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Pearson,W. H. WA-RD 614.1 Protocols for Evaluation of Upstream Passage of Juvenile Salmonids in an Experimental Culvert Test Bed 2005 WSDOT
The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and its partner agencies developed a research program to design new and retrofit culverts. The goal of this program is to identify culvert bed configurations, designs, and associated hydraulic conditions that allow successful movement of juvenile salmonids upstream, while safely passing water, sediment, and debris downstream. WSDOT, in cooperation with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), constructed a culvert test bed at the WDFS's Skookumchuck Hatchery in western Washington State. Battelle conducted experiments to establish protocols for future research on bed conditions, culvert shape, etc. This technical report describes various protocols, such as time of day, duration of test, and density of test fish, and provides hydraulic and biological characterizations of a baseline culvert.

Pearson,W. H., Richmond,M., Johnson,G., Sargeant,S. L.

agencies, condition, culvert, culvert passage, culvert test bed, culverts, density, design, developed, evaluation, experimental, fish, ITS, juvenile salmonid, juvenile salmonid passage, program, research, retrofit, salmonids, transportation, Washington, Washington state, wildlife, WSDOT

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McCormack,E. D. WA-RD 607.1 Options for Benchmarking Performance Improvements Achieved from Construction of Freight Mobility Projects 2005 TRAC/UW
This report documents the development of data collection methodologies that can be used to cost effectively measure truck movements along specific roadway corridors selected by transportation agencies in Washington State. The intent of this study was to design and test methodologies that could be used to measure the performance of freight mobility roadway improvement projects against benchmarks, or selected standards, that would be used both as part of the project selection process and to report on speed and volume improvements that resulted from completed freight mobility projects. One technology tested was Commercial Vehicle Information System and Networks (CVISN) electronic truck transponders, which are mounted on the windshields of approximately 20,000 trucks in Washington. By using software to link the transponder reads from sites anywhere in the state, the transponder-equipped trucks could become a travel-time probe fleet. The second technology tested involved global positioning systems (GPS) placed in volunteer trucks to collect specific truck movement data at 5-second intervals. With GPS data it was possible to understand when and where the monitored trucks experienced congestion and to generate useful performance statistics. The study found that both data collection technologies could be useful; however, the key to both technologies is whether enough instrumented vehicles pass over the roadways for which data are required. This basic condition affects whether the technologies will be effective at collecting the data required for any given benchmark project. The report also recommends the traffic data that should be collected for a benchmark program and the potential costs of using either data collection technology.

McCormack,E. D., Hallenbeck,M. E.

agencies, commercial vehicle, condition, congestion, construction, corridors, cost, costs, data, data collection, design, development, freight, freight mobility, freight movement reliability, global positioning, global positioning systems, GPS, improvement, methodology, mobility, networks, performance, positioning, probe program, project, research, roadway, software, speed, statistics, Study, System, systems, technology, traffic, traffic data, transportation, travel time, truck, truck monitoring, trucks, volume, Washington, Washington state

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Kopf,J. WA-RD 619.1 Measurement of Recurring and Non-Recurring Congestion: Phase 2 2005 TRAC/UW
In 2003, the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) initiated a research effort to develop and test a methodology for estimating congestion delay on Seattle area freeways. The initial phase of the research developed a preliminary methodology for both measuring congestion and assigning that congestion to specific lane blocking incidents. In Phase 2 of this study, that methodology was automated and extended to include an examination of the effects of incidents occurring on the shoulders of the freeway, spillback from incident-caused congestion on one freeway that affects a second freeway that feeds traffic onto the initially congested facility, special events, and weather. Because funding for this effort was extremely limited, only three corridors (with both directions analyzed independently) and two months of data were analyzed. The project found that the Phase 1 methodology works well in assigning traffic congestion that occurs in the immediate time frame and geographic location of incidents to those incidents. It also showed that this process can be automated, making the data preparation effort now the primary determinant of the cost of additional work of this kind. Unfortunately, even with the addition of shoulder incidents, special events, and weather to lane blocking events, the automated process is unable to assign a significant proportion of the non-recurring delay occurring on Seattle freeways. The detailed analysis of freeway performance showed that much of the delay caused by specific incidents occurs in places or at times removed from the incident itself. The result is that much of the observed non-recurring delay can not be assigned to specific causes by the current analytical process. New analytical procedures will need to be developed in Phase 3 of this work. The Phase 2 analysis also confirmed that the congestion effects of specific incidents and other traffic disruptions are highly dependent on the background traffic conditions at the time of the disruption. While the Phase 2 analysis did not produce all of the results desired, the additional analyses showed that the summary statistics output from the Phase 2 software are useful as input to other analytical procedures.

Kopf,J., Nee,J., Ishimaru,J. M., Hallenbeck,M. E.

congestion causes, freeway performance, traffic congestion, Washington, Washington state, transportation, WSDOT, research, methodology, congestion, seattle, freeway, developed, incident, Study, effects, traffic, facilities, corridors, data, project, cost, analysis, performance, in-place, condition, statistics, software

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http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/research/reports/fullreports/619.1.pdf http://wsdot.wa.gov/Research/Reports/600/619.1.htm
Hill,K. WA-RD 621.1 Roadside Vegetation Management Study: Literature Review, Interview Summaries, and Decision Framework 2005 TRAC/UW
This study was conducted for the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to explore both the need for and the variety of alternatives to the use of an annual application of herbicides for removing vegetation in the area immediately adjacent to the pavement edge. Our study approached these questions in two different ways, developing both a literature review and a set of interviews with people who have specific knowledge or views of these issues. We conducted interviews with three groups of people to identify issues, maintenance alternatives, and significant literature references: (1) staff at other federal, state, and county transportation agencies, (2) staff and volunteers who work with advocacy groups, and (3) researchers at academic institutions who specialize in related areas. Our literature review contains a set of citations that present related management issues and alternative practices. The abstracts for these references were included when available. To summarize what we learned from the interviews and literature sources, we developed a decision framework that could be used to guide WSDOT district maintenance staff in formulating management plans for vegetation. The decision framework differs from current practice primarily in that it begins with the assumption that maintenance of the area immediately adjacent to the pavement is not necessary unless some particular, observable condition triggers the need for such maintenance.

Hill,K., Horner,R. R.

agencies, Alternative, Annual, best practices, condition, counties, developed, environmental management, framework, group, herbicides, integrated vegetation management (IVM), interviews, Issues, maintenance, management, pavement, pavement edge, research, review, road ecology, roadside, roadside maintenance, roadside vegetation, Study, transportation, vegetation management, Washington, Washington state, weeds, WSDOT, Zone 1

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http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/research/reports/fullreports/621.1.pdf http://wsdot.wa.gov/Research/Reports/600/621.1.htm
McCormack,E. D. Options for Benchmarking Performance Improvements Achieved from Construction of Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Bo... 2004 TRAC/UW
This report documents the development of data collection methodologies that can be used to cost effectively measure truck movements along specific roadway corridors selected by the Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (FMSIB.) The intent of this study was to design and test methodologies that could be used to measure the performance of freight mobility roadway improvement projects against benchmarks, or selected standards, which would be used both as part of the project selection process and to report on speed and volume improvements that resulted from completed FMSIB projects. One technology tested was Commercial Vehicle Information System and Networks (CVISN) electronic truck transponders, which are mounted on the windshields of approximately 20,000 trucks traveling in Washington. These transponders are used at weigh stations across the state to improve the efficiency of truck regulatory compliance checks. By using software to link the transponder reads from sites anywhere in the state, the transponder-equipped trucks could become a travel time probe fleet. The second technology tested involved global positioning systems (GPS) placed in volunteer trucks recruited for this project to collect specific truck movement data at 5-second intervals. With GPS data it was possible to understand when and where the monitored trucks experienced congestion. By aggregating this information over time, it was possible to generate performance statistics related to the reliability of truck trips, and even examine changes in route choice for trips between high volume origin/destination pairs. The study found that both data collection technologies could be useful; however, the key to both technologies is whether enough instrumented vehicles pass over the roadways for which data are required. This basic condition significantly affects whether the transponder and GPS technologies will be effective at collecting the data required for any given FMSIB benchmark project . The report also recommends the traffic data that should be collected for a benchmark program and the potential costs of using either data collection technology.

