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Reuse & Repurpose

It's very tempting to throw things away or even drop them in a recycling bin when we are done with them. Is there a better way?

Share your ideas for extending the “lives” of the items that we buy and use, and their packaging as well!

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Reuse & Repurpose

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sethw20   Yesterday 09:34:40
Reuse and Repurpose

We as humans are so wasteful. We have so many possessions that we just throw away or never use again. I found an article that shows a bunch of items that we all have lying around our house that could be repurposed! Such as using an old toothbrush to scrub those tight spots around the house or using old socks as cleaning rags!
https://www.kindafrugal.com/17-creative … day-items/

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Nikki03r   2024-10-17 18:23:52
Reusing Plastic Bottles

After doing this carbon footprint project. I came to realize just because my area doesn't do recycling as part of trash pick up, I could be using the plastic bottles in our household for so much more. We do use a lot of plastic in our home. I do a lot of gardening and found some great ways to reuse those plastic bottles. I already use gallon milk jugs as watering cans. I also take the gallon milk jugs and put small holes at the bottom to make a hand sprinkler. But in the article 27 Easy Plastic Bottle Crafts (https://www.pillarboxblue.com/plastic-bottle-crafts/), I found so much more ways. Since plastic is non biodegradable, I want to find ways to keep them out of the landfills as much as I can with my part. Check out all the creative things you can do with plastic.

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H20WATERGAMES12   2024-10-17 14:48:41
Corporate responsibility

Can't find why I'm SKIBDI RIZZ Ohio sigmatiy

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vivphi94   2024-10-11 13:46:29 (Last post: 2024-10-16 13:49:23)
Use less plastic

we could use less plastic, more paper and cloth bags that you can reuse, you can also reuse plastic utensils and straws, just wash them if you use them. Try not to leave trash around, especially the beach!

elepah   2024-10-16 10:17:19

Try reusing a bag for your groceries!

elofre   2024-10-16 11:44:20

You can use the plastic shopping bags as garbage bags or shop with them again.

andwin   2024-10-16 11:55:34

We can use reusable cups

ryaspa   2024-10-16 13:49:23

You can also use reusable water bottles

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Emma444   2023-05-04 18:04:12 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:46:56)
Reusing Trash

The amount of trash we use is a massive number, and all of it goes into a landfill but there are so many ways we could reuse this trash and lessen the numbers in the landfill. For example, plastic water bottles don't have to be used for just one purpose, they can be refilled with tap water or at a water fountain and used repeatedly. As well as a piece of paper, don't just use one side and throw it out, use the other side. There are also super fun activities for kids that can be making crafts out of pieces of trash like a toilet paper roll, or kleenex box. What I'm saying is not everything is just a one and done, things can have other purposes as well.

yasssmine   2023-11-05 15:52:34

I agree with you, reusing items and materials has a positive impact on our environment and helps with climate change. Reusing is a part of the five Rs (refusing, reusing, recycling, reusing, and reducing). There are tons of examples for reusing such as pins that could be used as holding items, cardboard boxes that could be used as holding paper, and jars or paper cups be used as holding pencils in them. These are some great ways to reuse materials. As you said plastics could also be reused as many uses to us. Yes, and crafts are another important but also fun way to reuse and a good idea to teach new learners or kids. Instead of just throwing something away and buying another, reuse it. Basically, the concept is reusing as many things as we possibly can to help our environment be more friendly and reusable. If you are curious about the five Rs in general then go look at my most recent post under 'Reusing and Refusing'.

JinjooH   2023-11-05 18:49:28

I agree with both of you. So many materials go to waste, instead of being used again. Reusing instead of wasting would have a positive impact on the environment by preventing pollution and saving energy. Lowering the amount of waste going to landfills also reduces the amount of toxicity in the water around the landfills which has a positive impact on the environment.

jessicaamanatullah   2023-11-05 21:33:44

I totally agree with the three of you. So many people, when throwing something away, don't acknowledge the fact that they could reuse or repurpose the item they are throwing away. Not only can reusing or repurposing items be fun and a creative activity to do (depending on what you are reusing), but it can prevent your waste from ending up in landfills in turn harming the environment, and turn what would have been "waste" into "art." Other than the environment, this can save you money as you can use that object to the max instead of throwing it away and spending money on a new one. I give many specific examples in my post on the topic of "Reuse and Repurpose" that we can start doing today for a more sustainable environment cool cool cool



Monty1818   2024-03-22 08:11:20

I agree, recycling can deffinetly contribute to a Greener future. After using plastic bottles and other containers, you should always recycle, wether its putting it in the recycling bin or making a craft project out of it, you should deffinetly do it. After using a plastic bottle, where do you think it goes? Well, it turns out that some of it gets dumped into the ocean and can injure or even kill Marine life, so next time you are using plastic, consider how you could reuse it.

Mkalloch   2024-03-22 08:15:52

I agree, recycling and reusing definitely will help make this plant greener because there would be less one use plastics, there would also be less green house gas emissions because we would be making less plastic and glass.

Thoe.chandler   2024-03-22 11:40:19

I completely agree! I recycle and refuse everything I can and it was honestly surprising how many people don’t do this! I did some research and was astonished that more people haven’t taken action and helped people who either don’t know how or don’t know where to start.

Lola Saleeba   2024-09-25 10:23:06

I agree reusing all kinds of trash is very good for the environment. We should all try to recycle as much as possible and try to reuse plastic we use. If something is not too dirty we should try and reuse it for something else.

Giodes992   2024-10-16 10:19:33

I agree you should reuse everything and reuse plastic definitely and that will help you a lot so if you see trash throw it away and reuse it like definitely use glass and plastic and spend time with some of your friends and that will help you a lot

lucmot   2024-10-16 11:01:50

If everyone reused, we could have a much, much cleaner Earth.

margol   2024-10-16 11:42:30

I agree there are so many things we throw away that could be recycled or reused. As a planet there are a lot of things we are doing wrong

elofre   2024-10-16 11:46:56

Yeah and as shown in some of the other post trash can be made to make beautiful art.

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CaTaBod   2024-05-12 11:49:20 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:43:21)
Reuse & Repurpouse

After looking at My carbon calculator results I saw that they were higher than the average for my area. Because of this, I started to think and discuss ways to lower my score with my family. We thought of ways to reuse items more times than we already do before eventually throwing them away. For clothes, we thought of finding places to give old clothes away so they have another life. For example, donating to thrift stores or giving clothes to younger family members. When it comes to purchasing new items we as a family decided to actively try and get clothes second-hand. When it comes to waste we will do better to reuse containers and jars. For example, we could reuse jelly jars as makeup brush holders or use them to hold leftovers. These were just some of the ideas we came up with that would help lower our carbon footprint by reusing and repurposing the items we already have in our house. I hope that this can help someone else to think of new ways to reuse and repurpose things they have in their house.

joayu   2024-10-16 11:41:38

I really like all of your ideas.

jakluer   2024-10-16 11:43:21

Good idea, I should start doing some of those things in my family to lower my carbon emissions.

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Loris   2024-04-26 10:13:43 (Last post: 2024-10-16 10:16:23)
A new life

Instead of tossing out old items, why not give them a new lease on life? Reusing and repurposing can breathe new life into old belongings, reducing waste and our environmental impact. That shirt at the back of your closet? It could become a trendy tote bag. Those empty jars? Perfect for storing pantry staples or organizing crafts.
By embracing "Reuse & Repurpose," we cut down on the need for new products, conserving resources and energy. Plus, it's a chance to get creative and have fun! So, before you toss something, consider its potential for a new purpose.

mirmen1   2024-10-16 10:16:23

I agree that we should reuse things that can be reused

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LILlii   2024-10-15 01:26:45
Reuse and repurpose

When i change my clothes, sometimes i discard some of them. The parish church collects clothes and objects to give to people in need. In the last period, an application has spread, it's called "vinted", where all people in the world can sell and buy used things.
I think that using these methods can give new life to the items and clothes to avoid to throw them in the landfills.

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Harmony26   2024-04-25 18:01:52
Why Reuse & Repurpose

Being able to reuse and repurpose as well as recycle is a very important topic. It has many benefits, mainly preventing pollution by reducing the need to harvest raw materials. It also reduces greenhouse gas emissions that are contributing to climate change. If you take the time to look around there are things used everyday in your home that can be repurposed. If you're a wine drinker or have a parent/guardian who is, they can be used as a non toxic fire starter. This is just one example where you could really get crafty. There is also a way to make a difference with substituting. Substituting things you use on a everyday basis can be hard but if you start little by little you will eventually make big changes. An easy way you can start with substituting is with grocery bags. Start with when you take a trip to the grocery store, don't immediately go for the plastic bags. Come prepared with your own reusable bags. Not everyone may own their own personal grocery bags but there are many stores that offer them for sale. Another thing I do in my home is saving our plastic bags. Although we're still using them we are reusing them instead of just throwing them out. This is a great example of repurposing. Another example we see everyday with people is having a personal water bottle. All this plastic is piling up fast, especially when the items we use everyday are plastic. A reusable water bottle is a great way to limit this problem. Now environment friendly options aren't always the most reasonable. We go to the store with the idea of wanting to do better. Then aren't a;ways able to when we see the prices. The glorification of wanting to do better for the environment is a problem. This makes it unrealistic for many people as well as out of reach. This is why reusing, repurposing, and recycling should be a more educated topic. It is always nice when you know you can make a change without having to do the most difficult thing.

