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Search returned 22 reports containing keyword: 'quality'
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Senn,L. | WA-RD 624.1 | Summary Report: Washington State Road Weather Information Systems | 2005 | TRAC/UW |
The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) has deployed advanced weather systems and products to support maintenance operations and to provide public information. The expanded system has tremendously improved the availability and quality of weather information for WSDOT crews and the traveling public. Use of current and forecast weather information has increased from nearly non-existent to an actively used, Department-wide resource. This summary report overviews the various efforts, products, and reports generated since the beginning of the road weather project.
availability, information systems, maintenance, public, public information, quality, Road Weather Information System, System, systems, transportation, Washington, Washington state, weather prediction, winter road maintenance, WSDOT
The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) has deployed advanced weather systems and products to support maintenance operations and to provide public information. The expanded system has tremendously improved the availability and quality of weather information for WSDOT crews and the traveling public. Use of current and forecast weather information has increased from nearly non-existent to an actively used, Department-wide resource. This summary report overviews the various efforts, products, and reports generated since the beginning of the road weather project.
availability, information systems, maintenance, public, public information, quality, Road Weather Information System, System, systems, transportation, Washington, Washington state, weather prediction, winter road maintenance, WSDOT
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Hieber,D. G. | WA-RD 611.1 | Precast Concrete Pier Systems for Rapid Construction of Bridges in Seismic Regions | 2005 | TRAC/UW |
Increasing traffic volumes and a deteriorating transportation infrastructure have stimulated the development of new systems and methods to accelerate the construction of highway bridges. Precast concrete bridge components offer a potential alternative to conventional reinforced, cast-in-place concrete components. The use of precast components has the potential to minimize traffic disruptions, improve work zone safety, reduce environmental impacts, improve constructability, increase quality, and lower life-cycle costs. This study compared two precast concrete bridge pier systems for rapid construction of bridges in seismic regions. One was a reinforced concrete system, in which mild steel deformed bars connect the precast concrete components and provide the flexural strength of the columns. The other was a hybrid system, which uses a combination of unbonded post-tensioning and mild steel deformed bars to make the connections. A parametric study of the two types of systems was conducted using nonlinear finite element models to investigate the global response and likelihood of damage for various frame configurations. On the basis of this study, a practical method was developed to estimate maximum seismic displacements from the cracked section properties of the columns, the elastic design displacement response spectrum, and the base-shear strength ratio. The results of the global nonlinear finite element analyses suggest that the systems have the potential for good seismic performance. Further analytical and experimental research is needed to investigate the constructability and seismic performance of the connection details.
Hieber,D. G., Wacker,J. M., Eberhard,M. O., Stanton,J. F.
Alternative, bridge, bridges, columns, concrete, concrete bridge, connections, constructability, construction, cost, costs, damage, design, developed, development, environmental, environmental impact experimental, finite element, highway, impact, impacts, infrastructure, methods, models, performance piers, precast, precast concrete, prestressed concete, quality, Rapid construction, Regions, reinforce concrete, research, response spectra, response spectrum, safety, seismic, seismic performance, steel strength, Study, substructures, System, systems, traffic, traffic volumes, trasportation, volume
Increasing traffic volumes and a deteriorating transportation infrastructure have stimulated the development of new systems and methods to accelerate the construction of highway bridges. Precast concrete bridge components offer a potential alternative to conventional reinforced, cast-in-place concrete components. The use of precast components has the potential to minimize traffic disruptions, improve work zone safety, reduce environmental impacts, improve constructability, increase quality, and lower life-cycle costs. This study compared two precast concrete bridge pier systems for rapid construction of bridges in seismic regions. One was a reinforced concrete system, in which mild steel deformed bars connect the precast concrete components and provide the flexural strength of the columns. The other was a hybrid system, which uses a combination of unbonded post-tensioning and mild steel deformed bars to make the connections. A parametric study of the two types of systems was conducted using nonlinear finite element models to investigate the global response and likelihood of damage for various frame configurations. On the basis of this study, a practical method was developed to estimate maximum seismic displacements from the cracked section properties of the columns, the elastic design displacement response spectrum, and the base-shear strength ratio. The results of the global nonlinear finite element analyses suggest that the systems have the potential for good seismic performance. Further analytical and experimental research is needed to investigate the constructability and seismic performance of the connection details.
Hieber,D. G., Wacker,J. M., Eberhard,M. O., Stanton,J. F.
Alternative, bridge, bridges, columns, concrete, concrete bridge, connections, constructability, construction, cost, costs, damage, design, developed, development, environmental, environmental impact experimental, finite element, highway, impact, impacts, infrastructure, methods, models, performance piers, precast, precast concrete, prestressed concete, quality, Rapid construction, Regions, reinforce concrete, research, response spectra, response spectrum, safety, seismic, seismic performance, steel strength, Study, substructures, System, systems, traffic, traffic volumes, trasportation, volume
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Leahy,R. B. | WA-RD 486.1 | Superpave--Washington DOT\'s Assessment and Status | 1999 | WSDOT |
Funded by the 1987 Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act, the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP), was a five year, $150 million research program to improve the performance of the nation\'s roads by addressing four key areas: concrete and structures; highway safety and maintenance; asphalt; and long-term pavement performance. Nearly one-third of the $150 million was allocated for the study of asphalt, specifically to develop performance based specifications that would relate material properties of the binder and the mix to field performance. Superpave (Superior PERforming asphalt PAVEments) encompasses the products of the SHRP asphalt research program and consists of three interrelated elements: an asphalt binder specification with supporting tests; a mix design and analysis system with supporting tests; and performance prediction models. This report is a compilation and synthesis of Washington DOT\'s (WSDOT) experience with selected components and concepts of the SHRP/Superpave technology to include the following: performance graded (PG) binder usage and specification validation; gyratory mix design; the Superpave Shear Test (SST); and field performance of the Superpave mixes.Binders typically specified by WSDOT (AR400OW and PBAs -2, -5, -6. -6GR) were classified in terms of five Superpave performance grades: PG 58-22; 64-22; 64-28; 64-34; and 70-28. Although data from 171 weather stations suggest that as many as 6 low- and 5 high-temperature grades could be specified, binder availability and regional pavement distress were used to develop guidelines for statewide PG usage. Three binders were recommended for use in the western, northeastern and southeastern regions of the state as follows: PG 58-22; PG 58-34; and PG 64-28, respectively. Validation of the binder specification with respect to low temperature cracking was accomplished using binder and field performance data from 28 projects. The results were very encouraging: the original SHRP algorithm for binder selection correctly \"predicted\" field performance in 22 of 28 cases, whereas the LTPP algorithm for binder selection correctly \"predicted\" field performance in 26 of 28 cases.Additionally, a laboratory experiment using the Superpave Shear Test (SST) apparatus was undertaken to test the effectiveness of binder \"bumping,\" i.e., increasing the high temperature grade because of exceptionally high traffic volume and/or slow or standing traffic. The data clearly indicate that the SST is an effective tool for discriminating between binders and that \'bumping\" may be effective in reducing pavement rutting. Permanent shear strain for specimens made with a PB 70-xx binder was only 25 to 33% of the shear strain for specimens made with a PG 58-xx binder.As originally configured, the Superpave mix design matrix included seven traffic levels and four temperature regimes for 28 possible compaction levels. Recognizing that the 28 compaction levels made for a somewhat unwieldy system, WSDOT attempted to reduce the number of compaction levels by conducting a series of mix designs at each compaction level. The results of the limited experiment suggest that it might be possible to limit the number of compaction levels required for mix design. Research by Brown et. al. (NCHRP 99) tends to confirm this as they have suggested reducing the number of compaction levels and provided more definitive guidance with respect to each level.Since 1993 WSDOT has place 44 projects which include some component of the Superp ave technology. For 17 of these projects parallel Hveem and Superpave mix designs were conducted. In 13 of the 17 cases, the Superpave design asphalt content was equal to or greater than the Hveem design asphalt content, though the difference was usually no more than 0.2%. A fundamental difference between Hveem and Superpave mix design methods is the compaction device. Data from these field projects indicate that the current kneading and gyratory compaction protocols (at least for 109 gyrations) yield similar air void contents.As noted previously, Washington DOT has placed 44 projects which involve some component of the Superpave technology. For 18 of the projects a conventional Hveem mix design was conducted using a PG binder (Hveem-PG). The remaining 26 projects were truly Superpave, i.e., the materials selection and mix design were established in accordance with the Asphalt Institute\'s SP2, Superpave Level 1 Mix Design. According to WSDOT practice the following numerical indices trigger maintenance: Pavement Structural Condition (PSC) 10 mm; or International Roughness Index (IRI) > 500 cnVkm. Although relatively \"young\", the 44 projects are performing quite well. The average values of rutting, PSC, and IRI (4, 91, and 121, respectively) are all well below the \"trigger\" values. With respect to rutting and PSC, the performance of Hveem-PG and Superpave projects is virtually identical. However, the ride quality of the Superpave projects is a bit rougher than the Hveem-PG binder projects: IRI of 134 for the former and 103 for the latter. The higher values of IRI measured on the Superpave projects may be the result of the typically coarser aggregate gradation or differences in construction techniques.WSDOT\'s Superpave experience has not been without challenges. Still, its overall experience has been very encouraging. Experimentation with the revised compaction matrix, continued use of the SST, field validation of the \"bumping\" experiment, and long-term monitoring of field performance will provide the necessary data to allow WSDOTs critical assessment of Superpave\'s technical merit and economic viability.