McCormack,E. D., Hallenbeck,M. E.

freight movement reliability, truck monitoring, development, data, data collection, methodology, cost, truck, roadway, corridors, freight, freight mobility, mobility, design, performance, speed, volume, commercial vehicle, networks, trucks, Washington, software, travel time, probe, global positioning, global positioning systems, positioning, systems, GPS, congestion, statistics, reliability, condition, traffic, traffic data, program, costs

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Li, J. WA-RD 588.1 Application of HDM-4 in the WSDOT Highway System 2004 TRAC/UW
This project performed extensive study and systematic research on the application of the Highway Development and Management system (HDM-4) to the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) highway system. Data processing, testing, calibration, and analysis were executed to provide the WSDOT with a new budget planning tool. HDM-4 flexible pavement deterioration models were calibrated with the assistance of the Washington State Pavement Management System. A method to calibrate concrete pavement distress models is proposed. This research also explored the application of HDM-4 analysis at the project, program, and strategic levels. The applications include prediction of pavement conditions during a defined analysis period, calculation of required budgets for optimal pavement conditions and maximum economic indicators, establishment of optimized work programs under varying levels of constrained budgets, and other applications for WSDOT.

Li, J., Muench, S.T., Mahoney, J.P., Pierce, L., Sivaneswaran, N.

HDM-4, models, pavement maintenance, pavement management, pavement performance, Pavement preservation, vehicle operating costs, research, highway, development, management, management system, Washington, Washington state, transportation, WSDOT, data, calibration, analysis, planning, pavement, deterioration, concrete, program, applications, prediction, condition, indicators

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http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/research/reports/fullreports/588.1.pdf http://wsdot.wa.gov/Research/Reports/500/588.1.htm
Kristof,T. WA-RD 597.1 Assessing the Benefits of Traveler and Transportation Information Systems 2004 TRAC/UW
The goal of advanced traveler information systems (ATIS) is to provide travelers with information that will facilitate their decisions concerning route choice, departure time, trip delay or elimination, and mode of transportation. The benefits of ATIS projects can be evaluated through field studies, simulation software, and surveys. An evaluation method called the ITS Deployment Analysis System (IDAS) is suggested for use by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). IDAS is a "sketch" planning tool intended for screening and prioritizing all intelligent transportation systems (ITS) projects (not just ATIS projects). The software evaluates a number of benefits. These are determined by changes attributable to the deployment of ITS in vehicle miles traveled (VMT), vehicle hours traveled (VHT), volume-capacity (v/c) ratios, and vehicle speeds throughout a given network. The IDAS evaluation depends on a number of assumptions that affect the calculations of costs and benefits. The IDAS developers recommend that these assumptions be inspected by local agencies and adjusted to better represent local conditions. The assumptions about the impacts on VMT, VHT, v/c ratios, and vehicle speed are particularly important. Consequently, suggestions are made within this report for adjustments that WSDOT should make to these default values. These values will allow the WSDOT to successfully employ IDAS for ATIS evaluation.

Kristof,T., Lowry,M., Rutherford,G. S.

advanced traveler information systems, agencies, analysis, Assessing, ATIS, ATIS benefits, ATIS evaluation, benefit, benefits, condition, cost, costs, Deployment, evaluation, IDAS, impact, impacts, information systems, Intelligent transportation system, intelligent transportation systems, ITS, ITS Deployment Analysis System, planning, prioritizing, project, research, software, speed, Study, survey, Surveys, System, systems, transportation, traveler information, Washington, Washington state, WSDOT

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http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/research/reports/fullreports/597.1.pdf http://wsdot.wa.gov/Research/Reports/500/597.1.htm
Williams,G. D. WA-RD 573.1 Assessing Overwater Structure-related Predation Risk On Juvenile Salmon Field Observations and Recommended Protocols 2003
The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether conditions associated with over-water structures enhance predation pressure on juvenile salmon in Puget Sound. Washington State Ferry served as model. Over-water structures for exploring these issues. This document reports bird and survey results from six north-central Puget Sound WSF terminals and paired reference sites over both \"pre\" and \"peak\" periods of outmigrating salmon fry abundance from April 1 to May 10, 2002. We conclude that potential salmon predators were slightly more abundant at WSF terminals as compared with unmodified shorelines, although large aggregations were not observed on any occasion. The spatial distribution patterns of both bird and fish predators rarely overlapped with juvenile salmon oriented in surface waters close to shore. We were unable to verify whether potential predators were more abundant during peak salmon out-migration, because salmon were available in these habitats throughout the duration of our study. We found no evidence that avian, marine mammal, or fish predators consumed more juvenile salmon near WSF terminals than along shorelines without over-water structures. Few species appeared to be targeting abundant in near-shore habitats, and we observed only two occasions in which predators (one tern Sp. One staghorn sculpin) had consumed juvenile salmon. Several hypotheses are offered as to why we did not observe elevated rates of predation on juvenile salmon in the face of their greater relative availability to predators in near-shore habitats.

Williams,G. D., Thom,R. M., Shreffler,J. A., Southard,L., O\'Rourke,K., Sargeant,S. L., Cullinan,V. I., Moursund,R., Stamey,M.

Assessing, availability, condition, ferry, fish, habitat, habitats, Issues, juvenile salmon, marine, model, nearshore habitat, over-water structure, Overwater, overwater structure, overwater structures, predation, Prediation Risk, pressure, salmon, Structure-related, structures, Study, survey, Washington, Washington state

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Rowland,E. R. WA-RD 545.1 Modeling Hydrology For Design Of Fish Passage Structures 50 2002
An estimated 2,400 to 4,000 hydraulic structures are barriers to fish passage in Washington State. Many are culverts inadequately sized for fish Recently, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife established statewide guidelines to incorporate fish migration into culvert design by providing two approaches: stream simulation and hydraulic design. Stream simulation involves culverts to be wider than the natural channel under bank-full conditions. The hydraulic design option requires culverts to satisfy minimum depth and maximum hydraulic drop constraints ranging from 0.8 to 1.0 A and permissible velocities from 2.0 to 6.0 depending on species and culvert length. The permissible velocity criterion is to be met during fish passage design flow. A new model is presented for fish passage design flows at streams in Eastern Washington. The model is founded on two key concepts: a unique definition of fish passage design flow and an area based approach for estimating flow at ungaged streams. The fish design flow was developed by combining the concepts of allowable fish delay, established to be 3 days, with a consecutive day analysis. This design flow ensures that fish are not delayed for than 3 consecutive days during a water year. A fish passage design flow per area is assigned to previously delineated subwatersheds in Eastern Washington. Similarity relationships, derived basin characteristics, relate Geological Survey gaging stations to sub-watersheds in Eastern Washington. These relationships form the basis for a value of fish passage design flow per unit area to each sub-watershed in Eastern Washington. The percent standard error for this model was calculated as 36%. This is a significant improvement the 75% standard error calculated for the model that previously addressed fish passage design flows in Eastern Washington.

Rowland,E. R., Hotchkiss,R. H., Barber,M. E.

analysis, barrier, barriers, Channel, condition, culvert, design, design flows, developed, Error, fish, fish passage, flow, hydrologic models, improvement, model, modeling, structural safety, structures, survey, velocity, Washington, Washington state, wildlife

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Orsborn,J. F. WA-RD 545.2 Culvert Design Flows For Fish Passage And Structural Safety In Ease Cascade and Blue Mountain Streams 51 2002
The pervasive problem of restoring fish runs to their natal streams is characterized in many regions of Washington by improperly placed culverts. The replacement of these fish migration barriers requires knowledge of design flows: floods for structural safety and migration season high and low flows. High flows block fish passage with velocities that exceed their swimming capabilities. During low flows, the migration barrier is caused by a lack of enough water depth to support the bodies of the fish. The estimation of these fish passage and safety flows in ungaged streams is impeded in eastern Washington due to: the wide range of conditions (5 to 110 inches per year of precipitation); diverse geology and soils; a lack of stream-gaging stations with long-term records; changes in land use; and the seasonal impacts of irrigation diversions and well on the remnant flows. Past efforts to estimate these flows have not been successful. Therefore, the WSU project was undertaken to model the high migration season flow in all of eastern Washington. In addition, WSU established 20 stream-gaging stations on salmon streams along the east side of the Cascade Mountains plus the Blue Mountains. Our complementary project was developed to estimate other design flows in the Water Resource Inventory Areas and 49, in which the WSU gage sites are located. United States Geological Survey (USGS) gage records in those (and in and 47) were used to develop our models that estimate the following statistical flows: 100-year, 25-year and 2-year daily and peak floods; the average annual flow and its variability; ranges of mean monthly flows (maximum, average and low); the 7-day average, 2-year, 10-year, 20-year low flow; and the 30- and 60-day average low flows. The model results are, for the most part, very good. The standard error of estimate ranges are: for floods, 2 -37%; average annual flow, 10-37%; maximum annual flow, 6 -14%; annual flow, 13 -23%; and flows, 3 -22%. Monthly average flows reflected the strong influences of seasonal variability and irrigation withdrawals: due to winter frozen Iowa flows (3%)in the Entiat,-Wenatchee Region, and August low flows (242%) in the Blue Mountains due to irrigation. All flow estimation equations were based on USGS stream-gaging data from continuous located in the located in the WRIA'S.