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Zoe USA   2024-04-25 14:37:01
Textile Pollution

Around 10% of CO2 emissions worldwide come from textile production. Much of fast fashion is just thrown away when it goes out of style. Most clothes are designed to last longer and, when not disposed of properly, can take hundreds of years to decompose. Not only does throwing away clothes contribute to pollution, but the creation of the clothes adds to pollution.  The pollution that the textile industry produces comes from three main areas: Dyeing, yarn preparation, and fiber production. Dyeing and finishing makes up 36%, yarn preparation makes up 28%, and fiber production makes up 15% of the pollution produced. These all also contribute to the fossil fuel problem, as they are very “energy-intensive”. Instead of throwing away clothes when you no longer want them, why not donate them to thrift stores? Thrift stores are a great place to get clothes on a budget and buying used clothes helps to cut down on the CO2 emissions produced by throwing them away. Thrifting clothes not only serves a practical use, but an aesthetic one as well. Thrifting can provide a larger range of styles of clothes than just what is in fashion. Some thrift stores are non-profit organizations, like Goodwill or Salvation Army, and provide jobs for many people. To help combat the pollution produced by the textile industry, we can shop at non-profit thrift stores such as Goodwill, Salvation Army, and ReStore.
Another way the textile industry contributes to pollution is by washing clothes. Every year, about 500,000 tons of microfibers are sent out into the ocean by washing clothes. Washing machines do not have small enough filters to catch the microfibers, so when the clothes are washed and the tiny plastics are released they are not caught. They often go through sewage treatment plants and are not caught. They are found everywhere throughout the world, from the peaks of high mountains to the bottom of the Mariana Trench. They can also cause serious health issues such as genetic disruption and poisoning. Not only does washing clothes contribute to pollution, so does the washing machine itself. In addition to using excessive amounts of water to clean clothes, it also “emits an estimated 62 million tonnes of CO2-eq greenhouse gases each year”.

https://goodwillsouthtexas.com/the-trut … ft-stores/
https://www.colorado.edu/ecenter/2023/1 … ach%20year.
https://earth.org/fast-fashions-detrime … ach%20year.
https://www.nationalgeographic.com/envi … nt%20years.

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Chantel Chiu   2024-04-16 00:27:57 (Last post: 2024-04-24 11:22:23)
Reuse & Repurpose

I think we should reuse or repurpose things. It is extremely important to reuse because then we wouldn't be producing too many waste, which can help save earth. Even though somethings may not be reused or repurposed, it is best to reuse things that can be. From now on I will try and bring reusable bags instead of using plastic bags, and also try to recycle things.

Qbi Wang   2024-04-16 00:29:34

I agree with this method and it is probably the easiest way to reduce carbon footprint.

Felicia22   2024-04-16 00:33:10

I agree. We might not be able to eliminate carbon footprint completely, but we can start with what we CAN do to help. Remember, small things build up to great things.

blubUSA   2024-04-24 11:22:23

I agree with the fact that reusing items, especially bags as they are a huge cause for issues in different environments. However, you can also find ways to reuse plastic bags instead of completely discarding and disregarding them. Plastic bags from the grocery store can be used as a substitute for garbage bags for smaller garbage cans. An example would be personal garbage in rooms of homes. There are other ways you can repurpose plastic baggies. They can be used for cleaning up the waste of pets. Many people, including myself, use plastic bags to clean up after our litterbox for the cats. This ends up benefiting everyone involved. By repurposing the bags, we lessen the amount of materials used to make more products; which in turn saves energy on the company side. Repurposing other materials like cardboard boxes, glasses, and other types of plastic also produces the same result. It reduces the amount of waste produced and in return, gives environments better rates of survival and the animals in it.

https://www.ibanet.org/article/76F8D2A9 … 0blockages

https://natran.com/how-to-repurpose-eve … -doing-so/

https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/Recycli … 0in%20bulk

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AlexisUSA   2024-04-24 10:16:27
Reuse and Repurpose

With carbon levels increasing a substantial way to decrease these levels is to reuse and repurpose the materials you use. Research shows that recycling and reusing materials reduces greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global climate change. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, reusing and repurposing materials helps sustain the environment for future generations and also reduces the amount of waste that will need to be recycled or sent to landfills and incinerators. Items that can be reused and repurposed include, old clothing, cloth grocery bags, and containers. Buy used items to reduce waste as well as the emissions created by producing new materials or disposing of them in landfills. When you think of recycling, you probably only think about paper and plastic. What many people don’t realize is that there are many more materials to recycle than just those. Some of these materials include cardboard, glass, aluminum, batteries, electronics, food, and lawn materials. If people don’t start trying to make a difference in the environment, then bad things will happen. For example, when specific waste, such as styrofoam, ends up in a landfill, the harmful chemicals seep into the soil, which can result in cancerous cells forming in the dirt. Neglecting to recycle plastic water bottles can pollute large bodies of water such as lakes, oceans, and rivers. One of the benefits of reusing and recycling is that using recycled materials means that there is less of a demand for new materials, which means there is less deforestation which helps decrease the amount of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. According to Florida Tech, each ton of recycled paper can save 17 trees, 380 gallons of oil, three cubic yards of landfill space, 4,000 kilowatts of energy, and 7,000 gallons of water. This represents a 64% energy savings, a 58% water savings, and 60 pounds less of air pollution. When talking in terms of plastic, Florida Tech states that plastic bags and other plastic garbage thrown into the ocean kill as many as 1,000,000 sea creatures every year. In conclusion, you should reuse and repurpose your items to help decrease your carbon footprint, and help save the world from the harms of climate change.

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PaxtonUSA   2024-04-24 08:36:38
Renewable Wind Energy

Renewable wind, we get electricity from the wind. Better than solar panels Possible cons to birds would die but if birds learn how to see big moving propellers they move out the way  Other cons are the material needed to build these devices. Pros can be that this gives us constant energy with no negative effects to the environment. Wind power is a clean and renewable energy source. Wind turbines harness energy from the wind using mechanical power to spin a generator and create electricity. Not only is wind an abundant and inexhaustible resource, but it also provides electricity without burning any fuel or polluting the air. Wind energy in the United States helps avoid 336 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually—equivalent to the emissions from 73 million cars . People can also get their own wind energy with smaller fans. We can also build the fans in the ocean so there is more space on land for other things. According to the IEA (World Energy Outlook 2022), the share of wind energy in global electricity generation, which in 2021 was 7%, will quadruple that figure by mid-century, with a share of 28%, when all renewables will produce 80% of the world's electricity, only surpassed by solar photovoltaic at 31% as the main source of electricity generation. Wind power accounts for approximately 80% of the electricity produced annually by the ACCIONA group. In 2022, the company produced a total of 18,876 gigawatt hours (GWh) from wind, equivalent to the consumption of around 5.52 million homes. By geographical area, 60% of wind power production was destined for the Spanish market, with 9,713 GWh, while 40% corresponded to other countries: Mexico (2,887 GWh), USA (2,067 GWh), Australia (1,075 GWh), Chile (817 GWh), Canada (524 GWh), India (354 GWh) and Portugal (276 GWh) as the main markets

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Anlni   2024-04-24 03:16:48 (Last post: 2024-04-24 05:37:26)
Consumer choices

The choices made by consumers play a significant role in determining the demands in goods and services. While reusing and repurposing can extend the lifespan of products instead of simply discarding them. Therefore, we should always be conscious of the products we consume and how we dispose them.

Furthermore, We can also repair old furnitures instead of tossing them away. In addition, instead of buying new bags every time when you go shopping, why not just bring reusable ones? When we buy clothes and new gadgets, we all know that it sometimes just ends up being thrown away, and these things can severely pollute our environment.

More importantly, reusing and repurposing items instead of buying new ones constantly not only reduces carbon emissions, but can also conserve valuable natural resources such as, water, energy, and raw materials, as making new products also require a lot of precious resources and energy. These contribute to pollutions and carbon emissions.

Let's all be wise consumers and think twice before consuming a product in order to protect our environment!

Gary_USA   2024-04-24 05:37:26

I agree with you. Even though my purchases for my carbon footprint were only in the 700s because I do not buy the newest things and I make sure to buy used clothes because I don't want the newest things. I feel that most people do buy things that they think they need or that they have to have that hurt the environment in reality they don't need them at all. I think that reducing your overall carbon footprint is a great thing by lowering the things you buy and only going somewhere when you absolutely have to. I will start to lower my carbon emission levels by lowering my transportation around the country. I also can stop buying so much food that I do not need. I don't throw it out but it sits there on my shelf forever and ever and sometimes it does go bad and I have to throw it out. I think that to get consumers to buy less things that are not reusable or low carbon emission products, we should advertise less things that have a high carbon emission. According to this article https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2020/ … te-change/ americans produce 25 percent more carbon levels on thanksgiving day and christmas than any other day in the world. This article also states. That when basic needs are met then consumers tend to buy more and more things for social status. They want to reach a higher level of social status depending on what percent of the population they are in. According to this article another fact is that a study done by the United Nations states that the top 1 percent of the world produce more than half of the CO2 levels than the bottom 50 percent of the population because of their purchases and needs in life. I agree with your final point that using renewable materials. Drastically decreases the carbon emission levels. But it also reduces the use of finite resources. And improves the overall quality of things like minerals, oil, and many other materials used in things around the world.

