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Sustainable City

Here's your chance not just to be the mayor, but the original city planner as well! Imagine a medium sized city that would be developed with modern, low carbon transportation in mind, and other strategies to reduce the average citizens' carbon footprints.

What would that city look like? Would that make you more likely to want to live there?

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Sustainable City

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erijoh   2024-10-15 11:03:05 (Last post: 2024-10-15 11:50:27)
Stop using sing use plastics

Hi this can help make a Sustainable

erijoh   2024-10-15 11:07:17

edit sing is single sorry

jefcho   2024-10-15 11:49:21

I agree because single use plastic will just turn into micro-plastic and stay in the air

ethlou   2024-10-15 11:50:27

I agree stop using single use plastic. It very much effects our environment as it is only "single use" using reusable water bottles such as Hydro Flask might cost more but wont cost more then thousands of single use plastic material. Don't use single plastics!

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Weloveyoufrenk   2024-10-08 15:32:34
Sustainable city

use more public transport  and increase car sharing.

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Seabasstan   2024-09-25 10:22:41
How much of an impact do highways have on the environment?

How much of an impact do highways have on the environment?

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mashBOD   2024-05-14 09:59:26
Is more public transit the solution?

Although you may think that public transit can give off more carbon due to things like trains and subways being much bigger than the average car, that is actually not the case. Especially with big family cars like S.U.V.s, the standards car companies have to meet is much lower than the criteria that average public transit has to follow. Public Transit is made to have their vehicles emit less and less carbon every year, something that most companies do not follow. According to newyorker.com, car companies are able to classify S.U.V.s as trucks, making it so the window of carbon they are allow to emit is much larger than the average car. To conclude, yes more public transit is a solution to help stop climate change of carbon emissions.

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Milu   2024-04-26 10:49:21 (Last post: 2024-05-12 14:17:41)
My thoughts about Sustainable Cities

Why are sustainable cities important?
I think that sustainable cities have a great impact on enviroment.
In particular in the reduction of the emissions coming from factories and vehicles, and mostly about the emission caused by energy prodution from fossil fuels.

What do we mean with sustainable cities?
A sustainable city is a kind of city that focuses on reducing waste and emissions by using renewable energy and electric vehicles.

In conclusion i think that the future needs sustainable cities not only for our wellbeing but also for the future generations.

ElBrBOD   2024-05-09 18:54:32

I would agree. Sustainable cities, along with the points you already mentioned, would raise awareness about climate change. Something I find particularly concerning is the variation in the CO2 levels. Just at my own school, CO2 concertation ranges between 450ppm and 850ppm, a different of almost 2 fold. When designing a city, I think it is important to ensure that a different area of the city doesn't suffer from one area "green" (eg. having factories all in one place, pollutes one area, but keep the rest clean)

stjubod   2024-05-12 14:17:41

I completely agree! Cities are one of the main contributors to carbon emissions (70%), and making them more sustainable would reduce CO2 substantively. In terms of transportation, I think that we could go even further than electric vehicles and have the main form of transportation be walking/biking. Since cities are pretty compact and everything is relatively close together, the majority of places could be accessed without even having to use a vehicle. Current cities can be pretty dangerous for bikers or pedestrians, so to encourage it in a sustainable city there could be certain streets or areas that don’t allow cars. I went to Portugal last Spring and there were barely any cars, many of the streets were just for walking, and you had to park your car outside of them and walk in. Not only would this be better for the environment, but getting more cardio would also improve people’s physical and mental health. (I do realize that walking would be an issue for people with disabilities, that would be a separate problem to figure out).

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fonzyy   2024-04-26 10:05:23 (Last post: 2024-05-11 21:47:51)
Sustainable City

To make the city more eco-sustainable, we should all use means of transport that do not pollute like bicycles as much as possible. These are excellent if you have short trips to make, but if the trips are longer it is better to avoid the car and take some public transport to reduce pollution.

maren lindgren   2024-05-11 21:47:51

I agree with this completely. I think that it would be amazing if more cities could incorporate opportunities for more eco-friendly transportation like biking and walking. In addition to eco-friendly transportation cities could even take it a step further and make buildings more sustainable to help conserve energy and water. Solar panels are a great addition to homes and buildings. My house has solar panels and 70% of our electricity/energy is generated from the sun. Not only is this eco-friendly, but it helps lower our electric bill each month. If more buildings used solar panels it would help the environment and be more cost efficient. Another thing that I think would be a great addition to buildings would be a water conservation system, complete with things like rain catching technologies (ex. rain basin). These technologies would be cost efficient and help to conserve water. The water caught by these technologies could be used for things like pluming. To sum it up, I think that eco-friendly transportation and also sustainable water and energy systems would help to lower a cities overall carbon footprint, and I think that more cities should start implementing these things to be more climate conscious.

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pewoBOD   2024-05-11 13:25:59
Airplanes and Carbon

I was shocked that my transportation (mainly air travel )took up more than HALF of my carbon footprint. I feel like the normalization of air travel undermines how harmful airplanes are to our atmosphere. According to the Environmental and Energy Study Institute, 70% of airplane exhaust is CO2, and after being emitted, 30% of that gas is naturally removed from the atmosphere over 30 years, 50% disappears within a few centuries, and 20% stays in the atmosphere for thousands of years. As air travel increases, I can't imagine how much unnecessary carbon would end up just because of planes. I think that we should stop normalizing unnecessary air travel and educate others about its detrimental impact on our atmosphere. Additionally, I think we should also stop normalizing the frequent use of private jets, and how we should stop turning a blind eye to celebrities like Taylor Swift's carbon footprint. The idea of using private jets to travel from place to place is unbelievable because how can you not start thinking about how much carbon you, a single person, contribute to damaging our atmosphere?

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ray the penguin   2024-04-17 05:28:41 (Last post: 2024-04-29 04:30:57)
cold fusion is kinda sick

Cold Fusion, or low-energy nuclear reaction (LENR) is basically a hypothesized type of nuclear reaction that should occur at room temperature. There is currently no widely accepted theoretical model that would allow cold fusion to occur.

Theoretically, it should provide virtually LIMITLESS energy and minimal nuclear waste, and pretty much no environmental impact compared to, say, fossil fuels.

See, current nuclear power plants use nuclear fission (not fusion), which, as the name suggests, consists of splitting heavy atoms (such as uranium-235 or plutonium-239) into smaller fragments, which releases a large amount of energy. The problem is, along with energy, fission also produces additional neutrons and radioactive fission products.

These radioactive fission products are typically unstable isotopes of elements such as cesium strontium, iodine, and plutonium. These isotopes decay and emit radiation in the form of alpha, beta, and gamma particles. Some of these isotopes can remain for thousands to millions of years.