Orsborn,J. F., Orsborn,M. T.

Annual, barrier, barriers, condition, culvert, culverts, data, design, design flows, developed, equations, Error, fish, fish passage, flood, flow, hydrologic models, impact, impacts, ITS, land use, land-use, model, models, project, safety, salmon, season, seasonal, soil, structural safety, survey, velocity, Washington, winter

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Ishimaru,J. M. WA-RD 555.1 North Seattle Advanced Traffic Management System (NSATMS) Project Evaluation 2002 TRAC/UW
This report documents the findings of the evaluation of the North Seattle Advanced Traffic Management System (NSATMS) Project. The evaluation was originally designed to analyze the potential transportation benefits and costs of a regional arterial traffic data sharing system that would obtain traffic signal system information (volumes, signal timing plans, etc.) from participating agencies and then share the data among those agencies. The operational goal was to allow each agency to make better control decisions by providing it with real-time knowledge of traffic conditions outside of its own control system boundaries. Because of a series of technical and project management issues, the system as originally envisioned was not successfully implemented. As a result, this evaluation does not include an analysis of direct operational benefits. It does, however, include a discussion of the expected institutional benefits, as well as an extensive "lessons learned" section based on the project team's review of the NSATMS effort. Of particular note were the importance of effective and ongoing lines of project communication, and the critical need to properly evaluate the fundamental nature of the project and provide a well-matched project management structure. The lessons learned from this project provide instructive guidelines for those who are contemplating future ITS system development efforts of comparable scope and complexity. Despite the limited successes of the NSATMS effort, the evaluation team found continued support for the regional arterial ATMS concept within the Puget Sound region. Follow-on research that contributes to a better understanding of the benefits, costs, and technical requirements of an arterial traffic management system is desired by many of the project participants.

Ishimaru,J. M., Hallenbeck,M. E.

intelligent transportation systems, advanced traffic management systems, arterial signal control systems, traffic control strategies, Archived Data User Services (ADUS), data sharing, evaluation, seattle, advanced traffic management systems, traffic, traffic management, management, management system, transportation, transportation benefit, benefits, benefit, costs, cost, arterial, traffic data, data, volume, control, condition, ITS, project management, analysis, line, development, ATMS, research

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http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/research/reports/fullreports/555.1.pdf http://wsdot.wa.gov/Research/Reports/500/555.1.htm
Nee,J. WA-RD 518.1 Evaluation of the Service Patrol Program in the Puget Sound Region 2001 TRAC/UW
The Service Patrol pilot demonstration in Seattle and Tacoma was managed by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and operated by Washington State Patrol (WSP) cadets and contracted registered tow truck operators (RTTOs). Two other roving services, not funded as part of this pilot effort but included to a limited extent in this evaluation, were the roving patrol service provided by WSDOT on the SR 520 and I-90 floating bridges and the privately sponsored motor assistance vehicle from AAA's RescueVan. The evaluation examines how the similarities and differences among the different service delivery modes (e.g., the intensity of deployment, equipment choices, service delivery, costs) affect the impact of the Service Patrol operation on traffic conditions (e.g., reductions in delay) and the level of motorist satisfaction. This report also discusses feedback by the agencies participating in the Service Patrol program on institutional and operational issues that contribute to or hinder the success of the program. Operational characteristics and operating statistics are reported to convey factors that describe program effectiveness. The results of the study indicate that the use of a combination of service providers has benefits that no single provider can duplicate, and the cost implications of changing the program are small enough that any potential savings would be fairly minor. The pilot project resulted in a variety of intangible benefits, such as improved interagency coordination and cooperation, more efficient utilization of personnel, and a better understanding of each partner's roles and contributions toward congestion relief. The positive viewpoint toward the Service Patrol was uniform, regardless the service mode. Therefore, no significant changes to the existing pilot program are recommended at this time.

Nee,J., Hallenbeck,M. E.

service patrols, incident response time, traffic delay, traffic safety, research, seattle, Washington, Washington state, transportation, WSDOT, truck, evaluation, floating bridge, bridges, bridge, costs, cost, traffic, condition, program, statistics, benefits, benefit, congestion

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Baker, M.J. WA-RD 437.1 Identification And Assessment Of Superior And Inferior Performing WSDOT Pavements 2000 TRAC/UW
The Washington State Pavement Management System (WSPMS) offers an organized methodology that WSDOT decision makers use to determine optimum strategies for providing and maintaining pavements in a serviceable condition over a given period of time. It also helps improve decision-making efficiency, provide feedback on the consequences of decisions, and ensure the consistency of decisions made at different management levels within WSDOT. Unfortunately, it is not possible, by simply scanning the WSPMS, to pinpoint reasons why pavement sections made of the same general surface materials and subjected to similar traffic and climatic conditions differ in performance. What the WSPMS can do is assist engineers in developing a candidate list of pavement sections with superior and inferior performance. Common characteristics that linkmultiple pavement sections are of particular interest, in part because they may reflect a common practice(e-g., nighttime construction) that leads to superior or inferior performance.This study undertook various extensive analyses and comparisons to help illustrate common attributes of Washington state pavements with superior and inferior performance. The research also reviewed field performance data for Interstate 90 within the 1999 version of the WSPMS. The purpose was to examine all pavement segments on the 480 km of Interstate 90 within Washington state.Reducing variability will allow WSDOT to produce more consistent pavement performance and will allow increasingly effective planning and forecasting. An almost certain byproduct of this increased planning effectiveness will be a more efficient allocation of available funding.

Baker, M.J., Mahoney, J.P.

Assessment, condition, construction, data, effectiveness, forecasting, management, management system, materials, methodology, pavement, pavement management, pavement performance, pavement section, pavements, performance, planning, research, superior inferior, System, traffic, Washington, Washington state, WSDOT