Leahy,R. B., Briggs,R. N.
SHRP, Superpave, asphalt, intermodal, transportation, transportation efficiency, highway, research, program, performance, concrete, structures, highway safety, safety, maintenance, pavement, specifications, specification, asphalt pavement, pavements, tests, design, analysis, prediction, models, Washington, WSDOT, data, temperature, cracking, LTPP, traffic, volume, compaction, materials, condition, international roughness index, roughness, index, ride quality, quality, aggregate, construction, ITS, monitoring
Funded by the 1987 Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act, the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP), was a five year, $150 million research program to improve the performance of the nation\'s roads by addressing four key areas: concrete and structures; highway safety and maintenance; asphalt; and long-term pavement performance. Nearly one-third of the $150 million was allocated for the study of asphalt, specifically to develop performance based specifications that would relate material properties of the binder and the mix to field performance. Superpave (Superior PERforming asphalt PAVEments) encompasses the products of the SHRP asphalt research program and consists of three interrelated elements: an asphalt binder specification with supporting tests; a mix design and analysis system with supporting tests; and performance prediction models. This report is a compilation and synthesis of Washington DOT\'s (WSDOT) experience with selected components and concepts of the SHRP/Superpave technology to include the following: performance graded (PG) binder usage and specification validation; gyratory mix design; the Superpave Shear Test (SST); and field performance of the Superpave mixes.Binders typically specified by WSDOT (AR400OW and PBAs -2, -5, -6. -6GR) were classified in terms of five Superpave performance grades: PG 58-22; 64-22; 64-28; 64-34; and 70-28. Although data from 171 weather stations suggest that as many as 6 low- and 5 high-temperature grades could be specified, binder availability and regional pavement distress were used to develop guidelines for statewide PG usage. Three binders were recommended for use in the western, northeastern and southeastern regions of the state as follows: PG 58-22; PG 58-34; and PG 64-28, respectively. Validation of the binder specification with respect to low temperature cracking was accomplished using binder and field performance data from 28 projects. The results were very encouraging: the original SHRP algorithm for binder selection correctly \"predicted\" field performance in 22 of 28 cases, whereas the LTPP algorithm for binder selection correctly \"predicted\" field performance in 26 of 28 cases.Additionally, a laboratory experiment using the Superpave Shear Test (SST) apparatus was undertaken to test the effectiveness of binder \"bumping,\" i.e., increasing the high temperature grade because of exceptionally high traffic volume and/or slow or standing traffic. The data clearly indicate that the SST is an effective tool for discriminating between binders and that \'bumping\" may be effective in reducing pavement rutting. Permanent shear strain for specimens made with a PB 70-xx binder was only 25 to 33% of the shear strain for specimens made with a PG 58-xx binder.As originally configured, the Superpave mix design matrix included seven traffic levels and four temperature regimes for 28 possible compaction levels. Recognizing that the 28 compaction levels made for a somewhat unwieldy system, WSDOT attempted to reduce the number of compaction levels by conducting a series of mix designs at each compaction level. The results of the limited experiment suggest that it might be possible to limit the number of compaction levels required for mix design. Research by Brown et. al. (NCHRP 99) tends to confirm this as they have suggested reducing the number of compaction levels and provided more definitive guidance with respect to each level.Since 1993 WSDOT has place 44 projects which include some component of the Superp ave technology. For 17 of these projects parallel Hveem and Superpave mix designs were conducted. In 13 of the 17 cases, the Superpave design asphalt content was equal to or greater than the Hveem design asphalt content, though the difference was usually no more than 0.2%. A fundamental difference between Hveem and Superpave mix design methods is the compaction device. Data from these field projects indicate that the current kneading and gyratory compaction protocols (at least for 109 gyrations) yield similar air void contents.As noted previously, Washington DOT has placed 44 projects which involve some component of the Superpave technology. For 18 of the projects a conventional Hveem mix design was conducted using a PG binder (Hveem-PG). The remaining 26 projects were truly Superpave, i.e., the materials selection and mix design were established in accordance with the Asphalt Institute\'s SP2, Superpave Level 1 Mix Design. According to WSDOT practice the following numerical indices trigger maintenance: Pavement Structural Condition (PSC) 10 mm; or International Roughness Index (IRI) > 500 cnVkm. Although relatively \"young\", the 44 projects are performing quite well. The average values of rutting, PSC, and IRI (4, 91, and 121, respectively) are all well below the \"trigger\" values. With respect to rutting and PSC, the performance of Hveem-PG and Superpave projects is virtually identical. However, the ride quality of the Superpave projects is a bit rougher than the Hveem-PG binder projects: IRI of 134 for the former and 103 for the latter. The higher values of IRI measured on the Superpave projects may be the result of the typically coarser aggregate gradation or differences in construction techniques.WSDOT\'s Superpave experience has not been without challenges. Still, its overall experience has been very encouraging. Experimentation with the revised compaction matrix, continued use of the SST, field validation of the \"bumping\" experiment, and long-term monitoring of field performance will provide the necessary data to allow WSDOTs critical assessment of Superpave\'s technical merit and economic viability.
Leahy,R. B., Briggs,R. N.
SHRP, Superpave, asphalt, intermodal, transportation, transportation efficiency, highway, research, program, performance, concrete, structures, highway safety, safety, maintenance, pavement, specifications, specification, asphalt pavement, pavements, tests, design, analysis, prediction, models, Washington, WSDOT, data, temperature, cracking, LTPP, traffic, volume, compaction, materials, condition, international roughness index, roughness, index, ride quality, quality, aggregate, construction, ITS, monitoring
Trombly, J. | WA-RD 462.2 | SWIFT - Consumer Acceptance Study | 1998 | TRAC/UW |
The Seattle Wide-area Information for Travelers (SWIFT) Operational Test was intended to evaluate the performance of a large-scale, urban Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS) deployment in the Seattle area. With the majority the SWIFT system completed by June 30,1996, the SWIFT Field Operational Test (FOT) evaluation was conducted from July 1, 1996, through September 20, 1997. The unique features of the SWIFT ATIS included the provision of information for multiple transportation modes, the delivery of this information using three different devices, and the use of FM sideband as the primary communications medium. This report details the findings for the SWIFT Consumer Acceptance Study based on the evaluation objectives that were identified in the SWIFT Evaluation Plan (1995). The primary objectives of the SWIFT Consumer Acceptance Study were to assess the following: Importance of traveler information in travel planning, Usefulness of SWIFT traveler information in travel planning, Minimum set of user services and device features required to provide viable product and services, User perceptions of SWIFT device usefulness, Willingness-to-pay for different services. User perceptions of changes in travel convenience and efficiency, User perceptions of changes in traffic congestion, air quality, energy consumption, and safety. ,
Trombly, J., Wetherby, B., Dixson, A.
