Announcments & Equipment Logs

GG500 Log Book

Welcome to the Chemistry NMR Online Log Book – your  One Stop portal to communicate about the spectrometer to the Facility Staff in a timely manner. 

Please record your comments and relevant observations about DRX499 instrument by submitting an entry using the “Post Log Entry” box found below.


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282 Responses to “GG500 Log Book”

  • Jack Geary says:

    Logged in and got an error that all topspin licenses were in use (see attached image).

  • Ashe says:

    Standard 13C experiment seems to be missing some parameters (defaulting to 1 scan with td0 of 1, and o1p seems to be low but im not totally sure).

  • Ryan Shafranek says:

    Was unaware that the gg500 was using the same software interface as the neo500 as of this morning. There was no facility announcement. The instrument also does not seem to have automatic or manual tune/match capability in its current configuration. While this did not affect the quality of my spectra, it may affect others in the future. It would be helpful going forward to communicate major changes (that affect both acquisition and quality of spectra) in advance, e.g. with a blog post, so that users can plan accordingly. Thank you!

  • Ashe says:

    Sample wouldn’t eject with the new automation software (no auto or manual tune/match either — i know there are plans to address this soon). Rajan was able to help eject so no ongoing issue.

    More communication with new software changes and missing functionality would be extremely helpful on user end. Thank you in advance!

  • Ryan Shafranek says:

    Cannot inject samples due to inadequate airflow, as of 9:50 AM on 3/30/23. This includes the dummy sample.

  • James Baumann says:

    Same error sequence as Kathleen. See logbook post March 28, 2023 at 12:35 pm.

  • Kathleen says:

    fillCalibrationData: Error while trying to fill calibration data. Permission denied.
    And then after this error, an error would pop up about topshim failing bc it couldn’t get data. Could not get usable spectra.

  • Leo Zasada says:

    Low helium 61.5% error

  • Alex says:

    Topshim is bad. The signals all look like broad singlets, no splitting patterns are discernible.

  • Morgan says:

    Shimming never completed even after waiting over 10 minutes, when I stopped the experiment and clicked “use same lock/shim” it still re-locked and tried to shim again but still didn’t work.

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