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GG500 Log Book

Welcome to the Chemistry NMR Online Log Book – your  One Stop portal to communicate about the spectrometer to the Facility Staff in a timely manner. 

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282 Responses to “GG500 Log Book”

  • Alex Dohoda says:

    Topspin, ICON NMR and all other background programs just turned off/disappeared from the screen. No option to log out, sample sample still inside

  • Alex Dohoda says:

    Wobb is aborting. When I tried to run the experiment without it it also aborted, twice.

  • Alex Dohoda says:

    lengthy error message occured when I tried to run a standard C13 experiment.

  • Tristan says:

    After I wobbed, the stop button didn’t appear, so I ran an acquisition in order to stop it. I stopped it, then tried again from the beginning, but it wouldn’t wobb, it said that the acquisition was in progress and could not. So I tried to eject my sample so that I could go, but it said I needed to halt first. So I started an acquisition so I could halt it, but when I hit ‘halt’, the screen froze. This was at 11:35 am this morning (Monday the 23rd). My sample is still in the NMR.

  • Parker Maloney says:

    Cannot tune and match get this error:

    Check_BirdRack: Error in goToSleep():
    aqrackserver exception:
    Error in “sleep”: Cannot put AQS-Rack into sleep mode:
    Error 13 in AQS1: — SLOT 1 RACK 1: Power failed
    (Original message = Check_BirdRack: Error in goToSleep():
    aqrackserver exception:
    Error in “sleep”: Cannot put AQS-Rack into sleep mode:
    Error 13 in AQS1: — SLOT 1 RACK 1: Power failed)

    19 May 2022 16:25:58.353 -0700
    Topspin Version = TopSpin 3.6.4 (of 2021-07-26 14:56:34),build 95
    OS Name = Linux 3.10.0-1160.31.1.el7.x86_64
    JVM Version = 1.8.0_242 (64 bit) AdoptOpenJDK
    JVM Total memory = 274 MB
    JVM Free memory = 69 MB

    java.lang.Exception: Stack trace
    at bruker.bio.topspin.bfw.gui.warn.AbstractMessage.getDetailsString(AbstractMessage.java:875)
    at bruker.bio.topspin.bfw.gui.warn.AbstractMessage.setMsgSource(AbstractMessage.java:837)
    at bruker.bio.topspin.bfw.gui.warn.AbstractMessage.(AbstractMessage.java:821)
    at de.bruker.nmr.mfw.base.BWarning.(BWarning.java:59)
    at de.bruker.nmr.sc.gojava.impl.GojavaCorba$ProcErrWarn.(GojavaCorba.java:904)
    at de.bruker.nmr.sc.gojava.impl.GojavaCorba.procErr(GojavaCorba.java:938)
    at de.bruker.nmr.sc.gojava.impl.GojavaCorba.access$900(GojavaCorba.java:69)
    at de.bruker.nmr.sc.gojava.impl.GojavaCorba$1.run(GojavaCorba.java:586)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)

  • Parker Maloney says:

    doesn’t give me the option to eject & terminate, just exit and eject sample, so I can’t log out.

  • Alex Dohoda says:

    Identify User button is unresponsive and won’t allow log in

  • Alex says:

    Screen froze last night. No login option, topspin, or ICON NMR was available to select. Sample is still inside machine.

  • alex says:

    no option to stop wobbing

  • Ray H says:

    No stop option when wobbing

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