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Food & Hunger

What did you learn about dietary choices from using the footprint calculator? Now imagine that you could translate what you learned into an effective societal policy on food- what would it be? And how would this policy effect the need to alleviate world hunger?

925 million people on earth do not have enough to eat according to the FAO [Food and Agricultural Organization]. That's almost 1 in 7 inhabitants of our planet!

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Food & Hunger

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H20WATERGAMES12   2024-10-17 14:53:50

Eat less


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EzrTurv   2024-10-16 11:08:26 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:46:17)
food distrabution

do you all out there agree that there aren't enough food stands for the homeless? I lived in San Francisco for a good part of my life and Oakland as well, if you don't know where those places are just know they are filled with homeless, hungry, thirsty and uncleaned civilians and I believe setting up more food stands could help this cause more than we think.


colmor   2024-10-16 11:42:57

One thing I do is help the homeless by feeding them bags of food some Sunday. I hope this idea helps

dahcol   2024-10-16 11:46:17

I agree that there needs to be more food stands in places where the homeless population is high or even just above average. They deserve to have the same treatment as more wealthy people when it comes to food and health.

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Ryanctz   2024-10-06 07:52:53 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:46:15)
Food waste

We have to don't waste food because is important and because we must think about how they made it and probably it take more time what we think to redo them

alacor   2024-10-11 10:05:31

I agree

alacor   2024-10-11 10:09:30

I agree

mirmen1   2024-10-11 10:23:58

I agree

Addlar   2024-10-11 11:33:09

I agree it can be difficult to undo our prior actions but with time and effort we can help the earth.

margol   2024-10-11 12:06:30

I agree it can be hard but overall we need to help the earth and the people on it.

owefox   2024-10-15 11:52:00

people make videos of them wasting food and it should stop

sawyer1   2024-10-16 10:13:08

people should try to not waste food and make sure to not use more than you need.

CLAREEE   2024-10-16 11:04:08

I agree. Do not waste food!

becjoh731@ausdg.us   2024-10-16 11:08:05

I completely agree. We should never wast food and the food we don't eat can be saved or donated.

ethlou   2024-10-16 11:26:34

Agreed don't waste food its not healthy for the environment and it wont be good as many people could've ate that food.

andwin   2024-10-16 11:43:04

I agree also, because when we waste food we just waste the time of the people who made it.

audsit   2024-10-16 11:46:15

I agree with this because most people will buy tons of food and not eat all of it and instead throw it out. This wastes food and is a huge problem.

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Ilikesience   2024-10-16 11:07:53

stop wasting food other people might need it so they don't starve.

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H20WATERGAMES   2024-10-11 14:44:21 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:07:45)
Nice to meet you all

My name is H20WATER

lucmot   2024-10-16 11:07:45

Nice to meet you too,H20WATER!! GO GREEN!!

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lucmot   2024-10-16 10:48:06
Not wasting food

We should really not waste food because people are out in the world starving and we are throwing out food that they can be eating.

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Marguerite   2024-03-25 18:24:47 (Last post: 2024-10-16 10:20:14)
Food waste

Food waste is a huge part of the carbon that is emitted into our atmosphere. When food is thrown away and put into land fills, or burned, all the carbon that is stored in it contributes to the greenhouse effect. This is why it is so important to compost. Composting has many benefits: it helps store the carbon from the food that stores lots of carbon in soil and stops it from being emitted into the atmosphere, it provides fresh soil that you can use to plant and grow your own food, it attracts beneficial animals that will help break the food down such as worms, and it stops landfills from being filled with food waste and trash. Composting is something that is so easy to do, and even if you do not have a backyard to do it in, you can have a composting bucket inside. It involves just a few extra steps in your daily routine and it is one of the most powerful actions we as individuals can take to stop climate change from reaching its full potential.

Bonizzi_Paolo   2024-04-26 09:12:53

I totally agree, another solution to reduce the waste of food in the restaurant could be the use of "doggy bags", cardboard boxes that allow customers to take home food they have not eaten.

Maurizios   2024-04-26 10:09:50

I totaly agree with you, another thing that could be done would be to, at the end of the day, perhaps give away to non-profit organizations or sell at a reduced price everything that you were unable to sell during the day, in this way it would avoid the phenomenon of homeless people rummaging in the trash looking for food or even animals that, attracted by the smell of food, sneak into bins, creating a nuisance. this would also help many people.

cyslBOD   2024-05-12 21:55:07

I completely agree. Composting is a simple yet powerful way for individuals to make a significant impact in reducing carbon emissions and stopping climate change. By diverting organic waste from landfills and instead allowing it to decompose naturally, we can not only prevent the release of greenhouse gases like methane, but also keep up soil health and promote biodiversity. Also, composting isn't limited to those with outdoor space; indoor composting options like composting buckets or composting using worms let people living in apartments and those without yards to participate the act of composting. It's a win-win situation: reducing waste, enriching soil, and contributing to a healthier planet.

Emmche   2024-10-16 10:20:14

I one hundred percent agree that we waste so much food. One thing that could help is composting I know that many people don't compost so for the people that don't I think it's a good idea to start.

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H3w0!   2024-10-11 11:30:59 (Last post: 2024-10-15 11:10:33)
Food & Hunger

Don't waste food, there are people in the world that don't get the food we have.

Emmche   2024-10-15 09:47:24

Yes we should not waste food because there are many people out there that don't get food so we should not waste the food that we have. We should also if we do have food left over (hopefully not) we should compost it, I know many people don't compost but if you don't I think you should start, because it is better for the environment.

jangru   2024-10-15 11:10:33

This is a very good statement because when you are eating you should always be thinking about the people who don't have everything you have, and if you don't like the food you should eat it anyway, because some people don't have any food on there table.;)

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Bonizzi_Paolo   2024-04-26 08:45:56 (Last post: 2024-10-15 09:54:12)
Waste of food in italy and the world

Food waste is a serious problem both in Italy and in the world. Every year, about a third of the food produced globally is wasted, resulting in an economic loss of about 700 billion dollars. In Italy, this translates into a loss of about 9 billion euros per year. The main sources of waste are households , restaurants , supermarkets and production. The main reason for household waste includes forgotten food in the refrigerator. Even though Italy is not among the countries with the highest waste rate, it still represents a significant challenge. The UN has included reducing food waste in its 2030 Agenda, with the goal of halving it within the next 7 years. This will require a global effort to change consumption habits and reduce food waste at all levels of the supply chain.

PATAA   2024-04-26 09:14:11

While the money lost due to food waste is a lot, the worst thing is how it affects people who don't have enough to eat. Think about it: there are millions of people in the world starving every day, even though there's more than enough food to feed everyone.
When we waste food, it's not just throwing away money; it's throwing away good food that could have helped feed someone who's hungry. This isn't fair and it's not right.
Reducing food waste isn't just about saving money or being eco-friendly; it's about making sure everyone has enough to eat. It's something we all need to work on together, so that we can create a world where nobody has to go hungry.

PATAAA   2024-04-26 09:21:18

Sorry i missclicked while creating my account i am actually from Italy.

While the money lost due to food waste is a lot, the worst thing is how it affects people who don't have enough to eat. Think about it: there are millions of people in the world starving every day, even though there's more than enough food to feed everyone.
When we waste food, it's not just throwing away money; it's throwing away good food that could have helped feed someone who's hungry. This isn't fair and it's not right.
Reducing food waste isn't just about saving money or being eco-friendly; it's about making sure everyone has enough to eat. It's something we all need to work on together, so that we can create a world where nobody has to go hungry.

mismBOD   2024-05-10 09:27:33

I'm not sure about in Italy, but in the US people try to promote composting our food scraps to try and be more sustainable about our waste. If our organic waste is properly composted it can actually really benefit our environment. According to the UN Environment Program it can help recover soils fertility, reduce the dependance on chemical fertilizers, improve water retention, and more.  We could use this composted fertilizer to grow more food so the amount of unnecessary waste is reduced. Food waste and loss contribute a good number to global greenhouse gasses as well(about 8-10%) so by composting this waste instead of just throwing it away we could help reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that affect climate change. I agree that wasting food is unfair and sometimes it's an honest mistake like food forgotten in the fridge, but even that forgotten food (even if it's gone bad) can still be used to help our environment.

RahBOD   2024-05-11 19:08:56

Promoting composting is a vital step towards global sustainability, as it diverts organic waste from landfills and transforms it into nutrient-rich compost. As emphasized by the UN Environment Program, this process not only enhances soil fertility and reduces reliance on chemical fertilizers but also improves water retention in soils, crucial for agricultural productivity. Also, composting mitigates greenhouse gas emissions by preventing organic waste from decomposing anaerobically in landfills, thereby addressing a significant source of methane emissions. Even unintentional food waste can be repurposed through composting, highlighting the value of this practice in turning what might have been perceived as a loss into a valuable resource for the environment. https://www.unep.org/explore-topics/res … composting

London0729   2024-09-25 10:14:10

Food waste is a huge problem in the US too. We constantly over produce food and buy too much. Many states don't provide composting and even if they do, most people don't own a composting bin. Lots of food gets wasted in thrown in the trash, instead of being reproduced into soil. Most people aren't aware of how much they waste every day that could've gone to another person in need. This is a serious topic that we need to take action on.

Giodes992   2024-10-15 09:54:12

Food waste is a big part of the US and other places. I think that your country needs to get better at saving food and not throwing it away. maybe you can compost the food that you don't eat and plant some plants and use the compost to grow your plants.

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Weloveyoufrenk   2024-10-08 15:52:30 (Last post: 2024-10-11 10:00:41)
Food & Hunger

I think we should eat local foods, and reduce food that is not suitable for health.

sawyer1   2024-10-11 10:00:41

I totally agree.

