Announcments & Equipment Logs

Exciting News ! Console Upgrade -GOOD BYE DRX499 ! PLEASE READ…

Dear NMR Users

   I am excited to announce that our venerable and long serving DRX499 NMR console is finally going to be retired after almost 30 years of service.

In it’s place steps in,  a Bruker AVANCE III vintage console, which will be paired with the original magnet of DRX499 with its excellent B0 homogeneity, shim stability and vibration isolation.

With this combination, this instrument will become the ‘youngest’  in age in the NMR Rm.37 of Bagley and I am sure it will provide us with excellent service for several years to come.

     This overall elevation of the capability became a possibility due to the generous contributions of Prof. Gary Drobny and Prof. Gabriele Varani of our department, pooling their original resources for the benefit of the entire NMR community.  As a humble ‘thank you’  for this,  this instrument is going to be called DV500.  

We are going to start the physical transition today.   I owe you an apology for not bringing this news earlier than this but behind the scenes we were energetically working to get this upgrade ready.

Please treat this only as a preliminary announcement. I am hoping to bug you with a more detailed tour of the end result, either in this space or in a separate blog post.

The instrument calendar is blocked from today for this operation.  It is my fervent hope that we will be done and dusted with the whole operation by Thursday morning, the latest.


Stay tuned !

NMR Facility Manager


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