Announcments & Equipment Logs

AV500 Log Book

Welcome to the Chemistry NMR Online Log Book – your  One Stop portal to communicate about the spectrometer to the Facility Staff in a timely manner. 

Please record your comments and relevant observations about AV500 instrument by submitting an entry using the “Post Log Entry” box found below.

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269 Responses to “AV500 Log Book”

  • Adrienne Roehrich says:

    The issues users have been having locking the past couple days have been resolved. You should encounter no problems with locking and shimming at the time.

    Please contact Rajan or Adrienne if you encounter any problems.

  • Carl Thrasher says:

    Could not wobb 1H.

  • Sophia Cherry says:

    While wobbing the 1H channel, the tuning is fine, but the matching is non-responsive.

  • Adrienne Roehrich says:

    For now, please use 7964 as the starting point for 13C tuning. The Facility Managers are aware the resonance has shifted from the card notation.

    No problems were found with the 1H tuning/matching.

    When leaving a comment about tuning/matching, please copy any errors that you encounter or describe the difficulty explicitly. Unfortunately, trouble-shooting “cannot wobb” which is a commonly used comment for a number of different issues does not always resolve the issue in a timely manner.

  • Jonathan Goldberg says:

    cannot wobb 1H

  • Sophia Cherry says:

    Tried wobbing the 13C channel. The numbers on the card will not give an appropriate wobb. Tried wobbing 1H again then switching back to 13C to see if it would help, but didn’t fix anything.

  • Jonathan Goldberg says:

    Sample will not eject from instrument. When the sample is “down,” the BSMS keyboard reads that the sample is missing.

  • Jonathan Goldberg says:

    instrument was set at 320 K and not cooled back to 298K

  • David Kennedy says:

    Topspin froze after logging in. I cannot log out and cannot close topspin..

  • Travis says:

    This issue was fixed for the short term, however I was advised to post on here. The 31P wobb seemed to have an issue because of a contact problem with the probe.

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