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Char B   2024-09-29 12:45:40
World Hunger

World hunger remains a pressing global issue, affecting millions of people across diverse regions. Despite advancements in agriculture and food production, inequalities in distribution, poverty, and conflict contribute to persistent food insecurity. Many communities lack access to nutritious food, leading to malnutrition and health complications, particularly among vulnerable populations such as children and the elderly. Climate change exacerbates these challenges, threatening crops and livelihoods. Addressing world hunger requires a multifaceted approach that includes improving agricultural practices, enhancing food distribution systems, and fostering economic stability, alongside international cooperation and support. Combating this issue is essential not only for individual well-being but for global stability and progress.

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tristine   2023-11-05 20:27:13 (Last post: 2024-09-26 20:41:43)
Hunger Around the World

Hunger is experienced around the world, either by climate change, war, poverty, etc. War creates an instability of accessible food. A program named “U. N. World Food Programme” helps different communities worldwide. They aid people who have lost their everyday living by tornadoes, floods, droughts, etc, by rehabilitation projects. The program also helps the environment by reforestation and planting a diverse range of crops. Humans can unite to end world hunger by defining food security. Food security can be established by having more accessible and affordable produce production and distribution. 

https://www.wfpusa.org/articles/how-to- … solutions/

Lola Saleeba   2024-09-25 10:17:25

I agree hunger is a big issue worldwide. There are many people in the world who starve for days with no help and care even when there are many people who can help. In the U.S wee should help more to people in need around the world.

Char B   2024-09-26 20:41:43

I completely agree that hunger is a multifaceted issue driven by various factors like climate change, conflict, and poverty. The U.N. World Food Programme plays a crucial role in addressing these challenges by not only providing immediate relief but also implementing long-term solutions through rehabilitation and sustainable practices. Their efforts in reforestation and promoting diverse crop production are vital for building resilient communities. By focusing on food security, we can ensure that everyone has access to nutritious food, which is essential for overall well-being. It’s inspiring to think about how we can unite as a global community to tackle hunger. Supporting initiatives that enhance food accessibility and affordability is key. Whether it’s advocating for local food systems or participating in community programs, every action counts.

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Samuele   2024-04-26 10:06:37 (Last post: 2024-05-13 21:01:07)
World hunger

The problem of food scarcity for many people has persisted for at least 50 years, if not longer. There are areas on Earth where people literally die of hunger and receive aid only from humanitarian organizations, which, of course, cannot solve this huge problem on their own. Additionally, in recent years, even in the wealthiest countries, there has been an increase in poverty, which, of course, leads to difficulties in accessing food.

To solve this problem, both internal and external, there should be a massive economic commitment from the wealthier countries. While they work to address the internal issue of poverty and food shortages, they seem to completely ignore those countries where people are dying of hunger. Only the wealthy part of the world could currently make a difference by providing real economic aids and educational support to help these countries make the most of their limited resources.

In some of these countries, it is also unfortunate to note that the political situation plays a role, with extremist governments refusing foreign aids.

gakiBOD   2024-05-12 17:54:47

I totally agree with these statements and believe that these government officials should be doing something about the amount of food waste, and amount of hunger that is contributing to the overall human carbon footprint. According to a recent study done by CarbonBrief.org, it says that about ⅓ of the world’s carbon emissions come from food production through to consumption. Also, about half of one-third comes directly from food waste. It is absolutely crazy to me that so many people in the world are starving, while others throw away so much food. Also the ISCFC website under the food waste and hunger category, it says that about 1 in 7 people in the entire world are affected by malnutrition and do not have enough food or access to food. Many large countries such as the United States contribute a lot to food waste as it says, on average, the US wastes 60 million tons of food each year. That is simply not okay. In contrast, many countries in Africa are affected by starvation and malnutrition. People need to stop ignoring these facts and help out so that we can make a difference. If we stop wasting food altogether, others who truly need the food can have it, which would lessen the carbon footprint of food waste.

namabod   2024-05-12 23:53:47

I agree with your statement, world hunger is a real problem and it is scary knowing that people don't acknowledge the plight. Food waste contributes to major problems like world hunger and carbon footprints contributing to Global warming. The ideal carbon footprint is 6000-16000 pounds of greenhouse gases per person per year, due to global warming this isn't a realistic number for us but with food waste the production of gases is the same as 32.6 million cars worth of harmful greenhouse gases. I feel like people should be more aware of this problem because one of the many steps that will lead us to try to end world hunger/food waste is to freeze our leftover food if we don't eat it completely. Once we learn how to save our leftovers and not discard them right away, we will not only be able to stop food waste but also take advantage of the precious resources that sometimes we take for granted and help stop emitting greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. Bringing awareness to this topic is major because a large population with fewer resources are not able to get food which can lead them to hunger.

befuBOD   2024-05-13 13:21:58

I agree that food scarcity is a growing issue that we need to combat. According to worldvision.org 45 million children are dangerously malnourished. This issue is especially prevalent in Asia and Africa. Wealthier countries should be focused on helping these less fortunate countries in providing food to people because together we can solve this issue. According to usda.org production, transportation, and handling of food contributes a significant amount to Carbon emissions. Living in a more fortunate country, we often waste food or take it for granted.

9718   2024-05-13 14:01:12

I agree that food scarcity is expanding in places of the world and it is effecting a lot of people leaving them in jeopardy. For example in Sudan 20.3 million people are starving and it has doubled since last year. Along with that, since 2019, the number of people facing acute food insecurity has tripled from 5.8 million to almost 18 million. But some of the saddest reasons is how the International aid is arriving in Sudan but it's being blocked by the military from reaching areas where starvation is severe.

-Christian Sanchez BOD27

tecoBOD   2024-05-13 21:01:07

I completely agree! World hunger is such a layered topic, especially since it seems there is not much we can do to stop it. I think people have this idea that big issues cannot be affected by one singular person, and while I totally agree with this, I also think that if everybody chooses to ignore this and instead work towards creating a better, more sustainable world, then we can reverse the effects of climate change. World hunger is a big issue because it is one that negatively impacts both people and the planet. According to the World Health Organization (or WHO), in 2021 alone, 828 million people faced world hunger. That's almost 10% of the world's population. To deal with this issue, many people think that we should produce more food because not enough food is being produced to feed everyone. This, however, is false. The World Counts stated that roughly 30% of the food that is produced is wasted. Thats 1.3 billion tons. In other words, if we redirected the food that was previously going to be wasted to hungry individuals, we would be able to feed everyone who is hungry around the world and still have some left over. In order to get to the root of this issue, we must change the way so many of us live. This means committing to purchasing only what you are sure will be consumed. Lowering the demand for food results in lower prices, which would allow for more accessible food globally. Additionally, grocery stores should be accessible to everyone, not just individuals who live in a certain area. By allowing access to healthy, budget-friendly, environmentally safe foods, people who previously relied on fast food industries will cut down on their carbon emissions both because they wouldn't have to drive as far to access clean food, but also because they would be purchasing organic foods rather than fast food, which is worse for the environment. This is extremely important because according to Our World in Data, around 25-30% of the world's carbon emissions come from the food industry. Has this number come up before? Yes, the % of food that is wasted. As food decays, it releases previously stored carbon, so by reducing the amount of food waste, we will actually reduce the carbon footprint of the food industry. In summation, it is imperative that we work towards directing unpurchased or (what would have been) wasted food to places in a state of insecurity to not only better the lives of those individuals, but also minimize the impact of the food industry's carbon footprint on global warming.

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Vvivianl   2024-04-24 17:30:28 (Last post: 2024-05-13 13:15:01)
Food and Hunger

In a world up to 783 million people, 1 in 10 of the world’s population, faces food hunger.
1. Food insecurity is increasing at an alarming rate: In 2022, nearly 258 million people across 58 countries experienced and faced starvation or worse.
2. Major drivers of hunger: COVID-19, weather conditions, and conflicts around the world. Conflicts/Wars was the main cause. For example, Afghanistan, South Sudan, and Syria.
3. The WAR IN UKRAINE: As Ukraine is a major exporter of cereal grains and sunflower oil, it disrupted global food supplies. Rising food prices, energy price, and growing financial crisis all increased hunger risks.


calaBOD   2024-05-13 09:23:20

I agree with this. Sadly, so many people around the world don't have enough food. There are lots of reasons for this, like fights, bad weather, and now, the problems caused by the war in Ukraine. We all need to pitch in to help. Giving money or other help can make a big difference. If we all work together to fix the main problems and help right away, we can make sure everyone has enough to eat and make the world safer for food for everyone. In my old school, we would have canned food drives. We would make it a competition so everyone can participate.

ljhBOD   2024-05-13 12:01:32

I agree that the current problems in this war like war contribute to world hunger. People in these countries are suffering from no housing and destruction of farms and livestock. People like me can help by donating food to the people in need. Students can participate in food drives at there school or participating in gardening and donating that food to the people who need it.

tegrBOD   2024-05-13 13:15:01

I agree with this. World hunger is a complex issue, it is worsened by the world conflict like the war in Ukraine, the Genocides across the world. Displaced people, farms being destroyed and supply chains being disrupted leaving people struggling to find food. People all around the world can participate by donating to food drives and providing food and money could help this sad issue.

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RyanWang1017   2024-04-16 00:34:04 (Last post: 2024-05-10 18:24:06)
We should stop wasting food

There’s so many people dying from hunger, we should appreciate our food more. Around 9 million people a year die from hunger. You should at least finish or food or give it to the people in need so that you don’t waste the good that others really need.

fonzyy   2024-04-26 10:14:58

I agree with you, we all need to be more aware of what is happening and we need to eat and buy food with more responsibility to avoid wasting food given that in many countries there are many people dying of hunger.

VISABOD   2024-05-08 12:09:41

I agree, people across the world need to be more mindful of what they eat. People throw away over 92 billion pounds of poof per year. This concerning amount of waste can be cut down by making sure to only eat as much as you need, making sure not to buy more food that you can eat.

