Announcments & Equipment Logs


Hello All

A primary reason for the horrendous lineshape and difficulty in getting a decent shim-set on this instrument, of late, was due to a really dirty and grimy interior of the probehead i.e. the part where the RF coil wraps around the NMR sample tube, when you land the sample.   This goopy resin sticking to glass parts inside made the final results pretty bad.

After cleaning the probehead the shim results look quite good.


This is a clear demonstration of the importance of cleaning the NMR tube before you insert it into the magnet.  The traffic of hundreds of users in a month with whatever impurities that get transferred onto NMR tubes from their hands, eventually come and haunt us, if we don’t take the necessary precautions.

The reality check with your own samples starts now.  I will be running my own samples a bit  to see how things are but please share with me any problematic results you notice.

Thank you

NMR Facility Manager



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