. Fossil fuels include  oil, gases, and coal. When fossil fuels burn those resources they release gases that trap heat in the air which causes the earth to be hot. Cutting down trees also creates climate change, because trees purify the carbon gases that we’re inhaling and so if there’s a small amount of trees then there won't be enough resources to purify our oxygen.

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Haywire   2023-11-03 15:17:42 (Last post: 2023-11-03 15:20:04)
Evidence for climate change is all around us

When I was younger and I first heard about climate change, or global warming as it was called, I thought that no matter how bad it got I would be fine because where I lived was cold. Those were the thoughts of a very young child. Climate change has already caused major change in weather patterns that have caused increases in hurricanes and other natural disasters that have killed many, but it continues to grow. Since we started burning fossil fuels on a large scale, the global temperature has risen by over 1 degrees Celsius uncharacteristically fast. This has caused disruption in ecosystems around the world, and it continues to grow worse. The data on the website "Our World In Data" has an interactive article about these issues, if someone looks at the data provided there and still does not believe this spike in climate change is human caused, I believe they should be considered irrational. I believe we need to put the question of should we take action to stop it, and focus on stopping or at least slowing climate change before it causes any more lasting damage to our world.

Here is the website mentioned: https://ourworldindata.org/co2-and-gree … -emissions

Haywire   2023-11-03 15:20:04

Sorry, i had a typo in the last sentence, I meant to say put ... behind us.

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Lundy:D   2023-11-03 15:04:02
Greenhouse gas emissions increase with human population

Climate change is caused by greenhouse gases, which are caused by humans. As our population increases, so do our emissions of greenhouse gases. Especially in developed countries with more consumerist lifestyles. In these places the amount of resources required to supply just one person with the means to live comfortably. Food, water, air conditioning, air heating, clothing, house lighting, personal electronic devices, and transportation all result in carbon emissions. These emissions come from the production of these goods in factories, as well as through the transportation whether it be through airplane, car, or ship. Unless we alter our lifestyles (especially those of us in developed countries) we will keep emitting greenhouse gases. We are contributing to climate change just as exponentially as we grow as a species without changing our habits. ourworldindata.org/co2-and-other-greenhouse-gas-emissions#why-do-greenhouse-gas-emissions-matter

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fionaw   2023-11-03 14:55:14
Is Climate Change Real & Human-Caused?

Climate change is real, it refers to the shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. It could happen due to natural causes, but since the Industrial Revolution(1800’s), humans are the main cause of climate change.The greenhouse gases trap more of the sun’s energy which warms the earth,this is usually good because we need it to survive but too much could hurt us. This is due to the burning fossil fuels which generate the greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Human activities in industry, transportation, buildings, agriculture, and land which create our large carbon footprints and greenhouse gas emissions. These gases all warm the earth creating climate change which could significantly impact the whole nation. Climate change can cause heat waves, heavy downpours, sea level rise, increased heat, drought, and more; this not only affects humans but also the environment and other living organisms.

https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/wha … ate-change

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Poppydowns   2023-05-03 23:18:01 (Last post: 2023-11-03 14:21:41)
Is climate change caused by humans

I don't think human change is only caused by humans. Even human cause the most damage there's also other nature things that hurts the environment. Volcanoes for example, volcanoes is a part of the nature but it also hurts it. When and volcanoes explode it causes hot lava that kills plants. Other then that there is also earthquake and Tsunami.

jacoBOD1   2023-05-20 16:42:38

I agree! Climate change is real and both caused naturally and by humans. We produce lots of carbon dioxide from large production factories and our global transportation. The amount of CO2 in the world due to transportation has been increasing at significant rates since 2010, most of which comes from mass production in China according to https://www.iea.org/topics/transport. Climate change is considerably caused by humans as I have just explained. However, climate change is also somewhat naturally caused by volcanoes as you have pointed out. Another piece of evidence we can use to prove climate change is naturally caused is the changes in the sun and variations in the Earth’s orbit. https://www.bgs.ac.uk/discovering-geolo … to-change/  shows that there are many different factors that contribute to climate change some of which are natural like changes in ocean currents which affect climate change because of how an increase of temperature can make more water vapor in the atmosphere creating more greenhouse gases. Those are some more ways that climate change is affected naturally and the websites linked are great resources where you can learn more information about climate just as I have!

Kinsey S   2023-11-02 21:08:59

I agree that humans are not the only cause of climate change. However just because we are not the only cause does not mean we are not at fault. Also, just because it is natural doesn't mean that we should not help and try to reduce our impact on climate change. Since humans have such high emissions the climate is increasing very fast which can negatively affect the environment.

chan.le7   2023-11-02 21:49:52

I agree with you, I do not believe that humans are the only thing that makes our climate change. Yes, though humans are one of the main factors that go into a climate changing the weather can be caused by different natural disasters, such as a volcano erupting or a hurricane storming an area. The humans, in my opinion are the main reasons we have different climates but also the different events happening in the world. Some might argue for one or the other.

kaylee sy   2023-11-02 21:54:47

Hello @Poppydowns, No, climate change is not solely caused by humans (I agree with your statement).  There are also natural causes of climate change, such as volcanic eruptions and changes in solar activity. However, human activities are now the dominant cause of climate change, especially over the last century.  The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the leading international body for the assessment of climate change, has concluded that it is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century.