KyzzBOD   2024-05-08 15:25:14

I agree with all the comments here. Food is definitely something we shouldn't take for granted and we are so caught up with our modern-day lives that we fail to recognize the sanctity of food and its importance to humans. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO of the United Nations, people waste one-third of all food produced. If we didn't waste that much food, world hunger would cease to be an issue and national food security would be ubiquitous.

daanBOD   2024-05-10 00:42:37

I agree. I think that it is really easy to take such a basic necessity for granted and that it is important to recognize the amount of resources we are exerting to create food that is going to waste. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, in the United States alone, 42 coal-fired power plants, enough water and energy to supply more than 50 million homes, and an area of agricultural land equal to California and New York go into the production of a year of food waste. The amount of resources we are putting into cultivating food that does not even get eaten is unacceptable, and I think it is so disappointing considering how big of a problem world hunger is. America solely discards over $473 billion worth of food annually, equating to 38% of all the food in the country. World Food Programme Executive Director David Beasley says that it would take an estimated $40 billion each year to end world hunger by 2030, showing that it would cost less to solve world hunger than to stop food waste. With this information and having seen the data from my own carbon footprint, I think that it's important to take accountability for your own contribution to the problem and be mindful when dealing with food.

Links for statistics used:
https://www.wfpusa.org/articles/how-muc … ld-hunger/
https://www.epa.gov/land-research/farm- … food-waste
https://www.feedingamerica.org/our-work … %20America.

Brielle BOD   2024-05-10 18:24:06

I agree with this, but there are still other factors that relate to food that shouldn't totally be excused. I believe giving your unfinished food to others, for an example, your family members, is a great way in making sure that your food isn't wasted. However, I also believe that not finishing your food shouldn't be looked down upon (at least completely). Let's say you and your family are at dinner, and everyone has finished their food but you. You are full, and so is your family. Your family doesn't want to eat your leftovers. The solution to this would be saving your food for later, but if someone is teasing you for not having the ability to finish your food, I would consider that to be a little bit unfair. What if you had an eating disorder? Everyone has a different relationship with food. People with specific eating disorders may not be able to finish their foods. For example, people with ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder), experience not feeling hungry, forgetting to eat because food is not a priority for them. Now put a person with this eating disorder into the situation--would you blame them for not finishing their food? They might feel guilty for not being able to eat what's left, and I think that shouldn't be looked down on. It may not excuse them from the fact there is 9 million people a year dying from hunger, but it does put in perspective how one might feel with an ED. Food shouldn't be wasted, but let's not blame others for not having the ability to eat a lot.

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TazyianaUsA   2024-04-24 11:34:28 (Last post: 2024-04-26 10:09:04)
Food and hunger

I agree that we shouldn't throw food away because of how many people have to go through hunger. Even food places have to throw all the extra food aways. When they can just give it to hunger. As of 2023 44 million people go through hunger each year. It should be when people have some waste they should give it to the hungry and the homeless. There are multiple reasons why people should look more into hunger. For example, there were 13 million children in the United States that went through hunger in 2022. And in 2023 there were 17.6 million children that are going through hunger. I think that people should try to find a solution for hunger because it's a serious problem.
https://moveforhunger.org/hunger-facts# … 20children.
https://www.nokidhungry.org/who-we-are/ … 22%20homes.

sgrodo   2024-04-26 08:36:16

i agree with you and we must collaborate to combat hunger by redistributing surplus food, prioritizing children’s nutrition, advocating for policy changes, and embracing innovative solutions. Let’s think big and ensure that no one goes to bed hungry.

Samuele   2024-04-26 10:09:04

I agree that we need concrete solutions to tackle hunger. We must work together to reduce food waste, create better distribution networks, and ensure that anyone in need has access to food. Hunger is a serious problem, and every step we can take to fight it is crucial.

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AaliyahUSA   2024-04-25 11:21:34 (Last post: 2024-04-26 09:07:09)
The food and Hunger crisis

There are approximately 13 million children facing hunger. According to the USDA one in five children are not sure if they’ll get their next meal. There are many reasons children may not have food on their plate such as low family income, lack of housing, and discrimination. Child hunger can result in a poor academic performance, an increase in health issues, and can greatly affect cognitive function. As well as there are results of this there are also ways to prevent these results. We can prevent this by hosting child food programs, SNAP applications assistance, and advocating for food programs in general. Getting enough food is an important first step to ensuring kids can achieve their goals. If we continue to ignore these problems we are hurting our future.
There are many factors that put the attack on the world hunger crisis. The main locations that suffer the most from this conflict are mainly the areas that have the most 
wars. One of the biggest examples of this problem would be the war that is very recent, the Ukraine war that has caused them to lose money, property, and of course, food. Another reason would be climate shock. The problem with climate shock is that it destroys the soil and ruins the crops. Climate shock isa weather pattern that is unpredictable and can ruin land as time passes. If climate shock doesn't have a solution, the world will continue to be at stake. The prices on global fertilizer have gone up tremendously, and that just puts more pressure on the citizens who are forced to pay more the inflated price. The effects of the current war with Ukraine has made the gas prices go up and also affected the golden fertilizer export routes, which is important to those countries. Golden fertilizer route is a fertilizer that guarantees the growth of crops all around the world, and is transported from country to country. With the increased operational cost, the WFP (world food program) was facing a huge drop in funding in 2023 compared to 2022. This leads the people into great hunger and are forced to fend harder for food. This issue also caused the nutrition assistance to increase up to 50%.
Luckily, many people are now starting to realize and become more aware of the heavy population of starving people and are starting to protest, speak up on social media, etc.
When people start to not waste, be helpful to the unfortunate, and help the third world countries that are in need of food.

xXomarXx   2024-04-26 09:07:09

The hunger crisis around the world is made worse by things like wars and weather. When there's fighting in a place like Ukraine, it makes it hard for people to get food and other things they need. Climate changes can also ruin crops, making it even harder for people to find food. The cost of products are going all up, wich makes it difficult for people to buy some food.
But there's hope. More people are realizing how serious the hunger problem is and are speaking up about it. By being less wasteful, helping those who are struggling, and supporting countries in need, we can make a big difference in fighting hunger.

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xXomarXx   2024-04-26 08:46:12 (Last post: 2024-04-26 08:59:08)
together against hunger

Food hunger is a significant issue affecting communities all over the world. There are a lot of people who don't have access to food every day. It's a problem that needs our attention and action. We can make a difference by supporting organizations that gives food to those who are in need and by working together to create solutions that can fix the main causes of hunger, such as poverty and unequal access to resources. Together we can guarantee that everyone has enough food to lead a healthy and satisfying life.

MicheleGmz   2024-04-26 08:59:08

I completely agree with you, unfortunately it is full of people without principles and highly indifferent to these issues. I find it disrespectful to waste food instead of making sure it reaches those who dream of a plate of food. There's a lot of people who have the economic possibilities to act but who prefer to keep everything for themselves, I think that as long as there are selfish and indifferent people, world hunger will remain a problem to defeat.

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ChaseUSA   2024-04-24 10:58:22 (Last post: 2024-04-26 08:43:52)
Food and hunger solution

Have you ever wondered how many people are left hungry across America and the world? Studies show that “Approximately 45 million young children across the globe suffer from severe malnutrition each year; that's nearly one out of every three children under 5 years of age.” The World Food Program estimates that 345 million people will be food insecure in 2025 more than twice as many as in 2020. So how can we solve this problem? Well to start we can start to do organic farming rather than relying on fast food and major corporations for the majority of our food. We can also make food more accessible to others by creating food drives with food that we may not eat all of. Do you ever wonder just how much food you throw away? Well in the United states we throw away nearly 120 BILLION pounds of food per YEAR in the US alone! Imagine if we could just start small donation centers where we could donate the food that we didn't finish or didn't use. Some may even say, “Well who is going to pay for these centers for food?” Well the answer to that is pretty simple, 10.5 percent of homes in america are vacant, that accounts to 15.1 million homes around america alone that we could use to house items for the hungry and needy! Together we can make a change but it will take every one of us.

Brune   2024-04-26 08:43:52

I completely agree with the issues you addressed. The statistics provided are alarming and highlight the urgent need for action to address food insecurity globally.

In Italy as well, food waste is a significant problem. According to data from the Ministry of the Environment, every year Italians waste around 5.6 million tonnes of food, which is equivalent to 76 kilograms per person. This  highlights the need to reduce waste and ensure better distribution of food resources.

One practical solution people can adopt is meal planning. By preparing a weekly meal plan and shopping list, people can buy only what they need. This will result in a reduction of the amount of food that will probably be wasted. This not only helps to minimize waste, but also promotes more conscious consumption habits.

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AdamUS   2024-04-25 11:20:08
Food and Hunger

Hunger is still a big worldwide problem today. In 2022 nearly 258 million people across 58 countries faced extreme hunger and severity. It’s clear that this is and will continue to be a major problem across the world. Although it is a big problem, there are ways to help the problem be less severe. One way to help the problem is to increase accessibility of food. If the United Nations worked together, they could make food more accessible for poverty stricken countries that don’t have easy access to food. Another way to help decrease hunger in the world is for countries to put an emphasis on decreasing food waste. If people didn’t waste so much food, there would be less hunger in the world. This may seem obvious but, many people waste a lot of food alone, not to mention the whole world. According to Recycle Track Systems, In the U.S. alone nearly 120 billion pounds of food are wasted every year. This is just the United States. If the whole world is taken into account there is no doubt it would be much more. Although countries are making efforts to help solve hunger, it’s safe to say it isn’t helping much. For example, the USDA has programs that support child nutrition and provide technical assistance to farmers. A lot of countries are doing small things to help with the problem of world hunger, but it is still not enough. There are millions of people all over the world facing hunger. If we all do our part it will help decrease the problem but it won’t eliminate it. Hunger is just one major economic problem. There are many other things that affect our planet.

https://www.graygroupintl.com/blog/end- … f%20hunger.