Cold fusion, on the other hand, is a nuclear reaction which is quite frankly the opposite of fission. It involves two like atomic nuclei (often involving hydrogen isotopes such as deuterium and tritium) merging together to form a heavier nucleus (helium nuclei), releasing a significant amount of energy in the process. he energy released is due to the conservation of mass into energy, described in Einstein’s famous equation, E=mc^2, because if you look at the mass of the reactants and compare it to the mass of the product, you’ll find that its not equal, which means some of the mass has been transferred into energy.

The reason this occurs is because the speed of light (c) is a very large number, even the smallest of mass could theoretically be converted into a large amount of energy. This process occurs at near room temperature. This low energy requirement reduces harmful nuclear byproducts. Hydrogen isotopes are also relatively lighter than nuclear fission reactants, and therefore should generate more stable elements.

If we can somehow harness this release of energy, it could be a potential source of clean and abundant form of energy, proving to be superior to the fossil fuel and nuclear fission energy we use today…

(if ya read all of that congrats u officially don't have the attention span of a 6 year old yayyy)

ray the penguin   2024-04-22 03:54:43


Yoyo Cheng   2024-04-23 05:51:18

This is true, I agree.

Yoyo Cheng   2024-04-23 06:23:34

I completely agree because E=MC2 is one of the most famous equations developed by albert einstein and this is completly true. The speed of light squared is actualy about 9 times 10 to the 16 power m per second which just shows how much limitless energy we can get.

ray the penguin   2024-04-29 04:30:57


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Angelayujieleechou   2024-04-24 20:12:24 (Last post: 2024-04-26 10:56:28)
Public transportation

Use more public transportation so less individual pollution

Milu   2024-04-26 10:56:28

I agree with your idea and I think it would help a lot to reduce the pollution, but in my opinion the vehicles in a lot of cities need to be "updated" to guarantee to all of us the possibility of being more eco friendly.

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cardenas   2024-04-24 08:43:49
Notions of the Future: Sustainable Cities

Sustainable cities are the notions of the future, cities that are delineated to manage the needs of environmental and lucrative impact for the world. Meaning, that these are urban cities that are managed by creating green areas, green neighborhoods, environmental infrastructure, and eco-friendly substitutes to our original ways. Usually, when sustainable cities are spoken about, we usually speak about public transportation, walkable and bikeable neighborhoods, solar panels and farms, green building and architecture, solving our food production processes, easily attainable public resources, the conservation of water, as well as waste management. However, have we ever gotten into the depth of these truly transformative ways to live?
Approximately 1,023 million metric tons of Carbon divide are produced just from U.S gasoline and diesel only. We are speaking about just one single country, one country, the United States. What about the other countries? Combined, this is enough to weaken and allow the carbon dioxide emissions to grow exponentially. 75% of carbon monoxide pollution is created by transportation. Sustainable cities have offered alternatives besides driving individual vehicles, such as metro systems, rail transport, and creating cycling or walkways. Metro systems are rapid transit trains that consist of several cars that are run on the multiple-unit system. Rail transit is one of the fastest forms of ground transportation, using locomotives powered by fuel or electricity. Investments in bike lanes and pedestrian pathways have been encouraged for a number of reasons. Among the most effective modifications that communities can implement to meet their sustainability, economic, and social objectives are walking and bicycling, active transportation, and the lowest carbon forms of transportation.
Green architecture promotes energy efficiency, reuse and security of building materials, the use of renewable energy sources, and their need to lower the negative environmental effects. For instance, buildings such as One Central Park in Sydney, Australia. Once Central Park has 35,000 green wall plants inside it. They prioritize saving and reuse wastewater for irrigation and waste. These smart designs ensure to create structures that benefit the environment and communities of the world. Tao Zhu Yin Yuan in Taiwan has an “Anti-Global Warming and Carbon-Absorbing Ecosystem” according to  Amazing Architecture.
We have time, we still do. So many years have passed and we state that we will do something but we usually don’t. If the world eventually burns out due to everything we have done, who will tell our story? We’re running out of time, we have a limit, so what can we still do? What can we do while we have more time? We may start fixing the globe by fixing the large cities where we reside and the ones that are often traversed by cars. Have we done enough yet? No, we haven't. We have to press forward. We are paving the path to reject waste and significant carbon emissions from the world we live in by creating sustainable cities.

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JasminUSA   2024-04-24 07:41:38
Will Sustainable Cities fix our problems?

No, the short and simple answer is no. Nothing we do is going to fix the Earth right away. The Earth is way too broken and harmed for simple and unnoticeable actions to be taken and for it to actually work at all. Cites contribute to a lot if not most of the pollution and climate change that causes harm to the earth. Sustainable cities can do a few things to help though, such as, using renewable resources, having lots of sidewalks, opting for a mass transportation system, and slowing down energy consumption.
Using renewable resources would really improve any area in the world, but definitely areas with mass amounts of people with energy surges like no other. Cities are notorious for using so much power and this would really improve the carbon footprint of cities if most cities could use renewable energy. While yes it can be very expensive to start and maintain, the benefits much outwardly outweigh the price.
Having lots of sidewalks, or bicycle trails give more opportunities for people to walk or bike places, rather than driving. While, this is not just a problem for cities, it also for people that live further out. If there are more places closer to where people are they wont need to drive, or better for the people who live farther out of town where it is not ideal to walk into town when need be they could opt for mass transportation, such as bus or carpooling. This also would help more if electric or fuel efficient vehicles were used.
Slowing down on energy consumption in cities could really help with their carbon footprints too. Not using as much energy could benefit by not having to make as much, whether that is by renewable resources or carbon resources. Just not using as much puts so much less carbon into the atmosphere, helping our carbon footprints decrease.

https://www.repsol.com/en/energy-and-th … dex.cshtml
https://www.thegef.org/what-we-do/topic … ble-cities

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Mihaela151108   2024-04-18 03:04:37 (Last post: 2024-04-24 05:04:08)

In a city like EcoCity, the focus would be on reducing carbon emissions and promoting a sustainable lifestyle. There would be a good public transportation system, like trains and electric buses, so people can move around easily without needing cars. Buildings would be energy-efficient and use renewable energy sources like solar power. There would be lots of green spaces and areas for recycling and composting. Living in EcoCity would mean having access to modern urban life while also caring for the environment.

Noah/Juddy   2024-04-24 05:04:08

Solar energy is a great way to bring down schools carbon footprint. By using solar energy we bring down carbon footprint by a lot. Granted, if we only use solar energy seven out of the 10 months when were at school it would still make a difference. For the other three months, we could use the same energy we use today in our school. According to Energy Sage, the benefits of putting solar panels in our environment is important because solar panels aren't just good for the environment, they can also provide serious savings. How much money you can save varies based on several factors including your location, current energy usage, the size of your solar panel system, and most importantly, the price you pay for electricity. For example, if you currently pay $150 a month for electricity, you’ll save about $65,000 over the next three decades. Most solar shoppers save between $20,000 and $96,000 on electricity over the lifetime of their solar panel system. In this article, we'll walk you through what you need to understand how going solar can save you money and how to figure out what your savings will be. There are a bunch of other ways that solar energy can help our school. Like how much they will reduce your carbon footprint. The significant financial returns are a compelling reason to invest in renewable energy, but money isn't the only thing solar panels save. When you install solar, you also reduce CO2 emissions by limiting your fossil fuel consumption. Thank you for reading and here is the site it used www.energysage.com.

