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Corporate responsibility (new topic, Sep 2021!)

How much responsibility do corporations have for the climate crisis and for stepping up with solutions?

Here at the ISCFC we are committed to promoting personal, community, national and planetary solutions to reduce our environmental impacts and boldly confront the climate crisis. But as individuals, we can feel powerless when there are huge corporations -such as the fossil fuel industry and factory farms– that are disproportionately responsible for carbon emissions of the past and the present.

What should we do about this? Do you agree that corporations should do more? And if so, what does that mean exactly? How do we persuade or impel polluting industries to change their ways?

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Corporate responsibility

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H20WATERGAMES12   2024-10-16 13:24:24
Corporate responsibility

Most companys care about money rather then the environment.

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Char B   2024-09-29 13:18:38
Corporate Responsibility

Corporate responsibility has become a vital expectation for businesses in today’s global landscape, as stakeholders increasingly demand accountability for social and environmental impacts. Companies are now recognizing that their operations extend beyond profit generation; they must also consider their effects on communities, the environment, and the economy. This includes adopting sustainable practices, ensuring fair labor conditions, and actively contributing to local development. By integrating corporate social responsibility (CSR) into their core strategies, businesses can foster trust, enhance brand reputation, and drive long-term growth. Furthermore, transparent reporting on social and environmental performance not only holds companies accountable but also encourages industry-wide standards. As consumers prioritize ethical practices, corporations that embrace responsibility can create positive change while aligning with the values of their customers and employees.

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Millyvanilly   2023-11-17 11:41:19 (Last post: 2024-09-25 20:51:20)
Corporate Silence

My average carbon footprint is 8994kg, which compared to the average American, is quite low, but comparing to the average person overseas, is quite high. Currently I am trying harder to conserve water by taking shorter showers and running the dishwasher instead of handwashing. I'm also trying to limit my single use plastic intake and invest in reusable alternatives. Although I am trying to take more accountability for my environmentally unfriendly actions, I'm wondering when big corporations will, when will they stop sweeping their overuse of fossil fuels or plastic under the rug? What are THEY doing to reduce carbon footprint? Or are they being silenced by the fossil fuel industry in return for money? When will they tell us the truth and stop increasing co2 emissions?

EzquielC   2024-02-02 10:51:27

As long as they are motivated by money, they are probably not ever gonna stop unless the government does something about it, plus some corporates are even backed up by the government.

connor4412   2024-09-25 09:53:41

I agree. While Millyvanilly's efforts are obviously beneficial to the environment, and should be continued and adopted by more, I think the overarching issue is companies. If companies do take responsibility for their footprint and ACTUALLY make an effort to change it, then we can expect a more systemic change. Companies are pushing us to use paper bags while everything you see in a grocery store is wrapped in plastic. While I do think that individual efforts are important, companies need to change and the government needs to step in.

London0729   2024-09-25 10:18:13

Many grocery stores and restaurants overstock and waste 100s of pounds of food per year. Although there are corporations and groups trying to speak out against this, but these companies stay silent and continue to waste food. If we want to see a change in this behavior, we have to all work together to protest.

Loic1234567890   2024-09-25 10:21:50

Conner i disagree with you because it starts with you

jemmmm   2024-09-25 20:51:20

Replying to Loic1234567890: It is somewhat true that it "starts with you"; we should all do what we can to decrease our carbon footprint. BUT, part of the reason people's carbon footprints are so big is because companies don't make cheap, sustainable products. As Connor mentioned, many things in grocery stores are wrapped in plastic, and often those plastic-wrapped products are cheaper; many people can't afford to have a lower carbon footprint.

https://instituteofsustainabilitystudie … -products/

Here is an article that may be useful.

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Junlelle   2023-11-08 00:12:29 (Last post: 2024-09-25 10:16:36)
Green-washing: A harmful and misleading tactic

It is estimated that companies produce over 70% of the greenhouse gases within our atmosphere, to combat this it is imperative that consumers spend their money at companies that don't heavily contribute to greenhouse gasses. However, this is not as simple of a task as one may think.
As society has become more aware of their ecological footprints more and more people have been trying to lessen their impact, many people express the ideals of buying products that are better for the environment or “zero waste”. However, like most things, corporations have found a way to capitalize on this. Green-washing is when a company states that a product is eco-friendly or better for the environment, yet, most of the time the positive effect that this product will have is very minimal. To make it even worse most of these companies don’t actually care about the environment, to put it plainly they use green-washing as a marketing strategy. Companies will often charge more for these products, and people will buy, as society has begun to shift into prioritizing sustainability.
Additionally, these companies will often make vague claims that have no proof to back it up, which is incredibly harmful because this will eliminate trust between companies and consumers, making it even harder to get people to buy eco-friendly products. Greenwashing is also harmful because it can make people believe that something is sustainable when it isn’t. This can be especially seen in ads, Google has made millions off of greenwashing ads for big oil companies. These companies singly-handedly provide for around 23% percent of the Global carbon footprint, and that's just carbon, think about all the other greenhouse gases that are likely released.
Companies are thriving off of lying and faking sustainability, they create mistrust between consumers and companies and place profit over the sustainability of our planet. If we continue to allow these corporations to mislead people we are never going to have any progression towards a healthier earth. Corporations should stop greenwashing and need to start actually caring about their ecological and carbon footprint before it's too late.
Sources/further resources:
https://mashable.com/feature/carbon-foo … paign-sham
https://ccsi.columbia.edu/content/oil-s … ate-change
https://makersite.io/insights/whitepape … enwashing/
https://counterhate.com/blog/google-mak … of-cop-27/

carbonara123   2023-11-09 16:09:23

The European union is taking actions to reduce/ban greenwashing by banning certain greenwashing buzzwords such as “environmentally friendly”,“natural”, “biodegradable”, “climate neutral” or “eco” without proof of recognized excellent environmental performance relevant to the claim. Unproven claims of durability relative to time or intensity under normal conditions will not be allowed and "claims based on emissions offsetting schemes that a product has neutral, reduced or positive impact on the environment."

stationary   2024-09-25 09:17:13

It's really good that we are recognizing and sharing how big corporations are making money off the climate crisis. I wonder if there is a petition or something that we could sign to share this topic further?

connor4412   2024-09-25 09:44:52

I do agree that company responsibility is more important than individual effort. While personal changes like using a paper straw make a difference, it is incredibly small and unimportant in comparison to the companies that as Junielle stated, are producing a vast majority of the emissions. I think that the idea of green-washing is also important, and should be government regulated.

S-cargo   2024-09-25 10:16:36

I agree that greenwashing is dangerous as we undergo the process of becoming more sustainable. I believe that there should be stricter restrictions for products to be called "green" or "sustainable."

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Loic1234567890   2024-09-25 10:04:08 (Last post: 2024-09-25 10:10:28)
Is climate changed cause by larger companies or by our own emmissions?

The answer is both, but i think its more important to change the way bigger companies operate to sway the public into watching their own emission's.

Evanon11   2024-09-25 10:06:06

I agree

Loic1234567890   2024-09-25 10:08:12

thank you evan

S-cargo   2024-09-25 10:08:37

I believe that climate change is effected more by large governments and corporations, and because of this, they should hold most of the responsibility to work against climate change. It is unrealistic to expect individual actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions alone.

SkibidiSigma   2024-09-25 10:10:28

I think that climate change is more affected by larger companies but our own emissions are still important

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Dashiell_D   2024-03-22 07:52:37 (Last post: 2024-05-12 22:03:36)
Environmental focuses for big corporations

I believe that large corporations need to put more of an effort towards saving and conserving the natural world. Big producers of plastic and other wast polluting our oceans and the environment around us need to slow and even stop the production of many harmful products and switch to more renewable recyclable and efficient alternatives. We need to put more of an effort towards supporting corporations that use and produce these efficient alternative products. We also need to put forward more of an effort to start supporting organizations that clean up and fix the messes made by these large and wasteful businesses.

jouzBOD   2024-05-12 22:03:36

I agree with this. Big company's produce a lot of carbon with their factories, and then have non degradable packaging. Both are bad for the environment, but since it is out of our control, we should do our best to control what we buy/support and dispose of our waste properly. If one wants to even support further, they can volunteer to pick up trash, or to help support company's trying to be eco friendly. It shouldn't be other organizations duties to pick up after these other polluting companies, but it should be whoever caused the problem. Usually the more eco friendly option is going to be more expensive at the end of the day, as being more eco friendly is more expensive.

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chri_szun   2023-11-01 11:32:50 (Last post: 2024-05-08 12:49:58)
Who's To Blame?

