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October 2024 ISCFC Teacher Planning and Discussion

Welcome teachers!! Please REGISTER on the forum (using the 'Log in / Join' link in the banner at above right), and then use this discussion to introduce yourself to the other teacher participants in the ISCFC. In so doing, you can practice posting and commenting on other posts.

If you have any Footprint resources to share among the group, please post them here.

To find all the teacher resources related to the ISCFC, go to the ISCFC Teacher Participation page.

You must be logged in in order to post.

Teacher Planning Discussion

Recent posts:

makoBOD   2024-05-07 22:18:59
science and the enviroment

Over the past 3 days, I have learned a lot about my carbon footprint and how it is affecting climate change. To begin I learned that a carbon footprint is a measure of the amount of carbon dioxide you are putting into the atmosphere. Based on taking the carbon footprint quiz on i2sea I learned that things I do like taking flights to travel, charging my phone overnight, or even just leaving a light on in my room are contributing negatively to the earth. In addition, you may think that it's not that big of a deal I'm just one person, but if more and more people think that way it will have a detrimentally negative effect on our planet. To add on the article "More stuff = more climate change?" describes how every item that we purchase or consume releases greenhouse gas emissions during its production and transport. Similarly in class when we took notes on greenhouse gasses it described how they can move with infrared energy, which is heat. All things considered, buying less stuff and educating yourself on the simple things that are adding to your carbon footprint can help reduce global warming.

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husoBOD   2024-05-06 16:57:29
Science and the Enviorment

During this project, I learned a lot about my carbon footprint and what causes it. After doing this project I will try to live a more sustainable life in many different ways.

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JuriBOD   2024-05-06 15:59:53
Carbon footprint relative to greenhouse gasses and climate change.

What have you learned over the past 3 days about your carbon footprint, greenhouse gases, and climate change? How do they all relate to each other?

In the past week, I have learned a lot of new things about not only myself but about how things are affected by the things I do daily. Whether it's how I get to school or what I eat daily, the world is always affected. My carbon footprint was shallow before I filled out the transportation aspect of it. Before the transportation part, I was sitting around 3,000 kgs. After the transportation aspect of it, it shot up to 11,000. This made me realize not only how much I drive every day, but how much planes affect the atmosphere. With an average of 9,000 kgs per person, our earth is becoming filled with toxicity more and more. The greenhouse gases capture these CO2 emissions from going into space. This is causing our planet to become hotter and hotter filled with these gasses. This has a clear effect on our climate and how it is changing. An article by Environmental Science Journal for Teens says that the Carbon that we put into our atmosphere each day, is being caught by greenhouse gasses, the carbon is trapped inside our atmosphere ultimately heating the atmosphere of our earth and causing climate change. We are already seeing the effects of this and we need change to happen soon before it's to late

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crossi2189   2024-04-23 08:30:21 (Last post: 2024-04-23 09:14:32)
Hello from Atlanta, GA!

My 6th grade Earth Science students have used the ISCFC to jump-start designing their own environmental campaigns. Looking forward to sharing and hearing from other groups as well!

Fe000   2024-04-23 09:14:32

Hi Ms. Rossi! big_smile

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ahamel@etc.k12.mi.us   2019-09-17 17:57:58 (Last post: 2024-04-23 05:16:25)
Hello from the UP!

I am a middle and high school teacher at a small rural school in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (we call it the UP). I teach 7th-11th grade, but will be focusing on Biology students for this project. I have been attempting to start a recycling program at our school, which is difficult because the closest recycling place is pretty far away and in the opposite direction I travel to school. I commute 140 miles a day to teach at my school, therefore, i anticipate my own carbon footprint to be high. Are teachers able to add to the footprint calculator?

hodin   2019-09-18 19:00:41

Hello and welcome to the ISCFC!  Yes, anyone can calculate their footprints and save their data with our calculator -- including teachers smile

ElaineUSA   2024-04-23 05:16:25

Hello from the Lower Pennisula! I live in southeast MI. Glad to see a fellow Michigander! My Algebra 2 students are participating as part of our data analysis unit.

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JasminUSA   2024-04-22 07:52:02
Is it Necessary?

Do Lights really need to be on during school hours?

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Elleen   2024-04-12 06:54:30 (Last post: 2024-04-12 08:33:02)

Nobody likes litter

Lily248   2024-04-12 08:33:02

I agree we should find ways to clean up the world’s trash in ways that don’t hurt the environment. Because I feel like some of the ways we try to clean up the trash put more carbon in the atmosphere.