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Gabriella dragomir   2024-04-18 03:02:31 (Last post: 2024-04-23 00:14:25)
Sustainable City

In this city, imagine a network of pedestrian-friendly streets lined with bike lanes and green spaces, encouraging walking and cycling. Public transportation would be efficient, powered by renewable energy sources, and easily accessible to all residents. There would be an emphasis on mixed land use, with neighborhoods designed to reduce the need for long commutes. Renewable energy sources like solar panels and wind turbines would dot the landscape, providing clean power for homes and businesses. Waste management would prioritize recycling and composting, minimizing landfill waste. It sounds like a city designed for a sustainable future, and definitely a place I'd consider living in!

annabelle c.   2024-04-23 00:14:25

I agree, I would also consider to live in a sustainable city. People should rely on renewable energy sources like the examples you gave in your text. Our waste should be recycled, which can lessen landfill waste. Renewable energy sources should be accessible to all residents, like you said in your text. I hope that in the future, people could live in a greener city.

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Beatrice25   2024-04-18 03:04:16
Sustainable city

In my opinion,nature is our best friend and we need to protect it at all costs! A way to protect is planting more trees. Our city can be more sustainable and organized. The trees gathers the carbon dioxide, protecting us from its danger.

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Alexandru Bianca   2024-04-18 03:03:37
Sustainable City

I believe that in order to be able to improve the cleanliness of my city, it is necessary to add as many trash cans as possible, each one for a certain category, either paper, or plastic, or cardboard, and that there are no more normal trash cans. In this way we make the work of garbage collectors easier.

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Amaliaz   2024-04-18 03:03:08
Sustainable city

There are many things we can do to make the city more sustainable, and we can start by reducing energy consumption at home by replacing regular light bulbs with LED ones and by using energy-efficient household appliances. We can also use public transport or a bicycle instead of a personal car to reduce pollution

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SotirAndrei   2024-04-18 03:02:35
Reducing the carbon footprint

In my opinion a way to reduce the carbon footprint in a city is by promoting renewable energy sources like wind or solar power.

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Felix2610   2024-04-18 02:59:43
Reducing the carbon footprint

I think one of the ways we can reduce the carbon footprint of a city is restricting the usage of old and polluting cars.

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Angelayujieleechou   2024-04-17 00:34:59

Use more public transportation so less individual transportation waste

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ioana.coropca   2024-04-10 03:47:48 (Last post: 2024-04-12 08:27:10)
to save your planet

you can save some heat, you can use some blankets to warm yourself instead to turn the heat to 25 degrees C

Lily248   2024-04-12 08:27:10

I agree it would be better to just get some more blankets rather than turning your heat up a lot. Also if you do have some blankets people should use those and turn their heat down cause I feel like a lot of people have the blankets and maybe even use them but don’t turn the heat down.

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margaret.mccarthy   2024-04-01 06:43:19
Electric Vehicles

An electric car only produces about 200 grams of CO2, they are very efficient. Electric cars are also more expensive than the average gas car. The price is 17% higher for a new electric car than a gas car. A family is going to worry more about putting food on the table than buying a sustainable car especially if the price cost is higher. As these cars become more widespread the price of them may go down. The question is how can we make them more affordable now? Hybrid cars might be part of the solution. They are around the same cost as a gas powered car, but are much more efficient in burning fuel.

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kaity.basham   2023-11-11 17:25:15 (Last post: 2024-03-26 05:54:34)
Sustainable transportation

Although Sometimes it may seem to be easier to use a car, cars create so much carbon admission into our air, contributing a lot to climate change. Although sometimes using car might not be avoidable, trips that you could use other form of transportation that might be more sustainable would overall help reduce your carbon footprint. Especially in the city I live in I have lots of access to bike routes near me, making me more likely to chose biking to places  instead of going by car. Some places though might not have the access to safe bike routes, but they might have access to forms of public transit, like the bus, and or sky trains, which can also reduce carbon admissions. I think finding other ways of transportation can help us reduce carbon admissions into the air helping us create a more sustainable city.

Alex11223344   2024-03-26 05:54:34

I agree that your ideas would decently reduce carbon emittions but for most people not using their car is not a viable possibility, everyone taking way less planes would be a much more effective way to reduce carbon emittions.

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noragomes   2023-11-14 14:28:25 (Last post: 2024-03-22 08:09:35)
A Sustainable City Starts With Us

The sustainability of a city comes down to the residents living within it. If promoted
enough, our city's health and well-being can become our top priority as citizens. Some ways that we can help the sustainability of our city are considering our energy use, promoting sustainable ideas to our communities, reducing, reusing, and recycling. These are just some ways we can make our environment a healthier and safer place. When I say promotion, I mean any form of eco-friendly public marketing. This could be via social media, through presentations to your community, or advertisements. Promoting new and healthy ideas is a different form of education than trying to change people's habits; like meat consumption. So instead of spreading ideas attempting to change people's lifestyles, we can bring awareness to small actions that we can take towards making our city a better place.

Lauren_Spear12   2024-03-22 08:09:35

I agree. In order for our communities and cities to be a sustainable living space, people need to be informed and educated about the alternative options. This makes the chance greater for people actually able to act on the new ideas. People could create posters/flyers and hang them up places around town. One thing I would recommend a good sustainable option for people to actually act on is creating green spaces in communities. This could include things like planting trees (which are a great option to reduce carbon because they are carbon sinks), planting a garden etc. Or even other things like having a place in town where people could go and pick up reused materials to repurpose. All of these things require talking to people and educating them about these alternatives that are effective and worthwhile to implement.

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Thomashollins   2024-03-22 07:53:17 (Last post: 2024-03-22 08:01:42)
Green Roofs

Green roofs contribute sustainable energy to urban environments and also enrich the biodiversity of the area. Green roofs are said to improve the morals and hope in communities. Green roofs not only reduce the carbon emissions by over half a gigaton annually, but they also remake habitats that were destroyed from urban construction. Green roofs are very good steps in helping cities sustain themselves and help the environment.

pbaroody   2024-03-22 08:01:42

I agree. Another big positive that green roofs is that they are very resilient to variations in conditions. They are proven to last a long time and stay effective during most of their lifetime.

