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AV500 Log Book

Welcome to the Chemistry NMR Online Log Book – your  One Stop portal to communicate about the spectrometer to the Facility Staff in a timely manner. 

Please record your comments and relevant observations about AV500 instrument by submitting an entry using the “Post Log Entry” box found below.

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269 Responses to “AV500 Log Book”

  • Brice says:

    Temperature change takes extremely long. Heater not optimized?

  • Mike Larsen says:

    Same issue as Chang-Uk. Lock wouldn’t open after typing lockdisp, got a series of error messages:

    Error opening spect:/dev/tty03
    locked by process 21151


    Unable to get data from lock server .

  • Chang-Uk Lee says:

    Fail to open lock display. Wobb is not working.

  • Thomas Bearrood says:

    Wobb not working on AV301 and AV500. Error message: wobble signal too weak with RG=46341.0

  • Caroline Weller says:

    The tune and match knobs for carbon seem unresponsive. Unable to wobb.

  • Adrienne Roehrich says:

    The lock issue has been resolved. Lock should proceed as normal.

  • Adam Goetz says:

    Could not get spectrometer to lock on DMSO-d6 sample.

  • Sophia Tran says:

    Tried to lock multiple times on a CD2Cl2 sample without success. After manually locking and it seeming like it was successful, shimming was non-responsive. Tried locking on a separate C6D6 sample and ran into the same issue.

  • Kelli Takaki says:

    Couldn’t log into the program. Error message said “authentication failed”. Was able to log onto the 301 and 499 though.

  • Betsy Flowers says:

    Wobb not working. Attempted to run a 13C NMR experiment. Was able to lock but not to wobb.

    “wobble signal too weak with RG=46341.0”

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