Human activities that contribute to climate change include:
- Burning fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas
- Deforestation
- Agriculture
- Industrial processes

These activities release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which trap heat and warm the planet.

The IPCC has also concluded that human influence on the climate system is clear, and recent emissions of greenhouse gases are the highest in history (because of humans).   Unless there are immediate, rapid and large-scale reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, limiting warming to close to 1.5°C or even 2°C will be beyond reach.

Here is a source for the above information:  IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, Summary for Policymakers: https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar5/wg1/

It is important to note that there is a scientific consensus that human activities are the dominant cause of climate change.  However, there is still some debate about the specific contributions of different human activities to climate change, and the exact magnitude of the future warming that can be expected.  Despite the scientific consensus on human-caused climate change, there is still a great deal of public and political debate about the issue.  This debate is often fueled by misinformation and disinformation from special interests who have a financial stake in the fossil fuel industry.  It is important to educate ourselves about the science of climate change and to hold our leaders accountable for taking action to address this critical issue.

However, I don't exactly agree with you using volcanoes as an example.  Volcanoes are natural phenomena that can cause both harm and benefit to nature.

On one hand, volcanic eruptions can release ash, gases, and lava that can damage or destroy ecosystems.  For example, the eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980 killed millions of animals and destroyed over 200 square miles of forest.  On the other hand, volcanoes can also create new land and enrich soil, which can promote the growth of new plants and ecosystems.  For example, the Hawaiian Islands were formed by volcanic eruptions over millions of years.  Today, the islands are home to a diverse range of plants and animals, many of which are found nowhere else in the world.

Overall, whether or not volcanoes hurt nature depends on a number of factors, including the size and intensity of the eruption, the type of volcanic material released, and the surrounding environment.

Here are some specific examples of the positive and negative impacts of volcanoes on nature:

Positive impacts:
- Volcanic ash can fertilize soil and improve agricultural yields.
- Volcanic ash can also help to create new land, such as the Hawaiian Islands.
- Volcanic eruptions can create unique habitats for plants and animals.
- Volcanic eruptions can release minerals and other nutrients into the environment, which can benefit ecosystems.

Negative impacts:
- Volcanic ash can blanket vegetation and make it difficult for plants to photosynthesize.
- Volcanic ash can also pollute water supplies and make it difficult for animals to drink.
- Volcanic gases can be toxic to plants and animals.
- Lava flows can destroy ecosystems and displace wildlife.

It is important to note that the impacts of volcanoes on nature are complex and can vary depending on the specific circumstances. However, it is clear that volcanoes can have both positive and negative impacts on nature.  Volcanoes are both creators and destroyers of life, but relating it to how human actions have destroyed the environment is a bit of a stretch for me since the damage that volcanoes did on this earth for thousands of years is practically nothing compared to what humans did in less than a century.  Compared to human activity, volcanoes are natural and part of how our world rebuilds itself over time.  What volcanoes destroy paves a new path for a different life over time.  It's kinda like turning over a new leaf.  However, what we do just kills everything before it can regrow.  Volcanoes don't make decisions to cause harm to the world, but humans do...

Heidi M   2023-11-03 14:21:41

I agree that humans are not the only cause of climate change. Though I would say that humans play a major role in climate change and possibly the most fault when it comes to negatively affecting it. Naturally the Earth has greenhouse gases to keep the Earth  habitable and functional. When it comes to volcanoes as a natural cause of climate change I would not only say that it hurts the environment. It mostly renews the environment to make it recover. The plants volcanoes kill off would eventually regrow and the land would become fertile soils. Other natural destruction are earthquakes and tsunamis, but ones that really hurt the earth are caused by humans due to their use of greenhouse gases.


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Pakhin   2023-11-02 08:55:50 (Last post: 2023-11-03 11:21:07)
Climate change in caused by human activity

Climate change is being caused by human activity ever since the human population has been growing since the 1900s we went through the industrial revolution. This would introduce tons of factories that would produce smog and fill up the atmosphere and that's when we started to heat up the globe causing global warming.

Collin Burnette   2023-11-03 11:21:07

since 1800, our population has doubled 3 times. on top of that, it has become normal for everyone to produce more carbon emissions due to automation, causing more technology usage, and more food availabilty. as we produce more carbon emissions, we increase our carbon footprints, eventually producing way more carbon than we were previously, causing climate change to skyrocket.

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Kinsey S   2023-11-02 19:36:11 (Last post: 2023-11-03 11:13:19)
The Human impact on climate change

Climate change is real and to some degree is natural and bound to happen, but with human's large greenhouse gas emission the climate is getting hotter, and we are unhealthy/unnaturaly speeding it up. We use so many fossil fuel our carbon footprint is rising and taking the temperature up with it. This can be seen in many instances. Such as the increase in melting ice caps in Antarctica and Iceland. The ice melting may not seem like a big deal, because antarctica is a home to many animals. Overall, humans have a huge negative impact on climate change.
https://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/#:~:t … ry%20rocks

Zack S   2023-11-03 11:13:19

Yes i agree climate change is real and if we dont do something about our human production of gasses it will keep getting warmer at an un-natrual and un-healthy rate.

