Announcments & Equipment Logs

GG500 Log Book

Welcome to the Chemistry NMR Online Log Book – your  One Stop portal to communicate about the spectrometer to the Facility Staff in a timely manner. 

Please record your comments and relevant observations about DRX499 instrument by submitting an entry using the “Post Log Entry” box found below.


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282 Responses to “GG500 Log Book”

  • Liwen Xing says:

    Unable to wobb, connection to spect (aqport0) failed.

  • Tianyi Zheng says:

    software was not launched after I logged into the computer.

  • Steve says:

    Can’t shim – unstable lock? Spectra shifted up-field by ~4 ppm when compared against similar compound.

  • Andrea says:

    logged in to the computer, but topspin software did not show up. So, I clicked “log out” under my username, on the left corner of computer screen. It did not go back to the red screen that allows user to log in, but show black screen instead.

  • Pengtao says:

    Not able to launch software. Said “number of Topshim licenses exhausted. You’re trying to run too many copies of this program”

  • Christine says:

    After trying the gradshim command, an error message is coming up (“void shim”? “E3”?)

  • Laura says:

    rga and zg don’t work. I get an error message and no data collection.

  • Adrienne Roehrich says:

    The drx499 is now ready for use with the TXO probe after extended calibrations.

  • Adrienne Roehrich says:

    The drx499 is working per normal function.

  • Steven Adelmund says:

    There is no signal. I noticed the receiver gain was set abnormally high for my samples on HNMR. After processing the data there is only noise. The result is the same even with the dummy sample. The same compounds run fine on AV500.

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