Announcments & Equipment Logs


Dear NMR Facility Users, Visitors and Patrons

A little more than a Year after plunging ourselves into a new reality of an alternate Timeline,    I think we all can take a moment to look back and feel rightfully good that the vast majority of us have followed COVID appropriate recommendations diligently in letter and spirit.

First, a big THANK YOU to all of you who heeded the calls of our Department, the University and the Well Wishers at large in our Society to help eradicate the menace of this Pandemic.

But, this fight is not over yet.  Looking at News from around the world,  we are sadly reminded in real time,  what might come of letting down one’s guard prematurely, even for a brief period of time.

This is a gentle but unequivocal reminder that we all need to follow the originally set guidelines related to COVID-19, when using the NMR facility as well as other common areas in the Department.  THERE IS NO CHANGE IN THIS EXPECTATION WHATSOEVER, notwithstanding the good news of Vaccines being available now to help with this fight.  

  Until we get modified official notification  from the University of Washington governing authorities and the Department of Chemistry,  we are all expected to follow the original COVID-19 Guidelines diligently for everyone’s safety.  Here is a quick link to the Department Web Page for your convenience:  https://chem.washington.edu/guidelines-conducting-research-during-safe-start

I draw your attention to these points on section “Face Masks and Gloves”  in particular :

  • Face masks are required at all times in common areas, hallways, and shared departmental facilities.

  • Face coverings (masks) are considered part of your personal attire. They are not considered laboratory PPE. Think of face masks in the same category as long pants and closed-toe shoes: they are required personal attire that should not interfere with any required PPE or create any additional safety hazards.

I will emphasize :  Whether anyone is present in the NMR Facility or not,  you are required to keep the face coverings on, at all times.

Thank you for your kind co-operation and patience.  We are all in this together.

NMR Facility Manager





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