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Cristina574   2023-11-14 17:37:03 (Last post: 2024-03-22 07:34:00)
Green living

A sustainable city is a smartly planned city that tries to meet people's needs without harming the environment. These cities make wise use of resources, such as eco-friendly building materials and renewable energy sources. They have excellent public transportation, a large number of green areas, and efficient recycling programs. The long-term preservation of nature and the improvement of living conditions for locals are the two main objectives. Sustainable cities encourage people to live well without endangering the environment by demonstrating how to do so.

Kiefer123   2024-03-22 07:34:00

More cities should become sustainable around the world. By using electric public transportation like buses, taxis and electric bikes/scooters. It would reduce the carbon emissions a lot.

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Nay@ML   2023-11-02 17:22:39 (Last post: 2024-03-22 06:27:56)
Encouraging man powered vehicles (scooters, bikes, ect)

Cities can encourage modes of transportation such as biking or scootering by giving roads bike lanes and encouraging bike/scooter rentals or shops. This would lower  the amount of cars used. This is important because cars contribute greatly to climate change, about 20%!

G.bilg   2023-11-11 14:12:54

I agree with what you have said here. I would like to add on and say that if more people switched to electric instead of gas cars, air quality would get better and pollution would decrease a lot but also, if electric car companies made electric cars more cheaper, they could be more affordable as the reason a lot of people have gas cars is because they are cheaper and people can’t afford electric cars because of their price. Also I feel that a lot of people know about electric cars but don’t fully know how it would actually benefit our earth if they switched from gas to electric. Electric cars are also more quieter, so if you don’t like too much noise, an Electric car is the way to go!

Adrianapedro60   2024-03-22 06:27:56

I agree with this for cities and places where things people need are close together. In rural areas, people dont have the ability to do those things. However, there are electric cars that would help. The problem is that they are so expensive. Another thing that would help with man powered vehicles is weight problems. At least in America, 2/3 adults are overweight. This is a big problem in our country. In conclusion, if you are able to have a man powered vehicle that is great but an electric car works too.

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Baxter.Thackeray   2024-03-22 06:21:36
Electric public transportation

One big step that we could take to make cities more sustainable is getting electric busses, taxis and trains in big cities could make a huge difference think of a big city near you and think of the huge amount of cars, taxis and busses all of those are emitting huge amounts of carbon and greenhouse gases but if taxis, busses and trains were electric than that would reduce the amount of emissions by a huge amount.

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PYMESHACKS   2024-03-16 00:14:42
Badajoz is pioneering an eco-conscious transformation within urban...


I am thrilled to share that Badajoz is pioneering an eco-conscious transformation within urban transportation by implementing a fleet of fully electric buses. This initiative positions Badajoz as a leader in ecological transportation efforts, setting a remarkable example for cities globally.

The introduction of electric buses brings forth numerous environmental advantages. These zero-emission vehicles contribute substantially to the reduction of air pollutants, offering residents a breath of fresher air and a step towards a more sustainable lifestyle. The quiet nature of electric buses also means a more peaceful urban environment, free from the rumble of diesel engines.

At my digital marketing company in Badajoz, we are inspired by Badajoz's commitment and have adopted our own green practices. Every team member is an active participant in our comprehensive recycling program. In harmony with the city's green vision, our offices are energized by solar power, harnessing the sun's sustainable energy to fuel our innovative marketing solutions.

By integrating these eco-friendly practices, we aim to not only minimize our environmental impact but also to contribute positively to the planet's well-being, mirroring the forward-thinking spirit of Badajoz.

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502571   2023-11-03 12:53:19 (Last post: 2023-11-14 07:07:04)
Sustainable city

Your Post
A sustainable city is important especially with the climate change issue because of all the greenhouse gases. Transportation is a big part of a cities carbon emissions, according to a post made by our world in data a train, walking, or biking are all the most efficient ways for low carbon transportation. Walking or biking is also a great way to do small workouts making for a healthier city.

https://ourworldindata.org/travel-carbo … o%20travel.

maleahalexander   2023-11-14 07:07:04

sustaining our city

I agree with what you're saying, if citizens make mire of an effort not to use their car, it can call for a better world with a decreasing amount of carbon. If people walk, bike, or take public transit to their nearby activities and work, instead of going by car it can be the first step you take to living an eco-friendlier lifestyle and cause for your city to grow more sustainable. On the counter point people may not live in a central enough area to bike, walk, or bus to their destinations. It can be time consuming and crowded and an environment that some don't feel is a good environment for them. nonetheless i think this is an easy step we can take to reduce the ongoing problem of our carbon footprint. In addition to this we can build and create more public green spaces that are accessible to the public. This is an extremely important action we can take. It can create community, allow people to have an excuse to go outside more often and overall have a crucial role to play in the sustaining of our cities.

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RubyA   2023-11-11 20:21:47
My Ideal City

In my ideal city, there would be a focus on more eco-friendly methods of transportation like biking and public transportation. Carbon emissions from driving are some of the highest, especially when most cars are powered by gas. To have more developed public transit systems across the globe, would bring down emissions significantly. Also in my city, I would like to be fully powered by renewable energy, like solar and wind. Fossil fuels are the biggest contributor to climate change, so to find alternatives would be incredibly beneficial to bringing down emissions. The rest of the world may never be the same as my ideal city, however, if we make strides to use more renewable energy and use eco friendly methods of transportation, it would make a big difference.

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martapuigg   2023-11-09 03:18:03 (Last post: 2023-11-11 14:57:50)
More public transport

To help make the city more sustainable, the use of more public transport could be established so that people stop using their own vehicles so much to avoid air contamination.

rcmq   2023-11-11 00:51:12

I agree. Compared to cars, public transport saves us a lot less carbon being released into the air by taking a large group of people from one place to another and cars usually take an individual to their destination. However, many people find taking their cars much more convenient than walking, biking, and taking transit. The way I see it, cars are in many ways the easiest and fastest way to get around. The long-term impact this has on our environment makes me rethink this. The amount of carbon piling up in our atmosphere and in organisms is concerning, and carbon being released by cars all around the world isn't making this any better. For things to be convenient for everyone, walking and biking to nearby places and taking cars and public transit to farther destinations is a good way to help the environment.

G.bilg   2023-11-11 14:57:50

I agree with this, there should be more public transportation but what if some people don’t feel comfortable with going in a bus or some sort of transportation with other people, some people have different comfort levels and being with people that they don’t know might not be normal for them. I think that there should be electric cars instead with a lowered price, around the same as a gas car because a lot of people have gas cars as they can’t afford electric ones.

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jane1   2023-11-09 03:39:41
The importance of a sustainable world

I'm going to talk about how we can help make the world a more sustainable place. For first, we would have to eliminate or reduce plastic because it is one of the products that pollutes the planet the most, and find alternatives for things made of plastic. It is also very important to recycle our garbage and reuse. By using public transportation we help to reduce the pollution or using bicycles to go to nearby places. It is also good to eat ecologic foods that come from our earth and not buy everything processed. If all together contribute helping in somethings we can make the world more sustainable place.