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Gemausa   2024-04-24 11:36:20
Food and Hunger

Youth and adolescents are reaching adulthood against a backdrop of unequal and unsustainable food systems. These systems are failing to deliver food and nutrition security and are highly vulnerable to climate change and environmental degradation. Despite this, the number of young people participating in the decisions that will affect their futures is limited. The pursuit of food sovereignty, the right to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods is an opportunity for the younger generations to transform failing food systems into systems that are more sustainable, and able to meet the needs of the world. It’s critical to invest in young people’s capacities to become leaders in food systems transformation. This means investing in their education and skills development, as well as their health and nutrition. Current food systems policies and investments are failing to address the intergenerational cycle of hunger in many parts of the world. Solutions must embrace a long-term perspective beyond 2030 and reflect young people’s livelihoods, options, and choices.The right to food must be central to food systems policies, programs, and governance processes, and people must be able to realize their right to food in ways that are socially, culturally, and ecologically appropriate for their own local context. 30% of children under the age of 5 are suffering acute malnutrition. The world produces enough food to feed all of its 8 billion people, yet 828 million people go hungry every day. Of those 828 million, the World Food Program estimates that over 40% are facing acute levels of hunger. The amount of people is insane. The races that are hurt by this the most are Black (22.4 percent) and Latinx (20.8 percent) households are disproportionately impacted by food insecurity, with food insecurity rates more than double the rate of White non-Latinx households (9.3 percent). Children 1 in 8 lived in poverty in 2022.Wasting food is a huge problem in the United states. Millions of people waste food each day. It is hard to realize when you actually do have food to eat everyday that some people don't. According to the 2023 State of Food Security and Nutrition World report, between 691 and 783 million people faced hunger in 2022. Hunger has been increasing by millions each year. Want to know something absolutely crazy? World hunger may never end. Given the current pace of progress, reaching Zero Hunger by 2030 is a likely impossibility. In fact, 58 countries won’t even reach Low hunger levels by then

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AlexUSA   2024-04-24 11:01:33
Food and Hunger Causes and Prevention

To say that food affects the carbon footprint we leave on the planet is an understatement. The majority of greenhouse gas emissions produced by farming are mainly caused by methane from the cattle that is used for various meat and dairy products. Even some things you’d never expect, like fertilizer, cause emissions of nitrous oxide into the atmosphere. Deforestation is also a thing used on farmlands to expand the farm further. There are also things indirectly related to the farm environment that cause greenhouse gas emissions (GGE). The first of those being maintenance of the farm. This includes things like the burning of crop waste and the management of manure. Another indirect source of emissions is the usage of fuel powered vehicles and tools, which release massive amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. Food storage and waste coincide with each other in this instance; having poor food storage leads to more waste, which means there is a surplus of GGE, and the cycle continues.
So how do we reduce our GGE via food? The solution is honestly easier than most people are willing to admit: being mindful of our food consumption and making sure we don’t waste as much food as we do right now. By only taking what we need, I.e, planning and portioning foods, there’s less chance of excess wastes being produced. Switching out your red meats for more fruits and vegetables can not only give you vital nutrients, they make you feel more full because of the sheer amount of dietary fiber. By reducing our food wastes to only the inedible parts, you can also start a home compost pile, allowing the food waste to break down naturally to become a fertilizer for your yard/garden.
Doing this will, hopefully, prevent rising GGE by creating a more sustainable way to produce and consume food products. Being mindful about what factors in the food production produces the most GGE and the alternatives to red meat and dairy products. Another thing, by reducing the amount of red meat consumed, we can also hope to gain back the forest-land that’s being cleared out to make room for more pastures. Not only combatting the amount of GGE from the cattle, but also allowing the natural ecosystem to help replenish the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere.
If all of humanity is willing to put in the effort, I have no doubt in my brain that this is a logical step towards the future. We just need to be willing to do better. Not just for us, but for our future.
(United Nations).

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ChristianMUSA   2024-04-24 10:58:22
Food and Hunger

To say that food affects the carbon footprint we leave on the planet is an understatement. The majority of greenhouse gas emissions produced by farming are mainly caused by methane from the cattle that is used for various meat and dairy products. Even some things you’d never expect, like fertilizer, cause emissions of nitrous oxide into the atmosphere. Deforestation is also a thing used on farmlands to expand the farm further. There are also things indirectly related to the farm environment that cause greenhouse gas emissions (GGE). The first of those being maintenance of the farm. This includes things like the burning of crop waste and the management of manure. Another indirect source of emissions is the usage of fuel powered vehicles and tools, which release massive amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. Food storage and waste coincide with each other in this instance; having poor food storage leads to more waste, which means there is a surplus of GGE, and the cycle continues.
So how do we reduce our GGE via food? The solution is honestly easier than most people are willing to admit: being mindful of our food consumption and making sure we don’t waste as much food as we do right now. By only taking what we need, I.e, planning and portioning foods, there’s less chance of excess wastes being produced. Switching out your red meats for more fruits and vegetables can not only give you vital nutrients, they make you feel more full because of the sheer amount of dietary fiber. By reducing our food wastes to only the inedible parts, you can also start a home compost pile, allowing the food waste to break down naturally to become a fertilizer for your yard/garden.
Doing this will, hopefully, prevent rising GGE by creating a more sustainable way to produce and consume food products. Being mindful about what factors in the food production produces the most GGE and the alternatives to red meat and dairy products. Another thing, by reducing the amount of red meat consumed, we can also hope to gain back the forest-land that’s being cleared out to make room for more pastures. Not only combatting the amount of GGE from the cattle, but also allowing the natural ecosystem to help replenish the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere.
If all of humanity is willing to put in the effort, I have no doubt in my brain that this is a logical step towards the future. We just need to be willing to do better. Not just for us, but for our future.

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victoriaUSA   2024-04-24 10:42:28
Food and Hunger, an occurring problem in America

According to Feeding America, 44 million people in the United States are food insecure. This is a constant problem that continues to grow especially with the waste of good and usable food. Food insecurity is a problem that occurs in every community, it's not exclusive to only certain communities. According to Feeding America, people in rural communities and the South are often more likely to lack access to enough food. This is because of many factors including poverty, unemployment and the cost of living. Poverty is also a big issue in America. According to Hunger and Poverty in America, the official poverty rate, 37.9 million people (11.5 percent) lived in poverty in 2022. Every 1 in 8 children are living in poverty. Inequality is also a big root cause to food insecurity. Poverty is also much higher for people of color because of racism and discrimination. According to, Food Waste in America, In American alone, 92 billion pounds of food is wasted annually. This equals to 145 billion meals of food. In a lot of  cases, families turn to food assistance in order to be able to feed their families. In 2022, 49 million people turned to food assistance for extra help. Food waste is also a huge contributor to climate change. Food waste is responsible for 8% of all global emissions. This wasted food is also what makes up most of the food in our landfills. If we prevent food waste, we can lessen our environmental impact and ensure that our resources are used to help nourish the community. A few ways to help people in your community includes donating foods to food drives or food services if able to. We as a community can help to make food insecurity better for everyone. Whether we give our neighbors food we won’t use or find a way to help others before throwing it away.

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Jorjausa   2024-04-24 08:55:40
food and hunger

The topic of Food and Hunger refers to the cost and waste of food as well as the starvation of people due to this.
Why is this a problem? Because every year Nine Million people die from starvation alone. That's around 1,000 people an hour dying from hunger in the entire world. And there are around 800 million people that suffer from starvation and poverty in general. hunger/ starvation alone can cause less productive individuals, who are more prone to disease and not able to earn a higher income and improve their livelihoods.
What can we do to fix this? It will cost $267 billion per year on average to end world hunger by 2030. There will need to be investments in rural and urban areas so that people in poverty have access to food and can improve their livelihoods. You personally can help by changing certain things in your life. Such as only shopping at businesses that support charity for the homeless of the more unfortunate and donating to charities that you have done research on and know are good. Because some actually profit towards unhelpful organizations.

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JamesU   2024-04-24 07:07:45
food waste

One of the reasons our carbon footprint is so big is due to food waste. Usda.gov says “EPA estimated that each year, U.S. food loss and waste embodies 170 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (million MTCO2e) GHG emissions (excluding landfill emissions) – equal to the annual CO2 emissions of 42 coal-fired power plants.” That's a lot and we need to work to make it smaller. Ways that we can make it smaller include, planning ahead and only buying the things that you need to make a meal, even if you make too much you should use the leftovers for other things. For example, if you make too much of a certain food like tacos, you can always reuse and turn it into a different meal like enchiladas. Another major waste of food is restaurants.  “A restaurant can produce up to 25000-75000 pounds of food waste a year.” (fourth.com) Examples of what to do with wasted food in restaurants, they could take the food and either make different food out of it, donate it to the homeless or make it into a compost and sell it to a store to make a profit. Another way that we can make the carbon footprint smaller is by growing our own plants or buying local. “Local shopping means fewer transportation kilometers, which translates to lower greenhouse gas emissions from transport.” (lgcet.com) If we burn less gas, that means our carbon footprint will be smaller. Scientists also mentioned “If you want to reduce your environmental impact, you should consider growing plants from seed. This is a great way to reduce the amount of plastic that’s used in gardening.''(vizcaya.org) This talks about how important growing your own food is, and the bad things that can happen if you always buy from a non-local store. In conclusion, we should find ways to make our carbon footprint smaller by reusing our leftovers, growing our own plants or buying locally. Because growing your own plants will make you drive less, which will lead to decreasing your carbon footprint, it could help you get out of the house, and start spending more time on your plants then being on your phone. Then with your own grown plants or if you “walked” to your local market. You could make a meal with the stuff you produced. If you happen to have any leftovers you could make a different meal with the ingredients you have left over, or do some research on the leftover plant and see what they have an importance of helping the soil nutrients or how it can help the earth. So you're not only getting out of the house, and not being lazy, but you're helping the earth by recycling the plants in different ways. Leftover meals could help people in need, or even help animals. That's only the basics of decreasing your carbon footprint, because there are alot of different ways that you can help the carbon footprint.

