Announcments & Equipment Logs


Dear Users

The NEW iProbe is installed and tested to its minimal functionality so that you can start running your routine spectroscopy without further waiting.

But, let me emphasize the following points, which you need to take note of :

  • Recall your detailed training on the 300 systems.  You will need the same skill set to run the GG500 with Topspin interface.
  • The most popular nuclei 1H, 13C, 19F and 31P are ready for immediate use with their respective one word macros that you are all familiar with on the 300 systems.  For instance, for 1H, you can simply type ‘proton’ on command line to setup your default 1H parameters.
  • You need to follow the steps in the cheat-sheet provided next to the computer keyboard.  You MUST enter the sequence of incantations such as lock, atma, topshim, etc.   All of you who have been trained and certified to use the facility should know these by heart now.
  • There will still be some tweaks done to the system, as transparently as possible, in the coming days.  These include setting up of parameters for less commonly used nuclei, the optimization of user interface, VT calibration, etc.
  •  If something is broken, rest assured that we will do everything to resolve it immediately.  Having said that, PLEASE BE PATIENT during this phase.
  • One of us i.e. Adrienne or myself will be on hand to help you when you face any difficulty.
  • Please recognize that we are deploying the system to put the brand-new hardware to immediate use, with minimal preparatory period. Work with us to get the best out of this new hardware. 
  • When you login, the system will open a designated file tree that ends in your Netid.  Write your data ONLY into this directory.

Feel free to get back with any questions or concerns. Instrument Calendar is now Open for Reservation.

NMR Facility Manager


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