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AV300 Log Book

Welcome to the Chemistry NMR Online Log Book – your  One Stop portal to communicate about the spectrometer to the Facility Staff in a timely manner. 

Please record your comments and relevant observations about AV300 instrument by submitting an entry using the “Post Log Entry” box found below.

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305 Responses to “AV300 Log Book”

  • James E Baumann says:

    topshim failed 5 times.

  • Zottarelli says:

    Had to attempt topshimming 6 times, ran out of booked NMR time

  • Micaela Homer says:

    The first time I tried to atma, I got an error saying that you cannot wobb with this probe. I typed wobb and it worked. Then atma and the job succeeded fine

  • Micaela Homer says:

    topshim failed twice for me today (too many points lost, low signal to noise) in 1:9 CHCl3:CDCl3. Locking and atma fine

  • Ruining Yang says:

    As “ej” command typed, the screen says “read spin number error” and unable to eject the decoy tube.

  • nicole rishwain says:

    Topshim failed 3 times because the signal to noise was too low

  • Jack says:

    Topshim fails for one reason or another the first time ( too many points lost, bsms limits exceeded, etc), but rerunning the command it works. The same for atma- the first time it says atma cannot be performed on this probe, but upon rerunning the command it magically works.

  • Phuong Le says:

    topshim fails-too many points can not be recorded…

  • James E Baumann says:

    topshim fails with the following error: “SetShims – BSMS limits exceeded

  • Trey Pichon says:

    ATMA not working – gives me error “channel can’t be wobbled with this probe ”

    Followed by “cannot select Probe channel”

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