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Zack S   2023-11-03 11:04:16
Climate change

Climate change is real us humans use our gasses and if we have too much carbon footprint it makes greenhouse gasses that get trapped in our atmosphere this is bad because ice is melting in antarctica and in areas of the world where it is supposed to be cold it is warm.

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Leonardo123   2023-11-03 09:14:04
Climate change

Climate changes could really effect the human population because it could increase the population which will mean we are gonna need more resources and it could also the human population could decrease because of the resources and can cause many deaths.

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bellabean   2023-11-02 11:00:48
anything helpssss

Climate change IS something we can help reduce and it IS something we are causing. It doesn’t mean everybody has to go vegan and never use plastic ever again, but if everyone can do their part by being more environmentally aware with their actions, It won’t end climate change but it will do great things for our earth we all love and need.

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Brian Pacman   2023-11-02 09:04:39
Climate change is a real problem and we are making it worse.

As the human population increases and our habits towards the environment gets worse. Such as the increase of fossil fuel transportation or wasteful ways of living. It results in a rapid increase of the amount of green houses gases that are being emitted into the atmosphere.  This causes the phenomenon that is climate change and there is no way to disprove it as throughout the time it has been present. It has been linked to more intense and unnatural  disasters, droughts, sea levels rising,  sea glaciers melting causing entire ecosystems and communities to be destroyed, harming humans and animals in the process. Also in tandem with this it has caused a decrease in foods supply, increase of health risks and increase in poverty. These matters are not something that is part of fiction, it is real and it's happening in real time.

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Brian Pacman   2023-11-02 09:03:11
Climate change is a real problem and we are making it worse.

As the human population increases and our habits towards the environment gets worse. Such as the increase of fossil fuel transportation or wasteful ways of living. It results in a rapid increase of the amount of green houses gases that are being emitted into the atmosphere.  This causes the phenomenon that is climate change and there is no way to disprove it as throughout the time it has been present. It has been linked to more intense and unnatural  disasters, droughts, sea levels rising,  sea glaciers melting causing entire ecosystems and communities to be destroyed, harming humans and animals in the process. Also in tandem with this it has caused a decrease in foods supply, increase of health risks and increase in poverty. These matters are not something that is part of fiction, it is real and it's happening in real time.

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Tc09   2023-11-02 08:55:54
Climate change IS real, and it IS human-caused

There is a lot of evidence to support that climate change is real, and that we are the leading cause.
Starting with the topic of climate change itself, there is so much substantial evidence that clearly indicates that climate change is real, and is happening as we speak. For one, people have been constantly recording record breaking highs in temperature for the last few years now. We can also see a clear trend of global warming, with the weather getting consistently warmer as greenhouse gases damage our ozone layer. We can also see these changes in the animals. Birds migrate earlier because it gets warmer much sooner, many marine species are moving north to escape the heat. We can also see a worldwide melting of glaciers, which would cause devastating effects on our ecosystem.
Now that we can see that climate change is happening, how do we even know we have anything to do with it? Well, we know that humans release a lot of greenhouse gases through different daily activities. These greenhouse gases in turn destroy our ozone layer, causing the planet to warm.


You can also see in a graph from the EPA that humans have had a higher effect on climate change than any natural causes. With much more evidence to be found everywhere, it is clear that we are the cause of these issues.
The next step is to find a way to reverse what we have done.

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JinjooH   2023-11-02 08:42:05
Is Climate Change Real & Human-Caused

Climate change is definitely real and has been driven by several man made factors however, not all of it is caused by people's actions. The main cause of climate change is the burning of fossil fuels. Burning fossil fuels raise the temperature of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, which in turn raise the average surface temperature. Deforestation is another big part of climate change. Cutting down trees releases the carbon dioxide the trees have been storing and limits nature's capability to keep emissions out of the atmosphere. One non-man made factor that has contributed to climate change is volcanic activity. Some volcanic gases like sulfur dioxide can cause global cooling and volcanic carbon dioxide can cause global warming. Based on what I have read, the majority of climate change is caused by us and our actions.

https://www.usgs.gov/programs/VHP/volca … 20warming.

https://climate.nasa.gov/what-is-climat … mperature.

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Heidi M   2023-11-01 22:47:48
Climate Change is Real and Human-Caused

Climate change is real and is a phenomenon observed by many scientists for its impact on the Earth. Climate change can affect the human population and the environment of the Earth. This then creates problems and imbalances that are abnormal on Earth. What can come with climate change is the scarcity of resources,rising sea level,droughts and floods.Climate change brings factors that threaten the human population through the dangers and death rate it can increase.
Climate change is human-caused because with humans there's too much carbon dioxide leading to greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and warming on all areas of the Earth. High growth in heat leads to climate change which then leads to disaster for life on Earth.

https://www.epa.gov/climatechange-scien … ate-change

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Heidi M   2023-11-01 22:42:23
Climate Change is Real and Human-Caused