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j@miecheng   2024-04-24 02:53:14 (Last post: 2024-04-24 05:31:34)
encouraging repurposing plastics

Humans use lots of plastic each year and it is one of the biggest causes to pollution. According to the United Nations, plastic takes 20 to 500 years to decompose. Imagine there is this piece of plastic, and it take around 250 years to decompose fully. However, during this period of time, there is a enormous amount of plastic still being created and pollution is still being made. "Humans currently produce more than 350 million metric tons of plastic waste per year," said Statista. Also, for plastic bags alone, there are 5 trillion plastic bags are produced yearly. That is not including plastics such as straws and bottles.

In order to reduce the amount of waste there is in land and in the ocean, we could reuse these plastics and repurpose them into something that we could use again. Today, there are already many plastics that were repurposed into something we're using. For example, many clothes in active wear have an amount in them that is made of the plastics. Big companies such as Adidas cooperated with Parley with the Oceans to make shoes out of fishnets thrown in the sea. Another company called Sea2See, which make eyewear, is 100% made of recycled marine and ocean plastic waste. This gives the plastic that we throw in the ocean into something that we could use daily.

The plastic straw could help turn into sun glasses. These companies won't have to produce more plastic, they could just use plastics already existing and turn them into something different. From a single use product into something that we could use numerous times helps to sustain the environment.

Kevin Lin   2024-04-24 05:31:34

Using old plastic to make new things, like clothes and glasses, is a good idea. Companies like Adidas and Sea2See are already doing this. They turn plastic from the ocean into useful items we can wear. This helps stop pollution and makes our planet cleaner. We should do more of this to help our Earth stay healthy.

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Ethan H. USA.   2024-04-24 05:11:49
The best ways to Reuse & Repurpose.

One of the biggest causes for carbon emissions and the slow deterioration of the environment is the amount of waste and trash that people don’t properly take care of. There are many ways we can improve this bad habit however. Increasing recycling is a very important thing that everyone should take part in and could greatly benefit the environment, but not everything is recyclable. Only about 5% to 6% of plastic is recycled in the U.S. each year. The reason behind this would be due to the fact there is simply too much plastic and different varieties of it.

Recycling is not the only way to reduce this issue. There are many other methods that more people should use today, and I think it would be a benefit to everyone if it happened. The main way is through the reuse and repurposing of our items. If we can move into a world where the materials we use can last a long time and not just be thrown away after one use it will already be a step in the right direction. Repurposing glass, plastic, and cardboard containers, giving them new life is just one small thing more should do. Instead of using the plastic bags that supermarkets provide to you, bring your own reusable shopping bag that you can bring with you anywhere you go. Instead of purchasing new wrapping paper and packaging for gifts each year, hold on to them and reuse those for the next year.

It goes far beyond just containers and packaging that can be reused or repurposed. If you have old clothes you no longer need or have grown out of, don’t just let it go to waste or discard it. Donate these items to charities or people in need. The same applies for food, only buy what you need and give the rest away that you don’t need. There is not a worse feeling than opening your pantry or fridge and finding out that half the stuff is expired.

Another big factor for pollution is that more people could reduce or limit their use of disposable cutlery and crockery for parties. If you have a party at a house then there is most likely real cutlery and crockery. There is no harm in using these things, it might just take a little extra work once the parties are over. The final thing I want to touch on is batteries; these are often thrown away and not properly disposed of once they are fully used. Luckily for us there is an alternative, as rechargeable batteries are a thing. These are items you only have to buy once and can use over and over again. Sure, the lifespan might not be as long, but it will for sure benefit the environment and greatly help to reduce carbon emissions.


https://www.recyclenow.com/how-to-recyc … duce-waste
https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2020/ … g-america/
https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2023/09 … -pollution

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AylaUSA   2024-04-23 08:59:04
Thrifting and re-using

In the age of fast fashion and clothing trends ending within weeks, one of the most environmentally conscious ways to stay on trends is to thrift your clothes. As of 2023, the fashion industry contributes to 60 million tons of plastic pollution every year, this mass amount of pollution is 1/5th of the world’s whopping 300 million tons of plastic pollution every year. When thrifting not only do you save money while being able to rep popular brands, but you also help lower the need of supply and demand for clothing products and prevent these items from ending up in landfills which damages the environment because clothing takes years to decompose depending on the material. Oftentimes you can find much more sturdy clothes due to older clothes being of higher quality in comparison to the newer more cheaply made clothing, this allows for more weartime which keeps you away from needing to buy replacement items as fast. Not only is fast fashion wearing on others' morals due to its contribution towards environmental destruction, but it also tests consumers due to its use of child labor and underpayment of workers. Of the fast fashion industry workers, it is reported that under 2% of those employed make minimum wage. On top of these unethical practices, “the apparel industry is among the top polluters, producing vast greenhouse gas emissions and in 2021 alone, the industry released 897 million metric tons of CO2 equivalents”. The production of new clothes can not be put to a stop and likely will never be stopped due to supply and demand in a capitalistic world, but by thrifting and choosing to wear clothes already made or handed down, you can reduce this rising need of production.

https://wp.nyu.edu/mercerstreet/2022-20 … thrifting/
https://www.colorado.edu/ecenter/2023/1 … ach%20year.
https://studentbriefs.law.gwu.edu/ilpb/ … -industry/
https://stateofmatterapparel.com/blogs/ … 0by%202030.
https://www.colorado.edu/ecenter/2023/1 … ach%20year.

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EthanTroyElliott   2024-04-23 05:29:36
Reuse & Repurpose

Reusing and repurposing materials is very beneficial to fighting against climate change.  Thrifting clothes, using reusable bags and recycling plastic and tin are all ways you can help fight against climate change by reusing and repurposing.  You can use old worn out materials, fabrics, or waste to make new and improved pieces as well.  All around climate change is a real issue and one of us fighting isn't enough, it takes everybody and this is a simple first step to moving forward in that.  An article made by kpwb states that "Because recycling requires a lot of  energy, it comes with its own share of pollution.  Reusing and repurposing do not create pollution.  Rather, items are made useful in their current state.  This is especially true for things  like clothing.  If you cannot reuse clothing, try recycling or repurposing it or donate to a local homeless shelter.  Practicing conscious consumerism will cut down on the amount of items that end up in landfills."  Stating that the action of reusing and repurposing different items including and especially clothing, can significantly help pollution, as doing this still causes some pollution but any reduction in the amount you are creating is worth it.  Pollution is almost completely unavoidable no matter what we do, but we should still strive to do everything we can to reduce our individual emissions.  Another article made by epa.gov states that there are many ways reusing and repurposing helps us and they list some of the many ways.  It reduces greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change, Prevents pollution caused by reducing the need to harvest new raw materials, Saves energy, Reduces greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global climate change, Helps sustain the environment for future generations, Reduces the amount of waste that will need to be recycled or sent to landfills and incinerators, Allows products to be used to their fullest extent, and it saves money.  These are just more points proving how reusing and repurposing has so many benefits while also being one of the easiest ways to reduce pollution and help fight against climate change.  Climate change is a serious problem around the world and there are so many ways to help fight it. Reusing, recycling, repurposing, using composts, not wasting food, not burning unnecessary fossil fuels and many other things will help plenty.  Reusing and repurposing helps just as much as any other option but it's also extremely easy to participate in.

https://kpwb.org/why-reuse/#:~:text=It% … %20less%20

https://www.epa.gov/recycle/reducing-an … cinerators

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Sophia123456   2023-05-02 15:40:34 (Last post: 2024-04-20 17:40:19)
Reuse & Repurpose

You frequently receive plastic bags with your purchases, and once you're done with them, you just toss them in the trash. To reduce waste, you should reuse things rather than tossing them away. They can also be used for numerous other purposes, such as if you need to bring a project to school you can put them in there, or reuse them when going shopping. Consider whether anything can be used for something else first before throwing it away. When we have plastic bags to store our food for lunch like crackers or celery, instead of every single day you use 5 new plastic bags and throw them out, instead you can reuse them. This can have a significant impact on our plastic usage and might be able to gradually impact our world for the better.

mayeBOD1   2023-05-10 13:34:30

This is so true. Plastic bags are extremely harmful to the environment. The World Counts writes that "an estimated 300 million plastic bags every year end up in the Atlantic Ocean alone"(https://www.theworldcounts.com). With so much plastic ending up in our oceans, many different species are being affected by mankind's habits of creating and wasting plastic. If we each individually can do our part by reusing plastic bags or bring our own reusable bag, we can help make a positive impact on our environment.

moapCPS   2024-04-20 17:40:19

Yes, I agree that plastic bags are detrimental to the environment. Plastic bags are usually not biodegradable, however, over time the plastic breaks down into toxic polymers that contaminate water and soil. These particles stay in the water or soil, continuing to release toxins for many years. Also, to produce plastic bags, a lot of fossil fuels are burned, adding greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere. As you said, this is exactly why it is so important to reuse plastic bags, so more don't need to be produced. Plastic bags that end up in streams can also block water flow, which results in flooding. They also end up in our oceans. Animals end up eating the plastic. A recent study found that 50 percent of sea turtles had plastic in their stomachs. An alarming number of animals are dying every year from eating plastic.
https://lochtree.com/blogs/blog/environ … astic-bags

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dog123hello   2024-04-17 02:54:14 (Last post: 2024-04-17 03:02:28)

What is recycling? Recycling is the process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turned into new products. A lot of public spaces have separate trash cans one in which for recycling and the other for normal trash. Now you might wonder how much percent of trash we can recycle. According to recycling. bins.com about 80% of the things we throw away could be recycled. Now many may say that recycling is a failure since only about 5-6% of plastic gets recycled in the USA. However, this may be because of several issues such as poor advertising, and humans feeling greedy. Now how can we fix this? In accordance with several reports, recycling campaigns have been useful in addressing the issue. There can also be laws that can be established regarding recycling and usage of products.