For some people, it’s easy to live your life with only the bare essentials, but for others, it’s hard to discern between if they need something or if they really want something. Now, if you really want to get argumentative, practically everything can be written off as a “want”, including clothes in the summer, blankets in the winter, and umbrellas in rainy days. This is why it’s so easy to berate someone for wanting material possessions, while at the same time you can just as easily wave the blame off of yourself for getting a new muffler for your bike. It’s when you think about how we have been living for centuries without a dire need for anything, and that we’ve been living in excess for so long, that you realize that the question changes from “Do you really need it?”, to “Is my purchase of this item really what’s causing all of this?”. We’ve known that CO2 emissions have been rising ever since the Industrial Revolution, and the main driver of global warming is most likely not the customers that buy the products, but the manufacturers that pump out incredible amounts of waste in a landfill they call products, and don’t even stop for a second to think about their impact on the environment. The environment isn’t solely in the hands of you and whether you decide to buy that Hydroflask or not, but it’s up to the companies that dump tons of oil into the ocean, the same companies that use the energy that just so happens to be the most damaging to the environment. Now, I’m not saying to be mindful of your impact on the environment, in fact, I support those who “reduce, reuse, recycle” and don’t buy tons of environmentally-damaging plastics. What I’m saying is: Be mindful of your waste, but please don’t beat yourself or others up about it. Buy more organic options at the store, support your local farmers and business owners and avoid the companies that emit the larger percentage of the world’s carbon, but please, don’t force yourself or anybody to live a life that you/they don’t want when the real problem is out of your hands.

rcmq   2023-11-11 21:27:04

I agree. Everyone can go on in life without all the excessive things we often buy but many of us can't bring ourselves to agree with this. I know of people who frequently go shopping on a daily basis for things that and very nice to have, but not necessary. Things like celebrity fans rushing to purchase the most recent merch, people immediately buying the latest design that their favourite brand just dropped, and those who are shopping for their 9th pair of shoes are all common examples of how we buy what we want, not need. We have the luxury of getting to choose what we want to buy. Those people in under-developed countries and places don't have this choice. They can only make use of what they find and what they are given. Yet you still see them making the best out of it unlike us who want more and more even if our current item is still in usable condition. All these small little things add up bit by bit as we continue to contribute to global warming.

tublBOD   2024-05-08 12:49:58

I agree a lot with this. Currently, I feel like average, everyday people are blamed and made to feel bad for problems that are really out of their hands. Sure, the accretion of normal people's carbon emissions is part of it, but when celebrities are emitting the same amount of CO2 in one 15 minute private jet flight than the average household emits in a year, who is really the problem? The average person doesn't have even a fraction of the influence and power a politician or celebrity has. Telling people the climate crisis is their fault is a hugely mistaken perspective to take. Most families have no option but to buy clothes that are not sustainably made or to buy cheap, non-organic, non-local produce and food. Shaming other people for the choices they make surrounding sustainability is in no way going to help. Change doesn't come from a few people being "perfect", it comes from a lot of people making small, everyday improvements.

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jacopo006   2024-04-26 10:42:08
responsabilità aziendale

Industries are among the main sources of environmental pollution, releasing gases and toxic substances into the air, water, and soil. To reduce this impact, companies can adopt clean technologies, such as renewable energies and efficient production processes, to decrease greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, improving waste management through recycling and waste reduction, and promoting a sustainability-oriented corporate culture can help mitigate industrial pollution and protect the environment.

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Maurizios   2024-04-26 08:48:12
Money over planet's wellbeing

Companies have a crucial responsibility in addressing global warming. They must prioritize sustainable practices, reduce emissions, and invest in renewable energy sources.
By taking proactive measures, companies can mitigate their carbon footprint and contribute to a healthier planet for future generations.
However, as long as companies prioritize short-term profit over the well-being of the planet, change remains an illusion. It is essential for companies to realign their financial priorities towards sustainable investments and eco-friendly practices. Only then can we hope to reverse the trend of global warming and protect our environment for future generations

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LElizabethUSA   2024-04-23 09:57:48
The Impact of Conventional/Industrial Agriculture

The harvesting of crops on large, industrial farms is a process that pollutes the environment. Industrial agriculture often relies on a variety of different pesticides, whether for insects, invasive plants, or rodents. While these pesticides may be beneficial for the growth of the crop, they pose a risk to other organisms that were not its target. According to toxicologist Jesse Meiller at Georgetown University, "...the rain that falls on land where herbicides and insecticides are applied can cause soil and pesticides to run off into local waterways. Organisms that live in those waterways — including fish, invertebrates and even larval stages of insects — can be exposed to these pesticides." The pesticides that the agricultural industry so often uses, if used excessively, can cause harm to organisms unintentionally. Pesticides are also incredibly toxic to humans. According to a pie chart from the National Library of Medicine, the effects of herbicides, the most common pesticide, include liver damage, tremors, and dermal irritation.
Other than pesticides, the agriculture industry also consumes a lot of fossil fuels. According to the Emory Office of Sustainable Initiatives, the agriculture industry accounts for,”approximately 19% of the total use of fossil fuels in the United States. It takes about 7.3 units of (primarily) fossil energy to produce one unit of food energy in the U.S. food system.”
In conclusion, the use of pesticides and fossil fuels by the agriculture industry is harmful to people and the environment.

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Dea_USA   2024-04-23 05:25:58 (Last post: 2024-04-23 05:27:23)
Corporate Responsibility Suggestion

Encourage better business practices. This would encourage them to find better sources of power so they would reduce carbon because they won’t want to pay the carbon tax. The research for pollution clean-up has come a long way. Places like MIT have developed a new system that would basically pull carbon out of the sky, and businesses could pay to enact it. If businesses took responsibility for their pollution and helped to clean it they would be contributing to the solution. Right now businesses just get away with their unsustainable practices and it is a very harmful system. If there was an actually enforced law to make businesses pay for the amount of emissions they produce we may actually be able to afford clean-up. Converting to sustainable practices would boost business popularity as the public would want to support environmentally conscious businesses. It would be more expensive to enact and production might be down for a little while but if it’s between something and nothing a business still wants to make money. It would cost businesses 70 dollars per ton of greenhouse gas emissions. 35 countries currently have a carbon tax, the US does not have one and it needs one. Every country could benefit from a carbon tax on businesses because every country contributes to emissions. Businesses make up 70% of emissions and 5,489 million metric tons came from the US in 2022 alone. If corporations were required to pay the carbon tax we would have $384,230,000, based on the 2022 statistics, that could go toward cleanup technology and or operations to improve the environment. The only place that had a failed implementation of carbon tax so far was Australia. Most carbon tax prices fall somewhere between 69-73 US dollars per ton, 70 USD seems like a relatively reasonable amount if it were implemented worldwide. Businesses would have a choice between contributing to clean-up operations, new technology, or even planting trees. They would be given an opportunity to be a part of groundbreaking technology that would pull their harmful emissions out of the atmosphere. It would be expensive and many businesses would dislike it but if they keep going the way they are, the world won’t be here to continue running their business. We have to save the planet from these corporations that are left to be destructively unchecked.
Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks
https://www.google.com/url?q=https://ww … 74bDHkl0rJ
https://www.theecoexperts.co.uk/blog/mo … -companies

Dea_USA   2024-04-23 05:27:23

https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/invent … d%20sector.
(The Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks link)

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GasparRay   2024-04-23 02:14:04 (Last post: 2024-04-23 03:31:40)
Corporate responsibility

Are big corporations really acknowledging this problem? Or is it that they claim to be to not be attacked by protestors?

Carl2010good   2024-04-23 03:31:40

It’s happy to hear that Taiwan’s coal industry will minimize their production by half in 2030 and completely stop using coal completely by 2060. But this is just Taiwan. What about the rest 200 countries? Like the US, Germany, or India? All they want is money and when the time comes that people can breathe fresh air outside, there is nothing they can do about it but keep the money for themselves, making the poor suffer and rich live life like in a video game. The human population on Earth can die out by 2200 if we don’t stop climate change and major cities in Florida and Pakistan by 2100 will be flooded. What would million’s of people do? They can’t just make a new home when the air outside isn’t good to breathe. Big cooperations will always deny the truth for example the Taiwan Formosa claims to not use their chimneys. But at night when everyone is a sleep or when it is very cloudy, they would turn them on and you would barely notice it. So I think, in general, big corporations don’t acknowledge this problem.

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Lucía Pastor   2022-04-22 11:47:07 (Last post: 2024-04-23 03:31:36)
We buy things that are not necessary.

My carbon footprint is 7285kgs, which is not much since in my country there is an average of 6968kgs of carbon emitted. However, I could try to reduce it even more because I make some mistakes when it comes to protecting the environment. I should use fewer plastic bags when I carry my lunch to school and take a Tupper so I wouldn’t waste that unnecessary amount of plastic.
On the transport matter, I can’t do much to change the quantity of carbon that I emit because I live far from the city and from my high school so, I have to travel by car. Despite that, I could try to avoid the car whenever I can and walk as much as possible.
To conclude, I think that our society in general is very consumerist, and we buy a lot of things that we don’t really need such as food or clothes. I think that we as a group should try to consume less and just buy the necessary to live and not waste.