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Leahy,R. B. WA-RD 486.1 Superpave--Washington DOT's Assessment and Status 1999 Civil Construction and Environmental Engineer
Funded by the 1987 Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act, the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP), was a five year, $150 million research program to improve the performance of the nation's roads by addressing four key areas: concrete and structures; highway safety and maintenance; asphalt; and long-term pavement performance. Nearly one-third of the $150 million was allocated for the study of asphalt, specifically to develop performance based specifications that would relate material properties of the binder and the mix to field performance. Superpave (Superior PERforming asphalt PAVEments) encompasses the products of the SHRP asphalt research program and consists of three interrelated elements: an asphalt binder specification with supporting tests; a mix design and analysis system with supporting tests; and performance prediction models. This report is a compilation and synthesis of Washington DOT's (WSDOT) experience with selected components and concepts of the SHRP/Superpave technology to include the following: performance graded (PG) binder usage and specification validation; gyratory mix design; the Superpave Shear Test (SST); and field performance of the Superpave mixes.Binders typically specified by WSDOT (AR400OW and PBAs -2, -5, -6. -6GR) were classified in terms of five Superpave performance grades: PG 58-22; 64-22; 64-28; 64-34; and 70-28. Although data from 171 weather stations suggest that as many as 6 low- and 5 high-temperature grades could be specified, binder availability and regional pavement distress were used to develop guidelines for statewide PG usage. Three binders were recommended for use in the western, northeastern and southeastern regions of the state as follows: PG 58-22; PG 58-34; and PG 64-28, respectively. Validation of the binder specification with respect to low temperature cracking was accomplished using binder and field performance data from 28 projects. The results were very encouraging: the original SHRP algorithm for binder selection correctly "predicted" field performance in 22 of 28 cases, whereas the LTPP algorithm for binder selection correctly "predicted" field performance in 26 of 28 cases.Additionally, a laboratory experiment using the Superpave Shear Test (SST) apparatus was undertaken to test the effectiveness of binder "bumping," i.e., increasing the high temperature grade because of exceptionally high traffic volume and/or slow or standing traffic. The data clearly indicate that the SST is an effective tool for discriminating between binders and that 'bumping" may be effective in reducing pavement rutting. Permanent shear strain for specimens made with a PB 70-xx binder was only 25 to 33% of the shear strain for specimens made with a PG 58-xx binder.As originally configured, the Superpave mix design matrix included seven traffic levels and four temperature regimes for 28 possible compaction levels. Recognizing that the 28 compaction levels made for a somewhat unwieldy system, WSDOT attempted to reduce the number of compaction levels by conducting a series of mix designs at each compaction level. The results of the limited experiment suggest that it might be possible to limit the number of compaction levels required for mix design. Research by Brown et. al. (NCHRP 99) tends to confirm this as they have suggested reducing the number of compaction levels and provided more definitive guidance with respect to each level.Since 1993 WSDOT has place 44 projects which include some component of the Superp ave technology. For 17 of these projects parallel Hveem and Superpave mix designs were conducted. In 13 of the 17 cases, the Superpave design asphalt content was equal to or greater than the Hveem design asphalt content, though the difference was usually no more than 0.2%. A fundamental difference between Hveem and Superpave mix design methods is the compaction device. Data from these field projects indicate that the current kneading and gyratory compaction protocols (at least for 109 gyrations) yield similar air void contents.As noted previously, Washington DOT has placed 44 projects which involve some component of the Superpave technology. For 18 of the projects a conventional Hveem mix design was conducted using a PG binder (Hveem-PG). The remaining 26 projects were truly Superpave, i.e., the materials selection and mix design were established in accordance with the Asphalt Institute's SP2, Superpave Level 1 Mix Design. According to WSDOT practice the following numerical indices trigger maintenance: Pavement Structural Condition (PSC) 10 mm; or International Roughness Index (IRI) > 500 cnVkm. Although relatively "young", the 44 projects are performing quite well. The average values of rutting, PSC, and IRI (4, 91, and 121, respectively) are all well below the "trigger" values. With respect to rutting and PSC, the performance of Hveem-PG and Superpave projects is virtually identical. However, the ride quality of the Superpave projects is a bit rougher than the Hveem-PG binder projects: IRI of 134 for the former and 103 for the latter. The higher values of IRI measured on the Superpave projects may be the result of the typically coarser aggregate gradation or differences in construction techniques.WSDOT's Superpave experience has not been without challenges. Still, its overall experience has been very encouraging. Experimentation with the revised compaction matrix, continued use of the SST, field validation of the "bumping" experiment, and long-term monitoring of field performance will provide the necessary data to allow WSDOTs critical assessment of Superpave's technical merit and economic viability.

Leahy,R. B., Briggs,R. N.

SHRP, Superpave, asphalt, intermodal, transportation, transportation efficiency, highway, research, program, performance, concrete, structures, highway safety, safety, maintenance, pavement, specifications, specification, asphalt pavement, pavements, tests, design, analysis, prediction, models, Washington, WSDOT, data, temperature, cracking, LTPP, traffic, volume, compaction, materials, condition, international roughness index, roughness, index, ride quality, quality, aggregate, construction, ITS, monitoring

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Metcalfe,R. C. WA-RD 321.1 Performance of Geotextile Separators in Western Washington 1994 TRAC/UW
Fourteen geotextile separators, with different in-services ages, were exhumed in western Washington and their short (survivability) and long-term (filtration/drainage) performances were evaluated. The geotextile samples, which included six woven slit-films, six needle-punched nonwovens, and two heat-bonded nonwovens, were taken back to the laboratory in order to evaluate their overall condition and to perform permittivity and strength tests on specimens of each fabric. Samples of the subgrade and base materials were also evaluated in the laboratory. The results indicated that all of the geotextile separators adequately performed their intended separation function, although they experienced very different levels of damage during construction. There was evidence of in-service mechanical damage at one of the sites. The damage to the geotextiles was influenced more by the base aggregate type, rather than the initial lift thickness, although both must be considered in design. All of the recovered geotextiles which were installed under an angular base aggregate sustained damage to some degree. Even two heavier weight fabrics, a 231 g/m2 woven slit-film and a 204 g/m2 needle-punched nonwoven, sustained damage under angular base material. All of the fabrics which were installed under subrounded to rounded base aggregate experienced minor to no damage. The woven slit-films and the needle-punched nonwovens experienced similar reductions in strength and both survived the installation conditions reasonably well (except for one lightweight needle-punched nonwoven fabric which was overstressed during installation and also may have been installed under too thin of a pavement section). The heat-bonded nonwovens were heavily damaged during installation; however, they were installed under some of the higher site survivability conditions. The results of the permittivity tests indicated that the woven slit-films and the needled-punched nonwovens both had similar percent increases after being washed. The heat-bonded nonwovens had the highest percent increases in permittivity after being washed, which suggests that they clog more than the other fabrics. There is evidence that the woven slit-films experienced much more blinding than the other fabrics, and that iron staining and caking could also have a detrimental effect on their drainage performance. In all but one case, the woven slit-film fabrics did not meet the Task Force 25 (1989) and Christopher and Holtz (1989) filtration requirements needed for the subgrade soils with which they were in contact. The unwashed (i.e., 'undisturbed') permittivity results also indicate that most of the permeabilities of the woven slit-film fabrics fell well below WSDOT's required value. The presence of caked fines on the upper surface of three woven slit-films could have indicated that their pore openings were too large for the intended filtration function and they might be subject to fines migration, although this was inconclusive. There was no other evidence of fines migration at any of the sites. All of the pavements were in good condition, and the damage of the geotextile separators appeared to have no negative impact on the pavements' long-term performance. There was one pavement surface which showed signs of premature failure; however, this was not attributed to the performance of the geotextile separator.

Metcalfe,R. C., Holtz,R. D.

geotextile separators, condition, performance evaluation, aggregate, subgrade, pavement

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Kilian,A. P. WA-RD 239.1 Long-Term Performance Evaluation of Wood Fibre Fills 1992
This paper presents the results of a research project to determine the long-term performance of wood fibre embankments, that were constructed by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) beginning in 1972. At the time of their construction, concern existed that wood fibre fills would only provide a 15 to 20 year service life.Performance of existing wood fibre fills was evaluated based on thequality of the wood fibre material, quality of the effluent, and condition ofthe pavement. A visual classification system rating the wood fibre from freshto completely decomposed was developed and used in order to establish acriteria from which all wood fibre mater.ia1 could be -rated.. Visual examinationin conjunction with laboratory tests were used as determining aspects for theeffluent quality. The WSDOT Pavement Management System was used to evaluate relative pavement performance. Site descriptions are presented giving specificcharacteristics and properties of the fills inventoried, An analysis of t h i sinformation was done to determine the effectiveness of the fills.Over half the wood fibre samples were found to be nearly fresh or freshand none w e found to be completely decomposed. In all but one case, thepavement quality over the wood fibre fills surpassed the comparative highwaysegment rating indicating the wood fill\'s performance exceeded thatof the surrounding area. Generally, the surface water in the vicinity of thewood fibre was found to be clean and pure indicating no adverse impact ofeffluent. Given the above findings, embankments constructed of wood fibre werefound to perform well over ahnost a 20. year period. Service life in excess of50 years can be expected - of wood fibre fills.