Some countries have already taken action such as Germany, France, Japan, and more. These countries have banned the sale of single-use plastic straws, cutlery, cotton buds, and food containers. Some other things that can help tackle the issue are if supermarkets ban the use of plastic bags and stop providing them to their customers. Instead, we could all bring our reusable bags. In addition, we can donate items that are still in good, usable condition to charities. Not only that but at the Christmas season we often wrap our gifts with wrapping paper and then throw them away. However, if the wrapping paper is not wrapped/destroyed why don't we reuse it so that we don't have to rebuy some next year?

  Why is recycling important? More and more people recycle every day. This helps reduce landfills and more costly forms of disposal. Recycling also lessens the requirement for raw material extraction (mining, quarrying, and logging), refining, and processing—all of which significantly contaminate the air and water. By lowering greenhouse gas emissions and promoting energy conservation, this helps combat climate change. Recycling prevents countless tons of rubbish from ending up in landfills. Recycling reduces carbon emissions in the UK by 10–15 million tons annually, which is the same as removing 3.5 million automobiles off the road.

  I encourage you to try to recycle as much as you can to create a positive impact on the world. Every bit helps!

Camille6321:   2024-04-17 03:02:28

I created a new account so it shows my name instead of dog123hello, so this conversation was created by Camille

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Camille6321:   2024-04-17 03:01:12

What is recycling? Recycling is the process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turned into new products. A lot of public spaces have separate trash cans one in which for recycling and the other for normal trash. Now you might wonder how much percent of trash we can recycle. According to recycling. bins.com about 80% of the things we throw away could be recycled. Now many may say that recycling is a failure since only about 5-6% of plastic gets recycled in the USA. However, this may be because of several issues such as poor advertising, and humans feeling greedy. Now how can we fix this? In accordance with several reports, recycling campaigns have been useful in addressing the issue. There can also be laws that can be established regarding recycling and usage of products.

Some countries have already taken action such as Germany, France, Japan, and more. These countries have banned the sale of single-use plastic straws, cutlery, cotton buds, and food containers. Some other things that can help tackle the issue are if supermarkets ban the use of plastic bags and stop providing them to their customers. Instead, we could all bring our reusable bags. In addition, we can donate items that are still in good, usable condition to charities. Not only that but at the Christmas season we often wrap our gifts with wrapping paper and then throw them away. However, if the wrapping paper is not wrapped/destroyed why don't we reuse it so that we don't have to rebuy some next year?

  Why is recycling important? More and more people recycle every day. This helps reduce landfills and more costly forms of disposal. Recycling also lessens the requirement for raw material extraction (mining, quarrying, and logging), refining, and processing—all of which significantly contaminate the air and water. By lowering greenhouse gas emissions and promoting energy conservation, this helps combat climate change. Recycling prevents countless tons of rubbish from ending up in landfills. Recycling reduces carbon emissions in the UK by 10–15 million tons annually, which is the same as removing 3.5 million automobiles off the road.

  I encourage you to try to recycle as much as you can to create a positive impact on the world. Every bit helps!

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587048   2023-11-05 18:11:06 (Last post: 2024-04-05 06:18:44)
The Benefits of Thrifting

Thrifting can be very beneficial to lowering your carbon footprint for these reasons
1. Everything is way cheaper
2. Doesn't require anymore energy to make
3. You can find really cute stuff there[vintage, high value(for low cost),name brands]
4. Really good for basic items
5. Cheap sports equipment

elaria   2023-11-14 00:38:34

Thrifting is amazing on so many levels. Clothing uses a lot of materials and produces a lot of chemicals in the process of being made. By thrifting, you’re cutting down the amount of emissions and resources it takes to make clothing. By recycling someone else’s clothing, you’re also taking away an item which could’ve ended up in the landfill. The items in a thrift store haven’t been imported in and it’s usually locals donating their clothing which means less pollution is getting emitted from vehicles. Depending on the thrift store you go to some of them donate their money to charities. It is usually a lot cheaper shopping at thrift stores than buying items brand new.

Jqck   2024-03-22 07:45:29

I 100% agree about thrifting. I get a lot of my clothes from my local good will and it is a lot cheaper than getting it new. Thrifting and donating to thrift stores helps everyone.(Including the environment) The donaters are happy because they got rid of their stuff that they do not need, GoodWill can hire more people and create jobs, the thrifter is happy because they got clothes for cheap and the environment is happy because more  GHG emissions were not put into the atmosphere to make new clothes. Everyone should at least do some thrifting.

Osmith44   2024-03-22 07:58:34

I agree that thrifting is a great way to lessen carbon from damaging our planet. Think of it, the more we thrift clothes that are secondhand or even thirdhand can reduce the waste of producing large amounts of new product(clothing) every year. Plus on the bright side thrifting is a lot cheaper than buying new. When new clothing is made in factories it comes with a risk of chemicals being transmitted. It also helps to know when you thrift clothing, a large amount of it will be local. Some people can be concerned (for good reasons) where the product is coming from and who is making it. Overall, I think thrifting is a great idea for the planet and preventing less carbon emissions.

Flynn Layton   2024-03-25 18:32:10

I agree. Thrifting is a good idea in so many different ways. By getting clothes secondhand, you are also preventing them from ending up in a landfill, saving energy and resources used to make new clothes and transport them, and supporting a non-profit organization, all while you save money. Sometimes, it can be hard to find things you like, which is your size while thrifting, but overall, it is worth it if you are saving the environment and your bank account.

domdomareki   2024-03-28 07:49:43

I strongly agree, that thrifting is an amazing way to give clothes a second life! by purchasing secondhand clothes you are keeping them from ending up in a landfill and saving energy and resources. now that thrifting is easier than ever to do, heck you can even thrift online! there is really no excuse to be purchasing new clothes.

margaret.mccarthy   2024-04-01 06:55:46

The benefits of thrifting are outstanding. There is no need to purchase everything new when it can produce more carbon and dirty water. Did you know it takes 3,781 liters of water to make one pair of jeans. And to get that pain of jeans from the factory and around the world through a load of different stores it will produce about 33.4 kilograms of carbon. Think if you went to a thrift store you could find the perfect clothing that you were even looking for. You can also use thrifted clothes to make something unique and new that no one else has.

Dance32   2024-04-05 06:18:44

Thrifting is a great way to let clothes live to their fullest potential. Thrifting is a great way to prevent the inevitable. Your clothes anting up in a landfill.

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KKaitlyn   2024-02-05 10:37:03 (Last post: 2024-03-22 10:50:41)
Reuse & Repurpose

It's good to reuse things and repurpose them. Although not all things can be reused/repurposed, there are still many other ways to reduce carbon. Some example are buying a reusable water bottle rather then buying single use plastic ones, instead of buying a paper or plastic bag at the store, bring your own reusable bag, deonate your old clothes or buy someone else's clothes(thrifting). You can repurpose your old clothes or even change up some of the new clothes that you thrift. All of these are examples of ways we can reuse and repurpose things to prevent more waste in our environment.

willa_yetman   2024-03-22 10:50:41

I agree with this statement. Reusing and repurposing makes a huge difference in the environment and your carbon footprint. I agree that some things cannot be reused, like for example light bulbs. But there are so many things that can be reused for instance, clothes, plastic bags, plastic water bottles, bins, boxes, and so much more. Another action you can do is repurposing, you can donate clothes and shoes to thrift shops, or to families in need. I feel as though people should know the distinction between a want and a need. There are many things that people want in the world, an example would be new clothes that are trending, or the latest iPhone. But these things are not a need. I agree with the fact that phones are good to have and most people communicate through them and use them in their everyday lives. But you don't always need the new edition of a phone. The same also goes for new trendy clothes, many people buy clothes because they are trending online at the time. But overall reusing and repurposing clothes is a lot better for the environment.

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Serenitie08   2023-11-05 15:30:56 (Last post: 2024-03-22 08:09:43)
The importance of recycling.