Climate change is real and is a phenomenon observed by many scientists for its impact on the Earth. Climate change can affect the human population and the environment of the Earth. This then creates problems and imbalances that are abnormal on Earth. What can come with climate change is the scarcity of resources,rising sea level,droughts and floods.Climate change brings factors that threaten the human population through the dangers and death rate it can increase.
Climate change is human-caused because with humans there's too much carbon dioxide leading to greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and warming on all areas of the Earth. High growth in heat leads to climate change which then leads to disaster for life on Earth.

https://www.epa.gov/climatechange-scien … ate-change

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folklore   2023-11-01 22:05:06
Climate Change is Real and We are Responsible

Climate change is definitely a real thing. The evidence is easy to see everywhere you go. According to the International Rescue Committee some of the places most affected by climate change are Somalia, Syria, Afghanistan, Nigeria, and Chad. Countless lives have been lost or damaged due to the effects of global warming. There is no place on the planet that hasn’t been hurt by climate change. The National Centers for Environmental Information(.gov) said that during September of 2023 almost every continent was drier than usual. I am from California and almost all of my life has been in a drought. The mega drought that has lasted for years has only recently ended, but even still, we are in a drought. That leads us to the question: are humans responsible? The answer seems pretty simple, of course we are. Humans burn fossil fuels which release carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide heats up the planet and climate change is the result. That being said, according to the Environmental Defense Fund there is no way to actually prove climate change is because of humans. There are an infinite amount of factors in our ecosystem and atmosphere, it would be impossible to actually test what is causing climate change without a control group. Although it could be coincidence and not causation that the more CO2 admitted into our atmosphere the worse climate change gets, it is highly unlikely.

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Alina Iotko   2023-11-01 13:17:17 (Last post: 2023-11-01 16:08:58)
Is Climate Change Real & Human Caused?

Since the Industrial Revolution, human activities have released large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Which in the end, changed the earth’s climate. People cut up trees, burn up fossil fuels, manufacture goods, etc. Making the temperature rise.

Sources used: https://www.epa.gov/climatechange-scien … ate-change

Gurung   2023-11-01 16:08:58

Yes, It's definitely real because people usually ignore this fact based on their own opinions and statistics. Climate change has always been real but humans have increased effects of it from destroying the environment and building up carbon dioxide from the production of economic growth and agriculture.

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etai   2023-11-01 15:34:00
Climate Change is Nearly 100% Human Caused

Climate change is a real occurrence that is virtually certainly the result of human activity. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have been steadily increasing in tandem with the human population. As a result of these greenhouse gas emissions, the world is warming, and this trend will continue unless humans discover out how to cut our greenhouse gas emissions.

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woolsey12345   2023-11-01 14:26:05
Climate Change and Human Population Growth

Climate Change is absolutely real and almost definitely human caused. As the human population has been exponentially increasing, so have greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. These greenhouse gases cause the planet to heat up, and it will continue to do so unless we humans find some way to stop releasing so much greenhouse gases.

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seth_1   2023-11-01 11:40:13 (Last post: 2023-11-01 11:41:23)
How is Global Warming Caused and How is it Affecting Our Planet?

I think climate change is definitely caused both by nature and by humans, but the main cause is undeniably humans. Global warming is caused by greenhouse gasses being trapped by the troposphere and radiating energy back down to the surface. This then makes the Earth’s surface heat up, and then the cycle continues.

Many animals do produce greenhouse gasses, but with cars, buses, airplanes, and pollution, people, or rather the things we create, are the number one cause. Greenhouse gasses do help our Earth, without them we wouldn’t be able to live here(with no greenhouse gasses warming the surface we would be at 0°C), but because of our large carbon footprints and CO2 emissions everywhere, our planet is heating up a startling amount. This is negatively affecting the environment as well, ice is melting and water is evaporating, summer is lasting into November (at least here in California) and many species are suffering from our actions. A video that better explains this is linked below ?

seth_1   2023-11-01 11:41:23

I did not mean to have a question mark, I added a smiley face and for some reason it came out as that hmm

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1mfspinosa   2023-09-27 19:54:44 (Last post: 2023-09-28 10:36:16)
Climate Change is REAL and Human Caused

Climate Change is very real and it has been happening for a long time. It is also largely caused by humans. Animals also contribute to climate change but it is no where near as much as humans. Everyday humans are constantly contributing to the carbon in the air by doing normal things such as watching t.v, using lights, using air conditioning or heating and so many more.

elliep   2023-09-28 10:36:16

I agree, Climate Change is very real, and people need to realize this. Humans are the main cause of climate change, and we need to start taking action as a species so that we can stop it the best that we can.

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Rowan H   2023-09-28 10:31:52
climate change is real & humans caused it

climate change is a very important topic that is solely alive, because of humans.

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defrBOD   2023-05-15 11:53:51 (Last post: 2023-09-27 18:03:14)
Is Climate Change Real & Human-Caused?

Climate change is real and we are helping it. As humans we have to change our unhealthy habits because they are helping destroy the Earth.

1mfspinosa   2023-09-27 15:57:10

I agree, we need to change our unhealthy ways so that the world can be a healthier environment. We collectively need to change our habits. Individual actions are helpful, but group actions have the most affect.

elliep   2023-09-27 18:03:14

I also agree, we need to take action as soon as possible as a collective human race, not just as individuals. The more who start to change they way the live their lives, the better our environment and the Earth is going to be.

