Announcments & Equipment Logs

AV500 Log Book

Welcome to the Chemistry NMR Online Log Book – your  One Stop portal to communicate about the spectrometer to the Facility Staff in a timely manner. 

Please record your comments and relevant observations about AV500 instrument by submitting an entry using the “Post Log Entry” box found below.

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269 Responses to “AV500 Log Book”

  • Ryan says:

    Could not eject decoy sample using “ej” or BSMS keypad. Received “could not read spin rate” error in TopSpin, and sample status was at “missing” on keypad.

    Was finally able to eject decoy sample after restarting TopSpin.

  • Erika says:

    Cannot eject the decoy sample.

  • Chance says:

    Wobb has periodic shaking slightly to the right of the center line.

  • Laura says:

    Won’t lock.

  • Sophie says:

    Server will not display log in screen, only blank red screen.

  • Megan Armstrong says:

    Server is incredibly slow and won’t let me log in.

  • Braden Zahora says:

    After locking onto ACN:D2O, signal was drifting and not staying horizontal. Topshim would not work in addition to this and kept saying failure.

  • Carl Thrasher says:

    Problem with lock during shimming. The lock light kept blinking and going up and down on the display. Attempting to shim did not alter the lock display.

  • Bob says:

    Temp control below 19C, despite sensor 1099K. (DMSO froze, will not lock). Issue confirmed by another user.

  • Tyler says:

    Problem with temperature control. Set temp is 298 K, but sample temp reads 1099 K! Sample is cold.

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