Recycling is something that we should all do to help keep the environment clean and safer.  There are many videos and photos I'm sure you’ve seen that show the absurd amounts of trash in rivers/oceans/lakes.  If we all just recycle and clean our environment would be clean and safe not just for us but future generations.

Audrey Pearl   2024-03-22 06:46:15

Though i do agree that recycling is extremely important. It is also important to bring the facts to light. In 2021, only 5-6% of plastic produced was recycled and the rest is all thrown away. If we implement laws and rules to better enforce recycling there could be bigger change. Another way to combat plastic pollution is changing the packaging that is being used. There is already so much plastic out there, so we dont need anymore. Reusing the plastic and finding substitutes for plastic are the steps we need to take. Also, many people who do recycle, dont know where all the plastic goes. They put it in the bin, take it to the dump, and then where? I think if we properly educate people on recycling it will encourage people to do it more.

Isabel.pf   2024-03-22 07:21:56

I completely agree, more recycling will be an overall better out look on the world because of how much waste there is in the world. Aldo us picking up after ourselves will reduce the waste that gets littered in the ocean or in the streets causing it to be a safer environment.

Osmith44   2024-03-22 07:42:03

All of these responses are great! I am a firm believer in that recycling can make and has started to make a big impact on our earth. There hasn’t been a great amount of enforcement when it comes to making laws and having regulations. If we recycle more our climate and our planet will become healthier as time goes on. It is crucial to recycle and reuse so we don’t constantly waste important goods and be able to repurpose so we have less unnecessary product floating around.

Tlaukka   2024-03-22 08:09:43

I agree with recycling being a big importance and it impacting our earth greatly. Everyone knows of recycling but many still don’t participate in it. If we can get more people to see how important it is than I think it could help the earth even just a little bit. Recycling makes out environment safer from litter and toxins.

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Py88   2024-03-22 06:33:38

It is really important to recycle, reuse, and repurpose plastic. This is because most trash humans throw out is make out of plastic. Plastic takes a really long to completely decompose. So the amount of plastic trash build up is insane because there’s just so much plastic that builds up and doesn’t decompose as fast as it builds up. This is why it is important for us humans to try and recycle, reuse, and repurpose plastic trash. If we continue to reuse plastic then we can slow down the build up of plastic trash.

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Py88   2024-03-22 06:31:03

It is really important to recycle, reuse, and repurpose plastic. This is because most trash humans throw out is make out of plastic. Plastic takes a really long to completely decompose. So the amount of plastic trash build up is insane because there’s just so much plastic that builds up and doesn’t decompose as fast as it builds up. This is why it is important for us humans to try and recycle, reuse, and repurpose plastic trash. If we continue to reuse plastic then we can slow down the build up of plastic trash.

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makim1715   2023-11-06 23:17:34 (Last post: 2024-03-22 06:21:42)
Water Bottles

Plastic water bottles are some of the main contributors to increased carbon emissions and pollution. Plastic water bottles (plastic in general) is essentially a product made from fossil fuels (www.no-burn.org). We use plastic bottles in our everyday lives, and reusing and recycling is one way we may all reduce our carbon footprint. Some ways to reuse plastic is to create pots, use as a cup at home, create a watering bucket by poking holes, or simply dispose of the water bottle by placing it in any recycling bin. This will really cut back on plastic pollution, our carbon footprints, and fossil fuel consumption. Another solution is to completely stop buying plastic water bottles. There are many alternatives, you may use any metal water bottle. They are easily reusable and easy to clean when needed. They also keep your water cooler for longer or hotter depending on what's in there, and it is a lot safer for your health because micro-plastics aren't leaching into your water.

kierstins_roach   2023-11-17 15:50:23

I agree. Plastic is the one of the most-used materials on Earth. When I read that plastic was made via burning fossil fuels, it was shocking to me. However, if we reuse plastic by turning it into a pot (quoted from comment above), and you burn the plastic, won't we just scrap it in the end anyway? There are different ways to use plastic, but I still think that  reusing them as household items is not THE best idea, because they will end up being tossed anyway.

OliveV   2024-03-22 06:21:42

I totally agree with this. Plastic water bottles are so bad for the environment. Plastic water bottles are contributing to increased carbon emissions and pollution. If you are going to use a plastic water bottle the least you can do it reuse it for a while and then recycle it. There are lots of creative ways you can reuse a plastic water bottle; you can cut the top off and paint it and use that to hold crayons, pencils,  art supplies and so much more. This is a great activity to do that could be fun for young kids. Another way to reuse plastic water bottles is by turning it into a diy plant pot and grow plants. Reusable water bottles are pretty affordable  and very easy to get. In conclusion, recycling is a pretty easy task. Everyone should be able to recycle plastic if you are going to use plastic in the first place.

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Cristina574   2023-11-14 17:30:17
Upcycle Your World

An eco-friendly approach to living is promoted by the concepts of reuse and repurposing, which challenge the conventional "use and throw away" mentality. By finding new uses for items, we can extend their lives and lessen the need for new resources. This is known as reuse. Reusing objects such as glass jars or creatively modifying used furniture can be basic examples. Taking things that might otherwise be thrown away and giving them a new purpose is known as repurposing. A more inventive and sustainable way of life is promoted by embracing reuse and repurpose, which includes upcycling clothing and repurposing old objects. It also minimizes waste.

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TylerWilson1   2023-11-05 19:49:36 (Last post: 2023-11-13 21:35:40)
Reuse everything

Almost everything can and should be reused or recycled. Most products you purchase will have a tag or sticker somewhere on it, telling whether or not it is recyclable. If it is, put it in recycling. If it isn't, YOU can reuse it yourself.

Adeliia   2023-11-05 22:41:47

I can agree, but keep in mind not everything can be reused, there's simply things that cannot be reused like paper towels, bubble wrap, styrofoam, and aerosol cans. A better suggestion would be to either repurpose or limit your usage of things that cannot be recycled or reused.

MyaG   2023-11-06 19:03:07

I agree with what you said and I feel that people should not be lazy and to relize and tosee what their putting in the trash and to figure if they need to recycle it or to put it in other bins. The other pins beening recycle bin, glass bin, metal bin etc. Also we do have to keep in mind that not all places where your at have recycling bins or glass bins which should diffently be a change for our world and try to get rcycling bin everywhere for a better impact.

elliesimons   2023-11-13 21:35:40

I agree with what you said, but unfortunately not everything can be reused or recycled. While many things can be reused or recycled, there are still some items that either don't have a recycling option available or are challenging to recycle. If you can't recycle an item though, you might be thinking, "can't we just reuse it then?" While I do think many items are reusable, there are also many that are hard to. for example, single use plastic, or items that might have been damaged beyond repair aren't reusable. If you can't reuse everything you're purchasing, then it's a good idea to invest in better quality items that last longer to reduce waste.

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Maxibon   2023-11-09 03:32:23
The impact of ecological recycling

Ecological recycling reduces the need for landfills and incineration. Saves energy and avoids pollution caused by the extraction and processing of virgin materials and the manufacturing of products using virgin materials. Reduces greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global climate change.

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Rohitha   2023-11-09 00:06:06
Dress Green! Save Green!

Fast Fashion. This has become a term everyone has become familiar with. Over the last couple of years, fast fashion has made its presence known. The fashion industry itself is known to be responsible for almost 10% of our global emissions. Fast fashion produces massive amounts of clothing that are more affordable and more efficient to produce. These industries jump on latest trends to draw in large crowds. However, even though this sounds extremely convenient, fast fashion has made numerous detrimental effects on the environment. Clothing requires unimaginable amounts of oil, space, chemicals and water to produce. According to BBC, it is estimated that it takes 2,700 litres of water to produce ONE t-shirt! Unbelievable right?! Over the years, globally, clothing has made a huge impact on our own personal carbon footprints. To combat this issue, we have to make the choice of supporting more sustainable brands. We should also be willing to reuse and repurpose our materials.  Every single action of ours, impacts someone or something else in one way or another. It’s important that we are aware of the results of our actions. By dressing green, we can save green!

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Adeliia   2023-11-05 19:22:49
Reuse, Then Recycle

Reuse means taking products that would otherwise be discarded and using them again in their current form, or with few repairs or changes. People often mistakenly say they are recycling something when they are actually reusing it. Recycling involves collecting used materials, processing them mechanically and chemically, and remanufacturing them into new products. These activities consume energy, water, and other resources, and cause pollution. Although the resource use and pollution associated with recycling is far less than that created by manufacturing with virgin materials, it is greater than the act of simply reusing an item. Because of this you should reuse things before you try to recycle them.

Here's a list of some things you can reuse: Spread out old newspaper beneath a tablecloth to provide further protection against spills, make a bird feeder out of a 2-liter plastic bottle,
don’t throw old books away; upcycle them into beautiful handmade journals, keep used tea bags in the refrigerator; in the morning, dampen if needed and put one on each eye to relieve puffiness and refresh sleepy peepers.

Read more here: https://www.treehugger.com/ways-to-reus … ge-4863950

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JinjooH   2023-11-05 18:43:00
Reusing and Repurposing

Reusing definitely helps us and the environment in several different ways. Reusing helps prevent pollution by lowering the amount of raw materials being made. This in turn lowers the amount of energy being used which lowers the amount of greenhouse gas emissions. This helps the environment by bringing down Earth's average surface temperature. Reusing also reduces the amount of waste going to landfills. Landfills have toxic chemicals  which contaminates the water around them, which is harmful to people's health and the environment. This is why reusing materials and reducing the amount of waste going to landfills helps us and the environment.