Kilian,A. P., Ferry,C. D.

analysis, condition, construction, developed, effectiveness, Embankments, evaluation, impact, Leachate, management, management system, pavement, pavement management, pavement performance, pavements, performance, performance evaluation, project, quality, research, tests, transportation, Washington, Washington state, Wood fibre, WSDOT

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Roper,T. H. WA-RD 148.1 Thin Overlay- Yakima River Bridge - Experimental Feature 1989
The Washington State Department of Transportation will be conducting experimental field testing of several selected polymer concrete thin (1/4 inch) overlays over a ten-year period. The polymer concrete material is manufactured by private industry firms and installed on selected bridge decks under standard WSDOT construction contracts. Approximately 21 bridges will be involved in the experiment; eight of these are included in federal participating projects as experimental features.Washington State Department of Transportation will be conducting experimental field testing of several selected polymer concrete thin (1/4inch) overlays over a ten-year period. The polymer concrete material is manufactured by private industry and installed on selected bridge decks under standard WSDOT construction 21 bridges will be involved in the experiment; eight of these are included in federal participating projects as features. The polymer concrete thin overlays were applied to the decks of the River Bridge and the Yakima River Bridge under Contract No. 3 SR 90 and SR 82, Interchange to Terrace Heights. Both bridges are steel truss bridges located on SR 82 just outside Yakima, Washington. Both the epoxy overlay and the methacrylate overlays were versatile products apply under difficult traffic control conditions. Starting and stopping the various pours to accommodate opening and closing of lanes for traffic proved satisfactory. To the extent possible, work was performed at night when traffic was light. All three lanes were then opened to traffic in the early morning to accommodate peak traffic conditions.

Roper,T. H., Henley,E. H. Jr

bridge, bridge deck, bridge deck repairs, bridge decks, bridges, concrete, condition, construction, contracts, control, Deck, Epoxy, experimental, lanes, light, overlay, overlays, polymer, polymer concrete, steel, steel truss bridge, thin overlay, traffic, traffic control, transportation, Washington, Washington state, WSDOT

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Fiedler,F. E. WA-RD 139.1 Job Satisfaction Survey 1988
A job-satisfaction and morale survey was administered to all journey-level engineering technicians and transportation engineers of the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). No fewer than 745 of the 837 employees (89%) who received the questionnaires, responded. This unusually high response rate testifies to the salience of the issues covered by this survey, and this conclusion is further supported by the care with which the overwhelming majority of the questionnaires were completed.Comments about various job-related concerns were obtained in interviews with 15 supervisors, engineers, and engineering technicians in four WSDOT districts and incorporated in a 21-item questionnaire. The questionnaire also asked employees why they might consider leaving WSDOT, and how much longer they planned to stay with WSDOT. Employees were classified on the basis of their tenure, age, district, job classification, ethic identification, work assignment, and college major.The questionnaire led to the identification of six areas of satisfaction factors. These are General Satisfaction, Satisfaction with Supervisor, Satisfaction with Personnel Practices, Satisfaction with Work Environment, Satisfaction with Equity of Work Conditions, and Involvement with the Department.

Fiedler,F. E., Murphy,S. E.

condition, environment, equity, interviews, job satisfaction, policy, sex, survey, transportation, Washington, Washington state, WSDOT

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Krug,H. O. WA-RD 103.1 Highway Advisory Radio 1987
A Highway Advisory Radio (HAR) system was installed on I-90, Snoqualmie Pass to inform motorists of winter driving conditions. Despite numerous operational problems with equipment, the service has been well received by the traveling public. The system was found to have an added benefit during the summer months as an information system to alert motorists of delays or other problems caused by construction activities. The HAR system on Snoqualmie Pass has been expanded and additional systems have been installed in the Seattle area to inform motorists of construction activities.

Krug,H. O.

benefit, condition, construction, HAR, highway, Highway Advisory Radio, public, seattle, systems, winter, winter driving

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Limotti,Brian WA-RD 042.2 Response of Washington State Residents to Changing transit conditions 882 1984
This study was undertaken to measure and assess current transportation behavior, attitudes, and adjustments people have made or are planning to make to cope with higher costs of transportation and energy shortages. A secondary objective was to develop an effective and inexpensive system to collect a sizeable amount of multimodal data for various types of travel from a statistically reliable sample of modal data for various types of travel from a statistically reliable sample of households in the State of Washington. Telephone interviews of approximately 15 minutes in length were conducted with 2,500 households in 1980 and 2,000 homes in 1983, with both samples having a 95 percent confidence level. Residents of metropolitan, urban and rural areas were included. The households interviewed were selected by a random computer search of telephone numbers. Respondents were screened to ensure that an adult member (18 years or older) of the household was interviewed. The questionnaire dealt with the travel habits of the household rather than just the person being interviewed. Travel to work, local travel, long distance travel, recreational travel, use of public transit and other modes of travel, as well as vehicle ownership trends were topics covered in the interviews. The household's travel patterns two years prior to the interview, as well as current behavior and future plans were included. The replies to the questions indicated that people were concerned about transportation problems and were willing to provide detailed facts and opinions about their household's transportation behavior.

Limotti,Brian, Iverson,Evan, Jacobson,Robert

attitudes, behavior, computer, condition, cost, costs, data, data collection, Energy, energy shortages, households, interviews, multimodal, planning, public, public transit, Recreational travel, ridership, rural, Surveys, System, transit, transportation, travel, travel patterns, urban, Washington, Washington state

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Kulkarni,R. B. WA-RD 062.1 Feasibility Study of a Pavement Management System for Washington Counties 1984
The feasibility of adopting the Washington State Pavement Management System(WSPMS) for use by Washington counties was established. The WSPMS designoffers a great deal of flexibility for adjusting the system to satisfy thecounties needs. Some modifications to computer programs will be necessaryand can be accomplished with relatively modest effort. The major adjustmentswill be in those counties input data. The only data that are absolutelyessential are those for determining and evaluating pavement condition andthe most cost effective rehabilitation strategies.The state computer system has an adequate storage capacity to support usageof the WSPMS by a large number of counties. Dial-up capability i s availablefor use of WSPMS from remote terminals. Data processing hardware optionsavailable to counties range from no data processing equipment to stand alonecomputer system,A t r i a l demonstration is recommended, Two counties, one large with in-housecomputer f a c i l i t i e s and one small with no or minimal f a c i l i t i e s would bechosen to test the system.Significant. benefits are anticipated from the use of WSPMS. Washingtoncounties desiring to improve the process o f pavement management may findadopting and operating the WSPMS to feasible and desirable.

Kulkarni,R. B., Finn,F. N., Lamot,A.

benefit, benefits, computer, computer program, condition, cost, cost effective, counties, data, design, equipment, maintenance, management, management system, Operating, pavement, pavement condition, pavement management, pavement repair, program, rehabilitation, Study, System, Washington, Washington state

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Kiernan,K. WA-RD 060.1 Recreational vehicle waste disposal stations at highway rest areas 1983
A study of recreational vehicle waste disposal at highway rest areas was conducted from RV wastewater is significantly stronger than wastewater in BOD, COD, and suspended solids. It also contains preservative compounds, most of which contain formaldehyde or a formaldehyde derivative. With adequate dilution, these wastes should not interfere with waste by mixed cultures of aerobic or anaerobic bacteria or There that waste treatment facilities be affected by improper use of the disposal stations, such as for disposal of hazardous wastes. In addition, improper use may lead to temporary unsanitary conditions around the station. Equations to estimate disposal station use and loading factors, and design equations for treatment of wastes are presented. The public perceives the stations to be and cost-effective provided they are paid for by RV owners. RV owners are willing to pay an annual fee which will cover the costs of construction, operation and maintenance of the stations.

Kiernan,K., Brown,C., Benjamin,M., Ferguson,J. F.