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BrianaF   2023-06-13 10:01:16
Is Climate Change Real & Human-Caused?

climate change is human caused because humans litter and pollute everything. we humans have the chance to change and have a way better environment but we don't just because we don't want to do what's absolutely necessary to help climate change.

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GacaBOD1   2023-05-19 13:04:01
Is Climate change real and Human Caused

The concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) has increased during the past century as a result of the burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil. This is due to the fact that CO2 is created when burning coal or oil by fusing carbon in the air with oxygen. It is proven that the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations is human-caused by the clearance of land for agriculture, industry, and other activities. A study shows that a group came to the conclusion that there is a greater than 95% chance that greenhouse gases are produced by humans, for example carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. According to Caltech, humans are mostly responsible for the observed rise in Earth's temperature during the past 50 years!

https://scienceexchange.caltech.edu/top … ate-change

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cajoBOD1   2023-05-19 12:24:22
Climate Change is Real

Climate change is both real and human-caused. We produce lots of carbon dioxide from large production factories and our global transportation. Earth's average surface temperature rises each year due to our "advancements" in transportation, which again, are required to use these factories, and the vehicle itself when it comes out of the factory likely emits carbon. A big thing humans lean on for power and fuel is producing and burning fossil fuels, which release a large amount of greenhouse house into the atmosphere. Another piece of evidence we can use to prove climate change is real is the yearly mass of glaciers. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/u … n-glaciers shows that glaciers are disappearing altogether and melting faster and more rapidly than ever before, this can only be proven by the fact that the Earth is getting hotter.

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cajoBOD1   2023-05-19 08:36:51
Climate Change is Real

Climate change is both real and human-caused. We produce lots of carbon dioxide from large production factories and our global transportation. The average surface temperature of Earth rises each year due to our "advancements" in transportation, which again, are required to use these factories, and the vehicle itself when it comes out of the factory likely emits carbon. A big thing humans lean on for power and fuel is producing and burning fossil fuels, which release a large amount of greenhouse house into the atmosphere. Another piece of evidence we can use to prove climate change is real is the yearly mass of glaciers. Glaciers are melting faster and more rapidly than ever before, this can only be proven by the fact that the Earth is getting hotter.

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MMitchell   2023-05-16 21:59:55
Is Climate Change Real and Human-Caused?

Climate change is definitely real, and undeniably human-caused. The greenhouse gas effect contributes significantly to global warming, and according to the United Nations Website, fossil fuels contribute to over 75% of all global greenhouse gas emissions. Fossil fuels, including coal, oil, and gasoline, are humankind's primary source of energy, and also our most self-destructive reliance. Although people around the world have been using fossil fuels for over one thousand years, a boom in fossil fuel use and production came with the Industrial Revolution, the invention of the steam engine, and more often referenced, the automobile. With over 8 billion people in the world now, the amount of greenhouse gases. According to ourworldindata.org, greenhouse gas emissions went from 10.55 billion tons in 1920 to  54.59 billion tons in 2020, more than quadrupling the number of human greenhouse gas emissions. This data goes hand in hand with climate.gov's global temperature average information, "Since 1976, every year including 2014 has had an average global temperature warmer than the long-term average. Over this 37-year period, temperature warmed at an average of 0.50 °F (0.28 °C) per decade over land and 0.20 °F (0.11 °C) per decade over the ocean." Humans need to find a more sustainable source of fuel as climate change becomes a more and more significant issue for the earth and its inhabitants.

https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/sci … ate-change

https://ourworldindata.org/greenhouse-g … -each-year

https://www.climate.gov/news-features/v … ature-1880

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anbrBOD1   2023-05-16 07:47:49
discussion post

is climate change mostly due to our greediness?

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MaGoBOD1   2023-05-15 19:11:32
climate change is real

Climate change is real. Most of the people who argue and say that climate change is fake, are connected to oil factories that produce tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which is a main cause for climate change. Climate change is shown scientifically by the Earths heating temperatures and the oceans rising. Climate change is shown to be caused by human induced things such as factories, transportation, home life, the meat industry and other animal products, and more things that are occur daily on average. ·

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kkennedy26   2023-05-15 14:57:21
Climate Change is real

Although some say that climate change is fake and a lie, it isn't and every day that we don't work to stop it, our earth gets worse. Gisele Bundchen said “One thing leads to the other. Deforestation leads to climate change, which leads to ecosystem losses, which negatively impacts our livelihoods – it’s a vicious cycle.” We continue to hurt our earth by doing things like burning fossil fuels, in fact climate.gov did a study and concluded that Earth's temperature has risen by an average of 0.14° Fahrenheit (0.08° Celsius) per decade since 1880 and it will only get worse. Glaciers are melting, oceans are warming and things will only become more difficult unless we work to fight climate change.

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mariaaaaaaa   2023-05-03 00:12:03 (Last post: 2023-05-14 19:17:12)
Climate change

Yes and we need to help the planet!

