Announcments & Equipment Logs

AV300 Log Book

Welcome to the Chemistry NMR Online Log Book – your  One Stop portal to communicate about the spectrometer to the Facility Staff in a timely manner. 

Please record your comments and relevant observations about AV300 instrument by submitting an entry using the “Post Log Entry” box found below.

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305 Responses to “AV300 Log Book”

  • earnshaw says:


    Did you get this in an email?

  • earnshaw says:

    OK. everyone on the NMRISSUES list, let me know that you are getting these comments that I am posting. These are comments that I’m posting directly to the WP site per normal, so I think we are in business. I assume you are getting these since I am getting them via the list as well.

    Also is this enough information for you? There is a link to the comment as well as the content and the date and time.

  • Kathleen Snook says:

    Topshim failed 5 times in a row, message said to set shims, BSMS limit exceeded. Sample was in CD3CN.

  • Victoria Zottarelli says:

    Failed to topshim on CDCl3 five times in a row (took 10+ minutes and ended up having to switch machines), error message said signal to noise is too low.

  • Ryan Brady says:

    Failed Topshim for 2 samples today. Both samples were in CDCl3 and reported error “low signal to noise”

  • Daniel Zhou says:

    VTU has an error and instrument won’t lock.

  • Delwin Elder says:

    Topshim failed (in CDCl3)

  • Roland Hu says:

    Topshim failed twice

  • Micaela Homer says:

    topshim failed on a molecular sample in CDCl3 at first, error was too many points lost during fit. I tuned and matched, then went back and tried to shim again and it worked this tim.

  • Victoria Zottarelli says:

    topshim failed 4 times

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