Announcments & Equipment Logs


Dear Neo500 Users

It is great to see that we are all collectively doing what we can to keep this wonderful instrument collecting awesome data near close to 24/7 and squeeze every drop out of the $$ given to us.

Notwithstanding this, one can anticipate software/hardware glitches, bugs, as well as planned maintenance steps to squash those in a timely manner.  Because of the asynchronous manner with which you are able to queue up experiments,  you may find your plans clash with these maintenance breaks.  Both Adrienne and I try our best to plan these disruptions a priori and dial it into the instrument reservation calendar.

  • So, I remind you gently to bookmark the reservation calendar page for NEO500 and then just take a quick peek before you head down to Rm.37, Bagley.  Here is the link :  NEO500 reservation calendar.
  • At times, we need to intervene ASAP, when an error condition happens and we may not be able to program the calendar a priori.  In such instances, the running queue webpage will give a real time check if the IconNMR queue is disrupted.  Bookmark the following page : NEO500 icon queue.

As always, we appreciate your co-operation very much.

Happy Spinning.

NMR Facility Manager



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