AmSuBOD   2023-05-14 19:17:12

Yes i agree Our climate has changed, extending the winter season and making it even colder. Burning fossil fuels, which we may consider to be a typical human activity, has been warming the world since 1880. The use of fossil fuels by humans has thrown off the equilibrium of carbon dioxide, methane, and other gases, which is why this is happening. The natural greenhouse effect is exacerbated when these natural processes are out of balance. The earth's ability to absorb heat from the sun and subsequently release it is known as the greenhouse effect. However, the additional greenhouse gases make it harder for the earth to release heat because they cause the ozone layer to hold even more heat. https://www.epa.gov/climatechange-scien … ate-change

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aaguBOD   2023-05-12 20:52:08
Ways you can help to reduce climate change

There are many ways you can help reduce climate change without impacting your normal daily routine very much. One way is by carpooling or using public transportation to wherever you need to go. This is helpful because it reduces the number of vehicles on the road, which in turn decreases the emission of harmful pollutants. Another thing you can do is make sure you are sorting your trash into the correct bins, and maybe even start a compost! Waste sorting is important because it reduces the number of waste that ends up in the landfill and the environment. One last super easy thing you can do to help reduce climate change is to turn your lights off when you're not using them.
https://www.northwestern.edu/fm/fm-staf … rming.html
https://tsrc.berkeley.edu/publications/ … carpooling

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nomoBOD   2023-05-11 21:49:44 (Last post: 2023-05-12 17:16:50)
Is Climate Change Real & Human-Caused

Climate change has been extremely affected by human activity. Industrial activities such as burning coal have raised carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere. According to scienceexchange.caltech.edu, "... there's a more than 95 percent probability that human activities over the past 50 years have warmed our planet." This shows that climate change is real and humans are a huge cause of it.

JAHOBOD   2023-05-11 22:47:05

Not only is climate change real, but humans are the direct cause of it. There is not debate on climate change existence or humanities affect but where confusion often comes in is that climate change as its root is a natural occurrence. Animals in their existence release greenhouse gases and overtime the climate gradually shifts (Example the ice age). However, due to human activity, the rates and speed that the earths atmosphere shifting is much greater then ever seen before. This drastic change is causing abnormal occurrences and is breaking the natural cycle. Climate Change is real, and humans are making it substantially worse. https://www.epa.gov/climatechange-scien … ate-change

mysmBOD   2023-05-12 17:16:50

I 100% agree. Animals produce greenhouse gasses on their own, but the rate at which humans kill and abuse these animals heightens the release of greenhouse gases. Cows for example release large amounts of methane in their manure and through forms of gas called enteric emissions. There are over 90 million cows in the U.S. and a total of 1 billion worldwide - you can only imagine how that adds up. Humans are also responsible for climate change when it comes to their carbon footprint. I take ownership for the ways I contribute as well because when using the carbon footprint calculator my footprint was substantially higher than the average American. I had a footprint of 16,871 kgs where as the average person has a footprint of 9,727 kgs. The biggest contributor to my footprint is the home category. In the summer I tend to sleep with a fan on and in the winter a heater. Heat forms like furnaces burn fossil fuels or space heaters use electricity that is generated from a mix of fossil fuels, same with cooling systems. The small things that you use in your everyday life are contributing to the over-production of heat trapping fossil fuels which is contributing to over-heating and climate change. Human activity has an extreme impact in the state of our climate and climate change is definitely a human caused issue.

Info used:
https://climate.mit.edu/explainers/heat … 0pollution.

https://www.edf.org/article/farmers-see … ow%20burps.

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etorBOD   2023-05-12 09:40:40
How we can help reduce climate change

As a group we can help reduce climate change but doing some simple things. The first one, is to power your home with renewable energy like solar panels, instead of having to use fossil fuels. Anothing thing to help, is to not just leave things like appliances on the side of the road, but to recycle them correctly. Things like batteries and old laptops can be put to use by people when thrown away correctly. Last, but not to be missed, try and reduce your general transportation pollution. If you can, try and walk or bike places. If not, try and carpool because it makes a bigger difference than you think.  https://www.nrdc.org/stories/how-you-ca … al-warming

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empiBOD   2023-05-11 23:54:46
How History has impacted rising Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

According to Nasa and the Keeling scale, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere followed an upward trend since 1850 with a substantial spike in the 1950s. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration explains that this trajectory was caused by major deforestation that began in the 1850s, and there was a huge increase in the amount of fossil fuels, coal for making electricity and steel, and the use of cars. Around 85% of consumed fossil fuels followed after the start of the industrial revolution. The keeling scale also shows the steady curve that has been present for hundreds of years before the 1850’s. Before the upward trajectory the CO2 concentration did not surpass 300 ppm, in the twenty-first century the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has surpassed 400 ppm. History shows how the industrial revolution caused an uprising that keeps on growing, so as humans advance into a more modern society the more CO2 is in the atmosphere.

https://www.noaa.gov/stories/carbon-dio … atmosphere.

https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/ca … ears%20ago.


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PageBOD   2023-05-11 22:01:34 (Last post: 2023-05-11 23:09:33)
Is Climate Change Real & Human-Caused?

Yes, climate change is real and human-caused. There is a lot scientific evidence that shows that the Earth's climate is changing at an alarming rate, and that this is largely due to human activities such as forestation, burning fossil fuels, and other forms of land use change. (IPCC), a leading body of climate scientists from around the world, has noted that human-caused emissions of greenhouse gases are the main cause of observed climate change.