VELOKAMISY   2022-04-27 23:27:19

Yah, I am in the same case of you. I have a big carbon footprint. I use recycle bag to not use plastic bag and pollute the earth. Sometimes I use my bike or walk when it is possible, my high school it's very far from my home too, so the morning I walk to go at school but to go back home I take the bus. I would like to more discuss about that because I like the environnment so if you want you can come dicuss with me on my email adress: lymu.49@gmail.com

Joy Rothberg   2022-11-06 17:03:49

There is no voice too small to make the slightest or biggest impact on a situation that will, as time goes on, affect every human being on a global scale.

Corporations can indeed do more to combat climate change, by acknowledging their involvement and the effects they've had on their carbon footprint. Straws, for example, especially plastic ones, have made a dramatic shift in the retail and restaurant industry. It was only after advocates for those impacted by these plastic straws made their voices heard to stop the devasting effects they had had on turtles in the ocean and marine animals, in a more general sense.

We can only voice our opinion in rallies and peaceful protests to push change, and hopefully see change in response and acknowledgment of the efforts made by the protesters.

Joy Rothberg   2022-11-06 17:05:13

To rephrase what was said above by me, in terms of what we can do to voice our opinions, I would like to add that rallies and peaceful protests are ways in which we can promote and encourage change, but it is not limited to these actions.

folklore   2023-11-02 14:09:12

Every little thing that can be done to slow down climate change is important, but it doesn’t make that much of a difference unless everyone is doing it. While we should still do as much as we can individually, it would be more impactful if we could convince other people in our community to do small things as well. Perhaps we could buy reusable grocery bags for neighbors so they aren’t using plastic ones and offer to carpool with friends to save gas. A single person's low carbon footprint means nothing if it’s surrounded by high ones. The everyday lifestyle and norms participated in by everyone (especially in America) are the things that need to be changed the most.

159C519   2023-11-02 17:32:02

I also agree,
My carbon footprint was 18,464 and I did not think that my carbon footprint would actually be that high. Though my carbon footprint was so high because of transportation, so if I cut down the amount of trips that I take each year by plane and instead of taking a car ride to places, walking it would help decrease it drastically. There are many ways to reduce our carbon footprints drastically, but there is a difference between reading about them and acting upon them.

Pakhin   2023-11-03 08:53:49

I agree with you, we should try to buy more necessary things and less waste. And I recommend using a bike to travel to your high school, although it may not be a necessary item to have to live but it emits less greenhouse gases than the car. And instead of walking to your school and having to worry about waking up early and being late to school the bike would be faster than walking or running.

RyoC123   2023-11-27 09:09:48

I have a carbon footprint of around 17,000 kgs per year, but only 382 kgs of it comes from purchases. I believe that most corporations quite literally do not care about the environment and are only looking towards making bigger profits. We as consumers can always try and buy things that are friendly to the environment and use recyclable or reusable bags, but the corporations themselves are the ones that need to put their huge amount of money towards helping combat climate change.

habaCPS   2024-04-22 22:01:49

I would say that I have a pretty high carbon footprint unfortunately due to using planes for transportation but I wouldn't say my purchases or buying of more goods significantly affects my carbon footprint. With that being said, I think every individual can do a little bit to improve the world around us whether that is taking fewer flights or buying fewer items that could be harmful to the environment. I believe our own consumerism has led to the acceleration of some impacts of climate change but I also don't think it is even close to the primary source of pollution or the degradation of our environment. It is always important to look within but to only look at ourselves I believe is completely letting corporations off the hook for their part in this problem. Many of them claim to have carbon-neutral goals that they haven't put the effort into hitting and instead would rather feed into consumerism for their own profits than try to make an impact on our environment. Consumers will always pollute way less than the corporation will contribute to greenhouse gas emissions through activities such as energy production, transportation, manufacturing, and agriculture. The extraction and use of fossil fuels, as well as deforestation and land-use change, are significant drivers of corporate emissions. Stats such as these: "Since 1988, just 100 companies have been responsible for 71% of global greenhouse gas emissions. In addition to this, only 25 corporations and state-owned organizations were found to be responsible for over 50% of the global industrial emissions2 during the same time period," really show how much corporations influence this issue. This is the source for the stat: https://sites.manchester.ac.uk/global-s … e%20period.
In conclusion, I think looking inwards at ourselves is important and how we fall victim to consumerism and use some types of transportation that are particularly harmful but we also must hold corporations accountable because they will always cause way more harm than any individual.

Camille6321:   2024-04-23 03:31:36

Yeah, I agree. As humans, we should try to buy the necessary things instead of junk we use one day and throw away the other so that there could be less pollution in the world. Most people's carbon footprint result is very high due to transportation. I had about 20,000 kgs in the section of transportation. This is mostly due to flights worldwide (about 15 hours). My result was also high because I travel in a car and don't use bikes to get from one location to another frequently. However, some days I walk depending on the distance. As we all know, humans should use bikes and walk to get to locations instead of always using their cars. Cars produce about 1.5 billion tons of greenhouse gases (GHGs) into the atmosphere each year. That is a lot! Therefore if we want to make the world a better place and cleaner we should start taking action now.

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Yoyo Cheng   2024-04-17 00:36:55 (Last post: 2024-04-23 03:25:25)
Water as power?

Water as power is very cheap and easy to use. Sea water is most of the water in the world, yet we still don’t use it as normal and it will be very good for the enviornment. Use water as an efficent power source will be easy and will help a lot to the enviornment seeing that power is most of the carbon footprint we use.

Marcfoo   2024-04-22 01:31:31

I agree with you because water can be used as power. We can farm this from sea water since there is so much of it. This is also good for the environment because it can suck carbon dioxide out of the air.

GasparRay   2024-04-23 02:18:43

water is a possibility and is good for the environment, but considering that big corporations that use gas as fuel would want efficiency I don't see it being that realistic. Big corporations care for money there are only a handful that actually do care and most of those aren't that successful. So although it's a possibility it's not realistic.

Carl2010good   2024-04-23 03:25:25

GasparRay is right. Companies are greedy by not saving the planet, but by earning money. But when there is no Earth to get money, what are they going to do? If we use water and companies are not greedy enough, half of climate change would disappear and it’s a possibility that we can use this new invention to cars. Japan has already started to make cars based of water but I don’t think it would be likely because oil companies will just pay a lot of money to stop production or they would collapse financially. So it is a 50/50 chance water can be used as power.

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penk   2023-11-14 22:33:40 (Last post: 2024-03-22 06:17:02)
Corporate Greed

One of the things that disgusts me the most in this world is human greed. Take Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk for example, the amount of money they have could do so much good in this world. Using even 1% (even that is way more money than the average person will see in their lifetime) of Elon Musk's fortune could help countries invest in sustainable energy practices, carbon capture technology, and more. However instead of using any of their fortune for good. They decide to raise their prices even more, because apparently inflation effects them so drastically. Apparently a 14.8% raise in average transaction price is so important to maintain an acceptable standard of living for billionaires. And the fact they decide to just not pay their taxes because they just don't want to means it is okay for them to do so. In conclusion most billionaires a selfish, greedy, pigs who don't deserve anything good in their lives and are doing so much harm that I wish them all extremely painful death.

willa_yetman   2024-03-22 06:17:02

I agree you and with the fact that people like Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk have so much money that they should, and could donate, and contribute their wealth to help with climate change. These two people and many more could act on climate change and encourage others to do the same. An idea for them is to invest money into research surrounding climate change and how it affects the planet. Although I agree with this, I do not share the wish for all of them to extremely painful death. This in my view is taking it too far. Although they are not using their money in a very wise manner, we do not need to wish them painful death.

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Junlelle   2023-11-08 00:13:34
Does our, the average person’s, Carbon Footprint Truly Matter: The Pat

It is estimated that, during 2015, the richest 10% accounted for 49% of the global CO2 emissions while the 50% of the world in lower income brackets only accounted for a mere 7%. Some of our world’s richest billionaires also produce 1,000,000 times the amount of CO2 than the amount emitted by 90% of people. However, it is never the billionaires that are seen or heavily encouraged to “go green”, no billionaires count their carbon/ecological footprint. Even if every person decreased their carbon footprints to zero a mere 125 billionaires will have created 395 million metric tons of carbon emissions. So why are we, the people that are barely accounting for anything trying to cut down our emissions? Will it really make a difference?
I am not trying to say that regular people should stop caring about their carbon/ecological footprint, but rather that the drastic changes that need to be made in society are not by the general public but by large corporations and by our world’s top 10%. If even one rich/famous person, I will use Taylor Swift as an example, stopped flying on private jets then that would account for 1,000 people not using any energy in their homes for a year. All it would take is the banning of private jets/flights and tens of thousands of energy would be preserved. Or if the governments of the world were to regulate carbon emissions of major corporations, especially big oil, then our global ecological footprint would most likely go down by a lot, especially since Big Oil produces an approximated 5.1 billion metric tons of greenhouse gases. Such major changes should be made instead of regulating average people’s everyday lives.