Acceptance, air quality, analysis, Assessment, ATIS, availability, bus, computer, congestion, congestion information, Consumer, data, data collection, Energy, environmental, evaluation, group, impact, impacts, improvement, incident, interviews, Miscellaneous Library, objectives, performance, planning, portable computer, quality, reliability, safety, seattle, Study, SWIFT, System, systems, traffic, traffic congestion, transit, transportation, travel, traveler information, urban
The Seattle Wide-area Information for Travelers (SWIFT) Operational Test was intended to evaluate the performance of a large-scale, urban Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS) deployment in the Seattle area. With the majority the SWIFT system completed by June 30,1996, the SWIFT Field Operational Test (FOT) evaluation was conducted from July 1, 1996, through September 20, 1997. The unique features of the SWIFT ATIS included the provision of information for multiple transportation modes, the delivery of this information using three different devices, and the use of FM sideband as the primary communications medium. This report details the findings for the SWIFT Consumer Acceptance Study based on the evaluation objectives that were identified in the SWIFT Evaluation Plan (1995). The primary objectives of the SWIFT Consumer Acceptance Study were to assess the following: Importance of traveler information in travel planning, Usefulness of SWIFT traveler information in travel planning, Minimum set of user services and device features required to provide viable product and services, User perceptions of SWIFT device usefulness, Willingness-to-pay for different services. User perceptions of changes in travel convenience and efficiency, User perceptions of changes in traffic congestion, air quality, energy consumption, and safety. ,
Trombly, J., Wetherby, B., Dixson, A.
Acceptance, air quality, analysis, Assessment, ATIS, availability, bus, computer, congestion, congestion information, Consumer, data, data collection, Energy, environmental, evaluation, group, impact, impacts, improvement, incident, interviews, Miscellaneous Library, objectives, performance, planning, portable computer, quality, reliability, safety, seattle, Study, SWIFT, System, systems, traffic, traffic congestion, transit, transportation, travel, traveler information, urban
Dunston,P. S. | WA-RD 454.1 | Evaluation Of The Full Weekend Closure Strategy For Highway Reconstruction Projects: I-405 Tukwila To Factoria | 1998 | TTRAC/UW |
In August 1997, the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) adopted a strategy of closing a single direction of freeway over an entire weekend for constructing the overlay on a 5.5-mile (8.85-km) section of 1-405. Work was performed over two weekends. Data were collected from field measurements, records, and surveys to assess construction quality, construction costs, and user impacts. Results were compared to historical data from WSDOT and from an NCHRP synthesis study.Overlay surface smoothness, density, and gradation quality were good, and no difference in consistency was found between night and day paving. Public response from motorists was decidedly positive, while business perceptions were mixed. Traffic simulations indicated that the total closure was preferable to single lane closures over multiple nights. A decision checklist was developed for use in making the closure strategy decision.
Dunston,P. S., Mannering,F. L.
asphalt overlays, highway reconstruction, highway rehabilitation, weekend closures, weekend paving, user impacts, quality, research
In August 1997, the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) adopted a strategy of closing a single direction of freeway over an entire weekend for constructing the overlay on a 5.5-mile (8.85-km) section of 1-405. Work was performed over two weekends. Data were collected from field measurements, records, and surveys to assess construction quality, construction costs, and user impacts. Results were compared to historical data from WSDOT and from an NCHRP synthesis study.Overlay surface smoothness, density, and gradation quality were good, and no difference in consistency was found between night and day paving. Public response from motorists was decidedly positive, while business perceptions were mixed. Traffic simulations indicated that the total closure was preferable to single lane closures over multiple nights. A decision checklist was developed for use in making the closure strategy decision.
Dunston,P. S., Mannering,F. L.
asphalt overlays, highway reconstruction, highway rehabilitation, weekend closures, weekend paving, user impacts, quality, research
McManus, J. F. | WA-RD 409.1 | A Framework for the Constructability Review of Transportation Projects | 1996 | TRAC/UW |
The objective of this project was to recommend to the Washington State Department of Transportation a new process for conducting constructability reviews. In Phase I of the project, the researchers sought to define the problem, identify critical issues, and develop the initial elements of a Constructability Review Process (CRP).To understand how WSDOT develops its projects, the researchers obtained documents and briefs on a current series of management studies; reviewed WSDOT\'s manuals, directives, and guides describing the project development process involved; and conducted an extensive round of interview with WSDOT staff and management, as well as interviews with consultants and others involved with the process. They also reviewed projects on SR 18 in the Northwest Region.The CRP model was developed concurrently with other studies focusing on other aspects of improving the WSDOT Project Development Process. Although significant changes are being implemented that should result in improvements, the researchers found that issues germane to constructability remain. These include the need for WSDOT to consider constructability in a statewide Project Management Process; to form a multi-disciplinary CRP team at the project scoping phase; for closer communication, coordination, and team building between the Headquarters Structures Service Center and the Regional Design offices; for plans review coordination with the final constructability review; for structured project checklists for use throughout the project development process; and for an accessible record of design decisions made, as well as design and post-contract lessons learned.The researchers agree that re-engineering being done to the project development process is making improvements that are consistent with the constructabilityt enhancement provided by the CRP. The main aspects of this new process are as follows: At the draft Project Identification Report (PIR) stage, a project-level Value Engineering study should be considered for projects that are major, costly, or that include complex features to evaluate every possibly alternative for the project. A set of up to four constructability reviews should be implemented, with the number depending on the project\'s type, size and complexity. The general purpose of the constructability review is to assure that constructability issues, including maintainability, are identified and resolved before completion of the PS&E. A system of checklists and a compendium of lessons learned should be developed for use throughout the project.
McManus, J. F., Phillip, N. A., Stanton, J. F., Turkiyyah, G. M.
Constructability, quality, design, construction, maintenance
The objective of this project was to recommend to the Washington State Department of Transportation a new process for conducting constructability reviews. In Phase I of the project, the researchers sought to define the problem, identify critical issues, and develop the initial elements of a Constructability Review Process (CRP).To understand how WSDOT develops its projects, the researchers obtained documents and briefs on a current series of management studies; reviewed WSDOT\'s manuals, directives, and guides describing the project development process involved; and conducted an extensive round of interview with WSDOT staff and management, as well as interviews with consultants and others involved with the process. They also reviewed projects on SR 18 in the Northwest Region.The CRP model was developed concurrently with other studies focusing on other aspects of improving the WSDOT Project Development Process. Although significant changes are being implemented that should result in improvements, the researchers found that issues germane to constructability remain. These include the need for WSDOT to consider constructability in a statewide Project Management Process; to form a multi-disciplinary CRP team at the project scoping phase; for closer communication, coordination, and team building between the Headquarters Structures Service Center and the Regional Design offices; for plans review coordination with the final constructability review; for structured project checklists for use throughout the project development process; and for an accessible record of design decisions made, as well as design and post-contract lessons learned.The researchers agree that re-engineering being done to the project development process is making improvements that are consistent with the constructabilityt enhancement provided by the CRP. The main aspects of this new process are as follows: At the draft Project Identification Report (PIR) stage, a project-level Value Engineering study should be considered for projects that are major, costly, or that include complex features to evaluate every possibly alternative for the project. A set of up to four constructability reviews should be implemented, with the number depending on the project\'s type, size and complexity. The general purpose of the constructability review is to assure that constructability issues, including maintainability, are identified and resolved before completion of the PS&E. A system of checklists and a compendium of lessons learned should be developed for use throughout the project.
McManus, J. F., Phillip, N. A., Stanton, J. F., Turkiyyah, G. M.