Katie Famous   2023-05-11 23:09:33

It is not just burning fossil fuels or deforestation, they are so many different human activities that cause climate change. Even if they are small they still make a large impact on the world, now and in the future. It is important to remember that all the things that we do now will end up affecting the earth and the way we will have to live. In the article Understanding sea levels by Nasa, we can see them talk about three ways that human activity is harming the earth, Ice melt, Thermal Expansion, and Land Water Storage. Of course there are others, but these or the one talked about in the article. It is important to understand that we are harming the earth in many ways and if there is any way that we could prevent that, that is what we should do.

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joesBOD   2023-05-11 21:35:12
Climate change is worsening by the minute. Is it preventable?

According to the Keeling Curve, a database of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the Earth has heated up and cooled down since the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution had a major impact globally by transitioning from labor to machines. These machines, fossil fuels, and tons of nonrenewable resources have been used globally to produce energy for things for work. This sounds like a positive thing but has impacted our atmosphere, causing the Earth to warm up. The Greenhouse Effect is the process by which the sun’s radiant heat is trapped in the atmosphere because of the greenhouse gas. These gasses consist of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, and several other gasses. As these machines produce energy and more stuff we have, they release greenhouse gasses that are stored in the atmosphere. When carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses are released into the atmosphere, it traps more heat, causing the world to warm up.

The IDP ice core working group investigates and analyzes the ice cores that are drilled out of the surface for study. Carbon dioxide is stored underground and so these ice cores show carbon dioxide levels throughout history. The Keeling Curve has been appended to the ice cores for more information on carbon dioxide levels. The given information states that in the 1960s, the amount of carbon dioxide was 310 ppm, but in 2023, it has majorly increased to about 420 ppm. 800 thousand years ago it was at 190 ppm, emphasizing that the globe is heating at a fast rate. Human-made objects that create greenhouse gasses contribute to climate change. Some evidence of climate change you will witness is oceans getting warmer, sea levels rising, ice sheets shrinking, the global temperature rising two degrees Fahrenheit since the Industrial Revolution, more clouds forming, and more natural disasters occurring. If we don’t focus on or prevent the amount of carbon dioxide being put in the air, then the world will be very warm, climate change will affect us worse, and lots of life on earth will die. 

There is no way to stop global warming from increasing but there are ways to prevent it. In 1999, Klaus Lackner discovered a way to capture carbon dioxide directly from the air. He designed a machine called the Direct Air Capture that captures the carbon dioxide in the air. This Direct Air Capture has little significance globally, but doing something like riding your bike instead of driving everywhere with a gas-fueled engine will reduce the amount of carbon in the air. Transitioning to electricity like using solar panels or electric cars can also reduce carbon dioxide because they are not fueled by gas. There are several creative ways to reduce your carbon footprint because it will help the globe in the future so the next generations can live in a green environment.

https://climate.nasa.gov/global-warming … change.%22

https://climate.nasa.gov/effects/#:~:te … ng%20times.


https://www.climate.gov/news-features/u … emperature

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victoria.wong   2022-11-07 21:33:49 (Last post: 2023-05-11 17:34:48)
Is Climate Change Real & Human-Caused?

Climate change is 100% real and its effects are becoming more and more severe due to human activity. Climate change itself isn’t entirely caused by humans, since change in the climate also exists as a natural change, however it's undeniable that ever since the 1800s and the Industrial Revolution, human activity has caused climate change to develop more and more severe effects, such as weather changes, rising sea levels, and extinction in certain organisms.

Ile.stefanolli   2022-11-11 01:44:55

climate change is very real!
in the mountains, the temperatures are very hight and have caused a lot demanges.
we can see them!
the glaciers are mealting and this is a real problem for our economy because i live in a ski resort and the snow is less as well as tourists.
the hot temperatures have caused forest fire too; our woods are important for the habitat, we cannot afford other mistakes.

HayleysCanada!!!   2022-11-16 16:02:45

Climate change is definitely real, and its happening right now!  Things like burning fossil fuels, is heating up the earth and causing climate change to occur. Humans are the main cause of climate change and we are now facing the effects of our selfish actions. More extreme weather is occurring, ice is melting, temperatures are rising, more wildfires are happening, and this is because of us. We do have the chance to turn things around but we must act fast.

AbYoBOD   2023-05-09 13:57:27

Climate change is real and is happening everyday. Humans are a very big cause of the warming on earth through the activities we do and emissions. The global surface temperature was mainly increased because of human activity. 95-100% of the warming on earth was caused because of the humans. Other things that also change the climate is greenhouse gases and sometimes volcanic eruptions. Many things are happening in our world currently such as temperatures rising and sea levels rising.

luchBOD   2023-05-09 14:59:49

Yes, climate change is real and human caused. The evidence of human caused climate change includes rising global temperatures, melting glaciers and ice sheets, rising sea levels, and more frequent and severe weather events like heat waves, droughts, and floods. These changes have been observed across the globe and are consistent with the predictions of climate models. According to the extremely credible Cornell.edu they state, "More than 99.9% of studies agree: Humans caused climate change." Additionally Devdiscourse.com states,"Enhanced detectability occurs because the mid to upper stratosphere has a large cooling signal from human-caused CO2 increases, small noise levels of natural internal variability, and differing signal and noise patterns," These quotes back my assertions that, yes, climate change is human caused.