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BenteUSA   2024-04-23 11:25:54
Food and Hunger

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations describes hunger as an uncomfortable or painful physical sensation caused by insufficient consumption of dietary energy.
Using the footprint calculator was pretty eye-opening for us. We realized that what we eat can actually have a big impact on the environment.
Certain foods, especially meat and dairy, have a way bigger carbon footprint than plant-based stuff.
I think if we all ate a little more sustainably and wasted less food, it could really make a difference. It would help the environment and maybe even make it easier to feed everyone, especially considering there are so many people who don't have enough to eat.
Food and hunger is a worldwide problem. 44 million people in the U.S are deprived of access to food. Food and hunger is a complex issue. When people face hunger, they often struggle to meet other basic needs as well — such as housing, employment, and healthcare. According to the 2023 State of Food Security and Nutrition World report, between 691 and 783 million people faced hunger in 2022. Hunger has been increasing by millions each year.
Long-term Consequences of Hunger on Public Health can have really bad effects. Poor nutrition caused by hunger can lead to various serious health issues, such as weight loss, fatigue, anemia, weakened immune systems, and even cognitive delays, such as difficulty learning or concentrating.
There are a few important things we can do to decrease worldwide hunger. For example:
Reduce food waste and food loss.
Partner up with local food markets
Investing in smallholder farmers.
Promoting a planetary health diet.
Empowering women and reducing gender inequality.
Investing in climate-smart agriculture.
Advocate for local and national programs.

https://www.un.org/en/global-issues/foo … 0to%202019.



https://www.wfpusa.org/articles/how-to- … solutions/

https://www.graygroupintl.com/blog/effe … centrating

https://www.feedingamerica.org/our-work … end-hunger
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations describes hunger as an uncomfortable or painful physical sensation caused by insufficient consumption of dietary energy.
Using the footprint calculator was pretty eye-opening for us. We realized that what we eat can actually have a big impact on the environment.
Certain foods, especially meat and dairy, have a way bigger carbon footprint than plant-based stuff.
I think if we all ate a little more sustainably and wasted less food, it could really make a difference. It would help the environment and maybe even make it easier to feed everyone, especially considering there are so many people who don't have enough to eat.
Food and hunger is a worldwide problem. 44 million people in the U.S are deprived of access to food. Food and hunger is a complex issue. When people face hunger, they often struggle to meet other basic needs as well — such as housing, employment, and healthcare. According to the 2023 State of Food Security and Nutrition World report, between 691 and 783 million people faced hunger in 2022. Hunger has been increasing by millions each year.
Long-term Consequences of Hunger on Public Health can have really bad effects. Poor nutrition caused by hunger can lead to various serious health issues, such as weight loss, fatigue, anemia, weakened immune systems, and even cognitive delays, such as difficulty learning or concentrating.
There are a few important things we can do to decrease worldwide hunger. For example:
Reduce food waste and food loss.
Partner up with local food markets
Investing in smallholder farmers.
Promoting a planetary health diet.
Empowering women and reducing gender inequality.
Investing in climate-smart agriculture.
Advocate for local and national programs.

https://www.un.org/en/global-issues/foo … 0to%202019.



https://www.wfpusa.org/articles/how-to- … solutions/

https://www.graygroupintl.com/blog/effe … centrating

https://www.feedingamerica.org/our-work … end-hunger

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o0Mercury0o   2024-04-23 11:24:02
World hunger

Food and hunger affect the world everyday. We are the only people on the planet so we need to solve our own problems. World hunger affects the unfortunate people that have no choice but to live in poverty and the people who were born with no food. We as the people who were born not in poverty should do our best to help the people with no food. Buying and cooking large amounts of food for soup kitchens and food banks help people a lot and feed millions of mouths everyday. Large non profit organizations like unicef feed people that have no food in third world countries. Giving food to your local church for food drives saves people and the impact these food pantries have on the world would affect world hunger. Rationing food for donations is also a good way to get the food count up. People have gone on food strikes to protest world hunger and people organize movements for the starving children. If you go to Ufpusa.com you can read about the United states of america's world food program and the activists that help with world hunger everyday. Ufpusa has a number 1 goal and that is to have absolutely no poverty. Today UNICEF works in more than 190 countries and has helped save more children’s lives than any other humanitarian organization in the world. Nutrition is a key component  whether through an emergency feeding program during a disaster or famine. UNICEF is an established community clinic offering nutrition education and support to young mothers. UNICEF is the world’s largest supplier of ready-to-use therapeutic food for malnourished children.They also helped increase the world’s supply of therapeutic food by more than 9,000 percent between 2008 and 2012. By the end of World War II, many regions of the world were in poverty and there was an urgent need for food, medicine and clothing. UNICEF began its operations in Europe and, at the peak of its activities there, provided 6 million children with daily meals and milk, earning UNICEF the nickname “milkman to the world.”In the last two decades, UNICEF has helped reduce the number of preventable under-five child deaths by more than 40 percent. UNICEF has provided many services to a lot of people around the world. They have been one of the biggest providers to many people starving and in poverty around the world.-John.B.C and Yandel

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DEli,USA   2024-04-23 11:22:40
Food and Hunger

Food and hunger affect the world everyday. We are the only people on the planet so we need to solve our own problems. World hunger affects the unfortunate people that have no choice but to live in poverty and the people who were born with no food. We as the people who were born not in poverty  should do our best to help the people with no food. Buying and cooking large amounts of food for soup kitchens and food banks help people a lot and feed millions of mouths everyday. Large non profit organizations like unicef feed people that have no food in third world countries. Giving food to your local church for food drives saves people and the impact these food pantries have on the world would affect world hunger. Rationing food for donations is also a good way to get the food count up. People have gone on food strikes to protest world hunger and people organize movements for the starving children. If you go to Ufpusa.com you can read about the United states of america's world food program and the activists that help with world hunger everyday. Ufpusa has a number 1 goal and that is to have absolutely no poverty. Today UNICEF works in more than 190 countries and has helped save more children’s lives than any other humanitarian organization in the world. Nutrition is a key component  whether through an emergency feeding program during a disaster or famine. UNICEF is an established community clinic offering nutrition education and support to young mothers. UNICEF is the world’s largest supplier of ready-to-use therapeutic food for malnourished children.They also  helped increase the world’s supply of therapeutic food by more than 9,000 percent between 2008 and 2012.
By the end of World War II, many regions of the world were in poverty and there was an urgent need for food, medicine and clothing. UNICEF began its operations in Europe and, at the peak of its activities there, provided 6 million children with daily meals and milk, earning UNICEF the nickname “milkman to the world.”In the last two decades, UNICEF has helped reduce the number of preventable under-five child deaths by more than 40 percent. UNICEF has provided many services to a lot of people around the world. They have been one of the biggest providers to many people starving and in poverty around the world

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GraceUSA   2024-04-23 08:58:56
Food and Hunger

Every year, about a third of all the world's food is wasted. What is food? Any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth. Food waste is also a common problem in restaurants, fast food chains, bakeries, and cafes. If they have extra food they throw it away because they have no use for it. If they have extra food they should give it away to those who need it. What is Hunger? The strong desire to eat. How many people suffer from hunger? As many as 828 million people were affected by hunger in 2021. 16.6% of the world’s population is undernourished. 1 billion people are living in extreme poverty. Hunger is the cause of 45% of all chidren’s deaths. More than 99 million children under age five are still undernourished and underweight. To reduce food waste, aim to cook and serve the right portions for the number of people you are feeding. Freeze, dehydrate, pickle, or make jelly/jam, to reduce food waste. To reduce hunger in the world. We could start by not wasting so much extra food. Instead give it away.  Why is hunger a problem in the world? Persistent instability due to adverse climate events, conflict and economic slowdowns.  www.epa.gov

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KaseyUSA   2024-04-23 08:53:20
World Hunger Statistics and Prevention

The number of people suffering from chronic hunger worldwide has climbed to 783 million as of 2022. Over 40 million people are facing emergency levels of hunger across 51 countries. The situation has gotten so serious in the last couple of years that many countries are now at the risk of famine. Research says someone is starved to death once every ten seconds. There is enough food to feed everyone on the planet but it's inaccessible to people in poorer countries. It doesn't help that on average a person will waste about a pound of food per day. The leading cause of malnourishment is poverty. Communities are too poor to provide a sufficient amount of food. Weather can also disrupt agricultural food production for long periods of time. Children are most vulnerable. 3.1 million children die each year from starvation and almost 100 million children under 5 experienced stunted growth. Without enough food, people who experience food insecurity may have difficulty concentrating, have low energy, or miss school and work due to illness. The easiest thing to do to help is try not to waste so much food. 40% of food is wasted because people buy more food than they can consume. You can prevent overbuying by creating a meal plan and by taking an inventory so you know what you have before shopping. Another way is to save leftovers. You can creatively insert them into your next meal. If you want to do more than just the bare minimum you could volunteer with friends, family, coworkers, or social groups for your local food pantry or soup kitchen. Lots of agricultural disruption is because of natural disasters. If there is a natural disaster near your area, you could help fix the damages and speed up the process it takes to get food production up and running again. You could also donate to one of the many organizations fighting hunger. It will take a lot of help but it is do-able.

https://www.actionagainsthunger.org/the … ger-facts/
https://www.heifer.org/blog/understandi … urity.html

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thomasUSA   2024-04-23 08:50:11
food,hunger, and global warming

Wasting food is a huge problem in the United states. Millions of people waste food each day. It is hard to realize when you actually do have food to eat everyday that some people don't. You go numb to the rest of the world because you have a good dinner to eat every day. According to the world health organization as many as 828 million people were affected by hunger in 2021. Coincidentally one-third of all food produced globally by weight is lost or wasted. With that converted into calories that equates to 24% of the world's food supply going uneaten. The food that people are wasting should be donated to anywhere where people need food. For example when something is only a couple days expired you should at least donate it. Some people are hungry enough to eat that food that you are wasting. Wasting food also affects climate change dramatically. An article written by worldwildlife.org states that when you waste food, you also waste all the energy and water it takes to grow, harvest, package, and transport it. And if the food goes to the landfill and rots it produces methane- a greenhouse gas even more potent than carbon dioxide. About 6-8 percent of all human caused greenhouse emissions could be reduced if we stop wasting food. It is going to be a long process to fix food waste, hunger, and global warming. Some food for thought to stop this could be: planning ahead and buying only what you need at the grocery store, using your freezer to preserve your food, blend, bake or boil your fruit that could look over ripe. People are dying everyday from hunger. You can help out by following these steps and letting people around you know them as well. Help your friends or family recycle more, and if you see someone wasting food call them out. If this trend continues, food loss and waste will double by 2050. There are plenty of organizations and apps like: Too Good To Go, Olio, Full Harvest and many more that want to help with food waste and loss. You can help you just have to act on it.

