Announcments & Equipment Logs

AV301 Log Book

Welcome to the Chemistry NMR Online Log Book – your  One Stop portal to communicate about the spectrometer to the Facility Staff in a timely manner. 

Please record your comments and relevant observations about AV301 instrument by submitting an entry using the “Post Log Entry” box found below.

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257 Responses to “AV301 Log Book”

  • Phoebe Askelson says:

    No individual directories under the browser (names don’t pop up).

  • Louise M Guard says:

    Will not eject dummy sample either from consol or command. ‘Spin rate error’ popping up

  • Troy Becker says:

    Would not let me log into the computer. Authentication error popped up.

  • Jonathan Goldberg says:

    Was unable to lock on CD2Cl2

  • Kelly Kim says:

    Error message “timeout while waiting for processes to start” occurs after typing the ‘rga’ command, and sample does not run.

  • Wan-Yi Chu says:

    NMR tube will not eject.

  • Betsy says:

    the atma command is having trouble auto wobbing phosph. I’ve had to use atmm.

  • Louise M Guard says:

    Computer screen is frozen. Had to cancel my time since I couldn’t type anything or move the kouse

  • Kate Montgomery says:

    line below command line is blank, i.e. not showing the details of the command being run.

  • Kate Montgomery says:

    When command ‘proton’ is run, automated tuning and matching begins (prior to locking), once automated tuning and matching is complete error message appears ‘Command cancelled: getprosol’. ‘Proton: finished’ is then displayed under the command line. Proceeded with the rest of the commands as normal (sw=12, o1p=5) but ppm range on spectra was -90 to -100 ppm.

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