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Rohitha   2023-11-09 00:04:34

As Peter Parker once said, “We always have a choice, it’s our choices that make us who we are, and we always have a choice to do what is right”. Most cars on the road right now run on oil/gas that come from burning fossil fuels. The burning and extraction of these fossil fuels causes a series of detrimental effects on our environment and contributes to climate change. Cars are held accountable for 1/5 of the total global warming pollution in the WORLD! So how can we resolve this issue….? Well, a good alternative to gas powered vehicles are hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Hydrogen is one of the world’s most abundant elements. These cars can be produced from green hydrogen that is produced from renewable sources such as wind and solar. In hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen creates electricity, therefore powering the car, and the only byproduct is water! Not only are hydrogen vehicles more efficient and eco-friendly, they have a greater range, and are faster in refueling than most EVs. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are clearly the way to go!

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Insidethisbucket   2023-11-05 21:28:43
Single Stream Recycling

Recycling is not straightforward, most cities use a single stream recycling system. That means that all recyclables are put together and contamination is much more common. This means that materials have to be sorted and non-recyclables need to be removed, this costs companies a lot of money and makes it unprofitable for business. Single stream recycling also contaminates materials that would otherwise not be contaminated making it unusable .

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jessicaamanatullah   2023-11-05 21:05:25
Sustainable City: What a city needs to be sustainable

Would you want to live in a sustainable city? I know I would. But, what makes a city sustainable in the first place? Well, there are many factors that can make a city considered “sustainable.” If I controlled this city, some measures I would take to make this city sustainable is:
1. MORE EFFICIENT PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION reduces dependence on fuels that can harm the environment, “taking public transportation reduces CO2 emissions by 45%” (UCLA Transportation), improves air quality ( UCLA Transportation )
2. RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES such as wind and solar power: better air quality, reduce reliance on harmful fuels, does not produce greenhouse gas emissions. (Environmental Protection Agency
3. URBAN AGRICULTURE with the increasing population density (population per unit of land area) of urban areas, this can help: citizens meet food requirements, improve health, reduce cost of transportation (farm to consumer), better air quality… hence, reducing carbon emissions ( National Agriculture Library )
4. EFFECTIVE RECYCLING AND WASTE MANAGEMENT less need to use new raw materials from the Earth; reduced deforestation, reduced harming or displacing animals in the wild, less pollution. ( Friends of the Earth UK )

These measures would not only benefit the Earth but also the people, creating an improved, sustainable city.

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Brian Pacman   2023-11-04 16:08:30
Clean and Blue Cities

The sustainability of a city depends on if the city has the ability to take care of all the basic necessities of all of the people in different parts of the city. With most of the focus of how a city is sustainable is of the urban infrastructure of the city as the use of renewable energy like wind and solar energy are integrated in the urban developments. This integration can cause the production of natural gas that can help give more heat and clean power to the city. A main and effective way that this can be implemented in urban development is adding green architecture. Making buildings have solar panels or wind turbines around cities. With Hydroelectric power sources like the Grand Coulee Dam being a big way to give large amounts of clean electricity. With that dam specifically, recorded at an annual amount of 21 billion kilowatt hours of electricity which is enough to power 2 million houses. Hydroelectric power is the largest renewable source of energy in the world right now with it even if being expensive upfront it will be beneficial in the long run as it will grow to be inexpensive and can meet peak electric demand. On top of large amounts of  electricity production it sustains the city by also providing flood control, irrigation support, and clean drinking water.

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Insidethisbucket   2023-11-03 15:11:05
Reducing Carbon Footprints in Cities

Here are some easy ways to reduce your carbon footprint:

1.Not buy disposable plastic water bottles for keeping water
2.Have the washer on the cool water cycle
3.Incorporate walking for short distances
4.Turn off AC or Heater when not home
5.Use alternative transportation and carpool 1 day a week
6.Drive efficiently, coast to red lights and use the gas pedal lightly

https://www.austintexas.gov/blog/top-10 … save-money

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Zarketina   2023-05-10 23:22:28 (Last post: 2023-11-03 11:27:17)
Transport in a sustainable city

My family use bicycles for the most part for transport. To get to school and back, I walk an hour everyday. Transport in a sustainable city should be public, like electric trams and trains and most people should walk or ride bikes.

Nay@ML   2023-11-03 11:27:17

I agree but It is not that simple. Biking and walking take much longer than other modes of transportation and public transportation is not always the best option for people. Public transportation cannot take you anywhere there would need to be large amount of it to be able to provide easy access in every area, and that would be costly and less effective, since less people would be using each shuttle/bus. For some people cars are a better option, still it is important to reduce the amount of cars being used as much as possible

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Don P   2023-11-02 20:44:53
What Sustainable cities need

A big part of what makes a city unsustainable is transportation, energy, and waste. In order to fix the transportation problem, Cars release a lot of carbon in order to get energy so a sustainable city should have everything within a reasonable walking or biking distance so that cars are unnecessary and cars and electric transportation should also be discouraged. Also, to keep the energy source sustainable, because a lot of our energy comes from burning fossil fuels, the buildings should all have solar panels. On the topic of waste, we can have more centers for recycling and composting and make sure compost and recycling bins are always available.

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alyt   2023-11-02 19:27:30
Making cities more sustainable

What makes a city sustainable? Sustainable cities are designed to lessen the environmental impact on the earth by taking efforts to offer eco-friendly alternatives to your everyday life. One of the most effective ways to improve the sustainability of a city is to encourage and raise the use of public transportation (buses, trains, etc). This benefits the environment by reducing the number of private vehicles being used (and can reduce CO2 emissions by 45%). In the US, it is estimated that an annual amount of 37 million metric tons of CO2 is saved by the use of public transportation. To continue to see this decrease of environmental impact, we need to encourage the addition and use of these transportation options in cities.

https://transportation.ucla.edu/blog/5- … sportation

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Nay@ML   2023-11-02 17:18:24
alternatives to planes

Aviation accounts for 3.5% of climate change, producing 2.8% of the global carbon footprint. With this in mind, when you travel consider alternatives to flying, such as taking a train or bus, or even driving.Even though driving may produce more CO2, it has an overall lower effect, and if you drive with others, that can further reduce your impact. Another thing to consider is electric planes, which many countries are working towards, but will they come fast enough?



