Announcments & Equipment Logs

AV300 Log Book

Welcome to the Chemistry NMR Online Log Book – your  One Stop portal to communicate about the spectrometer to the Facility Staff in a timely manner. 

Please record your comments and relevant observations about AV300 instrument by submitting an entry using the “Post Log Entry” box found below.

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310 Responses to “AV300 Log Book”

  • Morgan Skala says:

    Decoy sample won’t eject, “spin read error”

  • Sophie Song says:

    topshim hasn’t been working for me in the past week or so (samples in CDCl3)

  • Kelly K says:

    Toward the end of data acquisition, an error message stating that “wobb could not be stopped” appeared, and the data was not readable. This happened for 2 samples after several other samples ran with no issue.

  • Sophie Song says:

    topshim failed on a sample in CDCl3

  • Jay L says:

    Topshim won’t work after locking. Message says must lock before shimming. Lock works just fine. Obersved for both CDCL3 and DMSO-d6

  • Delwin Elder says:

    Topshim failed. Got the message: FieldMap – signal-to-noise is too low: signal loss for long echo time

  • Ishaan C says:

    topshim displaying ‘RawCheck – no signal at all’

  • Rajan Paranji says:

    log test comment

    It’s a sunny day in Seattle…

  • Ben N says:

    Got ‘spin read rate error’ and cannot eject dummy sample. Upon exit and login, used ‘ro off’ – that seemed to fix issue. On inspection, spinner seems to have some purple stain on black and white strip that does not wipe off with kimwipe. Experiment proceeded normally without spin which was not needed. Do not recommend using ‘ro on’ for now.

  • Jay L says:

    After running topshim I get the message saying

    FieldMap – no valid data in sample centre.

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