Sources/Additional Resources:
    https://www.iea.org/commentaries/the-wo … e-bottom-1
    https://www.theguardian.com/environment … ding-study
    https://www.scientificamerican.com/arti … hy-people/
    https://www.iea.org/commentaries/the-wo … e-bottom-1
    https://www.npr.org/2022/11/09/11354467 … -emissions
    https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/08/billion … oxfam.html
    https://time.com/6208632/celebrities-cl … ts-yachts/
    https://www.iea.org/reports/emissions-f … ransitions

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587048   2023-11-05 15:30:23 (Last post: 2023-11-06 07:38:41)
Why Fast Fashion is Morally Wrong

You've probably seen websites/apps like Shein or Zara or any other website that sells clothes solely on line. If that's the case then you've most definitely seen reports of these "online stores" having terrible working conditions and even forcing people to work very long shifts with little to no breaks. In an article by Time Magazine, It stated "...a documentary by the U.K.’s Channel 4 found that Shein employees were working 75-hour shifts with very little time off." China’s Labor Contract Law states that employees should not work over eight hours each day or 40 hours per week.(china.acclime.com). Not only does Shein violate labor laws, but the amount of CO2 they put into the atmosphere is insane. In the same article by time magazine, it says "the manufacturers’ rapid use of virgin polyester and large consumption of oil churns out the same amount of CO2 as approximately 180 coal-fired power plants...As a result, the company leaves about 6.3 million tons of carbon dioxide a year in its trail..."
In conclusion, Shein and just about any other online fashion store is bad for the environment and their workers.

Louisa Schwarm   2023-11-05 23:46:49

I agree that fast fashion is bad for both the environment and the rights of workers in the industry. However, completely abandoning the industry is risky. Due to the poor quality of fast fashion, the price is relatively inexpensive which makes it more affordable for people to purchase. Additionally, despite the poor working conditions it does provide some jobs for people and if people boycotted the industry, millions of people would be left without a job.

Leonardo123   2023-11-06 07:38:41

i agree that fashion is also bad for the enviroment because it can cause alot of stress with wasting money and bills.Also i agree that and if people keep going for fashion it can give a better change to the people and could go to a good cost

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Insidethisbucket   2023-11-03 18:26:14
Illegal Bilge Dumping From Container Ships

A cargo ship produces tons of used oil, detergents, and chemicals every day. This mix is supposed to be treated and then disposed of on land, but this is often not the case. Most crews don't comply with these laws, they pump the toxic sludge into the sewage tank and into the sea. This is done to lose weight and lower costs for businesses that operate on tight schedules. We can use satellites to find spills, Skytruth operates a satellite and found more than 1500 potentially illegal dumps around the world over 18 months. Spills quickly dissipate making them harder to trace and killing billions of microorganisms like plankton and fish larva, destroying ecosystems. Policing 100s of thousands of container ships is an impossible task. We don't even have an estimate of how many incidents there are as they happen out at sea. The figure for the estimate of oil spilt could be as height as 55,000,000 Gallons(208,197,648 Liters). How laws are enforced differ from country to country and range in punishments.

https://www.copernicus.eu/en/copernicus … g-overview

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AdrielC   2023-11-03 11:38:28
Corporate Responsibility

Big corporations have a very large influence of the carbon emissions.  Corporations have been the cause of about 70% of all the carbon emissions, showing that these corporations should be doing more to reduce the emissions. Because of this, a single person doing their best to reduce carbon emissions will not make a difference, but as a group of people, we are able to convince many corporations to take steps in order to reduce their carbon emissions.

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Yoyo-ma from Fulpies Official   2022-10-27 04:31:54 (Last post: 2023-11-03 09:06:53)
Work we all can do

We are have to make sure we aren’t wasting things, do next time you go to the market and buy stuff, think if it is all necessary. Also, when you want to drive a round trip around, considering you bike is a very good idea. Also, check the lights, is it really needed now? These problems have to be considered to save the planet

Ella.dumars   2022-11-05 11:07:10

I agree. In large stores, your logical decision-making power can dwindle rapidly. Therefore, it's harder to make purchases that you know you'll absolutely need for the foreseeable future or are guaranteed to eat. We need to be more diligent about making purposeful purchases in supermarkets and other stores.

Agampreet Singh   2022-11-05 14:30:40

Exactly! It is so common nowadays to overlook how much food, water, and electricity we use and waste on a day-to-day basis. I like the way you said, "Is it really needed now?" People need to ask themselves this question more often when using electricity or buying things from the store. Some people may want to say, "Oh, it's okay, it was only on for a few hours," or "It's fine, it's only one bag of apples, it won't hurt anyone if I toss it." Even if it's just a couple of hours or just one pack, it will add up as more and more people keep up this habit. If EVERYONE is just doing a little bit, it can very quickly become a lot.

Kevind4   2023-11-03 09:06:53

This is a great point, I saw survey done by Slickdeals saying that 73% of purchases are not planned before and are made on the spot at the store. If we just planned out our grocery routes a bit better we could reduce our footprint by a sizable amount.

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Nay@ML   2023-11-02 17:19:57
we have power over companies

Since companies operate on the principles of supply and demand, we have the power to change things through what we buy and from whom. The less we buy products that cause harm to the environment, whether in use or when made, the less profitable it will be for the companies to produce these products, and so they will make these things less, or even stop making them entirely. This doesn’t mean it is our responsibility for companies actions, it is important for them to govern their own actions, but when they do not, we can do something about it.

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folklore   2023-11-01 22:09:32
Corporation's Major role in Climate Change

Although everyone’s individual carbon footprint is still important, nothing one person could ever do will ever make an impact on the damage big corporations do. For example, Amazon emitted seventy-one million five hundred forty thousand metric tons of carbon, according to CNBC. Inspire Clean Energy said the average person around the world produces four tons of carbon per day. That means that it would take seventeen million eight hundred eighty-five thousand individuals to create the same amount of carbon as Amazon. This number is of course not completely accurate because it’s an average. Someone from America would have a much higher carbon output than someone in India or almost anywhere in the world. In my opinion in most places people don’t need to work on their carbon footprint all that much, America is my exception to that. Another piece of information I got from Inspire Clean Energy is that the average American produces twenty metric tons of carbon, that means it would only take three million five hundred seventy-seven thousand individuals from America to produce the same amount of carbon as Amazon. That is a sixty-seven million nine hundred sixty-three thousand person difference from the original number using the world average. That all being said, even with all Americans the corporation beat them by miles.

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seth_1   2023-11-01 19:13:12
Corporate responsability

After reading a lot of other people's posts about this topic I was horrified. I mean, 100 corporations resulted in 71% of CO2 emissions??? (Thanks to @ARWENB for this info) That's insane, and where I live we can sometimes see this. When I drive down to West Sacramento, I see this line of factories, and coming from that line of factories are clouds of smog polluting the air. In less than a minute I saw billowing puffs escape into the sky, and I wondered, if all that is released into our atmosphere in less than a minute, by a tine line of factories somewhere in California, how long can this go on for? This is barely 0.5% of all the factories in the world, how is our sky not grey yet? Since the Industrial Revolution, our atmosphere has been filled with smog! It's terrifying to see and even more terrifying to think of the consequences.

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Aaqil   2023-11-01 12:26:48
Our course of action

When you think of the people mainly responsible for climate change, who do you think of? The first thing that comes to mind when I think of big companies is extracting fossil fuels and deforestation for agriculture. It's our choice whether to accept it or not. These companies rely on us for their power and profits because we are the ones buying their products. The sole focus of these companies is their financial success, so if we refuse to support them, they'll discontinue. We need more than just recycling to make a significant impact on climate change. We need to change the big things, we are in more control of them than we realize. As much as I wish they would, we all know that these companies aren’t going to take responsibility for their actions, which is why we need to take responsibility for ours. Before we fight against these companies and blame them for what they are doing wrong, we need to think about how our actions tie in. I’m not trying to defend them, because what they’re doing is wrong and they should admit that instead of denying it; but how can you protest against deforestation, and fossil fuel extraction, but still use gas to fuel your car, electricity in your home or continue to eat meat at every meal? I know that we won't be able to change right away, it will take time and it won't be easy, but we need to start looking for more sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives to our everyday lifestyle. When we have done that then we will hold all the power against these companies.

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Miraloma2026#20canet   2022-11-04 15:15:25 (Last post: 2023-10-31 10:49:58)
Should large companies set aside money to help the enviroment?

Large companies such as starbucks have begun using paper straws instead of plastic straws, should other companies begin setting aside money to protect the enviroment?