Constructability, quality, design, construction, maintenance
Kilian, A.P. | WA-RD 239.1 | Long-Term Performance Evaluation of Wood Fibre Fills | 1992 | WSDOT |
This paper presents the results of a research project to determine the long-term performance of wood fibre embankments, that were constructed by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) beginning in 1972. At the time of their construction, concern existed that wood fibre fills would only provide a 15 to 20 year service life.Performance of existing wood fibre fills was evaluated based on thequality of the wood fibre material, quality of the effluent, and condition ofthe pavement. A visual classification system rating the wood fibre from freshto completely decomposed was developed and used in order to establish acriteria from which all wood fibre mater.ia1 could be -rated.. Visual examinationin conjunction with laboratory tests were used as determining aspects for theeffluent quality. The WSDOT Pavement Management System was used to evaluate relative pavement performance. Site descriptions are presented giving specificcharacteristics and properties of the fills inventoried, An analysis of t h i sinformation was done to determine the effectiveness of the fills.Over half the wood fibre samples were found to be nearly fresh or freshand none w e found to be completely decomposed. In all but one case, thepavement quality over the wood fibre fills surpassed the comparative highwaysegment rating indicating the wood fill\\\'s performance exceeded thatof the surrounding area. Generally, the surface water in the vicinity of thewood fibre was found to be clean and pure indicating no adverse impact ofeffluent. Given the above findings, embankments constructed of wood fibre werefound to perform well over ahnost a 20. year period. Service life in excess of50 years can be expected - of wood fibre fills.
Kilian, A.P., Ferry, C.D.
Analysis, condition, construction, developed, effectiveness, Embankments, evaluation, impact, Leachate, management, management system, pavement, pavement management, pavement performance, pavements, performance, performance evaluation, project, quality, research, tests, transportation, Washington, Washington state, Wood fibre, WSDOT
This paper presents the results of a research project to determine the long-term performance of wood fibre embankments, that were constructed by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) beginning in 1972. At the time of their construction, concern existed that wood fibre fills would only provide a 15 to 20 year service life.Performance of existing wood fibre fills was evaluated based on thequality of the wood fibre material, quality of the effluent, and condition ofthe pavement. A visual classification system rating the wood fibre from freshto completely decomposed was developed and used in order to establish acriteria from which all wood fibre mater.ia1 could be -rated.. Visual examinationin conjunction with laboratory tests were used as determining aspects for theeffluent quality. The WSDOT Pavement Management System was used to evaluate relative pavement performance. Site descriptions are presented giving specificcharacteristics and properties of the fills inventoried, An analysis of t h i sinformation was done to determine the effectiveness of the fills.Over half the wood fibre samples were found to be nearly fresh or freshand none w e found to be completely decomposed. In all but one case, thepavement quality over the wood fibre fills surpassed the comparative highwaysegment rating indicating the wood fill\\\'s performance exceeded thatof the surrounding area. Generally, the surface water in the vicinity of thewood fibre was found to be clean and pure indicating no adverse impact ofeffluent. Given the above findings, embankments constructed of wood fibre werefound to perform well over ahnost a 20. year period. Service life in excess of50 years can be expected - of wood fibre fills.
Kilian, A.P., Ferry, C.D.
Analysis, condition, construction, developed, effectiveness, Embankments, evaluation, impact, Leachate, management, management system, pavement, pavement management, pavement performance, pavements, performance, performance evaluation, project, quality, research, tests, transportation, Washington, Washington state, Wood fibre, WSDOT
Roper, T.H. | WA-RD 087.2 | Cathodic Protection For Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks - Yakima River Bridge, Post Construction Report | 1986 | WSDOT |
Under FHWA Demonstration Project No. 34, \\\"Cathodic Protection for Reinforced Concrete Decks,\\\" a non-slotted cathodic protection system was installed on the deck of the Yakima Bridge near Yakima, Washington, in the summer of 1985. The project involved repairing deck, then fastening Raychem pre-manufactured anodes to the deck to impress current to the mat rebar. Impressing current through the concrete to the top mat steel prevents corrosion of the steel. A latex modified concrete overlay was placed over the deck anode. The objective of the demonstration project to familiarize the Washington State DOT with new technology. This objective was fulfilled. Some problem areas with the system were identified during the work: 1.A more positive method of finding electrical grounding locations from the anode to nicks, ties, etc., needs to be developed. Some ties were exposed during the scarifying operation Perhaps an instrument can be used to supplement visual inspection. 2. An effective technique of allowing concrete trucks to drive on the anode without damaging needs to be developed. 3.An effective method needs to be developed to locate breaks in the anode as well as shorts. 4. In remote areas, sources of electrical power may not be available. It will be necessary sources of power, such as solar panels or long-lasting batteries to be developed for this system. 5. Since the project, once it has started, moves along very rapidly, there is very little time on-the-job training of workers. Workmen should have prior experience at this work. These problems need to be overcome to obtain a better quality product.
Roper, T.H., Henley, E.H. Jr
Bridge, bridge deck, bridge decks, cathodic protection, concrete, concrete bridge, construction, corrosion, Deck, developed, inspection, latex modified concrete, overlay, project, protection, quality, reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete bridge, steel, System, technology, training, truck, trucks, Washington, Washington state
Under FHWA Demonstration Project No. 34, \\\"Cathodic Protection for Reinforced Concrete Decks,\\\" a non-slotted cathodic protection system was installed on the deck of the Yakima Bridge near Yakima, Washington, in the summer of 1985. The project involved repairing deck, then fastening Raychem pre-manufactured anodes to the deck to impress current to the mat rebar. Impressing current through the concrete to the top mat steel prevents corrosion of the steel. A latex modified concrete overlay was placed over the deck anode. The objective of the demonstration project to familiarize the Washington State DOT with new technology. This objective was fulfilled. Some problem areas with the system were identified during the work: 1.A more positive method of finding electrical grounding locations from the anode to nicks, ties, etc., needs to be developed. Some ties were exposed during the scarifying operation Perhaps an instrument can be used to supplement visual inspection. 2. An effective technique of allowing concrete trucks to drive on the anode without damaging needs to be developed. 3.An effective method needs to be developed to locate breaks in the anode as well as shorts. 4. In remote areas, sources of electrical power may not be available. It will be necessary sources of power, such as solar panels or long-lasting batteries to be developed for this system. 5. Since the project, once it has started, moves along very rapidly, there is very little time on-the-job training of workers. Workmen should have prior experience at this work. These problems need to be overcome to obtain a better quality product.
Roper, T.H., Henley, E.H. Jr
Bridge, bridge deck, bridge decks, cathodic protection, concrete, concrete bridge, construction, corrosion, Deck, developed, inspection, latex modified concrete, overlay, project, protection, quality, reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete bridge, steel, System, technology, training, truck, trucks, Washington, Washington state
Ritchie, S.G. | WA-RD 083.1 | Statewide Highway Data Rationalization Study | 1986 | TRAC/UW |
This study involved an in-depth evaluation of the Washington State Department of Transportation highway data development and analysis activities. It developed statistically-based procedures and recommendations for a streamlined highway data collection program. Opportunities to reduce manpower and equipment costs, streamline work activities, improve the quality of data collection and provide accurate and timely data for the various users were identified. Given the focus on highway data, the major effort was devoted to the Department\'s traffic counting program. However, many data items and programs were considered, with the following receiving particular attention: traffic volume counting, including estimation of annual average daily traffic at any location throughout the state highway system; associated seasonal, axle and growth factors; vehicle classification; truck weights; and the relationship between the statistical sampling requirements recommended for these items and those associated with the FHWA Highway Performance Monitoring System in the state.
Ritchie, S.G., Hallenbeck, M.E.