Annual, biological waste treatment, condition, construction, cost, cost effective, costs, design, disposal, equations, facilities, fee, Formaldehyde Toxcity, Hazardous, hazardous wastes, highway, maintenance, public, recreational vehicles, rest area, rest areas, Study, suspended solids

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Tai Wik,David Chui WA-RD 039.12 Highway Runoff In Washington State: Model Validation And Statistical Analysis 898 1982
Statewide sampling of highway runoff continued through 1980-81, and the resulting data has been aggregated with that from previous years to further investigate pollutant loadings. Results have validated the solids loading model previously proposed by Asplund (1980) for Western Washington Highways and tentatively extended the model to Eastern Washington. Loading of there pollutants can be predicted from total suspended solids loading using ratios derived from the data. These ratios may be taken as constants at any Washington State location for some pollutants or as linear functions of traffic or other contaminants. Comparison of runoff from a sulfur-extended asphalt pavement with runoff elsewhere indicates higher sulfate loads in the former case. A limited sampling program along an uncurbed highway section observed higher pollutant concentrations from these sections to curbed areas. Sampling of solids adhering to the undercarriage of automobiles produced widely varying results but suggested that vehicles traveling on rural or unpaved roads accumulate significant amounts of solids that can be released on highways. The final year of field sampling will concentrate on improving the loading models, especially for Eastern Washington application, and continuing the sulfur extended asphalt study with a functional control site experiencing the same conditions.

Tai Wik,David Chui, Mar,B. W., Horner,R. R.

analysis, asphalt, asphalt pavement, Concentrations, condition, control, data, extended asphalt, highway, highway runoff, Highways, loads, model, models, pavement, pollutant loading, Pollutants, program, runoff, rural, sampling, statistical analysis, sulfur, suspended solids, traffic, Washington, Washington state

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Public Transportation and Planning Division WA-RD 045.2 Impacts Of Trucks And Railroad Deregulation On Transportation Operation And Economic Activity In The State Of Washinton ... 1982
The Motor Carrier Act of 1980 and the Staggers Act of 1980 have partially set aside decades of rigid regulations of interstate freight movement. These actions have the potential to bring forth significant changes to the networks of interstate freight transportation. The object of this research was to ascertain the impacts of deregulation of the Washington State transportation system. Information was obtained by surveying and interviewing shippers and freight transportation providers throughout the state. Anticipated impacts, e.g. accelerated rail abandonment or lost of motor carrier service to small communities were not present. The study reflects a relative increase in truck service and decrease in rail service since deregulation. Indications are this may be further amplified in certain regions of the state. The study recommends that potential highway impacts be incorporated into pavement management systems. Transportation officials are enjoined to treat issues relative to truck size and weight, highway cost allocation and deregulation as a single issue. Also, the Local Rail Service Assistance Program should be considered for use to offset any adverse impacts resulting from deregulation. During this period of the study, general economic conditions were poor. This resulted in a decrease in freight shipments and would suggest that some impacts of deregulation have been suppressed.

Public Transportation and Planning Division, Washington State Department of Transportation

condition, cost, Deregulation, freight, highway, highway impacts, impact, impacts, management, management system, management systems, motor carrier, networks, pavement, pavement management, pavement management systems, program, rail service, railroads, regulation, research, System, systems, transportation, truck, trucking, trucks, Washington, Washington state, weight

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Public Transportation and Planning Division WA-RD 048.1 Small Car Accident Experience in Washington State 901 1982
This small car accident study investigated accidents in Washington State in four passenger car categories: subcompact, compact intermediate, and large. The primary purpose of the study was to evaluate the effects on safety of increases in the number of smaller cars on the highways. Traffic accident data for the period 1973-79 were analyzed to determine the accident severity for the different automobile classes, and this analysis showed that the smaller vehicles had a higher proportion of fatal and injury accidents that the other categories.The, accident data for 1980 were used to compare accident experience with regard to injury class of the occupants, roadway surface conditions, roadway character, light conditions, collision type, objects struck, and location of accident. Analysis showed that for total accidents per one thousand registered vehicles, the large cars had a higher rate (68) than either the subcompacts (43), compacts (45), or intermediate size vehicles (46). However, the subcompacts and compacts had higher percentages of fatalities and serious injuries to their occupants, and a higher proportion of such accidents occurred on wet, snowy, and icy surfaces. In addition, the smaller passenger vehicles had a higher incidence of overturning and rear-end accidents. The analysis suggests there will be significant increases in fatal and injury accidents in future years as the number of smaller vehicles increases. Thus, the report contains recommendations for changes in highway and vehicle design that will modify these adverse trends and reduce injuries and fatalities among drivers and passengers.Some of the recommendations can be implemented fairly quickly, but others will take longer. However, until changes are made, the accident severity for small cars will continue at a level above that for larger automobiles.

Public Transportation and Planning Division

accident severity, accidents, analysis, collision, condition, data, design, highway, Highways, light, overturning, roadway, safety, Study, traffic, traffic accident data, Washington, Washington state

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Nelson,Thomas L. WA-RD 050.1 Development And Implementation Of Washington State's Pavement System 905 1982
This report describes the pavement management system developed by WSDOT staff over a period of five years. Both project-level and network-level pavement management are represented within the four broad areas of data processing which combine to constitute the foundation of the system.The design of a pavement data file is laid out together with the process of assembling it. Also shown are the methods used to analyze and convert the file data from pavement condition ratings to pavement performance curves for each project. The performance curves are then used, together with appropriate cost data, to determine the most cost-effective type and time to fix. The network-level program then summarized the need work for each year of a rehabilitation program. Mean are provided for adjusting the program to fit budget constraints or minimum acceptable levels of average pavement condition.It is concluded that the system, operating on biennial pavement condition ratings, provides a good solid framework for orderly analysis to estimate the economic benefits of the type, timing, and sequence of rehabilitation activities applied to a pavement.

Nelson,Thomas L., LeClerc,R. V.

analysis, benefit, benefits, condition, cost, data, design, developed, development, foundation, framework, management, management system, methods, Operating, pavement, pavement condition, pavement data file, pavement management, pavement performance, performance, program, project, rehabilitation, System, Washington, Washington state, WSDOT

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Nelson,Thomas L. WA-RD 050.2 Development And Implementation Of Washington State's Pavement System - Summary 906 1982
This report describes the pavement system developed by staff over a period of five years. Both project-level and network-level pavement are represented within the four broad areas of data processing which combine to constitute the foundation of the system. The design of a pavement data file is laid out together with the process of assembling it. Also shown are the methods used to analyze and convert the file data pavement condition ratings to pavement performance curves for each project. The performance curves are then used, together with appropriate cost data, to determine the most cost-effective type and of fix. The network-level program then the needed work for each year of a rehabilitation program. Means are provided for adjusting the program to fit budget constraints or acceptable levels of average pavement condition It is concluded that the system, operating on biennial pavement condition ratings, provides a good solid framework for orderly analysis to estimate the economic benefits of the type, timing, and sequence of rehabilitation activities apply to a pavement.

Nelson,Thomas L., LeClerc,R. V.

analysis, benefit, benefits, condition, cost, cost effective, data, design, developed, development, foundation, framework, management, management system, methods, Operating, pavement, pavement condition, pavement data file, pavement management, pavement performance, performance, program, project, rehabilitation, System, Washington, Washington state, WSDOT

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Horner,R. R. WA-RD 039.15 Impacts Of Channel Reconstruction In The Pilchuck River- Interim 917 1982
A five-year study was performed to compare conditions in the Pilchuck River before and after channel reconstruction associated with rerouting highway SR-2. The study focused on sediment particle-size analyses, benthic macroinvertebrates and fish. Substrates comparable le to control areas developedin all portions of the new channel within one year after construction. The available data on invertebrates and fish gave no indication of deterioration in diversity, quantity or size in the reconstructed channel. The report provides recommendations for further improvements in the design of stream channel changes should there be no alternative to their construction.

Horner,R. R., Welch,Eugene B.

Alternative, Benthic Macroinvertabrates, accident rates, Channel, condition, construction, control, data, design, deterioration, fish, highway, impact, impacts, improvement, Interim, reconstruction, rivers, sediments

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Public Transportation and Planning Division WA-RD 045.1 Impacts of Truck and Railroad Deregulation on Transportation Operation and Economic Activity in the State of Washington ... 1981
This is an interim report that examines the potential impacts in Washington State resulting from the adoption of the Motor Carrier Act of 1980 and the Staggers Rail Act of 1980. Adoption of the two have set aside years of rigid regulation of interstate freight movement and granted new latitudes of freedom to shippers and transportation providers. Information was obtained by surveying and interviewing shippers and freight transportation providers throughout the state. Initial indications are the impacts resulting from deregulation have been slow to emerge due to suppressed economic conditions. The study projects that as economic conditions improve and principles have time to adjust to the new laws, discernable impacts will occur.

