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AV500 Log Book

Welcome to the Chemistry NMR Online Log Book – your  One Stop portal to communicate about the spectrometer to the Facility Staff in a timely manner. 

Please record your comments and relevant observations about AV500 instrument by submitting an entry using the “Post Log Entry” box found below.

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269 Responses to “AV500 Log Book”

  • Kate Allen says:

    Cannot access data for this instrument from computers in lab.

  • Paranji says:

    The data file access problem is now fixed

  • alex goldstein says:

    machine craps out
    cpp: /opt/topspin/data/jamory/nmr/protonstd/1/pulseprogram.pre: Read-only file system
    1 precompilation error detected in /opt/topspin/exp/stan/nmr/lists/pp/zg
    execution aborted

    Error: during opening of /opt/topspin/data/jamory/nmr/protonstd/1/pulseprogram.pre: No such file or directory

  • Paranji says:

    I did not see a specific issue with the sample seating as of this writing. It could have been a hanging process with the BSMS keyboard that led to the spurious display that said “missing”. You can always start ‘bsmsdisp’ at such times and confirm that the sample is indeed seated properly. ‘bsmsdisp’ is the software equivalent of the BSMS hard keyboard. The lock nucleus missing could be related to the parameter LOCNUC set to OFF in your parameter set. I will look for recurrence of this to see if there is anything more involved.

  • Meghana Rawal says:

    Sample up/down light showed missing when I came up to the instrument even though there was a dummy sample inside. when I put my sample in, sight never turned green to show sample down and stayed at missing.

    Upon typing lock, saw message ” lock nucleus not on”. Did not know how to fix that.

  • Rajan Paranji says:

    I checked a while ago and the file server seems to be functioning as expected. Please try again.

  • Caroline says:

    Can’t access data remotely from lab- can access other instruments just fine.

  • Paul Miller says:

    500 back up and running

  • Jonathan Goldberg says:

    Computer is not working. Cannot use the instrument.

  • Margaret says:

    Logged on and got an error message:
    mod lockserver
    error opening spect:/dev/tty03

    Closing that error message gave another one:
    Unable to get data from lock server.

    Tried to log out and log in again and got the same error. Lock status is listed as “not available”

    It was also not possible to open any old data sets form the instrument computer.

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