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jessicaamanatullah   2023-11-05 17:45:55
Reuse & Repurpose: Revival before you recycle

The next time you go to recycle or throw something away, ask yourself this: Can I reuse or repurpose this item? I started asking myself that recently, and I have now realized how many items I can upcycle or repurpose instead of recycling. For example, I was about to discard a bunch of old CDs, but instead turned them into wall art. But, why didn’t I just recycle them? Why should we try to revive an item before recycling it?

Well, recycling is a process where you collect materials that would have been trash, to turn them into a new product. The problem is, with recycling, certain plastics ( which are the biggest and most harmful portion of marine litter ) simply won’t recycle. In fact, according to data, “only around 9% of plastics actually get recycled; the other 91% of plastics are landfilled, incinerated, or dumped into rivers, streams, and oceans” ( repurpose.global ). Also, from a manufacturing standpoint, using recyclable material in their product is an expensive process and might scare away buyers. So, what else can we do? Try to revive an item before you recycle it!

We’ve all heard it: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Before we recycle, we can't skip the first two R’s: reduce and reuse. How can we start implementing these practices into our lives right now?
1. REUSE shopping bags every time you go grocery shopping instead of using single-use bags. This way, you can REDUCE the amount of bags you are consuming. Other items include eating utensils or plating.
2. REPURPOSE items, like using old clothing as a rag or towel. For me, I dry my hair with an old t-shirt to get as many uses out of it as possible. If you’re artsy, you can cut out labels or photos from an item and use them in cards or projects.
3. Purchase items with less packaging; buy items in large containers instead of small, one-time-use packaging.

What are some examples of this in the world around us? In India, there is the Rock Garden of Chandigarh. This is a garden completely made and constructed of home waste and thrown-away items. This garden is an amazing showcase of reusing and repurposing, and how trash can be reused and turned into art.

So, the next time we’re about to get rid of something, think: How can I bring this item back to life by reusing it before recycling it?



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MyaG   2023-11-05 17:33:25
reuse and repurpose

Reuse is a means to prevent solid waste from entering the landfill, improve our communities, and increase the material. Reducing, reusing and recycling waste helps save landfill space by keeping useful materials out. The amount of energy and natural resources needed to produce or collect the raw materials and manufacture the product are reduced.  Some examples of trying recycle is reusing containers at home, school or anywhere or buy beverages in returnable containers. Overall, where as you would reuse a product for its original purpose in a new place or way, to repurpose would be to find a new purpose for an already existing material.

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yasssmine   2023-11-05 14:26:03
The five Rs

Reusing and repurposing creates wasting less. It is important to learn the five Rs (reusing, repurposing, reducing, reusing, and recycling) when learning how to eliminate waste. There are many ways to help with the five Rs, rechargeable power, crafting, afterlife for objects such as wood, tries, etc… These are great ways to learn how to use the five Rs. Clean energy helps with reusing, repurposing, and recycling. This could either be powered by wind or solar energy. Applying the 5 Rs to your daily life can make a positive impact on reducing air pollution, bad climate energy, greenhouse gases, etc… Reusing, instead of humans reusing objects, they buy new ones. Replacing plastics (water bottles, paper cups, paper plates, etc) with compostable and reusable alternatives, will help make a positive impact. Repurposing, some items are not able to be reused or reduced, but repurposing helps with that. Some examples of recycling or repurposing are cardboard boxes for storing supplies, cans/jars/cups for holding pens or pencils, and clips for holding cables. Reducing is ever helpful with keeping the environment clean. Instead of using multiple papers when printing use both sides of the paper, or instead of throwing something such as packaging, cut it and reduce and reuse it. Refusing is basically making smaller purchases when you easily reuse them. Recycling is the most important of all the five Rs and has a big impact on friendly waste disposal. A good example of recycling is paper materials and organics. These five Rs will have a great positive impact on our environment.

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AshleeDeBruyn   2023-05-03 22:44:38 (Last post: 2023-11-04 22:06:59)
Importance of recycling

Things often found in the ocean, causing immense damage, are things that can be recycled. One example is that throwing plastic bottles and other plastic away, can get it to be thrown into the ocean, landfills etc. But bottles can be turned into clothes, bags, fabrics, car components, and more! It reduces the plastic in the world, into things used on a daily basis.

Leanna K   2023-05-03 23:19:18

Yes, I agree with you. Bottles are very damaging to the ocean, especially to the creatures inside. For example, people have cut open the corpses of whales and found it filled with micro-plastics, which the whale cannot digest. Even though recycling might be tiring to some, we should still do it, considering the lives of the others sharing this planet with us.

Ayumi S   2023-05-03 23:23:47

Yes, I agree. Love this ?❤️??

Hailey the menace   2023-05-03 23:26:18

Yes. I agree. All of this goofy plastic is damaging to the ocean life and our future. We should protect our own environment to protect our world.

s2811   2023-05-04 08:30:34

I totally agree and I think people should be more careful to recycle plastic especially if they know what is happening in the oceans.

SakeBOD7   2023-05-05 12:38:08

Totally agree with you. Recycling is vital to our earth and if we perform it correctly we can have some good benefits. First of all, recycling is important because it reduces waste sent to incinerators and landfills which can further populate the earth. Recycling also conserves our natural resources such as minerals, timber and water because these recycled objects have already been processed and refined, making them cleaner for our environment. Recycling benefits our environment by saving energy, helping to create jobs in recycling, and increasing economic security by using domestic materials. We can all do our part in recycling and making our earth better for future generations. Also if you want to learn more about recycling benefits copy and paste this link into your search bar:https://www.epa.gov/circulareconomy/us-recycling-system#:~:text=For%20the%20environment%2C%20recycling%3A,and%20process%20new%20raw%20materials.

dachBOD   2023-05-11 20:41:22

I completely agree with your statement and ideas. Plastics are causing a detrimental effect on Earth’s oceans and it is a massive problem. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, scientists estimated that there was 8 million metric tons of plastic in the ocean during 2010. This was over a decade ago and the plastic problem is only getting worse. Plastics all around are terrible for the environment. The production of plastic is very bad as it causes pollution. Plastics stick around for decades or even centuries. They created chemicals that harm the animals too. Plastics end up in the ocean and this created the huge Pacific Garbage Patch. To prevent the situation from getting worse, there are multiple solutions that could help. Nothing will completely reverse the effects of plastic but they can help to ensure we have a world to live in for the future generations. The solutions go hand in hand and work together. Alone, they are slightly effective but together they can help a lot. The first step is repurposing many of the plastics that are already created. You can use plastics for different things and finding new purposes can help to ensure they don’t end up in the ocean. Stopping the production of plastic is very important. If we reuse and repurpose plastics but continue making them, it won’t change anything. 380 million tons of plastic are produced every single year and half of the plastics are single use. We use these plastics for a few moments but they will stay on this Earth for multiple centuries. This is terrible for the environment and pollution. One alternative that people are experimenting with is mycelium. Mycelium is a mushroom and people are engineering it to be used as an alternative for packaging that is compostable. You can even use it as a fertilizer after using it. These ideas are great but there is one huge problem still. That is to convince everyone to switch to these ideas of reusing and changing the status quo of plastic production. If we teach the youth about reusing and repurposing, we can create individuals who can learn how to take care of their damaged planet. In conclusion, reusing and repurposing helps the planet a lot but we need to stop the production of plastics with alternatives so that reusing and repurposing has a bigger impact on the plastic situation on Earth.
https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/hazards/m … ocean.html
https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/17/world/pl … d%20Hawaii.

Der_WylldeKerl 3   2023-05-15 04:11:49

I agree with you completely, things always end up in the sea, but what can you improve at the moment and what do you think you can change about it as an individual

Leila T - sjrstate   2023-10-20 10:31:30

Agreed. In addition to the hazard listed above, indigestible plastic filling the stomachs of dead animals, wildlife can become tangled in old fishing nets or other hazardous garbage. Less obvious, though, are the toxins that plastic leaches into the ocean. As they’re broken down (slowly) and decomposed by the rain and sun, toxic chemicals are released into the water. Some chemicals have been linked to cell damage and inflammation, and others are associated with chemicals that impact human fertility. Aside from the environmental damage this causes, if we eat fish that has been contaminated with these toxins, it’s possible that they could affect us too. That’s another reason why it’s important to recycle and prevent more plastic from reaching the ocean.

https://maritime-executive.com/editoria … usly-known
https://www.acs.org/pressroom/newsrelea … -says.html

rectorazariyah@gmail.com   2023-10-30 10:32:21

I agree, recycling should be mandatory rather than a choice. This would limit the amount of pollution in today's world

K@teryna   2023-11-01 20:51:02

Hi AshleeDeBruyn, I completely agree with your idea that many items found in the ocean, such as plastic, should be recycled to reduce the environmental damage it causes. Recycling not only helps with lowering the amount of plastic pollution in the oceans but also maintains resources and energy. It's a win-win for the environment and the economy.