Public Transportation and Planning Division, Washington State Department of Transportation

condition, Deregulation, freight, impact, impacts, Interim, motor carrier, project, railroads, regulation, transportation, truck, trucking, Washington, Washington state

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Anderson,K. W. WA-RD 046.1 Permanent Lane Markings - Recessed Edge Stripe 1981
The project goal was to evaluate different methods of cutting recessed skip stripe grooves, and to evaluate various pavement marking materials placed into the recesses. The project objective was to find a marking system for our mountain pass highways that would tolerate snowplowing and sanding operations, studded tires, and chain wear.Three methods of pavement grooving and three types of making material were evaluated over a four-year period. The grooving methods were evaluated with regard to production rate, the quality of the finished groove, and cost. The marking materials were checked for ease of installation, cost durability, and visibility.Only one method of grooving was found that produced the desired recess shape at a reasonable cost and in a timely manner. All three of the making materials were durable enough to survive for three years, but none produced the desired wet-daytime or wet-night visibility needed for adequate lane delineation. This loss of visibility under wet conditions was due to the lack of retroreflectance from the marking materials.

Anderson,K. W.

chains, condition, cost, delineation, durability, grooves, grooving, highway, highway delineation, Highways, lane lines, materials, methods, night visibility, pavement, project, quality, rainfall, retroreflectance, snowplows, striping, studded tire, studded tires, System, tire, tires, Traffic markings

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Gietz,R. H. WA-RD 116.1 Asphalt Pavement Distress Investigation 1979
Two forms of pavement distress were noted on recent asphalt concrete overlay projects. A general loss of wearing surface under traffic action, termed surface ravelling, was observed on three projects starting the first season after construction.Two forms of pavement distress were noted on recent asphalt concrete overlay projects. A general loss of wearing surface under traffic action, termed surface ravelling, was observed on three projects starting the first season after construction. A concentrated, local loss of surface material in narrow longitudinal strips, designated as strip ravel ing, was observed on four projects approximately the second season after completion. Construction record reviews and field testing and sampling of these projects along with four undistressed projects were made to define the construction methods and equipment used and to obtain samples from areas of good and bad pavement condition. These samples were tested to determine the strength of the compacted mix, and of the aggregate and asphalt constituents. Common factors from the projects showing surface ravelling were a thin lift pavement overlay placed late in the paving season with a tendency toward less than optimum asphalt content. The resulting pavement had high air void content and was readily abraded by traffic during ensuing severe winter weather. Recurrence of this type of problem can best be prevented by increased emphasis on proper compaction and mix design. Remedial work on the present projects should be directed toward a seal coat application. Strip ravelled projects were found to have similar pavement properties in ravel and non-ravel led sections and general to be within desirable limits. Lower strength in resilient modulus tests and physically observed asphalt stripping in the ravelled sections indicate a localized failure of the asphalt aggregate bond. The failure occurrence in narrow longitudinal strips indicates a cause associated with paving operations--possibly differential compaction or hydrocarbon contamination. Preventive measures should ensure uniform compaction and more thorough checking of stripping tendencies. Corrective measures will require continued patching and possibly removal and replacement of affected pavement.

Gietz,R. H.

aggregate, asphalt, asphalt concrete, asphalt pavement, compaction, concrete, condition, construction, construction methods, contamination, design, Distress, investigaton, overlay, pavement, resilient modulus, sampling, season, strength, tests, traffic, winter

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LaChapplle,E. R. WA-RD 019.3 Alternate Methods of Avalanche Control- Final Report 1978
The Alternate Methods of Avalanche control project has been funded by the Washington State Highway Commission since August 1974 in order to develop simple, reliable and repeatable methods of triggering avalanche release which are free from the storage, handling and availability problems of explosives and artillery shells and which can be readily applied to avalanche paths typical to many smaller ones causing hazards for highways.The Alternate Methods of Avalanche Control project has been funded by the Washington State Highway Commission since August 1974 in order to develop simple, reliable and repeatable methods of triggering avalanche release which are free from the storage, and availability problems of explosives and artillery and which can readily be applied to avalanche paths typical of the many ones causing frequent hazards for highways. The research involved tests in both Washington and Colorado to permit evaluation of the control methods in diverse climates and snow conditions, leading to more generally applicable results than could be obtained at a single site. The technical and scientific aspects of the work in Colorado were coordinated by the San Juan Avalanche Project of the University of Colorado. Field work in Washington state and the general supervision of the program and the engineering design were carried out by the University of Washington Geophysics Program. The U.S. Forest Service at Utah, also joined in a cooperative test of our methods and equipment. This Final Report describes the tests and the results of the entire project.

LaChapplle,E. R., Bell,D. B., Johnson,J. B., Lindsay,R. W., Sackett,E. M.

availability, avalanche, snow, weather, stress waves, condition, control, design, equipment, evaluation, hazard, highway, Highways, program, research, tests, Washington, Washington state

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Foss,Rene N. WA-RD 033.1 Ground Plan Wind Shear Interaction On Acoustic Transmission 949 1978
Experimental data indicate that the combined effects of wind shear and ground plane attenuation can have a strong influence on sound propagation near the ground even at distances as short as 100 ft, The effectmanifests itself experimentally as a noticeable difference between sound propagation upwind vis-8-vis downwind that becomes more pronounced with either increased distance or increased wind speed. Differences of up to 25 dBA were found between into-the-wind and with-the-wind propagation fora listening height of 4 ft and a transmission distance of about 300 ft. Even a very moderate wind (4 mph) produced a difference of 12 dB at 150 ft for the same listening height. A large body of spectral data was also taken under a variety of wind conditions for path lengths of 150 ft and 225 ft. The resulting spectra agreed reasonably well with theoretical predictions for frequencies below 500 Hz, where ground and surface waves predominate; an important observation is that these waves were not affected substantially by wind conditions. Above approximately 500 Hz, the attenuation was frequently more than that predicted theoretically, and it was wind sensitive. The effect of wind was, in many cases, large, and could well mean that much experimentally obtained highway noise data is considerably less useful than previously thought, unless wind shear was taken into account during the measurements. In general, to "hear" the full effect of existing traffic, measurements should be made when the test positions downwind from the traffic.

Foss,Rene N.

account, attenuation, condition, data, experimental, highway, Highway acoustics, ground plane attenuation, wind shear, interaction, noise, prediction, speed, traffic, wind

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Rosenthal,R. N. WA-RD 014.2 Vegetative Cover for Highway Rights Of Way HR-465 - Final Report April 1970-June, 1976 1976
A six year study of landscape plant establishment on roadsides as affected by a number of environmental conditions was initiated in April, 1970. The relationships between plant survival and soil texture, soil temperature, soil moisture, and exposure were evaluated. The affect of exposure on percent ground coverage of various grass species used in erosion control was also evaluated.

Rosenthal,R. N.

condition, control, environmental, erosion, erosion control, exposure, highway, Landscape plant establishment, plant survival, roadside, soil, soil moisture, soil temperature, soil type, temperature

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Social and Econonomic Planning Section of the WA State Department of Highways WA-RD 025.2 Guidelines For The Identification And Measurement Of Social Factors In Transportation Planning 1975
The purpose of this study is to establish guidelines and procedures for the measurement of the social effects of transportation systems and facilities on both a regional and community or neighborhood level. This coincides with the increased emphasis on human factors in the planning and design of transportation systems and facilities, which has necessitated the development of a systematic approach to gathering social data and developing normative standards. In part of this increased emphasis has been mandated by Federal statutes such as the National Environmental Policy Act o f 1969 and the Intergovernmental Act of 1968.A detailed examination of the seven-fold classification scheme of social factors and an emphasis on the methodologies used to evaluate social impacts is discussed. Emphasis is placed on the analytical framework utilizing the major phases of inventing existing social conditions, identifying potential changes and measurement of probable impacts. From this analysis a systematic approach to identifying and measuring social impact in transportation planning is put forth, for use by those assigned this responsibility.