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Olivia.18   2023-10-24 13:19:29
Creative ways to reduce ones footprint

One way to reduce your carbon footprint is to stop buying into fast fashion and thrift your clothes and donate your old clothes to shelters. https://www.constellation.com/energy-10 … print.html

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BH08   2023-04-06 07:35:39 (Last post: 2023-04-30 05:42:38)
Global Warming in the Classroom

I feel that in school, we are consistently lectured about CO2 emissions and how the environment is changing due to Green House Gases. However, I feel that students are rarely taught how they can personally help the environment. Maybe a change  from showing the effects on the environment to what we can do about it would help a lot more than some think.

georgeta.bujor   2023-04-30 05:42:38

Teaching theoretical concepts in an applied way represents a challenge for the educator. These notions related to climate change, the greenhouse effect, pollution, ecological footprint, sustainability, etc. must be approached in an integrative, interdisciplinary way, emphasizing the causes of these phenomena.

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Bowd   2023-04-06 07:30:36 (Last post: 2023-04-06 10:45:50)
Thoughts on global warming

Do you think that global warming will increase in the future or decrease?

Barlo   2023-04-06 07:49:32

Hey there bowd. Great thoughts here. I think that global warming will keep increasing until we do something to stop it. Since some people don't believe in global warming this means it could get bad so we need to stop it.

MickeyN   2023-04-06 10:45:50

Hey guys! I totally agree with Barlo’s thoughts here, there is plenty of things the average human can do to stop the amount of Co2 emissions, for example washing your clothes with cooler water, and drying those clothes on a drying rack instead of using a dryer. I do thin that global warming will increase, just based on past events and how hard it is to get everyone on the same page.

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Bowd   2023-04-06 07:27:33
CO2 emission

How will co2 emission affect your surroundings in your  lifetime?

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Jc117   2022-10-27 07:36:28 (Last post: 2022-10-27 17:59:30)
Ocean Acidification

We need to protect marine life! Imagine your home being contaminated by others, which is what marine animals are experiencing. Stop polluting the ocean by throwing trash in it. The ocean is not a garbage can, it's home to other creatures and if we continue doing our ways the one that is going to suffer is us.

isalei.liaiga   2022-10-27 17:45:47

I completely agree! We did an ocean clean-up not too long ago, and just seeing the amount of trash that we picked up was just devastating! My team and I picked up more than 300 plastic water bottles that day. It's extremely important that we keep our oceans and marine wildlife safe. The trash bins are there for a reason, use them.

Ezekielt   2022-10-27 17:59:30

I also agree because it is something as easy as putting trash in the bin. It is very avoidable as well. Throwing your trash in the bin is the least we can do for the environment.

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James111   2022-10-06 20:20:36 (Last post: 2022-10-06 20:57:09)
All 5 ideas for Mr Gundle

Take bus not car to school.
Add a compost bin to school cafeteria.
Cut out and reuse notebook paper at the end of the school year.
Bike to school not drive.
Walk to school not drive.

tytytey   2022-10-06 20:57:09


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Mrs. Beckius   2022-02-22 10:15:23
Hello from CA

Hello from CA. I am excited to have my students participate for the first time.

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NicoleShiers   2022-02-15 22:45:04 (Last post: 2022-02-16 14:01:46)

Greetings from California's San Joaquin Valley.  My first time trying this with my students, can't wait to see how it goes.

hodin   2022-02-16 14:01:46

Hello Nicole and welcome to you and your students to the ISCFC.  What is the subject of the class that is participating and how are you using the ISCFC with your students?

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mariodifonza   2021-10-06 11:12:36 (Last post: 2022-02-15 22:47:12)
Hello from Italy

I am a physics and maths teacher and an advocate of the importance of the synergy of school subjects and hands-on learning. My school promotes skills development and learning based on experience and investigation of global and territorial issues

NicoleShiers   2022-02-15 22:47:12

I'm so interested in visiting Italy someday soon.  Maybe that is how I can get my students interested in discussing with students around the world science and global issues.