Dylnfndr   2023-11-02 08:49:44

I definitely agree that we should recycle more in order to lower the amount of waste in our environment. This is exactly what makes it so sad that many people don’t care about recycling. They believe that recycling will not have an impact, but they don’t look into it to see that it actually does.

Tc09   2023-11-02 09:01:19

I totally agree! As a society, we have normalized being so wasteful of our belongings, resources, and everything we use in our daily life. Single use plastics have become such a large issue that is affecting our environment, from our oceans as you mentioned, to our forests and even your local park. Each individual person needs to step up and take action for their own wastefulness. Invest in reusable water bottles, reusable grocery bags, etc. Recycle what you can. Research your area's recycling laws and make sure you bring everything to the right place instead of just tossing it in your recycling bin. Without that research, you may end up thinking you recycled something, but it just ends up in a landfill anyways because it wasn't recycled properly. Re-purpose things to make them last longer and be used more.
There are steps that everyone can take to help save the environment. If enough people step up, we will begin to see our planet healing.

Zack S   2023-11-03 11:11:18

Yes i very agree with this because we need to care more about the enviorment because we are damaging it very bad and that is not good for the future.

fionaw   2023-11-04 22:06:59

I definitely agree with this post. Recycling and reusing is super important on earth, it’d not only help our environment but our economy too. As a society, we consume lots of plastic waste and other materials which land into landfills and our ocean. Recycling and reusing can help ourselves, the community, and the environment by saving money, energy, and natural resources. It reduces greenhouse gases and prevents more pollution. Reusing allows products to be used to its fullest extent. It’s great that we can recycle materials and reuse them to turn them into new products again, this will reduce waste. Donating also reduces waste and it allows people who can’t afford brand new items to receive what they need.

Sources: https://www.epa.gov/recycle

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Takoyama   2023-11-04 21:37:19
the problem with recycling.

Now obviously I'm not the most qualified person to be talking about this but I think in many respects we have been lied to about recycling, not just by greenwashing on the corporate end but the federal agencies and global recycling industries.  We as citizens are expected to go through an absurdly long process just to handle our recyclables and quite frankly I can't help but feel like it's because they don't actually want us to recycle (in other words recycling isn't good for the economy because it's not profitable).  Only 6% of plastic waste actually gets reused in products because apparently if it's not cleaned and dried properly it just can't be used, but of course they aren't clear enough about relaying that information to the public.  Like why should that be our responsibility, you have the money and resources to do it yourself as a public service or at least properly educate people on how they can genuinely contribute without useless 5 minute crafts like "using milk jugs to make watering cans".  It just doesn't make sense.

source: https://phys.org/news/2022-05-plastic-recycled.html

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tristine   2023-11-04 13:20:43
Significance of Recycling

Recycling is beneficial for the environment, economy, and communities. Recycling protects and conserves natural resources, prevents pollution in the ocean, decreases greenhouse gases by lowering the process of raw materials, and reduces the total amount of waste being sent to landfills. Recycling can affect the economy by conserving energy and supporting the creation of jobs in recycling and manufacturing industries in the U.S. Roughly 11 million metric tons of waste are in the ocean globally each year. This pollutes the marine environments, including shorelines, beaches, and the water surface. Plastic is a material that cannot be broken down truly, but it breaks into very miniature pieces. If the microplastics end up in the ocean, marine species ingest them. Studies show that many animals have plastic in their digestive tracts. The recycling process is categorized into three sections: reduce, reuse, and recycle. Humans can reduce waste by avoiding unnecessary plastic, using reusable items, and using plastic alternatives. Recycling reduces the amount of pollution that harms our environment. 

https://www.stewardship-foundation.org/ … _UQAvD_BwE

https://lnt.org/the-dos-and-donts-of-re … -IQAvD_BwE

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alyt   2023-11-03 11:45:28 (Last post: 2023-11-03 14:53:13)

People usually underestimate the importance of recycling. Although it may seem like there is little effect, recycling can actually reduce environmental impacts by up to 50%. This is because it reduces the emissions of greenhouse gases by not processing new raw materials as often. Reusing items/materials you already have for other purposes also lowers the amount of trash ended up in landfills. In landfills, gases such as carbon dioxide and methane are released into the atmosphere, causing further damage. By putting in the effort to recycle, we can lessen our impact on the environment.

https://kingcounty.gov/en/legacy/depts/ … 0materials.

enderking   2023-11-03 14:53:13

Recycling can be useful but doing so can also release greenhouse gases and effect the planet negatively. smile

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Zack S   2023-11-03 11:08:54
What is reuse and repurpose?

Reuse and Repurpose is recycling. This is good because instead of adding to the garbage dumps we can re-use junk and keep reusing it. This is good because if we keep just throwing stuff away then our oceans will keep being dirty and the beaches will also be dirty and thats not good because sea creatures die by choking on stuff.

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Kevind4   2023-11-03 09:10:25
Reuse and Repurpose

If you never bought anything that you didn’t really need to use or never wanted in the first place it would reduce your purchases by 73% according to a survey done by Slickdeals. The survey says 73% of purchases are unplanned meaning if we just planned out our purchases just a bit more we could easily reduce that number by 40-50%.  How does this affect your carbon footprint, not buying saves from pollution from getting these raw materials to market in the first place.

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Kevind4   2023-11-03 09:10:25
Reuse and Repurpose

If you never bought anything that you didn’t really need to use or never wanted in the first place it would reduce your purchases by 73% according to a survey done by Slickdeals. The survey says 73% of purchases are unplanned meaning if we just planned out our purchases just a bit more we could easily reduce that number by 40-50%.  How does this affect your carbon footprint, not buying saves from pollution from getting these raw materials to market in the first place.

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Don P   2023-11-02 20:07:31
Keep Trash From The Dump.

2,120,000,000 tons of waste are dumped each year (The World Counts). Trash is filling the ocean, covering beaches, and piling up on the side of roads and in nature reserves. Our planet cannot sustain this type of waste production. If we don’t change soon, trash will build up, filling streets contaminating water, and possibly making some places unlivable. Not everything needs to just be used once, in fact, most things should not be used just once. When you drink a plastic water bottle, you can refill it instead of getting a new one, you can use bags multiple times, you can use the front and back of paper, among other things. My point is, get as much out of everything you use as you can. When you do get rid of something however, recycle it. You can recycle any and all possible metals, plastics, paper, and other materials and buy things that are made from recycled materials to reduce what waste reaches the dump.
Source:The World Counts. www.theworldcounts.com/challenges/waste/global-waste-problem.

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Kinsey S   2023-11-02 19:29:19
Why is recycling and reusing important?

Recycling and reusing are important for many reasons. Not only does it benefit us, but it also benefits the climate and environment. For example, it makes it so we do not need to use and collect as many resources. If we keep using old thing instead of new thing every time, we do something then, we will use the same resources and not need new ones. Reducing the need of producing new things means the less greenhouses gases that are being emitted from manufactures. Recycling and reusing also reduces waste in landfills. This all around is a good thing, because landfills are harmful to the environment such as infecting soil and overall destroying the environment. Overall recycling and reusing is important, because it reduces that amount of emissions from manufactures, and reduces waste in landfills,
https://accessep.com.au/5-environmental … recycling/

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Bethany_G@rcia   2023-11-02 14:15:53
How does recycling help us?

Why should we look into recycling? Why should we contribute? These are questions that some people may ask because they don’t know the benefits of recycling or they don’t know the harm in NOT recycling. The recycling system in the U.S sends about 70% of its waste into landfills. Part of this is because people don’t actually realize how harmful not recycling is and how much you can do by just contributing a little bit.
We all need resources like water, timber, and minerals, those are just a few examples. We want to conserve these resources and that is one of the benefits of recycling. Could you imagine living a life where water isn’t a resource you couldn’t get easily. There’s more to it than just helping the earth and  saving resources, there are a lot of people in the country who don’t have jobs and by making recycling a bigger thing this could open up even more jobs in the recycling industry. If we realize how much we can stop and open our eyes to these things it would benefit so many people. We just need to sit and think about it, and add actions to our words.

https://www.epa.gov/circulareconomy/us- … ngBenefits

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enderking   2023-11-02 14:09:34
Carbon in the air

We should try and contain excess carbon somewhere instead of launching it into the atmosphere. I propose having it collected and repurposed into a carbon metal for construction projects like schools.

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Dylnfndr   2023-11-01 20:52:03 (Last post: 2023-11-02 13:52:06)
Why should we recycle?

We all know that recycling is good for the environment, but what exactly is it that makes it better? First off, it produces less CO2. In 2008 alone, we saved the same amount of CO2 as 1 million flights would cost, just through recycling. Many people believe that recycling will not do anything, but that is not true. Recycling about 15 tons of recyclable material is almost equivalent to taking 3.5 million cars off of the road, which sounds like a really good improvement.

Mystery7298   2023-11-02 13:52:06

I agree with what you are saying. I never really thought in depth about why we recycle. I just did it because everyone around me told me to. With your insights, you have helped me opened my eyes to the importance of recycling all that we can. Producing less carbon dioxide (CO2) is always better, especially considering that burning fossil fuels produces a ton of CO2 that is then released into the atmosphere, the ocean, and plants. In my opinion, recycling that 15 tons of material is incredibly helpful. I hope that more and more people will continue or start to recycle their recyclable materials while they are still alive.