Gurung   2023-10-31 10:49:58

I agree but at the same time, I don't because big companies like Starbucks need financial income for the company and employees in order for the company run properly while helping out the environment by fixing the cause of the problem in their institution in order to contribute to the environment.

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Tc09   2023-10-31 09:22:22
Corporations and carbon emissions

Big corporations have a responsibility to manage and lower their own carbon emissions. When huge, wealthy groups are playing such a big role in the climate crisis, the individual person is almost completely powerless. The people in charge of these organizations have a responsibility, to themselves, future generations, and the well-being of our planet to lower their own emissions.
In addition, I believe that as a society we need to start taking measures to bring down these corporations ourselves. We have normalized industries like the fossil fuel business, which emits such a large amount of greenhouse gases in comparison to other industries. We have already begun to take measures, such as switching over to electric cars and installing solar panels in our homes, but it is nowhere near enough. As a group of people, we need to move completely away from fossil fuels and other ways of energy that are so damaging to our environment. If we ourselves are not willing to take the steps to save our own planet, how can we expect to get these corporations to do the same? As long as there is demand and money, they will continue to do what they do. We need to make a point.

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PendomwalBOD   2023-05-16 12:47:41 (Last post: 2023-10-30 10:45:47)
Boycotting Corporations Using Fossil Fuels

Attempting to end climate change as a whole is something that will take many many years, but there are actions that not just people can take, but also huge companies and factories can take to make those years shorten. The biggest contributor to climate change would have to be oil, coal, and gas. Probably the biggest cause of the vast amount of CO2 we have in the atmosphere now would be because of CO2 human made activities. The man made factories of huge companies are contributing to the amount of greenhouse gasses being put into the atmosphere by continuing to use fossil fuels being taken from the ground, while also burning immense amounts of coal. When fossil fuels are burned, they release large amounts of carbon dioxide into the air and pollute it (2019, ClientEarth). Not only do these greenhouse gasses cause climate change, but they also create huge health risks for the human population, especially the people that have to live close to the factories that burn them everyday. While the easiest thing to say is to just tell the companies to stop using fossil fuels, it isn’t as easy as that. Fossil fuels have been used for over 200 years and are especially used by some of the largest companies for make some of the most popular products for human consumption. It may seem like trying to end the use of fossil fuels in factories isn’t really something the average person could help to stop, it actually very well could be. While this would take a long amount of time, if everyone boycotted companies that burn fossil fuels and stopped purchasing their products, they would run out of business, eventually being shut down, unless they stop contributing greenhouse gasses. Shutting down these companies would cause  such a huge reduction in the amount of CO2 being put into the air, but it would take the commitment of almost the whole population to stop it. If everyone could reduce their purchases from corporates responsible for using green house gasses, I believe that the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere would change drastically within years.

yungg   2023-10-30 10:45:47

I understand your concern but is this realistic? Companies produce about 70% of all GCG emissions and the top ones aren't located in the United States. Yes, you can boycott them but what is that going to do for you? Assuming you have a car and you need it to travel, boycotting these companies will make you homeless. I understand you're point and yes it is an issue that needs to be changed, but looking at this realistically this isn't an appropriate approach.

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DYLAN OSB   2023-09-28 10:13:50 (Last post: 2023-10-30 10:38:42)
Corporations are at fault!

Individual action only goes so far. We need government policy to stop massive corporations from destroying our planet!

Sydney22   2023-09-28 10:21:31

I absolutely agree, but I think individuals must also try to hold corporations responsible and not rely on the government to solve everything.

rectorazariyah@gmail.com   2023-10-30 10:20:45

I agree but I also think it is easy to blame corporations because individuals mostly see destruction from the hands of these corporations. It seems as though this hate towards corporations is blinding individuals from taking responsibility for their participation in the destruction of the planet

24heb   2023-10-30 10:29:25

I agree both are at fault

yungg   2023-10-30 10:34:33

You can't blame corporations when corporations make money off the people. I'm sure you shop at a grocery store or order from companies online. If you are gonna blame cooperations you need to take account of the people who use their services, maybe you do.

buffa25   2023-10-30 10:38:42

When you shop at grocery stores, or online, you are contributing to these massive corporations "destroying" the planet. You can't argue that these companies are destroying the planet when you are possibly providing them with the materials to do so. If nobody was buying from them, they would go out of business and we wouldn't have that problem.

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Everettp   2023-09-28 10:40:55 (Last post: 2023-10-30 10:33:09)
Corporations are doing NOTHING!

Corporations are forcing the issue onto individual responsibility and making it seem like there is nothing they can do when they have many alternative options to turn to. Companies like Shell that sell gasoline, which contains oil and when burned releases lots of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, are trying to decelerate the speed of the climate crisis protest.

Zoe23   2023-10-30 10:14:45

This is so true, and it's especially infuriating because Shell and Exxon push so much carbon footprint messaging. If the public believes the climate crisis is the fault of individuals, they can continue to avoid responsibility.

yungg   2023-10-30 10:20:00

I mean this is true but what else are they going to do? Not everybody is going to convert to using a gas alternative like electricity, it is not a war on cooperation but between people. If you want anything to change then people problems must be addressed first.

Connor Brown   2023-10-30 10:33:09

That's kinda just a blanket statement there are some corporations that are doing good for the world. If you just blame corporations for everything then your probably not gonna end up finding a good solution to fixing these problems.

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brlilBOD   2023-05-16 16:38:43 (Last post: 2023-05-16 16:40:24)
Corporate responsibility

Corporate responsibility is very important, and a large contributor to climate change. according to the natural resources defense council, 100 energy companies have been responsible for 71% of all industrial emissions. This means that big corporations have the largest impact on carbon emissions, especially when compared to the average human. Also, many of the products that negatively impact the earth that is used by the average person are made by corporations. The process that food and beverage companies use to make their products results in 630 metric tons of greenhouse gases according to the NRDC. This could be prevented by uses eco-friendly processes of distributing and making these products.

brlilBOD   2023-05-16 16:40:24

Sources- https://www.nrdc.org/bio/josh-axelrod/c … recognized.


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cachBOD   2023-05-15 16:35:12
Corporate Responsibility

Much of the pollution and greenhouse gases released are from the burning of fossil fuels in factories. We need ways to either cut our energy usage or replace fossil fuels with something more environmental friendly, such as bio fuel or renewable energy. Companies need to take responsibility to lessen their carbon footprints which could impact our future. There could a gradual change to reduce pollution so we could slowly get used using more environmental friendly energy. Some ways that could persuade companies into doing so are incentives such as money or land or there could be a law passed to slowly phase out certain fuels or cut back on using them.

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gifoBOD   2023-05-12 00:11:54
Corporate responsibility

One of the biggest problems right now is the current climate issue. Companies such as those in the fossil fuel sector and factory farming, are the majority to blame for past and present carbon emissions. I think that businesses need to do more to lessen their carbon footprint. A study by The Carbon Majors Database found that since 1988, just 100 corporations have produced more than 70% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. This shows the necessity of business action in resolving the climate crisis. What does it mean for businesses to act more responsibly? It means taking action to lessen their carbon footprint, such as using renewable energy sources, increasing energy efficiency, and funding the development of low-carbon technologies. It also means being accountable for their environmental actions and being transparent about their emissions. Getting polluting industries to change their behavior is not easy. Companies must make money for their supporters, which conflicts with the requirement to change emissions. Governments have the power to reward and punish businesses to motivate them to take action. Companies might be subject to a carbon tax, based on their emissions. Corporations would have an incentive to cut back on emissions as a result. Consumer pressure can also be helpful for motivating businesses to take action. Consumers can pay choosing to support companies that are sustainable. This can create a demand for sustainable products and services, which can drive corporations to take action.


The Carbon Majors Database. (2017). https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable … ate-change
Climate Action Tracker. (2021). https://climateactiontracker.org/global/temperatures/
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. (n.d.). https://unfccc.int/process-and-meetings … convention

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SaSeEsBOD   2023-05-10 17:58:10 (Last post: 2023-05-11 21:18:44)
Governmental Responsibility to the Future Generations

The government has a responsibility to help and protect the lives of future generations. We are nowhere near where we need to be. The website I used said that by 2100, a third of Florida will be underwater. I know that Florida is a controversial place, however, there are still people that live IN Florida that would loose their homes by the time it gets to 2100.

https://www.greenmatters.com/weather-an … 20reported.

roweBOD   2023-05-11 21:18:44

While Florida may be end up underwater, that is an insignificant amount compared to the total amount of land we will lose if the oceans continue to rise. One of the most notable places that is disappearing due to sea level rise is Venice (a small network of canals, islands, and bridges just off the coast of Italy), which already has sustained serious damage due to sea level rise, but by 2100 it may be entirely underwater! This is due to global warming. Global warming causes massive sheets of ice from both the north and south of the Earth to melt, and when a continent's worth of land ice melts, it rises the water level significantly. This throws off Earth's natural balance in the first place, but it more directly affects the land available to us as humans, a space which is shrinking incredibly rapidly (compared to Earth's rate of change). But how do corporations factor into this? Corporations and commercial production factor for most carbon emitted each year, and that means they factor the most in climate change. The more climate change each year, the more land ice melting there is, and the more sea level rise there is. This means that industry is also the largest contributor to climate change. But in America, at least, I do agree that the government has most of the responsibility for reducing these industry emissions. As they are generally the only larger organizational body with control over these corporations, they must use their power to try and reduce emissions. Luckily, putting these measures in place is predicted to reduce carbon emissions by massive amounts, which will help with the overall effort to reduce global warming. However, what can we do to stop companies from putting such a massive amount of CO2 into the air? We can stop supporting their destructive processes. By protesting against and boycotting carbon heavy industry (trying to force them to change), and trying to get the government to do something about it, we can reduce the emission strain that comes from industry, and reduce the effects of global warming. And if we act fast enough, we might just be able so save the Floridians AND the Venetians from a watery doom.

