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AV301 Log Book

Welcome to the Chemistry NMR Online Log Book – your  One Stop portal to communicate about the spectrometer to the Facility Staff in a timely manner. 

Please record your comments and relevant observations about AV301 instrument by submitting an entry using the “Post Log Entry” box found below.

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257 Responses to “AV301 Log Book”

  • Adrienne Roehrich says:

    The console and computer are not communicating properly at this time. An update will be posted when this is resolved.

  • Alexander Phearman says:

    At 10:00 AM, I had the same problems as both Caroline and Adam. I was eventually able to successfully wobb, but xaua gave me several error messages and nothing happened.

  • Adam Goetz says:

    I saw this error message when I tried to do the wobb command: “cannot send command to coprocessor (timeout flag = 1). Check for bad RCU/TCU or crashed startd on CCU.” After the ii command, I was able to do the wobb successfully, but then saw the same error message when I attempted to do an rga.

  • Caroline Weller says:

    Won’t display wobb curve. Error message reads “cannot send command to coprocessor (timeout flag = 1). Check for bad RCU/TCU or crashed startd on CCU.”

  • Megan Duda says:

    Shims are still really, really bad.

  • Adrienne Roehrich says:

    The av301 is back to usual operation.

    The culprit of the poor shims was a broken insert glass. Broken insert glasses are usually caused by improper insertion of the sample (no lift air on or the depth gauge improperly used, for example.) Please be careful when inserting your sample or the decoy sample into the magnet.

  • Sophia Tran says:

    Shims are really bad this morning. User before me experienced the same. I spent 10 minutes shimming my sample and still have very broad and asymmetric signals (I have obtained spectra of this sample before so I know that’s not the issue).

  • hester says:

    I couldnt get 19F data. the program will behave like it’s analyzing my sample, but will give nothing at the end

  • Mike Larsen says:

    Unable to login. I got the error message that says I’d been logged in less than 10 seconds, after which it automatically logs out.

  • Mycah Uehling says:

    The 301 spinner did not eject when the lift was activated. Sounds like it is stuck because air stream sounded obstructed.

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