Analysis, Annual, axle, cost, costs, data, data collection, developed, development, equipment, evaluation, highway, monitoring, performance, performance monitoring, program, quality, sampling, seasonal, Study, System, traffic, traffic counting, transportation, truck, vehicle classification, volume, Washington, Washington state, weight, weights
This study involved an in-depth evaluation of the Washington State Department of Transportation highway data development and analysis activities. It developed statistically-based procedures and recommendations for a streamlined highway data collection program. Opportunities to reduce manpower and equipment costs, streamline work activities, improve the quality of data collection and provide accurate and timely data for the various users were identified. Given the focus on highway data, the major effort was devoted to the Department\'s traffic counting program. However, many data items and programs were considered, with the following receiving particular attention: traffic volume counting, including estimation of annual average daily traffic at any location throughout the state highway system; associated seasonal, axle and growth factors; vehicle classification; truck weights; and the relationship between the statistical sampling requirements recommended for these items and those associated with the FHWA Highway Performance Monitoring System in the state.
Ritchie, S.G., Hallenbeck, M.E.
Analysis, Annual, axle, cost, costs, data, data collection, developed, development, equipment, evaluation, highway, monitoring, performance, performance monitoring, program, quality, sampling, seasonal, Study, System, traffic, traffic counting, transportation, truck, vehicle classification, volume, Washington, Washington state, weight, weights
Mar, B.W. | WA-RD 039.16 | Summary Of Runoff Water Quality Study 1977-82 | 1982 | TRAC/UW |
A highway storm water runoff pollutant loading. model has been developed based on results from con3posire sampling of approximately 600 storms at nine locations in the State of Washington over five years. The model expresses total suspended solids (TSS) loading in proportion to the product of highway segment length, average runoff coefficient, and vehicles traveling during storm periods. It was dem-onstrated that loadings of contaminants such as chemical oxygen demand, nutrients and trace metals could be estimated from TSS loadings using ratios derived from the data, The model described was developed and validated for assessing total loadings over a time span encompassing a number of storms (monthly or annually). To predict pollutant concentrations and loadings in runoff from a given storm, cumulative distributions were plotted and analyzed to determine the probability of exceeding specific concentration and loading values in a given case. Bioassay studies using highway runoff indicated toxicity to aquatic life when elevated metals deposition from high traffic volumes (in excess of 10,000 -20,000 vehicles per day) or high metals concentrations in rainfall caused runoff concentrations to exceed lethal levels. Draining highway runoff through grass channels 60 meters in length greatly reduced TSS and metals concentrations and the consequent toxic effects. The major product of this research is a guide to assessing and mitigating the impacts of highway runoff to receiving waters.
Mar, B.W., Horner, R.R., Spyridakis, D.E., Welch, E.B.
Assessment, Channel, Chemical, Concentrations, data, demand, deposition, developed, highway, highway runoff, impact, impacts, Loadings, Highway runoff, metals, mitigation, model, models, pollutant loading, Pollutants, quality, rainfall, research, runoff, sampling, span, stormwater, suspended solids, Toxicity, traffic, traffic volumes, volume, Washington, Washington state, water quality
A highway storm water runoff pollutant loading. model has been developed based on results from con3posire sampling of approximately 600 storms at nine locations in the State of Washington over five years. The model expresses total suspended solids (TSS) loading in proportion to the product of highway segment length, average runoff coefficient, and vehicles traveling during storm periods. It was dem-onstrated that loadings of contaminants such as chemical oxygen demand, nutrients and trace metals could be estimated from TSS loadings using ratios derived from the data, The model described was developed and validated for assessing total loadings over a time span encompassing a number of storms (monthly or annually). To predict pollutant concentrations and loadings in runoff from a given storm, cumulative distributions were plotted and analyzed to determine the probability of exceeding specific concentration and loading values in a given case. Bioassay studies using highway runoff indicated toxicity to aquatic life when elevated metals deposition from high traffic volumes (in excess of 10,000 -20,000 vehicles per day) or high metals concentrations in rainfall caused runoff concentrations to exceed lethal levels. Draining highway runoff through grass channels 60 meters in length greatly reduced TSS and metals concentrations and the consequent toxic effects. The major product of this research is a guide to assessing and mitigating the impacts of highway runoff to receiving waters.
Mar, B.W., Horner, R.R., Spyridakis, D.E., Welch, E.B.
Assessment, Channel, Chemical, Concentrations, data, demand, deposition, developed, highway, highway runoff, impact, impacts, Loadings, Highway runoff, metals, mitigation, model, models, pollutant loading, Pollutants, quality, rainfall, research, runoff, sampling, span, stormwater, suspended solids, Toxicity, traffic, traffic volumes, volume, Washington, Washington state, water quality
Mar, B.W. | WA-RD 039.7 | Year Three Runoff Water Quality August 1979-80 925 | 1981 | UW |
This report summarizes findings detailed in Report Nos. 4 and 5 plus the work of Zawlocki on trace organics in highway runoff. Several hundred compounds tentatively, identified by GC-MS were grouped into nine categories, which were not mutually exclusive. Major components of-these \'categories were petroleum products used by vehicles and incompletely combusted hydrocarbons. The concentrations of these trace organics groups were low compared to criteria proposed for protection of aquatic life.
Mar, B.W., Ferguson, J.F., Welch, E.B.
Concentrations, construction, criteria, group, highway, highway runoff, Highways, hydrocarbons, leachate, organics, petroleum, protection, quality, runoff, Water Pollutants, Washington State Monitoring, water quality, Woodwaste fills
This report summarizes findings detailed in Report Nos. 4 and 5 plus the work of Zawlocki on trace organics in highway runoff. Several hundred compounds tentatively, identified by GC-MS were grouped into nine categories, which were not mutually exclusive. Major components of-these \'categories were petroleum products used by vehicles and incompletely combusted hydrocarbons. The concentrations of these trace organics groups were low compared to criteria proposed for protection of aquatic life.
Mar, B.W., Ferguson, J.F., Welch, E.B.
Concentrations, construction, criteria, group, highway, highway runoff, Highways, hydrocarbons, leachate, organics, petroleum, protection, quality, runoff, Water Pollutants, Washington State Monitoring, water quality, Woodwaste fills
Mar, B.W. | WA-RD 039.13 | Year Four, Runoff Water Quality, August 1980-81 | 1981 | UW |
This report focuses on the results of four research thrusts that resulted in dissertations and condensed research reports during this reporting period. There are now 14 project reports either completed or close to completion, as shown in Table 1; this report summarizes the results reported in numbers 10-12. Also summarized in Table 1 are the reports planned for the remainder of the project.
Mar, B.W., Ferguson, J. , Spyridakis, D.E., Welch, E., Horner, R.R.
Project, quality, research, runoff, water quality
This report focuses on the results of four research thrusts that resulted in dissertations and condensed research reports during this reporting period. There are now 14 project reports either completed or close to completion, as shown in Table 1; this report summarizes the results reported in numbers 10-12. Also summarized in Table 1 are the reports planned for the remainder of the project.
Mar, B.W., Ferguson, J. , Spyridakis, D.E., Welch, E., Horner, R.R.
Project, quality, research, runoff, water quality
Anderson, K.W. | WA-RD 046.1 | Permanent Lane Markings - Recessed Edge Stripe | 1981 | WSDOT |
The project goal was to evaluate different methods of cutting recessed skip stripe grooves, and to evaluate various pavement marking materials placed into the recesses. The project objective was to find a marking system for our mountain pass highways that would tolerate snowplowing and sanding operations, studded tires, and chain wear.Three methods of pavement grooving and three types of making material were evaluated over a four-year period. The grooving methods were evaluated with regard to production rate, the quality of the finished groove, and cost. The marking materials were checked for ease of installation, cost durability, and visibility.Only one method of grooving was found that produced the desired recess shape at a reasonable cost and in a timely manner. All three of the making materials were durable enough to survive for three years, but none produced the desired wet-daytime or wet-night visibility needed for adequate lane delineation. This loss of visibility under wet conditions was due to the lack of retroreflectance from the marking materials.
Anderson, K.W.