Sources/Additional Information:
https://www.bbc.com/future/article/2022 … om-sinking
https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/sea … %20sheets.
https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/source … -emissions
https://www.epa.gov/climate-change/clim … nitiatives
https://news.mit.edu/2021/reducing-emis … ustry-0721

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jrayw   2023-05-11 17:34:20
Corporate Responsibility

I think that we should definitely hold large corporations accountable for their significant role in the world's pollution and climate change. These corporations are responsible for a considerable amount of global greenhouse gas emissions. According to 'Economist Impact', fossil fuel companies have contributed to over a third of our world's greenhouse gas emissions since 1965. If we hold these companies accountable then we can boost the motivation for companies to take part in more environmentally friendly ways of business to lower their carbon footprint. To address the global catastrophe and establish a more sustainable future, it is necessary that we hold large corporations accountable for their actions.
https://impact.economist.com/sustainabi … ate-crisis

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MaalBOD   2023-05-10 18:29:54 (Last post: 2023-05-10 18:32:27)
Corporate responsibility

Corporations are responsible for a majority of the world's Carbon output. I think it is important that we address their large contributions to the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. There needs to be regulations on the way large corporations produce and dispose of their products. A lot of these emissions are coming from the top energy conglomerates such as Chevron, PG&E, and many more which have created about 71% of all industrial emissions, but also from food and clothing companies. I found that food companies produce around 630 million tons of emissions per year! These goods take a lot of resources to make, distribute, and sell creating a large carbon footprint. And once a person buys it they use this item and eventually throw it away. Companies are constantly producing things at rapid pasts to keep up with demand. And some of the time clothing or food isn't always bought and is disposed of. These companies need to drastically reduce their emissions. The first step in doing this is accurately tracking how many emissions large companies are making and ensuring that they are accurately reporting. Also, continually upholding an agreement that would have consequences. This is difficult for a single person to do but voting and electing people who care about our environment is essential in getting people's voices heard. Unfourentley, greed, and corporate gain can come before the well-being of humans for these companies. So, spreading awareness and advocating is necessary for our futures and those after us who are at stake if things don't change.

MaalBOD   2023-05-10 18:32:27

I was reading from

https://www.nrdc.org/bio/josh-axelrod/c … wn-and-act

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Otis Crowder   2022-11-04 14:18:54 (Last post: 2023-05-10 16:38:14)
Corporate Emissions

A corporation will produce staggering amounts of greenhouse gases when manufacturing a product or expanding their business operations, making them dominant contributors to global warming. A corporation is also unlikely to change these practices without reason, as it is a company’s goal to gain money, and so it will do whatever is most profitable, disregarding even the most harrowing of environmental concerns. As an example, consider the continued prevalence and innovation of tobacco industries, despite it being proven that smoking causes cancer. In order to discourage corporations from emitting so many greenhouse gases, governments should directly and brutally tax their income if a company’s carbon emissions exceed a scientifically acceptable level.

rachel0120   2022-11-04 14:23:58

I agree, people are unaware and or uncaring of what damage they are causing to our environment due to their need for greed.

embeBOD1   2023-05-10 16:38:14

I agree, corporations are the largest problem and governments should regulate them.
As of 2015, only 100 companies produce 71% of global emissions. That is a huge number, more than ⅔ of total emissions (https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable … ate-change). Clearly, even a small reduction in each company’s emissions could have a large impact on global emissions as a whole. I like your example of the tobacco industry. It highlights how unnecessary most carbon emissions are and how even though there is so much evidence to change, the government needs to step in for change to occur. One way governments can regulate emissions is like you said, through a carbon tax (https://www.c2es.org/content/carbon-tax-basics/). California and other states have already implemented carbon tax plans, so it is not a stretch to say that the United states could implement something similar(https://carboncredits.com/california-carbon-credits-how-does-it work/#:~:text=The%20current%20price%20for%20carbon,at%20~%2430%20per%20ton).

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becrBOD   2023-05-05 10:55:36
Corporate Responsibility

Big companies have always been known to be money hungry by sacrificing our health along with the atmospheres. For example many oil companies emit harmful and toxic chemicals into the atmosphere, not only causing internal health problems to humans, but also destroying parts of our atmosphere. Many large companies also often have a bad habit of mismanaging waste products and those harmful substances are at risk to be accidentally spilt into water systems, causing water pollution, which can be very detrimental to health. Some ways we as a community can help reduce this problem is by not supporting those large companies, and instead supporting environmentally friendly businesses. Although being environmentally friendly is more on the expensive side, if those options are accessible to you, then I would definitely recommend supporting them. For example, you can do something as simple as supporting a small business, like this coffee shop in Oakland that roasts their coffee from a zero emissions roaster and they use alternative sugars in their coffees like coconut sugar and monk fruit sugar that are diabetes friendly. If we all do our part in supporting environmentally friendly businesses and brands then we can help inspire others to do their part and slowly help our atmosphere become healthier once again.
Information:  https://www.unionlawfirm.com/new-york-d … 0illnesses.
https://environmentalintegrity.org/what … d%20States.

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rscrap8   2023-04-27 07:09:14 (Last post: 2023-05-02 13:52:05)
Corporate Responsibility

I find that all corporates that have a damage on our environment should be held responsible and accountable for their actions and have consequences even though it could be a mistake or a accident, they should still have consequences.

Antonela N   2023-05-02 12:10:00

I would agree with your statemant that all corporates have a big impact on climate change and carbon footprint, but the idea of them having consequences is going to be hard to put into the reality therefore there is no way to prove it's just one's mistake. Even though we bring justice to them and they face consequences if that was a fine for them they wouldn't care because they have a lot of money. The only way I see for them to face consequences is for goverment banns or lowers the sells of their products, or maybe give them a time of (for example) 1 year in whihc they need to find more eco-friendly way to produce their product of their face a bigger tax or something in that nature.

Moonbuggymoon   2023-05-02 13:51:25

I think that corporations should become more responsible and find new ways to make eco-friendly products.:)

Beebo   2023-05-02 13:52:05

I agree big_smile

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StefanL   2023-04-27 00:22:21 (Last post: 2023-04-27 01:48:26)
British petroleum

I was wondering how did the term carbon footprint became popularised and with a short google search i found out that the second largest non-state owned company hired public relations professionals to help them promote the idea of carbon footprint as to shift the blame of worsening the state of our planet from the big oil companies and corporations to the individuals. Let’s be honest here, I don’t think any of our efforts to take showers under 5 minutes will compensate for the deepwater horizon oil spill caused by British petroleum which is considered to be the largest environmental disaster in world history.
As a solution, I think we should be presented with alternatives for oil with which we can replace it in our daily lives as to force these companies to stop extracting it.

Florea   2023-04-27 00:25:15

You have a point of wiew , but i have to admit that your point of wiew is more on something you can not get rid of, but all we can do  is reduce our daily usages .

StefanL   2023-04-27 00:29:46

but as long as we dont force change into the industry we wont be able to start using more eco friendly fuel because we will not have the option to

Florea   2023-04-27 00:43:35

This is a different scenario , in order to make a change we have to do progress in our own lifes then start criticising the great companies . Im not saying that your point of wiew is wrong , but you have to see more possibilities

StefanL   2023-04-27 00:46:48

there is only one scenario, the destruction of our world which is coming rapidly and we should begin changing the things that influence this scenario in the biggest fashion.

Florea   2023-04-27 01:47:13

Your name is Stefan L lmao

StefanL   2023-04-27 01:48:26


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ConnorH123   2023-04-06 11:21:08 (Last post: 2023-04-07 08:27:27)
Corporate Responsibility

I am a strong believer that responsibility falls on big corporations to lead the general public. With people following the moves of corporations, when you think about it they are making decisions for everyone. They can also control their customer bases by threatening them. But the bigger picture if these bigger corporations change to more sustainable options it’s likely their customers will change as well. But the corporations can also change their products to be more sustainable, in turn making their customers more sustainable as well.

