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J-Young NMR tube users must be fully aware by now that tubes that are bent from being perfectly linear cannot be ejected comfortably and they can even cause breakage inside the NMR probehead.

Most of the time, the stuck tube entails complete removal of the probe from the magnet, followed by a not so simple task of fishing out the tube from within the magnet bore.

To mitigate such occurrences in the future, if not completely eliminate the same, we are providing a J-Young tube straightness tester shown in the picture below.   You should be able to twirl a perfectly straight tube by 360 degrees, while the tube fully rests within the slots.  All J-Young tube users (current and future) should use this gauge to ensure that there is no bend or curvature along the tube before injecting the same into the magnet.

(We heard about the practice that some of you bake your tubes at upwards of 150 C to dry the tubes. This procedure certainly can lead to a warp in NMR tubes of this kind.  Alternative methods should be looked for, at least with J-Young tubes to avoid this)

Currently you will see two units present next to the NMR-s.  For further details of where to find them and how to use these, please contact Adrienne Roehrich.

NMR Facility Manager


Gauge to test how straight the J-Young tubes are before injecting in magnet.

Gauge to test how straight the J-Young tubes are before injecting in magnet.

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