Chains, condition, cost, delineation, durability, grooves, grooving, highway, highway delineation, Highways, lane lines, materials, methods, night visibility, pavement, project, quality, rainfall, retroreflectance, snowplows, striping, studded tire, studded tires, System, tire, tires, Traffic markings
The project goal was to evaluate different methods of cutting recessed skip stripe grooves, and to evaluate various pavement marking materials placed into the recesses. The project objective was to find a marking system for our mountain pass highways that would tolerate snowplowing and sanding operations, studded tires, and chain wear.Three methods of pavement grooving and three types of making material were evaluated over a four-year period. The grooving methods were evaluated with regard to production rate, the quality of the finished groove, and cost. The marking materials were checked for ease of installation, cost durability, and visibility.Only one method of grooving was found that produced the desired recess shape at a reasonable cost and in a timely manner. All three of the making materials were durable enough to survive for three years, but none produced the desired wet-daytime or wet-night visibility needed for adequate lane delineation. This loss of visibility under wet conditions was due to the lack of retroreflectance from the marking materials.
Anderson, K.W.
Chains, condition, cost, delineation, durability, grooves, grooving, highway, highway delineation, Highways, lane lines, materials, methods, night visibility, pavement, project, quality, rainfall, retroreflectance, snowplows, striping, studded tire, studded tires, System, tire, tires, Traffic markings
Wang, T.S. | WA-RD 039.10 | Water Quality Impacts Associated with Leacheates from Highway Woodwaste | 1980 | UW |
Mass balances conducted on soils adjacent to highways indicated low mobility of metals deposited on well-vegetated surfaces. Grass drainage channels were shown to effectively capture and retain metals (e.g. a 60 m channel removed 80 percent of the original Pb concentration). Mud or paved channels, however, demonstrated little or no ability to remove metals from runoff. Metal release studies suggested that acid precipitation could release metals bound in the soil, especially where low buffering capacity exists.
Wang, T.S., Spyridakis, D.E., Mar, B.W., Horner, R.R.
Capture, deposition, drainage, embankment, Embankments, heavy metals, highway, Highways, impact, impacts, metals, mobility, overland flow, quality, runoff, soil, transport, Washington state, Water pollutants, water quality
Mass balances conducted on soils adjacent to highways indicated low mobility of metals deposited on well-vegetated surfaces. Grass drainage channels were shown to effectively capture and retain metals (e.g. a 60 m channel removed 80 percent of the original Pb concentration). Mud or paved channels, however, demonstrated little or no ability to remove metals from runoff. Metal release studies suggested that acid precipitation could release metals bound in the soil, especially where low buffering capacity exists.
Wang, T.S., Spyridakis, D.E., Mar, B.W., Horner, R.R.
Capture, deposition, drainage, embankment, Embankments, heavy metals, highway, Highways, impact, impacts, metals, mobility, overland flow, quality, runoff, soil, transport, Washington state, Water pollutants, water quality
Vause, K.H. | WA-RD 039.1 | Water Quality Impacts Associated With Leacheates From Highway Woodwaste Embankments 932 | 1980 | UW |
An extensive literature review , laboratory column study and field observations indicated that leaching of soluble pollutants from woodwaste submerged in groundwater will be completed within a few years. Longer periods of leaching will be generated by woodfills above groundwater exposed to precipitation or infiltration of runoff. Expressions to model the quantity and characteristics quality of leachate from woodwaste fills used for road embankments were developed, and mitigating measures to reduce the impact of leachates are proposed.
Vause, K.H., Ferguson, J.F., Mar, B.W.
Column studies, developed, embankment, Embankments, highway, impact, impacts, infiltration, Leachate, model, Pollutants, quality, review, runoff, water quality, Woodwaste fills
An extensive literature review , laboratory column study and field observations indicated that leaching of soluble pollutants from woodwaste submerged in groundwater will be completed within a few years. Longer periods of leaching will be generated by woodfills above groundwater exposed to precipitation or infiltration of runoff. Expressions to model the quantity and characteristics quality of leachate from woodwaste fills used for road embankments were developed, and mitigating measures to reduce the impact of leachates are proposed.
Vause, K.H., Ferguson, J.F., Mar, B.W.
Column studies, developed, embankment, Embankments, highway, impact, impacts, infiltration, Leachate, model, Pollutants, quality, review, runoff, water quality, Woodwaste fills
Badgley, F. | WA-RD 012.2 | The Selection and Calibration of Air Quality Diffusion For Washington State Highway Resources | 1976 | UW |
At the request of the Washington State Department of Highways a study was conducted to evaluate three computer models specifically designed to predict carbon monoxide concentration at receptor points along roadways. The models were evaluated on their ability to predict values obtained from a monitoring network established along various roadways in the State of Washington. Monitoring consisted of 12 ground level CO stations, meteorological stations and traffic counters. Traffic speeds were sampled for conformity during peak hours. The final selected models, CALINE and EPA\'s HIWAY were given calibration factors to be used when calculating Receptor Concentrations for Impact Assessments.
Badgley, F., Rossana, T.A., Alsid, H.F., Lutrick, D.
Air pollution, air quality, Assessment, calibration, carbon monoxide, computer, Computer Modelin, Concentrations, highway, Highways, impact, model, models, monitoring, quality, roadway, speed, traffic, Transportation Pollution Source, Washington, Washington state
At the request of the Washington State Department of Highways a study was conducted to evaluate three computer models specifically designed to predict carbon monoxide concentration at receptor points along roadways. The models were evaluated on their ability to predict values obtained from a monitoring network established along various roadways in the State of Washington. Monitoring consisted of 12 ground level CO stations, meteorological stations and traffic counters. Traffic speeds were sampled for conformity during peak hours. The final selected models, CALINE and EPA\'s HIWAY were given calibration factors to be used when calculating Receptor Concentrations for Impact Assessments.
Badgley, F., Rossana, T.A., Alsid, H.F., Lutrick, D.
Air pollution, air quality, Assessment, calibration, carbon monoxide, computer, Computer Modelin, Concentrations, highway, Highways, impact, model, models, monitoring, quality, roadway, speed, traffic, Transportation Pollution Source, Washington, Washington state
Rossano, A.T. | WA-RD 012.1 | A Critical Review Of Mathematical Diffusion Modeling Techniques For Predicting Air Quality With Relation To Motor Vehicl... | 1973 | UW |
Federal and State laws require highway departments to prepare statements assessing the impact that proposed highway improvements or construction may have on the environment. An important consideration in the preparation of an impact statement is the anticipated effect the proposed activity will have on air quality since highway transportation is a source of several major air pollutants: particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and photochemical oxidants which are formed in the atmosphere in the presence of sunlight. Comprehensive physical studies to predict the air quality impact at proposed sites are generally prohibitive due to the time required to obtain suitable data, the cost of such studies and the number of impact statements that must be considered by most highway departments.Methods have been developed to predict the air quality impact of new highway construction through the use of mathematical atmospheric diffusion models. Once they are properly calibrated these models can be used to test alternative locations and designs. Basically models use meteorological conditions and emission rates to predict downwind concentrations as illustrated in Figure 1.The principal objective of this research project has been to conduct a search of the literature to identify state-of-the-art air quality predictive schemes applicable to motor vehicle transportation. The available models have been analyzed in detail and evaluated in terms of selected characteristics that serve to describe the predictive capabilities of each. Limitations in the models have also been noted where appropriate.Section 2.0 o f this report describes the methods used in conducting the research. Sections 3.0 and 4.0 present the models analyzed and a general discussion of applicability, in both narrative and tabular form. Section 5.0 summarizes the study and presents the recommendations for future consideration.
Rossano, A.T., Lamb, D.V., Badgley, F.