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chri_szun   2023-11-01 19:40:12 (Last post: 2023-11-02 08:46:04)
The Importance of Pedestrian-Friendly Infrastructure

When was the last time you walked through the city, admiring the sights as you go to buy groceries?  When was the last time you walked anywhere without seeing a gas station on the corner? City infrastructure in this modern day was not made with pedestrians in mind. To the city planners, walking pedestrians are a roadblock, a problem to be fixed. What they are aiming for is a population that drives everywhere to pay for gas, pay the parking tickets, pay the fines for driving a red light. Cities like Amsterdam are the first city to adopt the donut economic model to limit climate impact, and they have been making countless innovations and improvements in many industries, such as low-waste dining, high-efficiency with low-carbon footprint construction, and was home to one of the first startup accelerators dedicated to sustainable fashion.  Amsterdam uses green energy whenever possible for hotels and venues, and continuously improves upon itself in all industries, consistently ranking high up in Schroders European Sustainable Cities Index, along with it’s population being highly dependent on bikes (not electric!), and low use of cars. If I were in charge of planning a city, I would take heavy inspiration from Amsterdam’s infrastructure and laws it has in place. I would put emphasis on making beautiful buildings, and move away from minimalist designs so people would go out more. I would dedicate large areas for recreational activities and gardens/other plants. I would heavily encourage local businesses, with less support given towards large retailers, and provide many trash/recycling bins all over the city for easy disposal.

Buhg1   2023-11-02 08:46:04

I like your take on Amsterdam's well made infrastructure- you went into detail about every aspect that was improved, hopefully many US cities will also take inspiration from Amsterdam as well. Although there are some good examples of many US cities with infrastructure aimed to be pedestrian friendly, like Washington DC,Boston MA, and San Francisco.

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Krishh188   2023-11-01 17:25:53
Sustainable City

A sustainable city is characterized by a holistic approach to urban development, with a focus on environmental, social, and economic well-being. According to the United Nations Global Carbon Footprint Index, cities are responsible for over 70% of global carbon dioxide emissions, making urban sustainability imperative for mitigating climate change. Sustainable cities prioritize efficient public transportation systems, renewable energy sources, green infrastructure, and waste reduction programs. For example, Copenhagen, Denmark, serves as an inspiring model, with its emphasis on cycling infrastructure, renewable energy projects, and stringent environmental regulations, leading to a significant reduction in carbon emissions. Sustainable cities like Copenhagen aim to provide a high quality of life for their residents while reducing their ecological footprint, emphasizing that urban areas can lead the way in creating a more environmentally friendly and resilient future.

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Juen   2022-03-12 04:23:51 (Last post: 2023-11-01 15:54:01)
More public transportation

I think that a way to decrease the emission of CO2 in big cities is to increase public transportation, expecially the electric ones like trams, trains or trolleybusses.

inot flam   2022-03-12 04:32:31

juen i think we can also use bikes, bikes are cheap and really helpfull, everybody can afford a bike and so everyone don't have to pay for tickets for tram, train, ecc

Charlie915   2022-03-21 08:44:32

I think another way of facing this problem would be walkable cities. This solution is the idea of people walking or biking rather than driving. This solution is free to anyone and could actually save you money. We would need to make biggger and more side walks for these people. This would combat climate change a ton.

Joy Rothberg   2022-11-06 16:51:40

Various cities indeed have aimed to limit and reduce their carbon emissions by ~40% by the year 2050. Without a doubt, we understand that densely populated areas rely heavily on transportation, as commuting is quite frequent when all you see from every corner of your eye are buildings and skyscrapers. With this being said, we need to capture carbon from the air with means of planting enough trees to in the slightest way absorb the carbon emitted into the atmosphere.

We can see many streets in cities, but in contrast to the number of walkable streets, it is unbalanced in ratio. As Charlie915 stated above, we need to expand sidewalks to combat climate change and reduce these cities' carbon emissions.

Incorporating also, more reusable products and things being sold in the cities, will and can help in ways to reduce waste while encouraging recycling.

Maryam Aldayyeni   2022-11-06 17:01:52

I agree with this claim, as we have mentioned before, many pollution and other gases have been emitted in the air causing pollution which would soon take over the wildlife. Without this wildlife we would be stripped of a major amount of food. As Joy has mentioned above, we need to look at the amount of carbon emitted into the air, and we should regulate the amount of transportation to a low digit. If we continue to take transportation through cars that need gas or any vehicle, then for sure our carbon footprint will rise and reach tremendous heights. We need to be more self-aware and responsible towards our Earth. We only have one of it.

camilamg   2022-11-06 22:17:55

I agree, increasing public transportation would decrease the emissions of CO2. And like inot flam and Charlie915 said earlier, increasing the number of people who bike or walk instead of driving or riding public transportation could help decrease the emissions of CO2. Making cities safer to walk would be a major help as well, according to the World Health Organization, 270,000 pedestrians are killed every year.

Artem   2022-11-07 00:59:38

I agree, everyone having their own cars causes so much unnecessary pollution. If public transport took everyone where they needed to go to so much time, energy, and money would be saved by everyone involved. It would also go towards saving the planet.

Yuliya   2022-11-07 03:23:37

I completely agree. Especially electric transportation to reduce greenhouse gas emmisions from cars and other vehicles.

Zoe23   2023-10-30 10:29:32

In Oslo, infrastructure for cyclists is prioritized to the point that bike routes will often be plowed and salted before car roads. By making it easier for individuals to cycle, more people will naturally be drawn to it. Obviously this model wouldn't necessarily work everywhere in the world (especially in areas with less population density) but it's something to consider. NotJustBikes on Youtube has a good video on this topic. Unfortunately, the automotive industry is HUGE and it is their best interest to build and maintain car dependency.

Vananthony   2023-10-30 10:38:27

I agree if cities made public transportations by electric powered vehicles mandatory the carbon emissions would drastically be lowered.

Gurung   2023-11-01 15:54:01

I agree because not only will this reduce carbon emissions but it will also help society globally depending on the design of the public transportation trains for fuel efficiency.

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Ballista   2023-11-01 11:33:18
Parks, and Designated Green Areas in Cities

While nowadays many big cities have started to cut back on direct air pollution, not all though, people often forget about dealing with the residual or possibly still growing amounts left over. A National History Museum study found that nine million people die every year as a result of city air pollution. This is why designated green spaces in cities are so vital. As well as improving people's moods, and providing a place for activities like walking, sports, community events, and space for pets to be outisde, green spaces can also help reduce the air pollution and then save people.
Here is a link to the Museum study: https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/why-we-n … ities.html

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BAM_B00   2022-10-25 23:34:06 (Last post: 2023-10-30 10:22:49)

we should really reduce the use of battery because it would pollute the soil and basicly make it unusable. sad

ohynh   2022-11-16 15:45:44

Instead of reducing the amount of batteries. I suggest all battery brands to switch over to reusable batteries . All my batteries at home are reuse-able. Sure they may cost more than regular ones but, they last for years. How it works is once the battery is dead, you charge them and they are back to normal. I feel like reusable batteries are the way to go. Another question is, what if they die out and where do we dispose them. Not saying that brands will do this but, they could open shops were people can dispose the batteries for money and that will create a whole cycle of using the battery then it dies out then you dispose them at the shop for money.