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Abigailht   2021-10-09 22:05:12
Why teachers should make it a plan to help us help our planet

I think that if teachers planed a discussion of how we can help better our planet that would also be very beneficial to our eco system. Teachers play a major part in our lives and them discussing to us what is going on in our planet and how we can help even at young ages can also help because they are making a small change to make a big impact in our planet.The students they teach are the next generation and being able to teach them something to help better our planet is very beneficial to them and to us.

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alywolf   2021-09-21 19:59:59 (Last post: 2021-09-23 16:46:18)
Hello From LaPush... take 2

This year my AP ENV. class will be doing the survey, lets see how it goes.

hodin   2021-09-23 16:46:18

welcome to you any your students from beautiful La Push WA (Quileute tribal lands and waters)!

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PamMiller   2021-04-22 13:12:31 (Last post: 2021-04-23 01:15:55)
Happy Earth Day

Dear ISCFC Partner Teachers,
Thank you for including your students in the ISCFC and helping them understand their personal role in fighting climate change. We believe that in calculating their carbon footprint, students become mindful of how their everyday choices can make significant impacts on the well-being of Planet Earth.
Cheers to you and your students!

kathi2601   2021-04-23 01:15:55

Happy Earth day!

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sbellanger   2021-04-20 01:31:26
Hello from Cholet France

Hi everyone ! I am an English teacher in a high school in a medium-size town in the west of France ( Cholet)  and am taking the challenge with a  class of 31 students in year 11 ( boys and girls) who all follow an advanced English programme with an extra hour of English per week ( total 4h) and a subject taught in English in their curriculum which can be maths, History and Geography or PE in our school ( for another extra hour). The protection of the environment is part of our curriculum as language teachers and I thought this challenge would highly motivate them. We will try in the dicussion forum to tell you about our high school which has been certified for its sustainable development approach for three years now and is working on new projects to pursue this goal. We have just been granted the highest level of certification possible, but there's a lot more we can do .
Looking forward to exchanging with you all !

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wlicopoli   2021-02-18 06:14:57 (Last post: 2021-02-19 09:25:18)
Hello from Philadelphia.

I will have one class posting results (~20 students).  Hope all are staying safe!

hodin   2021-02-19 09:25:18

Dear Will, great to have you and your new students from Philly back this session!

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kmeyer1   2021-02-18 13:45:10 (Last post: 2021-02-19 09:21:07)
Hello from Florida

Hello! I teach community college in Jacksonville, Florida and I have one small class that will be participating this semester.  Looking forward to interactions from many countries! 

Karen Meyer

hodin   2021-02-19 09:21:07

Warm welcome back to you and your new students, Karen!

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britneyhouse1234   2021-02-16 07:08:41 (Last post: 2021-02-19 09:17:39)

I teach 8th and 9th grade science at Morris Area High school in Morris, MN. This is our first time participating in this discussion and activity.  We are working with our Germany Partners in Saerbeck to compare our footprints as well.

hodin   2021-02-19 09:17:39

Dear Britney - great to have you and your students join.  Please make sure to report back here on your co-discoveries with the Saerbeck students.

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PamMiller   2020-09-15 16:46:33 (Last post: 2020-09-27 12:29:29)

Welcome to the September 2020 ISCFC! We hope that the act of measuring their carbon footprints will help make students mindful of their personal impact and empower them to take action.
Please check the RESOURCES link at the top of the opening page of the ISCFC. You will find a wealth of references to help students build on their ISCFC experience.

kmeyer1   2020-09-27 12:29:29

Thank you, Pam!

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cvonsy   2020-08-27 01:46:37 (Last post: 2020-08-27 07:24:30)
let's save a date

hello! I am a teacher in Tahiti and would like to plan a date for my ESL students (aged 18 to 20) to exchange with other students on the discussion forums at specific times.
Tuesday 8 September, 10am-12pm (Hawaii time)
Wednesday 9 September, 10am-12pm (Hawaii time)
Thursday 10 September, 1pm-3pm (Hawaii time)
Friday 11 September, 9am-11am (Hawaii time)

anyone interested and available?


hodin   2020-08-27 07:24:30

Great idea!  Teachers from around the world can use this time zone converter to see what times Caroline suggests above are in your own time zone:
https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ … 000&p1=103

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alywolf   2020-03-18 11:20:56 (Last post: 2020-03-19 19:36:37)
Hello from La Push.. Schools might be closed but we continue on...

His this is Alice Ryan the 7-12 science teacher from La Push Washington... still trying to figure out what I am doing... and then COVID19....