Air quality, Alternative, carbon monoxide, Concentrations, condition, construction, cost, data, design, environment, highway, highway construction, Highways, hydrocarbons, impact, model, modeling, models, nitrogen, particulate matter, Pollutants, quality, research, state-of-the-art, transportation, Washington, Washington state
Federal and State laws require highway departments to prepare statements assessing the impact that proposed highway improvements or construction may have on the environment. An important consideration in the preparation of an impact statement is the anticipated effect the proposed activity will have on air quality since highway transportation is a source of several major air pollutants: particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and photochemical oxidants which are formed in the atmosphere in the presence of sunlight. Comprehensive physical studies to predict the air quality impact at proposed sites are generally prohibitive due to the time required to obtain suitable data, the cost of such studies and the number of impact statements that must be considered by most highway departments.Methods have been developed to predict the air quality impact of new highway construction through the use of mathematical atmospheric diffusion models. Once they are properly calibrated these models can be used to test alternative locations and designs. Basically models use meteorological conditions and emission rates to predict downwind concentrations as illustrated in Figure 1.The principal objective of this research project has been to conduct a search of the literature to identify state-of-the-art air quality predictive schemes applicable to motor vehicle transportation. The available models have been analyzed in detail and evaluated in terms of selected characteristics that serve to describe the predictive capabilities of each. Limitations in the models have also been noted where appropriate.Section 2.0 o f this report describes the methods used in conducting the research. Sections 3.0 and 4.0 present the models analyzed and a general discussion of applicability, in both narrative and tabular form. Section 5.0 summarizes the study and presents the recommendations for future consideration.
Rossano, A.T., Lamb, D.V., Badgley, F.
Air quality, Alternative, carbon monoxide, Concentrations, condition, construction, cost, data, design, environment, highway, highway construction, Highways, hydrocarbons, impact, model, modeling, models, nitrogen, particulate matter, Pollutants, quality, research, state-of-the-art, transportation, Washington, Washington state
Van Zandt, E.J. | WA-RD 002.1 | Guidelines For Joint Development on State Highway Transportation Ways | 1972 | WSDOT |
The objective of this study was to present criteria and procedures for evaluation of Joint Development (JD) above, below, or beside s t a t e highways. Application of the procedures a re-illustrated over a wide range of joint development situations, both (1) for establishing state or local J D policy, and (2) for making decisions about JD projects in a more timely and comprehensive manner, and in a way that will contribute toward improving the quality or urban life or the enhancement of rural environments. The approach taken in the Guidelines is sequential, systematic, and interdisciplinary; that is, it uses a series of successively more detailed and comprehensive planning and evaluation procedures for JD decision-making, relying on a wide range of specified physical, economic, social, and legal criteria. In use, the Guidelines envision a three- stage planning and evaluation process:(1) identification of the need or potential for J D projects, (2) comparison of project proposals against policies, criteria and standards designed t o avoid or minimize negative impacts and increase favorable impacts; and (3) refined definition of costs and benefits when warranted.
Van Zandt, E.J.
Benefit, benefits, cost, costs, criteria, development, Enviromental impact, environment, evaluation, highway, Highway planning, Highways, impact, impacts, joint development, Multiple use, planning, policy, quality, rural, urban
The objective of this study was to present criteria and procedures for evaluation of Joint Development (JD) above, below, or beside s t a t e highways. Application of the procedures a re-illustrated over a wide range of joint development situations, both (1) for establishing state or local J D policy, and (2) for making decisions about JD projects in a more timely and comprehensive manner, and in a way that will contribute toward improving the quality or urban life or the enhancement of rural environments. The approach taken in the Guidelines is sequential, systematic, and interdisciplinary; that is, it uses a series of successively more detailed and comprehensive planning and evaluation procedures for JD decision-making, relying on a wide range of specified physical, economic, social, and legal criteria. In use, the Guidelines envision a three- stage planning and evaluation process:(1) identification of the need or potential for J D projects, (2) comparison of project proposals against policies, criteria and standards designed t o avoid or minimize negative impacts and increase favorable impacts; and (3) refined definition of costs and benefits when warranted.
Van Zandt, E.J.
Benefit, benefits, cost, costs, criteria, development, Enviromental impact, environment, evaluation, highway, Highway planning, Highways, impact, impacts, joint development, Multiple use, planning, policy, quality, rural, urban
Van Zandt, E.J. | WA-RD 002.1A | Guidelines For Joint Development on State Highway Transportation Ways Research Project - Interstate 5 Cases - Supplement... | 1972 | WSDOT |
The objective of this study was to present criteria and procedures for evaluation of Joint Development (JD) above, below, or beside state highways. Application of the procedures are illustrated over a wide range of joint development situations, both (1) for establishing state or local JD policy, and (2) for making decisions about JD projects in a more timely and comprehensive manner, and in a way that will contribute toward iwro;ing the quality of urban life or the enhancement of rural environments. The approach taken in the Guidelines is sequential, systematic, and interdisciplinary; that is, it uses a series of successively more detailed and comprehensive planning and evaluation procedures for JD decision making relying on a wide range of specified physical, economic, social and legal criteria. In use, the Guidelines envision a three-stage planning and evaluation process:(1) identification of the need or potential for JD projects; (2) comparison of project proposals against policies, criteria, and standards designed to avoid or minimize negative impacts and increase favorable impacts; and (3) refined definition of costs and benefits when warranted. This supplement to the Guidelines report (described above) presents the results of analyzing seven actual JD proposals, located along Interstate 5 in the State of Washington, according to the procedures suggested in the Guidelines,
Van Zandt, E.J.
Benefit, benefits, cost, costs, criteria, development, environment, evaluation, highway, Highways, impact, impacts, joint development, Joint Development, Multiple Use, Highway Planning, Enviromental Impact, planning, policy, quality, research, rural, transportation, urban, Washington
The objective of this study was to present criteria and procedures for evaluation of Joint Development (JD) above, below, or beside state highways. Application of the procedures are illustrated over a wide range of joint development situations, both (1) for establishing state or local JD policy, and (2) for making decisions about JD projects in a more timely and comprehensive manner, and in a way that will contribute toward iwro;ing the quality of urban life or the enhancement of rural environments. The approach taken in the Guidelines is sequential, systematic, and interdisciplinary; that is, it uses a series of successively more detailed and comprehensive planning and evaluation procedures for JD decision making relying on a wide range of specified physical, economic, social and legal criteria. In use, the Guidelines envision a three-stage planning and evaluation process:(1) identification of the need or potential for JD projects; (2) comparison of project proposals against policies, criteria, and standards designed to avoid or minimize negative impacts and increase favorable impacts; and (3) refined definition of costs and benefits when warranted. This supplement to the Guidelines report (described above) presents the results of analyzing seven actual JD proposals, located along Interstate 5 in the State of Washington, according to the procedures suggested in the Guidelines,
Van Zandt, E.J.
Benefit, benefits, cost, costs, criteria, development, environment, evaluation, highway, Highways, impact, impacts, joint development, Joint Development, Multiple Use, Highway Planning, Enviromental Impact, planning, policy, quality, research, rural, transportation, urban, Washington
Sylvester, R.O. | WA-RD 007.1 | Character And Significance Of Highway Runoff Waters | 1972 | UW |
A study was conducted on the character and significance of highway runoff waters for the Washington Department of Highways and the Federal Highway Administration. This preliminary appraisal of runoff quality consisted of a literature review and critique plus a limited amount of field sampling on SR 520. Although a large amount of information is present in the literature concerning urban run off, there is very little strictly related to highways and their rights-of- way. Highway runoff is similar t o urban area runoff but may be higher in heavy metals and oil. A significant fraction of the heavy m e t an l s, oil and nutrients are adsorbed to the dust and dirt fractions and then may be removed by sedimentation. Runoff from the lake bridges should have a very insignificant effect on Lake Washington in comparison with the urban run off to the Lake. Recommendations are made for mitigating runoff effects and for conducting an intensive study of highway run off water quality and its significance.
Sylvester, R.O., DeWalle, F.B.
Bridge, bridges, environment, heavy metals, highway, highway runoff, Highways, ITS, metals, quality, review, runoff, sampling, sedimentation, Study, urban, vehicle emissions, Washington, water quality
A study was conducted on the character and significance of highway runoff waters for the Washington Department of Highways and the Federal Highway Administration. This preliminary appraisal of runoff quality consisted of a literature review and critique plus a limited amount of field sampling on SR 520. Although a large amount of information is present in the literature concerning urban run off, there is very little strictly related to highways and their rights-of- way. Highway runoff is similar t o urban area runoff but may be higher in heavy metals and oil. A significant fraction of the heavy m e t an l s, oil and nutrients are adsorbed to the dust and dirt fractions and then may be removed by sedimentation. Runoff from the lake bridges should have a very insignificant effect on Lake Washington in comparison with the urban run off to the Lake. Recommendations are made for mitigating runoff effects and for conducting an intensive study of highway run off water quality and its significance.