Kaya bournival   2023-04-06 20:02:42

I completely agree with you! Big corporations have power over their customers that we might not always see. You made an excellent point by mentioning how their customers will likely follow which ever path they lead. If big corporations made an effort to show their general public the benefits of sustainable products, it would likely result in their customers interest in sustainable products. Not only that, but it may inspire other large corporations to take the same path of sustainability.

Aiden Barley   2023-04-07 08:27:27

Agreed. People admire corporations that make good money, they see their product as good due to that. These corporations could start making moves towards helping the climate and the general public would probably follow their example.

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Olivewalker   2023-04-06 06:32:43 (Last post: 2023-04-06 12:58:43)
The Bourgeoisie and Greenhouse Gases

100 of the globe’s large corporations create 71% of carbon emissions worldwide. This adds up to about 26.4 billion metric tons of greenhouse gases. The company China Coal alone produces 14.3% of these emissions. These numbers are insanely high, and a change in the world of corporate emissions is necessary. However, the load of these emissions does not fall solely on the shoulders of the corporations. The world’s wealthiest and most affluent are undeniably responsible for more carbon emissions than any other people, and because they are such big consumers, the corporations must produce more in order to keep up with the demand. Thus, altering the way in which companies are producing goods, and campaigning for the top percent of wealthy people to be mindful in their consumerism is vital for our planet.

Calder M   2023-04-06 07:39:50

Yes! So often I see advertisements and propaganda from such corporations speaking on the topic of the individuals carbon footprint, far too many people remain under the false assumption that they carry the burden of climate change and them alone. The very idea of a single persons carbon footprint was largely created by these corporations to force less powerful people into a guilt that would keep them more focused on personal responsibility while said corporations are avoiding anything even vaguely resembling responsibility for their own emissions. It would be infinitely more productive and important to, even in small high school classes, to focus on analysis and understanding of what these emissions mean and where they are really coming from.

Jake Roux   2023-04-06 12:58:43

I think you are right about how the Bourgeoisie play into the system and cause major emissions compared to the average individual but the diagnosis on how they did it was incorrect. It’s not about the consumption that they disproportionately accumulate though they do generally, it’s about how they create and support institutions that create a far larger effect than any individual no matter how wealthy could produce. An organization, a company, a government will always out produce an individual when it comes to greenhouse gas emissions. What makes the bourgeoisie so dangerous is they control the means of production that the proletariat within our capitalist system are forced to operate. The bourgeoisies number one goal is to accumulate more profit and keep Institutions involved in their business stable by any means necessary. By this measure unethical and environmentally damaging practices are not disincentivized which create the problems that we see today. cultural shifts in what is acceptable for the individual to do  will never be enough to curtail the actions of the bourgeoisie  for it is the hand of the government that can only strike down these Godless, greedy, bastards.(place X multi millionaire or billionaire) Using a private jet and getting criticism for that will never be as effective as government policy making such actions either banned or heavily disincentivized. Corporations and the individuals that extract extreme wealth from them must be stopped if we don't want to see our world burn.

Calder is right on the money with it

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Ingrid_N   2022-11-06 20:25:33 (Last post: 2023-04-06 07:42:00)
Corporate Responsibility

Many corporations in the U.S and the world, release a huge amount of pollution compared to people in their respective countries. The biggest problem with this is that many corporations refuse to agknowledge that they are harming our planet, they also refuse to find ways to decrease their pollution. I agree that corporations should do something about  it; beacuse if we don't, who will. It is hard to want a reformation of the way a corporation does things from inside the corporation, it takes the power or oppostion from everyday citizens and government officials for a corporation to realise and change. It is hard for one person alone to go up against a large corporation, instead we could form a group of activists whose main duty is to promote solutions to big corporations that work the same way as their old machines, but instead are eco-friendly and decrease the amount of pollution the corporations put out. These activists could also form petitions that call for a reform of these corporation's habits, this petition could force corporations to find other ways to produce their product without using fossil fuels, and could ultimately reform the way we make things and how we use fossil fuels as a whole.

Lilslay   2023-04-06 07:42:00

The things that big corporations are worried about is only themselves and how much power they have. Which depends on how much money they have so they will do anything they can to protect their businesses even if they are extremely harmful to our environment. People always try and change their minds but in order to change any part of their vicious cycle you would have to take their power away.

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Hudson B.   2022-11-06 21:49:26 (Last post: 2023-04-06 06:19:36)
Corporate Justice

Everyone knows how Corporations are the ones who make the majority of the world products and therefore cause the most pollution. This can be a major problem since many of these corporations refuse to acknowledge their pollution and continue to make the problem worse. The best way to solve this problem is too make these companies take responsibility for the actions through a multitude of ways. We should create laws that prevent companies from creating a certain amount of waste and pollution. We should also make it so that companies are accountable for any injustice or inhumane actions.  Overall we should stop big corporations from polluting and destroying our Earth.

vivi.delbo   2022-11-22 02:36:22

I agree,but in addition to creating lawsand effective controls, you could also incentivize company to use renewable energy or reuse products and invest in moder machinery.

arwvn   2022-11-27 17:51:56

I agree large coporations need to be held more responsible then avrage citizens but individuals should also do their part to help climate change. Over all nothing will change if coporations don't

Jasper H   2023-04-05 06:23:48

I agree and it would be such a great idea to get a company or even start your own company and try to help cities in becoming less polluted. I just think it would be hard to get in contact with these cities and also the big companies might not even want to talk to you and they don’t have to if they don’t want to. I think its a great idea but hard to accomplish and a way you can try to help is to start a program in your area and get as many people as you can to try to fix the way we are using our materials so that we don’t waste materials and have those materials sustainable so that they don’t hurt the earth as much. I think this is a great idea and you should do everything you can to fix the way our cities are polluting those big areas and help changes he world.

Gabriella D   2023-04-05 06:38:35

The thing about that is the owners of those companies don't want that because it means less money for them. We need laws and policies to be put in place. I’m not saying it will stop everyone but it will at least stop some people or punish those who get caught. If we all make small changes in our daily lives that’s great but i think it will be far more effective for climate fighters and politicians to tackle big companies first to show that they want to do something big and they aren’t turning a blind eye to all the injustices these big companies have been allowed to commit in the past.

MilesGupta   2023-04-05 07:29:03

The problem with getting legislation passed is that politicians often have their campaigns funded by large corporations and in turn agree not to pass legislation that harms these corporations profits in hoping they will get their next campaign funded by them as-well. This is what makes the US government system so corrupt as it is practically run by large corporations. What is to now be understood is that voting for a democratic or republican candidate just empowers these large corporations and therefore if enough votes can be piled up for a independent candidate these large corporations will have less of a hold on the US government. This doesn’t just apply to the United States though. What we can do to disempower these corporations is to not financially support them. For example, instead of using gas, one could by an electric car, instead of receiving power from oil companies, set up solar panels on your home. Although these are expensive measures, even something as small as choosing a product with environmentally friendly packaging helps.

WalterTheWalnut   2023-04-05 07:39:18

I agree with the user “MilesGupta”, however I believe that their reasoning is not totally accurate. I feel that if we as the population were able to bring an environmental bill to our respective governments that limited corporate emissions by law we would be able to achieve a much lower carbon footprint. I understand that the logistics would be difficult to bring to life, yet if we could stop blaming specific political parties and started committing to a bill that would achieve the same goal regardless of the political affiliations of the company, president (or Prime minster for our international friends), or we the people, we could help our planet and ourselves.

MilesGupta   2023-04-05 07:54:59

Agreeing with the majority of the post prior, the only part I disagree with is that of not focusing blame on political parties. Agreeing that focusing blame on specific political parties is not progressive, what I intended by my previous post, was to criticize the governmental system in a larger span, including every MAJOR political party, as these are the most likely to be funded by large corporations. What I believe the user above misunderstood, is that I was not trying to focus blame on democrats or republicans, but instead the system in general. Sorry for the confusion.

Ethan6809   2023-04-06 06:09:53

To add onto the posts before this, I do believe that corporations are major contributors to the climate crises and that in order to make sure that these corporations do not engage in practices harmful to the environment there needs to be legislation passed that would legitimately punish corporations because as of right now, the EPA in the United States does little to nothing to actually stop environmental damage caused by companies. The largest issue that comes with passing such legislation is that no matter the side you are on I.e. political party, there is a large chance that the elected officials representing you are funded by coal, oil, mining, and other destructive industries. That is why I believe that before we begin trying to pass legislation on the topic of climate change, there needs to be an ban on corporate lobbying to ensure that elected officials constituents are being heard, not corporations.