GothBoi   2020-03-19 12:01:56

well you found something for us to do

hodin   2020-03-19 19:36:37

Welcome Alice and Quileute Tribal School students!  We're glad to offer something engaging for you all to do while school is out.

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JohnHunterFHS   2020-02-26 18:07:31 (Last post: 2020-03-18 11:41:11)
Hello from Forks

I teach Biology and Marine Science at Forks High School in Forks Washington.

hodin   2020-03-01 14:44:36

welcome John!  Looking forward to meeting your students here !

alywolf   2020-03-18 11:22:07

Hey John.... I see your little flag on the map... but alas not sure how to get mine up there. I read the directions but I must be missing something.

hodin   2020-03-18 11:33:14

Hello Alice!  You can find all of the participation information (including the steps to submit your class data and a whole lot more) by clicking the "participate" link at the top of any page on the ISCFC site -and then open up the "Teacher Participation Steps".

For the data in particular leading to a map pin, you need to:

1) gather the data from all of your students.  On the first conclusion page there is a link for your students to email their data to you -- which is how most teachers gather their students' summary data (total footprint and the 4 categories - home, food, purchases, transport.

2. Fill out the spreadsheet that you can download at this link
https://depts.washington.edu/i2sea/docs … ations.xls

Note that we ask you to fill your information in the upper yellow field, and your students' data in the lower field.  The student name column is for you- put in there whatever you like, we do not post individual student information, just the compiled data.

3. email the completed spreadsheet to me (hodin(at)uw.edu)

4. There is a guide to filling out the spreadsheet at this link:
https://depts.washington.edu/i2sea/docs … ctions.pdf

let me know if you have any questions!

hodin   2020-03-18 11:35:09

(note that we are hoping to one day soon automate the process of posting map pins based on submitted data from students who selected their school when they did their calculations... as soon as we have funding for that, we'll implement it!)

alywolf   2020-03-18 11:41:11

thanks, I read through the teacher participation info but it just didnt make sense there... Its me not you I am sure.

but what you wrote here makes sense and now that students are able to e-mail me here is hoping.

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kginsberg   2019-09-17 16:38:14 (Last post: 2019-09-18 19:07:20)
Greetings from Berkeley CA

Greetings from Crowden School in Berkeley CA.
My students and I are participating in the Youth Climate Strike this Friday by educating younger members (4-7th grade) of our community about the science of climate change and things each and every one of them can do to make a difference.
This was completely generated by my students in Leadership. These are also the students who participated in the ISFC challenge last spring.
I am thrilled to be supporting these young people in speaking up, out, and educating those around them.
I look forward to their revisiting the ISFC and seeing if the changes they proposed/made as a result of last year, changed the outcome this year.

hodin   2019-09-18 19:07:20

please post about the climate strike - or encourage your students to do so!

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kmeyer1   2019-09-17 09:32:15 (Last post: 2019-09-18 18:33:42)
Hello from Florida, USA

I live in Jacksonville Florida, U.S., and teach at St. Johns River State College in Orange Park, Florida.  We are happy to be participating, having just dodged Hurricane Dorian and losing four days of school.  My students are in environmental science and will be doing their carbon footprint calculation today and Thursday (Sept. 17 and Sept. 19).  We are looking forward to this fall's carbon footprint calculation!

testuser123   2019-09-18 18:33:42

We'd love to hear about your students' experience with hurricanes, and glad this one missed you.  Very sad for everyone in the Bahamas though!

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CELC   2019-09-16 08:30:46 (Last post: 2019-09-17 06:33:15)
Hello from Connecticut

Hello, I am Melinda, co-foudner and educator at CT Experiential Learning Center (CELC) Middle School.  We are a small, experientially-based school with 8 full-time students.  Looking toward to meeting others and taking part.

hodin   2019-09-16 18:15:13

Hello Melinda and welcome!  Looking forward to meeting your students here as well!