Fight climate change by preventing food waste | Stories | WWF.
The Global Benefits of Reducing Food Loss and Waste, and How to Do It
UN Report: Global hunger numbers rose to as many as 828 million in 2021.
Top 10 food companies that prevent food waste - FoodChain Magazine

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hannah0987   2024-04-23 05:30:13
Food and Hunger In the World

Food waste is a very critical and serious topic and needs to be further discussed. Poverty is perhaps the most significant factor contributing to hunger. People living in poverty often lack access to nutritious food due to financial dwindling. Majority of the hunger in the world is caused by poverty. Millions live with hunger and malnourishment because they simply cannot afford to buy enough food, cannot afford nutritious foods or cannot afford the farming supplies they need to grow enough good food of their own. About 783 million people go without food in our world today, yet about one pound per person is being wasted on a daily basis. As a whole we should do a better job at reducing the amount of food waste. For example having what you had the previous day as dinner for the next day. Or taking smaller portions of food so you’re not forced to throw away the food you do not want. Taking this into consideration will make people feel lucky that they have food instead of lacking it like others in most countries. To address this issue of hunger, and lack of food in our world, we need to do a better job at not being wasteful and taking into consideration that we as a whole are lucky to have food. People today tend to be ungrateful for what they have and want more. Most don’t look at the bigger picture. Being that they are extremely lucky to have what they have. Almost 1 in every 15 children in developing countries dies before the age of 5, most of them from hunger-related causes. While hunger exists worldwide, 526 million hungry people live in Asia. Over a quarter of the world's undernourished people live in Sub-Saharan Africa.In the world, a child dies from hunger once every 10 seconds. Leading to bigger and worse problems. Poor nutrition and hunger is responsible for the death of 3.1 million children each year. 

https://thp.org/what-we-do/issues/pover … %20poverty.

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Nomais   2024-02-02 13:17:57 (Last post: 2024-04-05 06:46:12)
Food & Hunger

925 million people on earth do not have enough to eat according to the FAO. Yet we throw away food every day good food without consideration for those who don't. We as a group need to do better and start thinking of others, not as fortunate. If you know you eating too much or you have taken too much food, consider saving it for the next day. We need to reduce food waste as much as possible, if saving some food for the next day helps then we should all do the same.

Baxter.Thackeray   2024-03-22 06:10:42

I know at least in my community we always try to compost our food which is a good alternative because when it decomposes than you can use it for things like gardening to grow more food. And there are a ton of organizations dedicated to helping people compost their food.

Amelial   2024-03-22 07:48:45

Food insecurity is a real thing. One in four kids in Maine don't have enough food to get through the day. Isn’t that crazy? Now that just talking about Maine. We are pretty fortunate in Maine to have food shelters and pantry’s to help those in need. However there are country’s less fortunate than where we are. My hope is one day we can find a sustainable way to transport food and water to other places that need it. It so ridicules that we produce so much foos in the US itself and there are till millions of people staving. How is that justified? It’s not there should be no reasonable answer for that. Don’t waste your food be grateful you even have the opportunity to have it. Be a kind human, help the ones in need. Be the change. Humans take things for granted we need to come back to reality and relies not everyone can take food for granted.

Dashiell_D   2024-03-22 07:58:23

I agree. I think we should make a greater effort to get rid of food wast and save our left overs for later rather than. Allowing them to go bad or throwing them away.

Willy1   2024-04-02 12:06:25

All true. We can all compost and even give extra food to someone or somewhere to eliminate food waste. We can even give all the good waste to our dogs.

JudahBurgess3232   2024-04-05 06:46:12

This is very true, many people in Maine may not realize the issue that is poverty and food insecurity because of how small some of the communities here are. In Maine it may not be a large issue but in other states like California, New York and Florida it is defiantly a more pressing matter. Advocating for money to put towards homeless shelters and food pantries would be a great way to start helping people that are in bad situations.

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E32309   2023-11-03 15:05:21 (Last post: 2024-04-05 06:03:14)
Food Waste and Poverty

Every year, about a third of all the world's food is wasted. That's about 1.3 billion tons. Meanwhile, there are about 1.1 billion people living in poverty. The numbers for both of these are rising. This is obviously a big problem we're facing. Most people take the food they have for granted and throw away food if it doesn't look appealing without a second thought. However, there are many people out there who can't afford to have even 1 good meal each day. The countries who waste the most food each year are China, India, and the USA, who waste 91 million tons, 68 million tons, and 19 million tons respectively. This is partially due to their huge populations, but that does not excuse the enormous amounts of food they're wasting.

Source: worldpopulationreview.com

sr29   2023-11-12 17:14:07

I think that food waste is something people nowadays easily look past, especially people who grew up comfortably. A parent might think that if their child doesn't like the meal they made, they can just make something for them after. This is actually wasting time and food because now you have to go make something else and you have to get rid of the food they didn't eat. This waste problem is also common in restaurants, fast food chains, bakeries, and cafés. If they have extra food, they'll throw it all away because they have no use for it anymore. They could easily donate this food to people in poverty or give it away to those in need instead of throwing away piles of food each day. I actually saw an example of this in my life and I was disappointed to hear the situation. One of my family members worked at a popular sports arena, and one time they came home with a huge bag of popcorn from the concession stand. They said that if they hadn't taken the bag, it would've been thrown away like the rest of the food they threw that night. I believe that's something to think about and hope to change, not something we normalize. That was just one sports arena in my city. Imagine this same case in every arena everywhere in the world. That is an absurd amount of waste from concession stands.

Dance32   2024-04-05 06:03:14

Agreed. Most people waste food instead of consuming it. There are so many solutions to then fix or help fix food waist. There are so many people that go without their proper food amoung other things when their are so many people that live not to far from people who are starving and dying. Those people are throwing away food that those people down the street would kill to have. The spread of where starving people in America live compared to “rich” people is disgusting.

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margaret.mccarthy   2024-04-01 06:26:03
Hunger and Waste

In the U.S alone 44.2 million people live in food insecure houses. This means that 44.2 million people either don't get enough food on a daily basis, they don't get any, or they don't get nutrient rich food. Americans waste 80 million tons of food per year which is 149 billion meals, if you divide that by the amount of hungry people each person could have access to 1862 meals. If we were able to save and provide even half of that to people it could help so much. We need to make more nutritious food options available to people around the world. If you can try to donate healthy options to food pantries or local soup kitchens.

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Flynn Layton   2024-03-25 18:05:49 (Last post: 2024-03-26 05:27:07)
Food waste

In the U.S., we waste 80 million tons of food annually; this is horrendous and needs to change. A big part of food waste comes from restaurants. The average restaurant can waste up to 75,000 pounds of food annually, and only 1.4% of this food is donated. If restaurants could find a way to decrease their food waste by having an option with smaller proportions whenever possible and donating the majority of the food that isn’t consumed, we could reduce food waste and hunger. Doing this would be very beneficial because it conserves resources like land, water, labor, and energy while also giving food to the people in need.

Isabel.pf   2024-03-26 05:27:07

I agree. I believe that the restaurants should resort to a better way of getting rid of extra food by donating or giving them away instead of just throwing away perfectly good food. For example, I have seen a video show Dunkin’ Donuts employees throwing away perfectly good donuts at the end of the shift when they should donate or give them away to reduce the food waste. Food waste is bad and it’s not helping the environment.

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Luiisa   2022-11-11 01:43:23 (Last post: 2024-03-22 08:16:16)
Food and Hunger

Today we waste a lot of food, but in the word 828 milions of people suffer from hunger and in Italy we waste about 67 Kgs of food per inhabitant per year. To reduce the hunger we shoulden't throw food when is still good and we must learn to use everything we have to reduce waste.

LanaKukec   2023-05-01 12:34:03

I completely agree, the number of hungry people in the world is huge, and in some parts, food is still not consumed rationally. Less food is wasted in Croatia than in Italy, about 22 kg of edible food per inhabitant per year, but it is still a large number. For example, 57 million tons of food were thrown away in the EU in 2020!

Dustin223   2023-05-02 09:39:58

Do you know that Africa isn't dying because of hunger? THough there are still some places that still suffer from hunger but it's only a fifth of africa

bvad   2023-05-03 10:07:39

I completely agree with you. Food waste is a major problem, and it's important tha we take steps to reduce it. One way to do this is by being more mindful of the food we buy and consume. We can try to plan our meals in advance, make a grocery list, and only buy what we need. We can also store our food properly to make it last longer, and use up leftovers instead of throwing them away. Additionally, we can support local food banks and other organizations that work to distribute food to those in need. By taking these steps, we can help reduce food waste and ensure that more people have access to the food they need.

zacab   2023-05-04 02:39:35

I think it's ironic that there are people dying because of over eating in rich countries and in poor countries the people are dying because they don't have enough to eat.

vita barbir   2023-05-04 10:10:26

Food waste can have serious environmental consequences, such as greenhouse gas emissions and water pollution. Additionally, the food we waste could be used to feed people who are hungry. That's why it's important to reduce the amount of food we waste and use food in the way that's more sustainable for the planet.

GijoBOD   2023-05-10 15:42:14

I completely agree that reducing food waste is VERY important for sustainability and fighting hunger. About one-third of all food produced globally is lost or wasted, resulting in significant environmental consequences. Things like greenhouse gas emissions and water pollution happen because of this. This waste could feed almost 2 billion people, which is more than twice the number of undernourished people in the world. It's really important to take action like educating consumers and giving excess food to those that really need it.