As you said, “In 2008 alone, we saved the same amount of CO2 as 1 million flights would cost, just through recycling.”

If that is just in one year alone, imagine what we could do if even more people recycled. Imagine if we recycled more saw those results or better every year!

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K@teryna   2023-11-01 20:54:55
Recycling and Pollution

Water and air pollution are all large problems due to recycling. We can all recycle at home and solve this large problem even though it sounds like very little, it can help a lot. By recycling paper, air pollution can be reduced by 75%. Recycling plastic bottles can reduce water pollution to about 80% by 2040.

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Avery Marshmallow   2023-11-01 19:48:39
Getting Creative

Many times, when something stops working or is no longer functional to the owner, it will be thrown out. However, what if we stopped looking at it as what it used to be, and started looking at it as what it could be? Old clothes, if to tattered to be donated could be turned into a stuffed animal. Used paper could be used as origami. Even plastic can be turned into beautiful flowers. Museums all over the world hold some incredible works made completely from trash. Plastic collected from ocean have been used to make paintings and scrap metal from dumps have been made to make sculptures. Next time before you throw something out, look at it from a different perspective.

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Krishh188   2023-11-01 17:22:43
Reuse & Repurpose

Reusing and repurposing represent sustainable practices that not only reduce waste but also promote resource efficiency. According to a report by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, titled "The New Plastics Economy," reusing and repurposing materials and products can help minimize the environmental impact of our consumption patterns. By extending the lifespan of items, be it through repair, refurbishment, or creative adaptation, we can significantly reduce the demand for new resources and limit the harmful effects of waste disposal. These practices not only conserve valuable resources but also encourage innovative thinking and foster a culture of mindful consumption, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable and resilient future.

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CacoBOD8   2023-05-12 07:59:16 (Last post: 2023-11-01 11:42:36)
The importance of reusing and recycling clothes

Recycling and reusing has always been important, but right now it is necessary for us to do so. Over the years, global warming and climate change have been happening very quickly which has been affecting our planet in some negative ways. So, it is important that we lower our carbon foot prints and learn to reuse our clothes, electronics and machines. Today more than 10% of CO2 emissions come from the making of clothing, thats more than carbon being emitted than international flights and shipping combined. The clothing industry also accounts for a fifth of the 300 million tons of plastic being produced each year.If we just change some habits of ours, for example switching from buying new clothes, you should consider thrift shopping. This is a great way to get the things you need, for cheaper and it doesn't put any more CO2 in the air from those products.

CacoBOD8   2023-05-12 08:00:45

The links i found for this data are here:
https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2022 … #xj4y7vzkg

Ballista   2023-11-01 11:42:36

Thrift shopping and buying used clothes is often looked down upon but honestly they are a very good place to buy clothes. My family personally often buys a lot of our clothes, especially for costumes, from thrift stores. As well as that thrift stores have the added benefit of making clothes more affordable.

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Ballista   2023-11-01 11:39:17
Tire Pollution

In the United States alone, around 281 million tires are thrown out each year. This pollution of rubber not only harms in its physical form but also as it degrades into microplastics it seeps into watersheds and eventually into organism causing health damages and possible death. Tires themselves are often thrown into landfills where they can often catch on fire causing air pollution or just take up large amounts of space that could have been something beneficial. What can we do to stop this or possibly reuse or recycle tires?


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Buhg1   2023-11-01 08:49:07 (Last post: 2023-11-01 11:25:58)
Excessive Packaging

A big problem that I have noticed when going shopping around various stores, is the amount of packaging used for smaller things. If you have ever been to a tech store, like best buy, the smallest things, like a bluetooth dongle will have a huge piece of cardboard with text on it compared to the small electronic. Amazon also has this problem, most of the time the boxes will be almost twice as big as the thing shipped inside of it.

woolsey12345   2023-11-01 11:25:58

I absolutely agree, it is ridiculous that so many tiny things come in such huge packages. So much of what we get in the mail or at the store has a lot of unnecessary garbage attached to it that we just end up throwing away.

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Barlo   2023-04-06 07:31:16 (Last post: 2023-10-30 10:51:02)

How can we reuse and repurpose more paper at school instead of using new paper each time?

Hayden Fernandez   2023-10-30 10:51:02

You could try to write smaller or erase your work.

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emstBOD   2023-05-12 23:08:25 (Last post: 2023-10-30 10:39:21)
How thrift shopping effects your carbon footprint

Thrift shopping is a overlooked way to decrease your carbon footprint, since it effects energy consumption, air pollution, landfill and oceans. The average person in America throws away 60-80 pounds of clothing throughout their lifetime, thrift shopping allows for all those clothes to be used again instead of ending up in landfills. Also, many textile do not decompose in water, so when clothing is discarded, ending up in oceans, it stays there for a long period of time hurting the animals and plants around it. The fashion industry accounts for 10% of the worlds carbon emissions, so when clothing is reused at higher and higher rates, the necessity for pumping out so much clothing begins lessen.

https://www.swiftfit.net/blog/sustainab … to%20waste.

Zoe23   2023-10-30 10:39:21

This is a great point. Even reusing old textiles for rags is better than sending them to a landfill. I've recently seen some companies that offer textile recycling; I'd be interested to find out if they're legitimate.

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P. Montenegro-SJR   2023-10-23 20:31:50
Recycling is important.. but reusing is the first step!

One of the easiest and well-known ways of helping the environment is recycling.. but that's far from the first step! Recycling is often the last step in a process we all can take part in that will reduce our carbon footprint as a whole. First off is reducing: by reducing the amount of materials used we can cut back on waste, an example being writing on both sides of a notebook or keeping a handkerchief to dry your hands instead of using paper towels. Second is reusing; we have the chance to reuse countless things in our day to day lives, from water bottles to tins and much more. By reusing something instead of throwing it away, we again shorten the waste produced from it where we finally end up at recycling.

By reducing and reusing we can create a larger impact in helping to repair our world by lowering our footprint.

Further reading: ( https://www.epa.gov/recycle/reducing-wa … you-can-do )

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chiiBOD   2023-05-12 18:29:35
Fashion faux pas

Did you know that the fashion industry is responsible for 10 percent of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions and 20 percent of global wastewater? Did you also know that the fashion industry produces more carbon emissions than the airline and maritime industries combined?  The environment cost of producing and distributing new clothing is too high and there is a better way that is becoming more popular with young people. This generation has been buying more secondhand clothing like in thrift stores and online websites, which is a great option not only for the environment but also to get nice clothes for cheaper. For example, I sell my used clothes on sites like Depop as a way to reduce my carbon footprint and also make some extra money. There are even luxury second hand clothing stores for people who like labels like Chanel and Gucci. This trend of secondhand clothing is increasing and it should continue to grow with the younger generation making it more common. Even if you buy just one pair of used jeans instead of new, you will save the one kilogram of cotton used to produce a pair of jeans, which can use 7,500 to 10,000 liters of water. That’s the amount a person would drink over 10 years.
https://nationalinterest.org/blog/reboo … ent-172719
https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2021/ … stainable/

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lachBOD   2023-05-11 21:11:43
Reducing Clothing Waste

In America alone, 11.3 tons of clothing are thrown away every year and about 10% of Earth's total carbon dioxide output comes from the clothing industry. Because of synthetic fibers, clothing waste has an even more detrimental affect to the environment because they are made from petroleum which is crude oil and takes lots of energy and resources just to extract from the ground. Waste from clothing also contributes to the giant trash piles in the ocean and pollute the land. One way we could combat all this waste is by buying second-hand clothes instead of supporting and creating supply and demand for new, cheap clothing, (aka "fast fashion.) This new, cheap clothing is called "fast fashion" because these pieces don't last you very long because they were made poorly and only with the intent to make money. When supporting second-hand shopping and hand-me-downs, it's keeping perfectly good pieces in rotation in the market without have to use energy and money to create a whole new piece of clothing. Not only that, thrifting is usually more inexpensive and affordable. You could find unique, cute clothes that won't be thrown away in a few months.
https://www.genevaenvironmentnetwork.or … e-fashion/
https://www.panaprium.com/blogs/i/envir … cinerators.

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trkaBOD   2023-05-11 12:34:43
The importance of Reusing

Reusing and repurposing are practices that have been around for centuries, but they have taken on renewed importance in the face of growing environmental concerns. By adopting these practices, we can reduce our reliance on finite resources and minimize the negative impact of our consumption on the planet. Reusing products and materials can be as simple as repairing and refurbishing them instead of throwing them away, or finding new uses for items that might otherwise end up in a landfill. The concept of repurposing involves taking materials and transforming them into something new and useful, such as using old clothing to create quilts or as towels or even repurposing shipping containers as housing. These practices can not only help us to save money, but also stimulate local economies by creating new jobs and business opportunities. By encouraging a culture of creativity and innovation, we can find new solutions to the environmental challenges we face and pave the way towards a more sustainable and resilient future.
https://www.thespruce.com/the-benefits- … ms-4164656

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