CELC   2019-09-17 06:33:15

Good Morning from all the students of CELC!  We are working on the Carbon Footprint Calculator prep sheet and will have more news soon.  We hope to meet other students on this site! m

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PamMiller   2019-08-28 19:21:34 (Last post: 2019-09-11 11:07:57)
Greetings to all September 2019 ISCFC Teachers

Welcome to all participating teachers! This is the page where we would like to hear about your students and your school. What is your community like? What makes it unique? Tell the other teachers about why you are having your students participate in the ISCFC. Describe you school and where you are located. If someone was to visit your community what should we see? How is your class and your school investigating climate change?
For example, I live on the Central Coast of California in the USA. It is a beautiful, rugged coastline. It is a wonderful place to live! I taught biology at Seaside High School, a very ethnically diverse student body for 39 years, and I have been working with projects at Stanford’s Hopkins Marine Station for almost 30 years. I have been collaborating with the spectacular Professor David Epel since 1990 and the amazing Dr. Jason Hodin since 2005. We are excited to share the International Student Carbon Footprint Challenge with you and your students. We hope that it will empower them to commit to solving the problems humans have created with climate change. What are they interested in doing to combat climate change?

kmeyer1   2019-09-11 11:07:57

I live in Jacksonville Florida, U.S., and teach at St. Johns River State College in Orange Park, Florida.  We are happy to be participating, having just dodged Hurricane Dorian and losing four days of school.  My students are in environmental science and will be doing their carbon footprint calculation next week (Sept. 17 and Sept. 19).

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PamMiller   2019-04-09 22:57:28 (Last post: 2019-04-10 00:02:57)
Student Discussions
PamMiller   2019-04-10 00:02:57

It’s encouraging to see your students’ wonderful discussions!  Their determination to do something about climate change is most reassuring.

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marko_safran   2019-04-06 10:08:43
Hello from Croatia!

My name is Marko Šafran and I’m a biology and environmental systems and societies teacher. My school is in a small town in a northern part of Croatia, called Varaždin. We are gymnasium that offers different programs to our students, either as a part of national curriculum or as a part of International baccalaureate diploma programme. I covered ecological footprint and sustainability concept with my students, and they were very interested and engaged in the topic. That’s the reason why we decided to enter ISCFC. I hope that our students will communicate well and share ideas. Best regards.

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LenaKami   2019-04-05 10:24:58
Hello from Belarus

Hello everyone. I was told about the project by a colleague of mine. My students got interested and took part in it! We were really excited about doing the calculator. It was both interesting and fun. I'm sure this experience will encourage them to think about the world around us and what we can do to make our environment better.

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lvolin   2018-11-05 09:34:52 (Last post: 2018-11-28 14:33:52)

Hello from Lisle Illinois USA

grandmalee   2018-11-06 15:27:51

Hello from Sacramento California USA

rjacks   2018-11-28 14:33:52

Hello from Sacramento! Late to the party as usual.

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hodin   2018-11-11 11:54:14
New pins on the map

Welcome Nov ISCFC teachers and students!  Returning teachers from Stevenson School in Carmel CA USA and Liceul Teoretic "Decebal" in Constanta Romania have updated pins for their schools!  Fantastic!  Keep those results coming in! 

Teachers: The complete link for downloading the excel spreadsheet is: https://depts.washington.edu/i2sea/docs … ations.xls and, once you fill it out, email it to me at larvador(at)uw.edu   

I will then post your data as a pin on our Compare page world map!

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PamMiller   2018-11-09 11:39:30
Greetings to our ISCFC partner teachers

Welcome to the November 2018 ISCFC. It’s fantastic to see your posts from around the world! We would love to have you tell us and your ISCFC colleagues a bit about your students, school and community.

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Shmoir   2018-07-31 02:46:29 (Last post: 2018-10-21 18:09:42)
Hello from South Africa

My name is Shaun Moir, and I teach Geography at Herzlia Middle School in Cape Town, South Africa. I am very excited to be participating in the "International Student Carbon Footprint Challenge" with our Grade 7 year group this year. We are going to be working through using the calculator in class over the next week or so and discussing our results. We look forward to possibly linking up with other classes around the world to share our results.

hodin   2018-10-21 18:09:42

Dear Shaun

The ISCFC had a long Northern Hemisphere summer break and we are back now preparing for the November session.  Sorry not to have seen this post from you until now -- how did it go with your students?


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tihanacs   2018-04-29 23:53:41
Hello from Varazdin, Croatia

My name is Tihana Cus Slatkovic, and I teach in Prva gimnazija High School in Varazdin. I teach Chemistry to students in grades 17-18.
My students are very interested in the project. Participating in the ''International Carbon Footprint Challenge'' made them think a bit more about how theirs day-to-day activities impact our planet.