I found some info from here: https://www.fao.org/platform-food-loss-waste/en/

K@teryna   2023-11-01 20:52:10

Hi Luiisa, I completely agree that in this world today we waste a lot of food. Here in America we waste about 147.4 Kgs of food per individual per year. To solve this, I agree that we shouldn’t throw away good food but instead use everything in our power to lower the waste of food all around the world.

K@teryna   2023-11-01 21:02:28

Hi Luiisa, I completely agree that in this world today we waste a lot of food. Here in America we waste about 147.4 Kgs of food per individual per year.To solve this, I agree that we shouldn’t throw away good food but instead use everything in our power to lower the waste of food all around the world.

etai   2023-11-02 08:48:29

I completely agree with this take. Food is wasted in so many ways that we don't even know. Did you know that only (approx.) 32% of the world's population composts, and most of that comes from developing countries. Food waste is such a big problem, and not using our food to all of its abilities is costing us. In America alone, over 40% of our food is wasted, which puts 119 billion pounds, $408 billion in food, and over 130 billion meals in the trash YEARLY!

Buhg1   2023-11-02 08:52:25

Everyday at school as I pass by the trash cans, I see so much food that was carelessly tossed because students don't want to eat it. It's sad because it can very simply be reversed, every student just has to eat everything given to them. However, something like controlling hundreds (and maybe thousands, depending on your school size) of students to eat what they have to take is impossible. Be the change, only throw your garbage away, not your food.

502571   2023-11-03 14:48:54

I completely agree with you, I live in america and according to rts.com we waste 325 lbs or 147 kgs of food per american per year. I also believe composting would be a good way to reduce food waste because it would still be food not used  but it is being put back into the environment. Which could create a healthier ecosystem.


Phoenix.d   2023-11-03 14:58:07

I agree with this greatly because we're wasting tons of food. Saying this, the world wastes around 2.5 billion tons of food every year and the US alone wastes around 60 million - 120 billion pounds every year which is around 0.012 - 2.4% of the world's waste. It doesn't seem like a lot but making sure to only take what we can consume and not throwing away good food can really help with world hunger, and making sure that other parts of the world are able to contribute to their citizens as well as make sure they aren't as hungry. I think that to some extent, we are taking advantage of what we're being supplied and provided as a developed country, over those who may still be developing and may not have as much access to the same amount of resources. The amount of food the US wastes is about 40% of all of our food which is calculated to be around 325 pounds of waste per person, while there are some people out there who may not have that much in general. While I think it's important that we aren't wasting food and making sure to grab what we eat, we should also make sure that we're all decently healthy and not starving ourselves. I don't think this could be considered selfish, but more looking out for our personal health as well as others because we shouldn't have to trade lives with certain people in order to make us feel good about ourselves.

M4ry4m_09   2023-11-03 15:14:30

I completely agree with you in today's society we waste plenty of food because of our habit of over-buying food. Although our waste cannot always be restored and sent out to countries in need  due to it can going bad, we can reduce the amount of food we waste by not over-buying it and instead the food could still be fresh if restored properly. We can support local food banks or other organizations who help distribute food to those in need. By taking these steps I think the problem of hunger around the world could be solved.!

fionaw   2023-11-04 22:08:07

This statement completely true, food should not be wasted carelessly while others still suffer from hunger. Could you believe that more than 44 million people suffer from starvation in the United States?  828 million people globally were affected by hunger in 2021. In the U.S. alone, 120 billion pounds of food is wasted every year; this is a big part of the 2.5 billion TONS wasted every year globally. 40 percent of the U.S.’s food supply is wasted. Food is wasted everywhere around the world and it should be taken into more consideration. Nearly one and ten people around the world go to bed hungry every night. People throw away food they don’t want to eat or finish like its nothing even if its new. The least they could do is save it or donate it to food banks. It’s really important to realize how fortunate we are to eat whenever we want because others around the world can’t afford to feed themselves let alone their family. 130 billion meals are put in the trash each year in America, to reduce this amount we should take what we need and not buy knowing we’ll never eat it because you don’t know how much that food would mean to the people who need it the most.
https://www.who.int/news/item/06-07-202 … on-in-2021

harris932   2023-11-05 21:24:06

You're right! We waste too much food when so many people are hungry. We should avoid throwing away good food and make the most of what we have. Small changes can make a big impact.

mmMatteo123   2023-11-14 14:38:11

I completely agree with you. As humans we waste a total of 2.5 billion tons of edible food. Wasting this much food causes the amount of carbon we release to go up by 170 million metric tons. If we keep up at this rate we will cause climate change to get worse  than ever before. There are also millions of people around the world who are going hungry and don't have enough food to eat. Instead of wasting this much food on game shows and cooking shows we could transport the food to parts of the world where food may not be as accessible to everyone. Doing this will lower carbon emmissions and get us closer to ending world hunger.

Benson Jiang   2024-01-31 12:52:52

I think that what your saying is true! Most people don't even get food and we just waste the food and throwing it away even though it can fill up someones hunger.A good way so we don't waste as much food or dont even waste the food is by giving it to pople who need it like homeless people on the streets begging for stuff.

Alex11223344   2024-03-22 08:11:04

I think that you’re 100% correct we waste so much Time and money on food we just end up wasting.

Tlaukka   2024-03-22 08:16:16

I agree, we waste way to much of our food not thinking of what it effects or how it effects. The food we just throw away could be used for more helpful things. Like feeding other people or using it to make our planet more sustainable. Throwing away our food could cause big problems.

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Adeliia   2023-11-05 19:07:02 (Last post: 2024-03-22 07:57:32)
The Normalization of Food Waste in America

For nearly 750 million people globally, the basic human right to adequate food is violated on a daily basis. Each day, 25,000 people die from hunger related causes. Meanwhile, Americans produce billions of pounds of food waste every year, affecting the environment and economy in which they live. The average American throws out more than 400 lbs. (181 kg.) of food annually, which translates to 30%–40% of the total US food supply. As a result of this food waste problem, large quantities of carbon dioxide and methane gas are emitted into the atmosphere, water supplies are wasted and contaminated, and economic opportunities are lost. The World Wildlife Fund estimates food waste alone in U.S. schools to reach 530,000 tons annually.

Most people waste food on a daily basis, and it has become extremely normalized to throw out perfectly good food if one is not satisfied with so much as the aesthetic of it. Over the yeas, this has become a huge problem in America. It is time to do something about it, and it starts with you and how you approach food within your home.

Read more here:

https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/ … ur-kitchen

Lauren_Spear12   2024-03-22 07:57:32

I totally agree. Food waste, poverty are huge problems that many places around the world are having to deal with. Everyone who has more access to food than others usually take that food for granted. Many people in counties throw out food that they just don’t want for no specific reason at all. When this food is being thrown into the trash, it could be going to people who actually really need it to survive. Americans in general need to start thinking about their wants and needs with foods. Only take what they actually could eat and then the rest is available for people who actually need it. Another way people could help with food waste is composing their food. Even though this doesn’t necessarily totally help with food and hunger it could help with one of other problems of food waste in general contributing to climate change.

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imbetter   2023-09-28 11:27:40 (Last post: 2024-03-22 06:46:33)

beef and pork = bad:(

carsondenman   2023-10-30 10:22:28

Both pork and beef are high in proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. The process we take to kill the animals is bad, but pork and beef themself aren't bad. We can get as many pigs and cows as we want, as long as no sicknesses wipe them out and the farms take care of them.

OliveC   2024-03-22 06:46:33

I think the worse part is the process we take to breed and then kill off the animals for food. It's a horrible process and even watching just 30 seconds of footage from the feed lots will make you want to be vegetarian. Even if eating it isn't bad for you the effect of actually getting you the food makes it not worth eating it at all. A lot of people don't choose to be vegetarian because they think it will cost a lot more, they just enjoy eating meat or other reasons, but there are vegetarian options that are much better for you and for the animals.

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RyanHao   2023-05-03 22:33:16 (Last post: 2024-03-22 06:40:15)
Importance of Food and Hunger

Food and hunger are essential components of human survival and well-being. The importance of food lies in its ability to provide the necessary nutrients for our bodies to function properly, maintain good health, and support our immune system. Hunger, on the other hand, is an uncomfortable sensation that signals our body's need for food. It is a crucial physiological response that ensures we consume the necessary nutrients to sustain life. However, hunger also has a social and cultural dimension, as many people around the world suffer from food insecurity, malnutrition, and hunger. Addressing these issues is crucial to ensuring that everyone has access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food, which is fundamental to human health and dignity.

whopper   2023-05-03 22:39:13

I agree with you, food is very important for us.  But it is crucial for us to eat healthy, safe, and nutrious food. We shouldn't eat any junk food.

Ruthvij P.   2023-05-03 23:11:15

I also agree. Without food or water, people can't survive. People in Africa are suffering. We shouldn't waste food and should use it wisely.

tinlok   2023-05-03 23:13:49

I for sure agree, food is important but sometimes too much food isn't good for your body.

Jaqi   2023-05-03 23:16:42

I agree,food is essential for survival and good health, providing the body with the necessary nutrients, energy, and fuel required to function effectively. Eating a balanced diet can help improve overall health and wellbeing, prevent chronic diseases, and promote longevity.

Conner Chen   2023-05-03 23:19:28

I agree, food is essential for nutrients and protein for the human body such as in organs, muscles, etc.

s2811   2023-05-04 08:11:28

I totally agree, because good ratio of food and water is best for our bodies. We should't throw that many amount of food because there are people who don't have that much food.