Cassie-sjrstate   2023-10-24 12:06:35

I like your idea of the battery disposal station. I also think there should be adjustments made that consider the byproduct of certain products and wether or not these creations need to even hit the market. People, firms and laws should take into consideration sustainability when trying to bring a new product to market.

Olivia.18   2023-10-24 13:22:32

I agree we should stop using non reusable batteries. My family has also used rechargeable batteries and they are also more financially smart to buy

yungg   2023-10-30 10:15:19

I agree that using batteries is not sustainable for the environment but the cost of just a 4 pack of rechargeable batteries can be expensive for most. I do use them but I end up losing them and or use normal ones again. Is there any other viable option for people who wouldn't necessarily use rechargeable batteries?

APhelan   2023-10-30 10:22:49

I feel if more and more people start using the rechargeable batteries there would be less waste. Even if they are more expensive than the one use ones, you are still just buying them once until you really need to buy them again.

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Cassie-sjrstate   2023-10-24 11:51:37
Copenhagen, Denmark and their Sustainable Habits

Copenhagen, Denmark is currently the number one sustainable city in the world. They use advanced technology to monitor the buildings energy and water flow. They have vending machines around town that receive plastic bottles for funds that one can either keep or donate to charity to encourage recycling. They use shared resources by participating in district heating and cooling. The power plant used to power the heating and cooling uses biomass to fuel it, while above the surface citizens can ski during the winter or enjoy the paths that sit atop. Pocket parks and rooftop gardens help control urban heat island effect, which cause the cities temperatures to rise. They have a superhighway for cyclists that have traffic lights that are synced to their pace. there are 546 km of bike paths that connect multiple cities. What the city has done was made it convenient for the people. Twenty-four percent of people eat organically because it is more affordable and available.
They continue to discover new ways to live sustainably. The hotels practice sustainable habits by using the dryers only when it rains outside, compost all food in the kitchen, and refuse to give out any single use plastics. Check out their practices here:
https://www.wonderfulcopenhagen.com/won … copenhagen

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P. Montenegro-SJR   2023-10-23 14:00:16
Learning from sustainable cities

Having done a presentation on the topic I figured I'd put that knowledge to good use. Whenever we discuss lowering our carbon footprint we probably think about our impact as an individual but focusing on a group, or in this case a location, would work the best. We can all learn to live more sustainably with our environments if we take a look at the cities around us.

Zurich, a city in Switzerland, is a solid pick and the gold standard for sustainable living. Zurich is a city which focuses on pre-planning, meaning it tailors the city based on their resident population(s). Most people are either in walking distance of where they need to be or are able to catch a form of public transport that lowers the individual // group emissions caused by greenhouse gases. I've attached a link for further reading on Zurich for those interested!

( https://www.zuerich.com/en/about-zt/sustainability )

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Sydney22   2023-09-28 10:35:28 (Last post: 2023-10-19 09:03:48)
What to include in a Sustainable City

Any future Sustainable City should have:
-renewable, clean energy sources (solar panels on buildings, for example)
-roads and areas dedicated to biking, jogging, and walking
-sustainable organic farms for locally-grown food
-lots of open space and areas with vegetation for the local population
-wilderness areas for local wildlife
-electric public transportation

Emely/sjrstate   2023-10-19 09:03:48

For any sustainable city you will need to
-encourage other ways of transportation instead of cars
-renewable energy
-sustainable farms
-places near each other so easier to get around

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KaMeBOD   2023-05-14 18:03:00 (Last post: 2023-09-28 10:39:41)
How can humans prevent climate change in everyday life

As humans, we can protect our planet by doing little things every day that in the long run, will be benefitial to the prevention of climate change. One way of doing this is carpooling if you and others are going to the same destination like work. Carpooling leads to fewer cars on the road, and lower parking demand, which leads to less greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, half of the carbon emmisions in America come from petroleum vehicles. That's one of the main reasons for the recent spike in electric vehicle sales. But carpooling isn't the only thing we can do. We can bike to our destination, and if that isn't possible, most cities have a reliable public transportation system as well. There are many things that big corporations and the government can do to temporarily "solve" climate change, but it is up to us a society to do our part so we can keep are planet as long as possible.

https://www.c2es.org/content/reducing-y … footprint/
https://tsrc.berkeley.edu/publications/ … carpooling

Cerise   2023-09-28 10:37:56

I agree, daily actions can make a difference

amelie12   2023-09-28 10:39:41

Transportation is one of our largest emissions, this is a good solution plan to this large issue

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Sydney22   2023-09-28 10:36:28
What to include in a Sustainable City

Any future Sustainable City should have:
-renewable, clean energy sources (solar panels on buildings, for example)
-roads and areas dedicated to biking, jogging, and walking
-sustainable organic farms for locally-grown food
-lots of open space and areas with vegetation for the local population
-wilderness areas for local wildlife
-electric public transportation

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NaEiBOD   2023-05-13 23:19:21 (Last post: 2023-09-28 10:34:36)
how can humans can create a more sustainable world

In order to build a more sustainable world we can Shift towards renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. Adopt more sustainable agricultural practices, such as agroforestry and organic farming. Prioritize conservation and protection of biodiversity. Shift towards a circular economy.

amelie12   2023-09-28 10:34:36

This is a really good explanation and ideas, also adding more protected forests can help!

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emhaBOD   2023-05-14 19:42:09 (Last post: 2023-05-15 10:24:29)
How does Carbon from families affect the environment?

Families all around the world produce carbon in the environment. However, how exactly does this affect the city and how should be world to make it sustainable? In cities, a huge amount of factories also cause emissions and the purchase of goods is huge in the development of carbon. Holiday shopping was one of the most detrimental factors in the carbon in the environment. Holiday shopping brings the development of new goods. Shopping in person can also cause more carbon to be in the environment, making online shopping appealing and helpful for the limitations of carbon in the atmosphere. However, shipping things brings lots of carbon into the atmosphere. As many may know, transportation is huge for the development of carbon in the atmosphere. The constant delivery of goods to homes brought carbon into the atmosphere. Unfortunately, limiting the amount of carbon in the atmosphere is difficult due to the needs and movement of many throughout families daily lives.

ajchBOD   2023-05-15 10:24:29

When you say "Carbon from Families," I think you mean carbon emissions produced by individual houses or families. Household carbon emissions contribute to the overall carbon footprint and can have a number of environmental consequences: Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas that traps heat in the Earth's atmosphere and contributes to climate change. The use of fossil fuels for heating, cooking, transportation, and power generation emits CO2 into the atmosphere. CO2 and other greenhouse gases emitted by humans contribute to global warming and climate change, resulting in a variety of environmental repercussions such as increased temperatures, changing weather patterns, and sea-level rise. Air Pollution: Many home activities entail the use of fossil fuels, such as driving with gasoline or heating with coal, oil, or natural gas.

