Announcments & Equipment Logs


Many users have pointed out in the recent past that NMR times get booked on instruments but they simply go unused.   Though this is something difficult to police on a day to day basis,  I did stumble upon such a sample occurrence today.  On the one hand, I am very happy that our NMR facility is vibrant and busy and well used. But this also means that we have to be urgently aware of the needs of fellow researchers when it comes to sharing the precious NMR resources our department provides.  The responsibility of the NMR user just doesn’t end upon making a reservation online and commit funds from the respective budget.  It is the prerogative of the user to put that time to good use or delete the reservation as soon as feasible so that other users can utilize the time.

I hope this appeal will have its desired effect, preempting the need to evolve another complex bureaucratic step to prevent such occurrences.   I will be grateful if the P.I.-s take particular note and drive home this message to their respective research groups.

Thank you for your time and co-operation

NMR Facility Manager


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