MaguBOD   2023-05-10 09:45:35

Climate change is very real and is affecting our everyday lives right now. Humans are actually the main contributor to climate change according to climate.gov. The main contributors to climate change are generation of power, deforestation, transportation, and consuming foods. These are all due to humans. According to climate.eu 2011-2020 was the warmest decade recorded, with global average temperature reaching 1.1°C above pre-industrial levels in 2019. Human-induced global warming is presently increasing at a rate of 0.2°C per decade. So you may be asking, how can we counter and defeat climate change? We as a human race need to start walking and biking more. This helps cut down on emitting gas. Reuse more. This means that there is less factories working which in turn means less burning. Lastly, we can plant more trees in order for the plants to take in that CO2. In conclusion, climate change is real, and is very human caused. Climate change has been getting worse every decade, and if we don't do anything soon, there will be major consequences.

macoBOD1   2023-05-11 12:17:48

Climate change is real and it is human caused. Human inventions are really bad for the atmoshpere by putting chemicals into the air such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and others. Inventions that emit these substances are modes of transportation and the burning of fossil fuels. Burning of fossil fuels is the main source of this.

Ocha   2023-05-11 13:56:39

Climate change is real and has been caused by the human race. Overconsumption and overproduction have led to so many greenhouse gasses adding to our atmosphere, causing the earth to get hot and things like the polar ice caps to melt. Some examples of things that cause this are purchasing and transportation such as cars, motorcycles, planes, and more. These are all concepts and inventions that were created by us and not any animal or natural form of the environment. According to KCRA news, a combination of temperature measurements and data has shown that 2022 was the 5th hottest year on earth. The average temperature was 53.37. This is a huge increase since years before 2000, thanks to new technology and product increase.

Ambrose   2023-05-11 17:33:43

Yes, Climate change is no myth and humans play a huge role. According to the official website of the European Commission 2011-2020 was the warmest decade recorded, with global average temperature reaching 1.1°C above pre-industrial levels in 2019. Human-induced global warming is presently increasing at a rate of 0.2°C per decade. This is due to deforestation, The burning of Fossil Fuels, and the over-farming of livestock. Furthermore Humans are increasing the greenhouse effect very rapidly by continuing to pump oil while knowing its effects. Humans are at the point where we have to decide if we want to create capital or save the earth and time is indeed running out.

https://climate.ec.europa.eu/climate-ch … al-warming

Ambrose   2023-05-11 17:34:48

AMBrose BOD i don't know why it doesn't say this because i put BOD at the end of my name in the log in

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ABKU   2023-05-10 22:59:42
EPA and Oil Refineries

"The U.S. oil refineries are still allowed to dump massive amounts of toxic chemicals and heavy metals into lakes and rivers, environmental groups are urging a federal court to order more stringent regulation of some of the nation's biggest polluters". =https://phys.org/news/2023-04-environm … ution.html.These polluters are able to do these things legally because of the profit that's being made off the metals. The legal action comes three months after the nonprofit Environmental Integrity Project found some of the worst polluters are in the Chicago area. People know what's polluting the earth and who is doing it be more people are needed to protest the problem by not investing into not using metals and oil. During 2021 alone 81 refineries in the United States that treat waste on-site released 1.6 billion pounds of chlorides, sulfates and other dissolved solids harmful to fish and other aquatic life, the group determined in its review of federal data.

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pekwBOD   2023-05-10 11:27:05 (Last post: 2023-05-10 12:23:18)
Is Climate Change real and Human-Caused?

Yes, climate change is very real and human-caused. Evidence of climate change is seen in the rise of the global temperature, sea level rise, shrinking ice sheets, melting of glaciers, and the list goes on. Climate change has been extremely affected by human activity. Industrial activities such as burning coal have raised carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere. According to scienceexchange.caltech.edu, "... there's a more than 95 percent probability that human activities over the past 50 years have warmed our planet." This shows that humans have played a huge part in the issue of climate change. Additionally, humans have been proven to be a main cause of climate change through chemical analysis of CO2. The chemical analysis of CO2 shows that the increase in Carbon Dioxide has come from the burning of fossil fuels. To conclude, climate change is very real and proof lies all around us, with humans being the main perpetrator.

https://scienceexchange.caltech.edu/top … ate-change
https://www.edf.org/climate/9-ways-we-k … ate-change

ApWaBOD   2023-05-10 12:23:18

Climate change is real, and there is compelling scientific proof of this. Climate change is the long-term alteration of global or regional weather patterns, such as those related to temperature, precipitation, and wind. The temperature on Earth has always experienced natural oscillations, but this warming trend is distinct from others.According to scientific study, human actions, notably the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas, which release significant amounts of greenhouse gases (mainly carbon dioxide) into the atmosphere, are substantially to blame for the current warming trend. The Earth's temperature rises as a result of these gases' ability to retain solar heat.
Climate experts agree overwhelmingly that human activity is causing the Earth to warm at an alarming rate.

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