WYLABOD   2023-05-11 17:41:02

I agree with you, food is a vital part of human health, but large companys create foods that taste good, but is actually really bad for you as it is filled with sugar and processed ingredients. People need to realize how important it is to being eating healthy things, like proteins and vegetables. Eating a more balanced diet with improver your overall health, and over all mood and attitude, it can also help people live longer. Overall, it is important for people to have a even ration on what food they eat.

adslBOD   2023-05-11 20:37:55

I agree, food is important, but having too much of it could be bad for you. I also agree that junk food is not good for you.

riduBOD1   2023-05-11 21:23:31

I agree with you. However, the way that food is made in our modern society is not sustainable. A lot of the food that we eat has a negative impact on the environment. Because of this, we should try to incorporate as much eco friendly food into our diets as we can.

riduBOD1   2023-05-11 21:28:13

I agree with you. However, the way that food is made in our modern society is not sustainable. A lot of the food that we eat has a negative impact on the environment. Because of this, we should try to incorporate as much eco friendly food into our diets as we can by researching what food is best for the environment and by growing our own.

https://www.sciencejournalforkids.org/w … rticle.pdf

BRVABOD   2023-05-12 10:01:36

Food and Water are essential for human survival. If we keep releasing all of this carbon into the atmosphere it is going to be harder to get clean water and it is also going to be harder to grow food on a large scale. A lot of animals that we eat such as cows really contribute to the rising of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. We have found ways to have the cows not release as much carbon dioxide but all animals that we eat release a decent amount into the atmosphere. If it is possible we should try and supplement the foods with veggies and fruits. For example you could do meatless mondays and only eat plant based foods.

KrFrBOD1   2023-05-12 10:36:43

I Completely agree with you that food and water are indispensable for humans. Obviously, we couldn't function properly without food and water, so we all deserve fair opportunities for food and water. But this also doesn't mean we should eat so recklessly and watch what we consume because as we all know it contributes to our carbon footprint. Even if u are extremely hungry we should all try to find healthy alternatives and get ourselves on a nice diet so that way we can feel better, and our planet benefits as well.

Mgrande   2023-05-12 11:41:38

I agree, clean water and food are essential for human living and survival. If we continue to pollute our atmosphere and poison our waterways. We will not be able to feed ourselves and ensure we have safe water to drink. It is also the way we harvest out food, mass ranches with cows that produce methane can contribute a lot to Co2 in the atmosphere. A solution could be to have a less meat consuming society and replace the unhealthy meat with, sustainable nutrient vegetables.

Serenitie08   2023-11-05 14:53:25

I agree, Although it’s shown that we can survive one week without food, 3 weeks if drinking water.  It’s an essential we need to have strength and most important survive.  But everyone in a while it’s good to have well balanced meals instead of eating junk food all the time,just as much as we can eat somewhat healthy or have a decently good diet.  But by that i don’t mean go vegan or what not, just do a well balanced meal, like maybe some chicken and broccoli with some water or any healthy drink with some watermelon on the side.

OliveV   2024-03-22 06:38:28

I agree with these responses. Food and water are essential components for human survival, without food and water people can’t survive.  Eating food that is healthy and nutritious is very important. Eating meat like cows contribute for a huge rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. People should be cautious of the amount of meat you eat or even not eat meat at all. There are so many countries that do not have enough food for people in there countries. There are so many people in Africa who are suffering greatly because there is not enough food and there is lack of clean water. Overall, you should just be cautious of the amount of processed food that you eat, think about how much meat you have and think about food waste.

OliveV   2024-03-22 06:40:15

I agree with these responses. Food and water are essential components for human survival, without food and water people can’t survive.  Eating food that is healthy and nutritious is very important. Eating meat like cows contribute for a huge rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. People should be cautious of the amount of meat you eat or even not eat meat at all. There are so many countries that do not have enough food for people in there countries. There are so many people in Africa who are suffering greatly because there is not enough food and there is lack of clean water. Overall, you should just be cautious of the amount of processed food that you eat, think about how much meat you have and think about food waste.

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sydcpetty   2023-11-26 13:26:41
Food and Hunger- How can what you eat to reduce your carbon footprint?

The food you eat can impact your carbon footprint. To reduce it, do not waste because food that’s thrown away decomposes in landfills and emits methane, potent greenhouse gas. Reusable bags are also useful to avoid continuous plastic and reduce greenhouse emissions. More ways to reduce carbon through your diet is eat less meat, try plant- based protein, cut back on diary, eat more fiber foods, grow your own produce, don't eat excess calories, and purchase local food.

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harris932   2023-11-05 21:16:49 (Last post: 2023-11-13 23:06:48)
Food & Hunger

Food and hunger are critical global issues that demand our attention. Despite the world producing more food than ever before, millions still go to bed hungry. Poverty, unequal food distribution, climate change, and conflict are key drivers of food insecurity. The consequences are severe, including malnutrition, health problems, and social unrest. To address this crisis, sustainable agriculture, poverty alleviation, food aid, education, and policy changes are essential. We must work together to ensure that food becomes a fundamental right for all, creating a world where hunger is a thing of the past.


maleahalexander   2023-11-13 23:06:48

Helping people in poverty

I completely agree with what you're saying. I believe we should make more effort to help ensure that our citizens are well fed and get the nutrients they need to be well and healthy. It is no doubt that we have enough food to go around so why are there so many people still living in poverty? We must act by lowering prices of nutrition-rich foods for easy access to those in need, creating and promoting more sustainable food systems, and reducing food waste and loss in our country. If such easy tasks are completed, I am sure it will call for a decrease in those in poverty and without food.

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Louisa Schwarm   2023-11-05 23:27:01 (Last post: 2023-11-10 15:45:51)
Posters for awareness

Something that surprised me about my carbon footprint was the sheer amount of carbon produced by my consumption of meat. I knew that meat consumption caused a fair amount of carbon output into the troposphere but I was unaware that it would be so impactful. I think that a good way to reduce carbon output of this kind would be to educate people about how much carbon and other greenhouse gases are released when meat is produced for consumption. A good way of doing this would be putting posters up in places where lots of people pass through.  This could help make people aware of their impacts on the earth and they may be more likely to choose plant alternatives to meat or at least consider their meat intake.

noragomes   2023-11-10 15:45:51

Although educating people about their carbon emission is a smart and forward-thinking idea, I think that no matter what we do or say about meat consumption, at the end of the day people are still consumers and will do what they think is right for their body. Putting up posters and educating others will only make them aware of their carbon emission, and not actually stop the vast majority of meat consumption in the world. Another reason that this might not be the best use of our resources is that although some people might see this poster and think about their consumption, others will only glance at it or not even take the time to look. Educating one or two people about their eating habits is hardly beneficial because there are still millions who contribute to meat consumption and the mass producing of meat.  A few people stopping eating meat will not have any effect on meat industries, and their carbon output.

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Rohitha   2023-11-09 00:02:09 (Last post: 2023-11-09 03:33:38)
Small Steps for a Big Impact

There’s enough food being produced to feed the world, however every year millions of people go to bed hungry every day. 1 in every 10 people don’t have access to food every night. Why is this? What’s happening to all of this food? Well…we’re wasting it!. Every year nearly 1/3 of all the food produced is wasted or lost at a quantity of about 1.3 billion tons. Not only do we leave millions of people starving by wasting food, we also waste a lot of unseen resources and effort. When we waste food, we waste 33% of fertile land and around 24% of freshwater. We waste sunshine, water, fertilizers, and a farmer’s hard work and time. As well as the time, effort and energy put into packaging, transporting, and marketing. Food wastage also affects biodiversity and is a significant contributing factor in climate change, as along this process we release tons of greenhouse gases such as methane and carbon dioxide. It’s due time we open our eyes to the injustices being done. We need to keep in consideration that small steps can one day lead to a big impact! We need to bring awareness and show people that they can be the solution! Small steps like planning meals ahead of time, being aware of our wastage, and keeping our serving sizes in check can solve this global issue!

Danielaalvaradoo   2023-11-09 03:33:38

You're absolutely right with you. It's very sad that so much food goes to waste while people are still hungry. We need to be more mindful of our actions and take small steps to reduce food waste. Planning meals ahead, being aware of our wastage, and controlling serving sizes can make a big difference. Let's spread awareness and encourage others to join us in solving this global issue!

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MyaG   2023-11-05 18:03:20
world hunger

World hunger is a big promblem globally with an overwhelming majority. The world's hungry people reside in the developing world., with extreme poverty and lack of access to nutritious food. The main causes of this is again the interconnected issues of poverty, inequity, conflict, climate change, gender discrimination, and weak government and health systems all play a role in keeping nutritious food out of reach for millions of families around the world. As many as 828 million people in the world go to sleep hungry. A way we can fix this issue is by reducing food waste & food loss.?

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Serenitie08   2023-11-05 15:21:02
Starvation and its issues.

Starvation is a huge thing in our world, people starving and hoping they’ll find something to eat whether it's out of a trash can or not.  Starvation is something that no one hopes to go through.  People out in the streets begging for food or even a job to get some food.  We can survive 3 weeks without food if you have water, which helps fill your stomach.  But without food or water you can only survive about a week.  We need to eat and drink water to have strength and survive.  Without it we’re weak, and many medical issues can develop such as, Anemia, a condition of low red blood cells, Gallstones, hard deposits in the gallbladder, Hypotension, low blood pressure, Stomach disease, inflammation or ulceration of the stomach lining, & Cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, problems with the heart and lungs.

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Daria Vasile   2023-04-28 10:45:06 (Last post: 2023-11-04 17:29:45)
Food and Hunger

While many families throw away food that they didn't consume in time or that they don't like, other families don't even have anything to feed their children. People who can afford to buy all the products they need,  should be grateful and try not to waste food. Thus, buying from the store only the amount of food they can eat, keeping the leftovers for later, but also making compost with the food scraps, they manage not to waste food. Also, if they have food at home that they will not eat and that is in good condition, they can donate it to those who really need food.

Maryam09   2023-11-04 17:29:45

Hello Daria,
I agree with you that people who are more privilege should learn to buy and eat their food to a limit so that they do not waste it. According to WorldVision.org, there are as many as 828 million people who are currently starving. This means that over 10 percent of the human population right now does not have any food to eat and there are many people in more privileged areas in the world who have so much food that they are not able to finish eating it and throw it out. I agree that we can help combat these problems of wasting food by learning how to buy just enough food to last us and not be wasteful, keep leftovers for later, and donate any food that is still good to eat to people who need it. These are all things that I have learned to do with my family and our food and I will continue to keep doing to save our planet.
Thanks, this is the website I used:
https://www.worldvision.org/hunger-news … 0countries.

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