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NEO500 Log Book

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27 Responses to “NEO500 Log Book”

  • Ashe says:

    sorry, the image didn’t get included in previous post for some reason

  • Ashe says:

    Bad shimming for standard proton expt in CDCl3. Top trace is spectrum when shimming is working, bottom is current spectrum where shimming seems to not be working well

  • Phuong Le says:

    I got bad shimming leading to bad NMR signals.

  • Parker Maloney says:

    sample load error

    WebService Error: 1000 STO{_CHANGER SampleTransporter: System is not ready to accept new command

    SMS Error:

    SampleTransporter: Rotate Tray FSM in error state (20: sample is too high) -> handle Error.
    (Original message = BSMS Error:

    SampleTransporter: Rotate Tray FSM in error state (20: sample is too high) -> handle Error.)

    27 April 2023 15:21:47.845 -0700
    Topspin Version = TopSpin 4.2.0 2022-10-07 12:23:48,build local
    OS Name = Linux 3.10.0-1160.83.1.el7.x86_64
    JVM Version = 11.0.14 (64 bit) Eclipse Adoptium
    JVM Total memory = 274 MB
    JVM Free memory = 54 MB

    java.lang.Exception: Stack trace
    at bruker.bio.topspin.bfw.gui.warn.AbstractMessage.getDetailsString(AbstractMessage.java:876)
    at bruker.bio.topspin.bfw.gui.warn.AbstractMessage.setMsgSource(AbstractMessage.java:837)
    at bruker.bio.topspin.bfw.gui.warn.AbstractMessage.(AbstractMessage.java:821)
    at de.bruker.nmr.mfw.base.BWarning.(BWarning.java:60)
    at de.bruker.nmr.mfw.base.BError.(BError.java:50)
    at de.bruker.nmr.sc.util.Misc.makeDialog(Misc.java:119)
    at de.bruker.nmr.sc.util.Misc.showMsg(Misc.java:98)
    at de.bruker.nmr.sc.util.Misc.showMsg(Misc.java:72)
    at de.bruker.nmr.sc.util.Misc.showMsg(Misc.java:59)
    at de.bruker.nmr.sc.bsms.impl.BsmsStatusCorba$1.run(BsmsStatusCorba.java:196)

  • sophie says:

    sample loading error.

  • Sam Landing says:

    Automation has been stopped on the neo500 cannot run anything since last user submitted experiments: tonyvm’s run is not running. Remarks: automation stopped by user.

  • Yuxuan says:

    Sample Loading error. The light is red and no sample can be loaded.

  • Ashe says:

    Day/night queue error — running very long experiments during the day time.

  • Ashe says:

    Samples added to queue not running. Sample changer issue? Remarks column says “Webservice error: 1000 stop_changer”.

  • Parker Maloney says:

    Won’t shim on d6-acetone, get error: Shim program failed: convcomp, error: invalid command name \ “convcomp\” , Shim failed. Spectra has no resolution, can’t see any splitting in peaks. Worked fine for same sample in CD3CN

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