Sylvester, R.O., DeWalle, F.B.
Bridge, bridges, environment, heavy metals, highway, highway runoff, Highways, ITS, metals, quality, review, runoff, sampling, sedimentation, Study, urban, vehicle emissions, Washington, water quality
Rossana, T.A. | WA-RD 004.1 | Evergreen Point Bridge Toll Booth Ventilation Study 1006 | 1972 | UW |
At the request of the Washington Department of Highways a comprehensive study was conducted of the exposures of toll collectors to carbon monoxide at the Evergreen Point Bridge spanning Lake Washington between Seattle and Bellevue.The first phase of the study consisted of designing, installing and operating an automatic, continuous carbon monoxide monitoring system to establish typical air quality patterns in and around the toll booths.the second phase consisted of developing a prototype toll booth positive ventilation system. Air, which is introduced through a vertical diffuser situated at one wall of the booth, travels horizontally across the booth and out the door. Parametric studies of sources and rates of ventilation air, diffuser design and other toll booth modifications were conducted in the laboratory. Subsequently these modifications were installed and investigated at an operating booth at the toll plaza. Concentrations of carbon monoxide in the collectors breathing zone were reduced to acceptable levels. Methodologies and results of these systems are described, and design recommendations for the control system are offered.
Rossana, T.A., Hall, F.A.
Air quality, bridge, carbon monoxide, Concentrations, control, design, exposure, highway, Highways, methodology, monitoring, Operating, quality, seattle, System, systems, travel, Washington
At the request of the Washington Department of Highways a comprehensive study was conducted of the exposures of toll collectors to carbon monoxide at the Evergreen Point Bridge spanning Lake Washington between Seattle and Bellevue.The first phase of the study consisted of designing, installing and operating an automatic, continuous carbon monoxide monitoring system to establish typical air quality patterns in and around the toll booths.the second phase consisted of developing a prototype toll booth positive ventilation system. Air, which is introduced through a vertical diffuser situated at one wall of the booth, travels horizontally across the booth and out the door. Parametric studies of sources and rates of ventilation air, diffuser design and other toll booth modifications were conducted in the laboratory. Subsequently these modifications were installed and investigated at an operating booth at the toll plaza. Concentrations of carbon monoxide in the collectors breathing zone were reduced to acceptable levels. Methodologies and results of these systems are described, and design recommendations for the control system are offered.
Rossana, T.A., Hall, F.A.
Air quality, bridge, carbon monoxide, Concentrations, control, design, exposure, highway, Highways, methodology, monitoring, Operating, quality, seattle, System, systems, travel, Washington
Rossano, A.T. | WA-RD 012.3 | Acoustic Radar and Its Applicability to Highway Air Pollution Studies | 1977 | UW |
At the request of the Washington Department of Highways two studies have been conducted by a team of specialists at the University of Washington Air Resources Program to determine the applicability of the Acoustic Radar to air quality modeling to mobile sources.At the request of the Washington Department of Highways two studies have been conducted by a team of specialists at the University of Washington Air Resources Program to determine the applicability of the Acoustic Radar to air quality modeling of mobile sources. Following an exploratory investigation, a comprehensive study was undertaken in which the atmospheric structure was measured by a modified Monostatic Acoustic Radar and the derived stability conditions were compared with the commonly used Pasquill-Turner stability classes, which are based on empirical data. This comprehensive study was performed over a three month period in the fall of 1976, when an unusually persistent air stagnation existed in the study area caused by a stationary high pressure system over the entire Northwest.The Evergreen Point Floating Bridge Toll Plaza in Bellevue, Washington was selected for test location.The carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations were measured at six strategically located sampling points and then compared with the computer model predictions utilizing atmospheric stability data derived by both the Pasquill-Turner and the Radar echo methods. The results indicated that the Acoustic Radar method of determining D & E stability classes is a more realistic approach than that of the Pasquill-Turner Method. Furthermore, the Radar method can also provide continuous remote sensing and recordings of atmospheric parameters. The variation of the inversion height, as measured by the Radar echoes has shown a reasonably good correlation with the variation of the measured CO concentration.
Rossano, A.T., Badgley, F.I., Juhasz, P.C., Bang, G., Carsey, F.
Acoustic Radar, air pollution, air quality, Air Quality Modeling, bridge, carbon monoxide, Carbon Monoxide Perdictions, computer, Concentrations, condition, data, floating bridge, highway, Highways, ITS, model, modeling, prediction, pressure, program, quality, remote sensing, Remote Sensing Atmospheric Structur, sampling, stability, Transportation Pollutio, Washington
At the request of the Washington Department of Highways two studies have been conducted by a team of specialists at the University of Washington Air Resources Program to determine the applicability of the Acoustic Radar to air quality modeling to mobile sources.At the request of the Washington Department of Highways two studies have been conducted by a team of specialists at the University of Washington Air Resources Program to determine the applicability of the Acoustic Radar to air quality modeling of mobile sources. Following an exploratory investigation, a comprehensive study was undertaken in which the atmospheric structure was measured by a modified Monostatic Acoustic Radar and the derived stability conditions were compared with the commonly used Pasquill-Turner stability classes, which are based on empirical data. This comprehensive study was performed over a three month period in the fall of 1976, when an unusually persistent air stagnation existed in the study area caused by a stationary high pressure system over the entire Northwest.The Evergreen Point Floating Bridge Toll Plaza in Bellevue, Washington was selected for test location.The carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations were measured at six strategically located sampling points and then compared with the computer model predictions utilizing atmospheric stability data derived by both the Pasquill-Turner and the Radar echo methods. The results indicated that the Acoustic Radar method of determining D & E stability classes is a more realistic approach than that of the Pasquill-Turner Method. Furthermore, the Radar method can also provide continuous remote sensing and recordings of atmospheric parameters. The variation of the inversion height, as measured by the Radar echoes has shown a reasonably good correlation with the variation of the measured CO concentration.
Rossano, A.T., Badgley, F.I., Juhasz, P.C., Bang, G., Carsey, F.
Acoustic Radar, air pollution, air quality, Air Quality Modeling, bridge, carbon monoxide, Carbon Monoxide Perdictions, computer, Concentrations, condition, data, floating bridge, highway, Highways, ITS, model, modeling, prediction, pressure, program, quality, remote sensing, Remote Sensing Atmospheric Structur, sampling, stability, Transportation Pollutio, Washington
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Common Keywords:
- research
- Washington
- Washington state
- accident rates
- pavement
- data
- highway
- transportation
- design
- Bridge
- performance
- construction
- evaluation
- concrete
- traffic
- condition
- program
- traffic surveillance and control
- analysis
- development
- project
- cost
- System
- Asphalt
- systems
- control
- truck
- Study
- developed
- volume
- planning
- earthquake
- overlay
- tire
- Bridge and construction
- experimental
- Computer
- maintenance
- management
- pavement management
- survey
- speed
- noise
- impact
- materials
- Highways
- environmental
- Transportation planning
- tests
- bridges
- asphalt concrete
- monitoring
- pavements
- transit
- land use
- costs
- highway runoff
- impacts
- quality
- bridge deck
- high occupancy vehicle
- seattle
- roadway
- fatigue
- methods
- temperature
- model
- ramp metering
- snow
- public
- Avalanche
- incident management
- effectiveness
- reinforced concrete
- modeling
- overlays
- facilities
- methodology
- Agencies
- marine
- data collection
- traveler information
- prediction
- runoff
- behavior
- policy
- base
- Interim
- cracking
- asphalt pavement
- Benefit
- pavement performance
- piles
- models
- loads