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LustBOD   2023-05-12 09:29:00 (Last post: 2023-05-12 09:37:43)
Sustainable City

Sustainable cities is a very contradictory term considering they consume 80% of global energy and are responsible for 70% of greenhouse gas emissions. But this is all the more reason we need to switch to making our cities more sustainable. It is also predicted that by 2050 as much as 70% of the global population will live in cities. This large amount of people will generate huge amounts of waste and pollution and threaten the biodiversity of our cities. This is why we need to make the shift toward compact, low-carbon, resilient cities. There are some organizations already doing this, for example the program UrbanShift. This program supports 23 cities in 9 countries and is working on implementing a low-carbon infrastructure, sustainable waste management and nature-based solutions for urban sustainability. We need more people to take action like this because as the population grows there will be more people living in Cities and we will need to accommodate them while still taking a sustainable approach. To do this we need to create more sustainable transportation and lower our use of fossil fuels in general. We also need to create sustainable living spaces in order to lower our greenhouse gas emissions. This will be a hard process but I believe if we stay committed we will be able to succeed in making cities sustainable.

LustBOD   2023-05-12 09:37:43

Works Cited
Global Environment Facility. Sustainable Cities. Global Environment Facility, https://www.thegef.org/what-we-do/topic … ble-cities.
The Global Goals. Sustainable Cities and Communities. The Global Goals, https://www.globalgoals.org/goals/11-su … mmunities/.
UN environment programme. Sustainable Cities. https://www.unep.org/regions/asia-and-p … ble-cities.

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ParaBOD   2023-05-11 23:28:00
Sustainable city

Our cities are rapidly growing with inhabitants and the space they occupy. About every minute, we add 10,000 meters of this city space. This development requires us to think about how we should change the way our cities are engineered. Cities are a main contributor to climate change. Today, cities take 3% of the earth's land, but take two-thirds of the world's energy demand and account for over 70% of global CO2 emissions. Most of this comes from industrial and motorized transportation that uses huge quantities of fossil fuels and infrastructure constructed with carbon materials. Almost half of the world's population lives in cities, which will likely increase by two-thirds by 2030. So how can we contribute to creating a sustainable city?
We can first start by lowering transportation emissions. Transportation emissions account for roughly 28% of greenhouse gas emissions. These forms of transportation primarily come from our cars, trucks, ships, planes, and more. Some strategies for transportation can be fuel economy and fuel efficiency. Fuel economy is how far a car can go using a set amount of fuel and is measured in miles per gallon (MPG). Fuel efficiency refers to how efficiently a vehicle uses fuel and can be improved through driver technique and maintenance. We can save fuel by using carpooling, riding transit, biking, or walking to a place. These are some ways that we can reduce emissions from transportation. Next is electricity production, which takes up 25% of gas emissions. Electric power generates the second largest share of greenhouse gas emissions. 79% of our electricity comes from burning fossil fuels, coal, and natural gas. As individuals, we can do simple things such as turning off any electric devices completely such as, computers, televisions, video games, and other electronics when not using them. If you have an air conditioner, you can limit the use of it. These are some ways that we can help control our carbon footprints and help to overall maintain a sustainable city.

Works Cited:
-Fossil Fuels-https://www.epa.gov/nutrientpollution/sources-and-solutions-fossil-fuels



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eldiBOD   2023-05-11 20:36:23
Walkable Cities

I believe that a great and fairly easy way to reduce carbon emissions in big cities is to make them more walkable. Some ways to do this are
-Lowering the speed limit
-Investing in public transportation
-Planting more trees and plants
-Maintaining sidewalks and crosswalks
-Making roads accessible for disabled people
These actions provide a very clear result, which is a less vehicle-dependent city, this can in turn lowers emissions and according to CNU, reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 4 tons a year. Not only does creating a walkable city make it more sustainable, but it also increases the health and even life span of residents.
https://www.cnu.org/publicsquare/2021/0 … t%20suburb.

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Nina P   2023-05-11 20:10:26
Sustainable transportation

sustainable transportation refers to low- and zero-emission, energy-efficient, and cost-effective forms of transportation, such as electric and alternative-fuel cars and domestic fuels. I think sustainable transportation is important since there are over 8 billion people on the planet, and most of them are going in the same direction. Why not save the earth while you head to work? Taking a bus could reduce the carbon footprint. there is room for 40-80 people on one bus and buses use about 137.2 miles in a day compared to a car's 137.4. Using a bus is a very obvious answer to the carbon footprint, but if you travel far and wide I might suggest an electric car that can be charged instead of using gases created in horrible conditions. All in all you should use buses and electric cars instead of gas cars.
https://www.codot.gov/programs/innovati … ransit.pdf

https://afdc.energy.gov/conserve/public … ation.html

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PIMA   2023-05-11 19:22:40
Sustainable City

Climate change has been one of the biggest issues that humans have ever faced on earth. Numerous studies have shown that humans are the main causes of the recent spikes of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere which carry on to affect not only humans but the entire earth as well. As of 2022 cities have accounted for 70% of carbon emissions. Things like electricity, heat, and transportation all are the main producers of greenhouse gas emissions. The solution to the recent spike in climate is not to eliminate these necessities but to change the power source. If humans can switch to a more environmentally ethical power source, such as solar power, which is powered by the sun, humans can enjoy sustainable cities as well as restore the earth's environment.   
https://blogs.worldbank.org/sustainable … 0materials.

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dapeBOD   2023-05-11 17:39:44
Making Cities Sustainable

Cities are responsible for around %70 of emissions. How do we decrease this number? One thing that cities can do is to improve their infrastructure. We need to create sustainable cities. These cities must be eco friendly and environmentally caring. Some ways to make a city more sustainable is making larger sidewalks and more bike lanes so people can move around their city in other ways than just driving. Also cities must improve their public transportation. In some cities public transportation is very good and some people don’t need a car. In other cities the public transportation system is not run well and is not able to transport as many people to more places. Another way to make a city more sustainable is water conservation. There is very very little fresh water on this planet, and when cities dump all of the rain water back into the ocean it’s waising millions of gallons of drinking water for its residents. These are some ways to make a city more sustainable.
https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/09/ … structure/
https://www.thezebra.com/resources/home … able-city/

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ayboBOD   2023-05-11 17:17:14
sustainable cities and there facets

Sustainable cities are not only achievable but within reach with nudges in the right direction. Many of the technologies for a green city have been developed already such as efficient means of transportation, green building and building materials, and green power supplies. One way in which buildings are already going greener is with green roofs these offer a nice outdoor space for the residents but also improve their environmental impact. While roof gardens are cool they don't affect that much adding greenery to an entire building significantly helps its carbon impact. A less structural change to make cities greener and nicer is planting more trees and adding trees along with painting the roads another color. Both of these would significantly decrease the heat bubble effect in cities making them more livable and environmentally friendly.
https://www.thezebra.com/resources/home … able-city/
https://www.thegef.org/what-we-do/topic … ble-cities

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