Announcments & Equipment Logs

AV301 Log Book

Welcome to the Chemistry NMR Online Log Book – your  One Stop portal to communicate about the spectrometer to the Facility Staff in a timely manner. 

Please record your comments and relevant observations about AV301 instrument by submitting an entry using the “Post Log Entry” box found below.

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257 Responses to “AV301 Log Book”

  • Jonathan Goldberg says:

    the probe heater was off when I logged onto the instrument

  • Anonymous says:

    NMR spinner is very loose and barely holds onto NMR tube

  • Anonymous says:

    NMR sample spinner is very loose and barely holds on to NMR tubes.

  • hester says:

    probe temp does not reach target temp of 25C – my samples in DMSO keep freezing out.

  • Adrienne Roehrich says:

    The earlier issues with the BSMS and locked by process are now resolved.

  • Anonymous says:

    cannot eject sample.
    ej error message
    “Error: locked by process 18666”

  • Anonymous says:

    Cannot lock or shim
    rsh window error message
    “Error:Error 154: BSMS protocol violation by LCB”

  • Tyler says:

    Probe heater was off when I arrived.

  • Adrienne Roehrich says:

    The reading for the VT has been fixed, so you can view the temperature at the probe via the Topspin software using “edte”

    However, the Facility Managers are still looking into the other issue of the VT settings changing between 298 K and 280 K without user input. Please always check the temperature with edte before putting your sample into the magnet.

  • Jonathan Goldberg says:

    variable temperature unit does not work, gives an error. Cannot determine temperature of instrument

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