Announcments & Equipment Logs

GG500 Log Book

Welcome to the Chemistry NMR Online Log Book – your  One Stop portal to communicate about the spectrometer to the Facility Staff in a timely manner. 

Please record your comments and relevant observations about DRX499 instrument by submitting an entry using the “Post Log Entry” box found below.


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282 Responses to “GG500 Log Book”

  • Ruining Yang says:

    sampler light shows red. The tube is not at correct position.

  • Kathleen Snook says:

    Failed to lock on CDCl3 twice, and then once locked, would not Shim my sample (10+ min, attempted to retry, no change). Got it to work with rsh iProbe but still took 5+ min

  • Morgan Skala says:

    Someone left an “Out of Order” sign next to the instrument. It appears a sample is in the instrument but is not running. Desktop seems frozen, experiment time isn’t changing.

  • Rajan Paranji says:

    Log Test Comment

    It is Sunny and 70 deg. in paradise

  • Kiyoshi Colon says:

    – Fails to lock CDCl3 (says it’s pending or off)
    – Spinning fails

    – lock and shimming issues manually resolved by Rajan, but required extra steps that the user (I) wasn’t familiar with.

  • Victoria Zottarelli says:

    error message when trying to lock “error in BsmsControl::pushParameters: AUTOLOCK : Paramter not writeable in current state”

  • Victoria Zottarelli says:

    would not topshim on CDCl3, took10+ minutes before I gave up and ejected my sample.

  • Jiangbo Yu says:

    Can’t download the raw data for GG500 through ftp” Please point your FTP client to : phoenix.chem.washington.edu”. Any other way?

  • Jiangbo Yu says:

    Can’t reserve this instrument for tomorrow.

  • Kiyoshi Colon says:

    Eject command didn’t eject sample. The command does go to completion without an error message. Spectrum still ran fine.

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