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ekaiser   2018-04-21 16:26:02
Hello from Michigan, USA

Hello- I was so excited to discover this website! My students are in the middle of a statistical analysis unit.  After taking the carbon footprint survey they are applying their skills to analyze sets of data related to their carbon footprint, and it fits in nicely with Earth Day.

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ajayin   2018-04-16 13:29:00
Hello from Santa Tecla, El Salvador

Hi everyone - from a British International School in Santa Tecla, El Salvador - came across this project while going through the Carbon Cycle (IB Biology). Thought it was a great way for students to see their results and to compare the data with other schools & countries - the deadline coincides nicely with Earth Week as well! Looking forward to future discussions in the next few days.

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susanholt   2018-04-11 00:43:01 (Last post: 2018-04-15 15:28:56)
Hello from Germany

Hello from an American Military Base High School in Bavaria, Germany.  My environmental class just finished entering data for calculations and will continue with the discussion next week.  I happened to stumble across this activity in December while looking for ideas so waited for the dates before teaching about this topic.  I am really looking forward to seeing the results from the student discussions!

hodin   2018-04-15 15:28:56

Welcome Susan, looking forward to hearing about your students' observations.  I would guess that children of those in the military probably travel a lot by plane...

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osbornk   2018-04-12 11:10:13 (Last post: 2018-04-15 15:27:22)
Hello from New York's Hudson Valley!

My high school students and I are looking forward to taking the ISCFC together and communicating with you all!

osbornk   2018-04-12 11:12:51

My name is Krista Osborn and I teach at Mahopac High School in Mahopac, NY.  I teach environmental science to students in grades 10-12.  We are very much looking forward to this unit and hope to center it around Earth Day!

hodin   2018-04-15 15:27:22

Greetings to you both and welcome to the ISCFC!  Yes, the April session is nicely timed to coincide with Earth Day.  We look forward to hearing what the ISCFC students may be up to to celebrate that day.

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protean   2018-03-28 06:52:51 (Last post: 2018-04-08 22:27:29)
Intro & activity from Ecuador

I'm active with three Universities in Ecuador, preparing talks on: comparing ISCFC transport results to results from another footprint tool in Spanish,  technology assessment of WrightSpeed hybrid drive to replace customary power for large low-mileage high-use vehicles.  Also, proposal for design concepts for footprint tools with OPSA, who published my review of DRAWDOWN  <p>http://www.opsa.com.ec/es/analisis/393- … -hawken<p>

hodin   2018-04-08 22:27:29

Hello Protean and welcome!!  Please come back and post your results on the transportation comparison.  We are adjusting our math on flights this week, you might want to check it out about middle of the week when you do your comparison.

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jsantanello   2018-03-01 14:42:51 (Last post: 2018-04-08 21:31:36)
Teacher Planning Discussion

hello from the jersey shore

hodin   2018-04-08 21:31:36

Hello!  Welcome to the ISCFC!  Can you tell us about your participating class?

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jameskilian   2018-03-20 23:17:46 (Last post: 2018-04-08 21:31:06)
Hi, I`m from South Africa, currently teaching in Vietnam

I am a Social Science teacher,first time participant. Hoping to motivate my students to widen their horizons

hodin   2018-04-08 21:31:06

great to see you here James, and we're looking forward to welcoming your students as well

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gonzalofield   2018-03-07 18:15:06 (Last post: 2018-04-08 21:24:03)
Hello from Lima, Peru

I am Gonzalo Field. An English and World Culture teacher and this is the first time that I am participating in this kind of event. I wanted to do something different with my students and motivate them to get involved in global projects like this one.

Alicejj   2018-04-05 21:00:44

Great way to motivate your students to get involve in global project, this will definitely get your students attention on global projects.

hodin   2018-04-08 21:24:03

Hello Gonzalo!  Please email me at hodin(at)uw.edu so I can send you more information about our ISCFC project.  Welcome to you and your students!

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MsGray2018   2018-02-08 07:32:06
Hello from Maine!

My name is Emily Gray and I teach science at Madison High School in Madison, Maine. I grew up in Portland, and have always been very passionate about climate change and educating people on our impact. I'm excited to start this unit with my freshman science class on climate change and wanted them all to start with calculating their impact on the planet. This is an especially important topic for them since a terrifying amount of them do not think climate change is happening or think its natural and will not harm them. (I know this from giving out a 'Climate Opinion' anonymous survey to my classes. Here's to hoping I can change some young minds smile

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