Violet M   2023-04-06 06:19:36

I agree with both “MilesGupta” and “WalterTheWalnut.” It is the fault of our systems as a whole, not a specific set of political parties. However, I do not quite understand why climate action must be political, if it is in the interest of everyone? Why are companies and politicians more interested in wealth than saving the Earth? We should be able to rise together as a society to fight climate change, not combat the greed of world leaders. As children, we should not have to advocate for the safety of our generation, for they should be making active choices to protect us. I understand how companies affect the political systems, corruption, etc, but why has their power stolen their humanity? And is there hope for the future, when legislation struggles to be past, and leaders cannot hear the voices of their people, over their own gluttony?

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Zeta7   2022-11-07 01:26:57 (Last post: 2022-11-15 21:37:33)

Biodiesel is a low carbon alternative to fossil diesel. I think that as long as we use road vehicles, we should be using biofuels because they are low carbon and they work in existing fuel infrastructure and engines that don't require harmful metals. Biofuels are more expensive, but I think the government could change this by putting a tax on normal fuel that goes towards making biofuel cheaper and more financially viable.

Lettuce   2022-11-15 21:37:33

Regardless, biodiesel is a renewable source, and if we all want to push renewable energy to the next level, I feel plugging in vehicles is a little better option. Although generating batteries for plug-in automobiles has an impact on the environment, it is more sustainable in the long run due to lower emissions.

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NiobeB   2022-11-15 16:06:25
Corporate responsibility

i believe that corporations are the main people responsible for climate change, as it is them who are the ones who knew about this 60 years ago and did nothing. they are also the ones who continue to emit large amounts greenhouse gasses into the air for the sake of profit. these are also the same companies who control the food markets, and do factory farming. in conclusion, the working class are yes, partly responsible, but at the same time we are also only using the tools that have been provided for us, and most of emmissions are from large corporations. in my opinion, corporations should be the main people finding solutions, cause they caused it.

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ARWENB   2022-11-15 15:57:52
corporate responsibility

when considering the fact of corporate responsibility we must take into account that big corporate companies like shell surpressed news of climate change for many years and even when the news broke they actively denied their role.
Just 100 companies are responsible for 71% of our global emissions. isn't that crazy? the corporate world shoves all the blame onto the proletariats ( the working class ) and actively greenwashes their own dealings. in summary to move forward and actually deal with the biggest crisis we have faced so far, the companies must actively take a role in the fight against climate change.

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DariaP   2022-11-11 01:36:40
Corporate responsibility

Corporate are responsible for environmental pollution not only with the emission of harmful substances but also with all the packaging they use for their products.
In my opinion, to reduce this problem, they should try to use more environmentally friendly and therefore less polluting materials or create packaging with recycled material.
Fortunately, companies in recent years are increasingly implementing a circular economy.

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Artem   2022-11-07 00:51:28
Corporations should take responsibility for pollution

I Think that its really scary how all members of my family generate from 10kg to 15kg of carbon per year. That's an insanely high amount for just one person, especially annually. I wonder how much it would go down if we installed solar panels and flew on planes less as those would be very good ways to lower our carbon footprint. I also wonder how much the average carbon footprint would be lowered if everyone were to do the same.

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Fraol   2022-11-06 15:40:57
Corporate Responsibility

Corporations emit high levels of greenhouse gases due to their mass consumption of fossil fuels. This leads to an increase in global warming, which is impacting the planet's climate systems in a variety of negative ways. But Corporations still refuse to take responsibility and invest in our environments well being because they value profits over people. They instead push the idea of individuals taking responsibility by reducing plastics use and consuming more substantially which is important but doesn't compare to the impact that corporations can make by becoming carbon neutral.

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MaxBeschastnov   2022-11-04 12:14:00 (Last post: 2022-11-05 20:43:46)
Corporate emissions

Corporations emit a lot of carbon when manufacturing or doing business because of how large they sometimes are. I feel they should be more responsible with how they manufacture and go about sourcing their energy for business, they should also be more responsible with how they manufacture items to reduce waste or carbon emissions.

Zaheds8428   2022-11-05 20:43:46

I agree. Companies should be more aware of the damage they are causing to the environment, and should make products in a way that is more eco friendly.

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Lochin   2022-11-05 13:57:11
Green Factories

Factories are the second largest factor in carbon emissions as they release a significant amount of carbon into the air. But we can’t just eliminate factories, so we have to make them more sustainable. Factories usually cut corners on managing waste which hurts the environment so we need stricter rules on the removal of waste and recycling. factories also use a lot of natural gas to them running so converting natural gas to more renewable energy would lower their emissions immensely.

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Agampreet Singh   2022-11-05 09:58:55
Corporations Need to Step Up!

Factory farms are constantly cutting down forests to make room for more agriculture, and this releases extensive amounts of carbon dioxide into the air. In addition to this, the demand for meat is increasing quickly. As more and more companies take this higher demand for meat as an opportunity to make some extra cash, more forests will keep getting cut down, releasing more carbon into the air. "With the growth in factory farming," says World Animal Protection, "the most intensively farmed species – chicken and pork – are expected to be produced at levels triple that of beef by 2050."

One of two things needs to happen, either factory farming corporations need to realize the impact their farming expansion has, or governments need to take a stand and create laws preventing farmers from expanding their farms past a certain point. We need to control these carbon levels; we only have one Earth and we have to protect it!
https://www.worldanimalprotection.org/b … te-culprit

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Trueagent   2022-11-04 15:24:56 (Last post: 2022-11-04 20:16:27)

Seriously, corporations have been polluting since the 1800's. I mean, It is kinda hard to miss all the smog factories are belching. Let's face it, the only reason, that big corperations aren't getting in trouble for this, is because at this point the world is dependent on them.

Angelwilliams   2022-11-04 20:16:27

I completely agree!! This is such an obvious issue, yet it hasn't been fixed. I think another reason for this is that society are so focused on the individuals, and we feel like we can't reach the larger corporates. But this is a problem because they are the main problem.

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Andreea06   2022-11-03 04:35:14 (Last post: 2022-11-04 15:33:00)

Be careful

KarbonKiller69   2022-11-03 04:42:45

Do not let yourselves fooled by the big corporations trying to put the blame on the ordinary folks

Trueagent   2022-11-04 15:33:00

The sad truth is, the world has become dependent on these corporations, to the point that we cannot destroy them without suffering severe consequenses.

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finnamey   2022-11-04 15:11:07
Corporation Accountability

Large corporations such as Amazon, Raleys, and McDonald's should be held accountable for their large greenhouse gas emissions. In the modern world, there are plenty of ways to stay sustainable without blaming the consumers. Other businesses like Seventh Generation and Patagonia are still well known but used recycled and biodegradable packaging. Blaming the customers and consumers is not going to solve the climate crisis, what will save it is switching to cleaner packaging and means of production.

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BigDaddy4850   2022-11-04 15:06:33
Corporate Pollution

The majority of greenhouse gases are not a result of the common person but are a result of some companies which dump oil or use efficient energy sources. While we do have an effect on the environment, should we be focusing more on individual pollution or that of companies?

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Jeeves   2022-11-04 12:39:51
Should Corporate Entities be forced to limit their emmissions?

As we all know, some of the biggest emitters of carbon are not individual people, but instead corporate entities. While pressure is starting to build on companies to change their ways, few companies have actually gone green, especially large ones. To make other companies make changes, should governments aid them in doing so, and fine ones that do not, just like if companies commit other violations. In other words, should it become law to force companies to be carbon neutral.

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Dierdrelong   2022-11-04 12:38:47
Corporate Responsibility.

I think its really easy to blame the consumer to support the wrong corporations or buying products that are harmful to the environment, that's why people always say to buy from one business or another. The problem isn't with the consumer, one or two people not buying from a specific company isn't going to change the world anyways, but the businesses we buy from. I think corporations need to be held to a much higher standard and must be shut down if they don't meet them. I think it should be a law that corporations have to be 100% transparent with the consumer and their practices.

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Alisia   2022-11-03 05:36:30

be careful

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IIversonBHS   2022-10-04 18:39:46 (Last post: 2022-10-07 18:35:29)
Who is responsible?

Everyone contributes to climate change but corporations contribute much more than any individual person. Having corporations switch to more green methods would substantially slow the process of climate change but not necessarily stop it. Every person has an impact. It's important to influence corporations and people to switch to more environmental friendly methods. No one is directly responsible for climate change, but everyone is responsible for contributing to it. It is important to recognize that everyone plays a part.

CamilaYoo   2022-10-06 20:24:06

I completely agree, while corporations play a very big role in climate change, in the end, we all contribute to it, so it's important that we try to lower our own carbon footprint by doing stuff like reducing food waste, eating less meat, taking shorter showers, and turning off lights when were not using them so we can reduce the amount of greenhouse gases were emitting into the atmosphere.

Connor J 30   2022-10-07 18:35:29

I agree. People advocating and influencing others to transition to a greener lifestyle can have a huge impact. It might also influence lager corporations to be greener.

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