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AV300 Log Book

Welcome to the Chemistry NMR Online Log Book – your  One Stop portal to communicate about the spectrometer to the Facility Staff in a timely manner. 

Please record your comments and relevant observations about AV300 instrument by submitting an entry using the “Post Log Entry” box found below.

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305 Responses to “AV300 Log Book”

  • Tianwei Shen says:

    The curve displayed on lock display responded very slowly when I shimmed.

  • Maxime DE ABREU says:

    Shimming is not working but the wobb seemed to work.

  • Tianwei Shen says:

    AV300 cannot be tuned and matched–“Wobb” curve displays a weird shape, and it did not adjust when I adjusted the tuning tool.

  • Sophie says:

    It is impossible to match. The curve does not even show up in view. Unsure how to proceed.

  • Anonymous says:

    proton NMR lacks definition in peak splitting. tried reshimming multiple times and does not help

  • Mitchell Lee says:

    While I was wobbing the AV300, the blue cable next to the tuning and matching screws fell out. I cancelled the wobb, replaced my sample with the dummy and closed topshim. I left a note on the keyboard explaining the above. Also, it took 10-15min to log into topshim.

  • Adrienne Roehrich says:

    The cause of the missing sample display was due to a broken insert glass in the probe, which does not allow the sample to sit fully in the coil. This also affected lock and receiver gain, as well as data acquisition.

    The insert glass has been replaced and the probe is back into the av300. Please let the Facility Managers know if you encounter any further trouble.

  • Megn Armstrong says:

    Sample is always missing on the MSDS keyboard and as a result system cannot lock because cannot find sample. I have tried ejecting and putting my sample in again. I have had to do this for multiple samples.

  • Adrienne Roehrich says:

    The issue with the tune and match on the av300 was due to a disengaged tuning rod.

    One cause of this is when users use their fingers to tune and match the probe. Please take care to use the tuning tool and provide only upward pressure and no angled pressure on the tuning rods.

  • Ryan Shafranek says:

    AV300 cannot be tuned and matched — “Wobb” curve does not adjust in real time when probe is adjusted. I receive the following error message when I stop the Wobb command:

    Warning: timeout while waiting for 1 thread to finish:
    – wobbcmd(0)
    (Original message = Warning: timeout while waiting for 1 thread to finish:
    – wobbcmd(0))

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