Announcments & Equipment Logs

AV500 Log Book

Welcome to the Chemistry NMR Online Log Book – your  One Stop portal to communicate about the spectrometer to the Facility Staff in a timely manner. 

Please record your comments and relevant observations about AV500 instrument by submitting an entry using the “Post Log Entry” box found below.

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269 Responses to “AV500 Log Book”

  • Adrienne Roehrich says:

    The mouse function has been restored on the av500.

  • Tianyu Zhao says:

    wobb is not working well. the peak fluctuate very strongly.

  • Steve Adelmund says:

    Shimming through topshim command failed. Required manual shimming.

  • Ryan says:

    Sample temperature was listed as 673K. This was not actually true, since the dummy sample was intact and at room temperature. Not sure what’s causing the absurdly high reading. Was able to obtain spectrum normally.

  • Adrienne Roehrich says:

    The source of the loud noise in BAG 37 was coming from a burst air hose at the av500. The broken line has been replaced.

  • Megan Armstrong says:

    instrument is making an incredibly loud sound. (like when LN2 vents but times a million) the whole room is very loud. I noticed it when i went to get my sample from a carbon NMR but it was not making it when i put the sample in.

  • Delwin says:

    Instrument at 357 K, though set point is 298 K. The cap is not on the dummy NMR sample. Did it pop off in the probe?

  • betsy says:

    probe at 304K and not cooling. Just letting you know.

  • Mary says:

    “Wobb signal too weak” on both 300 and 500 NMR

  • Ryan says:

    Unable to tune and match. Received error message “Wobble signal too weak with RG = 40000” upon execution of wobb command.

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