Social and Econonomic Planning Section of the WA State Department of Highways

analysis, condition, data, design, development, environmental, facilities, framework, human factors, impact, impacts, Measurement of Social Impact, social factors, community identity, community values and desires, community cohesion, disruption, displacement, relocation, minority interest, methodology, planning, policy, systems, transportation, transportation planning

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LaChapplle,E. R. WA-RD 008.8 Cascade Passes - Avalanche Atlas Part II - Stevens Pass And Tumwater Canyon 1975
Part 2 continues the Cascade Passes Avalanche Atlas; Part 1 was published in August 1974 and covers avalanche hazards on Chinook, Cayuse, White and Snoqualmie Passes. The documentation of hazards at Stevens Pass includes only those avalanche paths which directly or potentially affect the highway, U.S. 2. There are numerous other adjacent avalanche paths--Lichtenberg Mountain is a good example--which are prominent in the vicinity of the Pass but which do not present any real likelihood of reaching the highway under foreseeable avalanche conditions. These latter paths are not delineated on the maps or photos, although many do appear within the mapped areas. There is a long history of avalanche occurrences at Stevens Pass, stemming both from railroad and highway experience. Most of the earlier history is unrecorded. A considerable amount of anecdotal knowl- edge for recent years is available from Highway Department personnel with long experience in the area. The historical record has drawn heavily on this experience. The primary compilation of data for Part 2 of the Cascade Passes Atlas was done by Len Miller during his tenure as a contract avalanche consultant for the Highway Department. This compilation has subsequently been amended and extended through the cooperation of the Department avalanche crew at Stevens Pass under the leadership of Steve Reister.

LaChapplle,E. R., Brown,C. B., Evans,R. J.

Atlas, avalanche, Cascade, condition, data, hazard, highway

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Demich,G. F. WA-RD 020.1 Investigation Of Bridge Deck Deterioration Caused by Deicing Chemicals 1975
Forty-eight bridge decks were investigated for deterioration using visual , mechanical , electrical and chemical techniques. Data from the various techniques and the techniques themselves were compared and evaluated, resulting data base for Washington's bridges and recommendations for efficient condition determinations. Of the thirty-seven bridges for which all four types of inspection could be accomplished, twenty-nine were deteriorating as evidenced by delaminated concrete, and only two had non-deteriorating scores for all four techniques. None of the investigative techniques used in the project have been shown able to predict deck deterioration problems six to eight years in advance, our desired time period for project planning. The mechanical technique, commonly referred to as the "chain drag", is the method recommended for continued use by bridge inspection crews. Forty-eight bridge decks were investigated for deterioration using visual, mechanical, electrical and chemical techniques.

Demich,G. F.

base, bridge, bridge deck, bridge decks, bridges, Chloride ion, delamination, half-cell potential, de-icing salt, Galvaic corrosion, concrete cover, bridge deck deterioration, concrete, condition, data, deck, deterioration, inspection, planning, Washington

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Brands,F. WA-RD 003.5 Pavement Deflection Measurement Dynamic Phase IV 1975
Tests were conducted on various pavements t o investigate the correlation between measurements obtained using the Impulse Index Computer and pavement condition as determined by other means. Benkelman Beam deflection measurements and Impulse Index measurements are compared along with Washington State Pavement Rating System results. Effect of temperature on the apparent Impulse Index is evaluated..

Brands,F., Cook,C. J.

Benkleman beam, computer, condition, Deflection test, impulse index, impulse testing, index, pavement, pavement condition, pavement deflection, pavement evaluation, pavement maintenance, pavements, systems, temperature, tests, Washington, Washington state

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Terrel,R. WA-RD 017.1 Pavement Response And Equivalencies For Various Truck Axle Tire Configurations 984 1974
There are indications that many trucks now have front axle loads approaching the maximum allowable for single axles which increases the potential for pavement damage. This report is intended to be a State-Of-The-Art approach to answer several pertinent questions from a theoretical study based on hypothetical pavements and loads, but based on reasonable material characteristics and pavement behavior from previous research. The results are a series of relationships based on pavement life which can be used to determine any number of "equivalencies." These equivalencies can be used to compare the destructive effects of various sizes of single and dual tires, axle loads , pavement thicknesses , speed and temperatures. The general nature of this report provides a wide range of conditions for comparison.on a relative basis.

Terrel,R., Rimsritong,S.

asphalt pavement, axle, behavior, condition, damage, dual tires, equivalencies, loads, pavement, pavement damage, pavement life, pavements, research, single axle, speed, speed and temperature, state-of-the-art, temperature, tire, tire contact pressure, tires, truck, trucks, wheel load

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Moore,M. B. WA-RD 008.5 Avalanche Studies 1973-1974 1974
A collection of reports about avalanche conditions and avalanche prevention measures on Washington mountain highways in general and to the North Cascade Highway in particular involving various aspects of creep deformation and glide of the snow cover as they affect avalanche defense structure design; reconnaissance of a proposed new highway route through the Cascade Mountains and a continuing study of the relationship between synoptic winter weather patterns and the formation and distribution of snow avalanches in the Cascades.The reports are entitled:1. Effect o f Glide and Creep on Rigid Obstacles by C.B. Brown and R.J. Evans.2. Creep and the Snow-Earth Interface Condition in the Seasonal AlpineSnow-Pack by D. M. McClung.3. In- Situ Investigations o f the Temperature Dependence o f the Creep ofLow Density Snow by D.M. McClung4. Naches Tunnel Avalanche Reconnaissance by E. R. LaChapelle.5. Investigation of Synoptic and Surface Weather Situations Leadinq toAvalanche Cycles in the Washinqton Cascades for the 1973-74 winter by M. B. Moore.

Moore,M. B., McClung,D. L., LaChapplle,E. R., Brown,C., Evans,R. J., LaChapplle,E. R.

avalanche, Avalanche Forecasting, Avalanches, Cascade, condition, creep, density, design, glide, highway, Highways, North, North Cascade, seasonal, snow, Study, temperature, Washington, weather hazards, winter

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Sorensen,H. WA-RD 009.3 Studded Tire Pavement Wear Reduction And Repair Phase III 994 1973
This report presents results obtained from the analyses of data which were collected during the performance of Phase I and Phase of this project. The data were at the A. Riedesel Pavement Testing Facility which is operated by Washington State University and is located in Pullman, Washington. Regression analyses were formed in order to relate various factors to each other. The factors used in the analyses included stud type, stud protrusion, speed, air temperature, pavement temperature, environmental conditions, stud hardness and tread depth. The purpose was to evaluate the relative importance of these factors pavement wear. It was found that the type of overlay, the type of stud and the protrusion length were the most important factors affecting pavement wear under Test conditions. The other factors could not be sufficiently isolated to determine their relative importance. Average wear rates were calculated for the different types of pavements and by the different stud types. A formula was developed which can be used to calculate pavement life under certain conditions. The results obtained for Phase I and Phase were compared and the difference in these results is discussed. Some of the difference was due to the different between the two phases A comparison with other associated research was madeA striping paint study was made and the results are in this report.


condition, data, developed, environmental, facilities, overlay, pavement, Pavement Durability, life & performance, asphalt pavement, portland cement concretes, overlays, surface textures, studded tires, skid resistance, pavement life, pavement temperature, pavements, performance, project, regression, repair, research, speed, striping, striping paints, Studded, studded tire, Study, temperature, tire, Washington, Washington state

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Rossano,A. T. WA-RD 012.1 A Critical Review Of Mathematical Diffusion Modeling Techniques For Predicting Air Quality With Relation To Motor Vehicl... 1973
Federal and State laws require highway departments to prepare statements assessing the impact that proposed highway improvements or construction may have on the environment. An important consideration in the preparation of an impact statement is the anticipated effect the proposed activity will have on air quality since highway transportation is a source of several major air pollutants: particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and photochemical oxidants which are formed in the atmosphere in the presence of sunlight. Comprehensive physical studies to predict the air quality impact at proposed sites are generally prohibitive due to the time required to obtain suitable data, the cost of such studies and the number of impact statements that must be considered by most highway departments.Methods have been developed to predict the air quality impact of new highway construction through the use of mathematical atmospheric diffusion models. Once they are properly calibrated these models can be used to test alternative locations and designs. Basically models use meteorological conditions and emission rates to predict downwind concentrations as illustrated in Figure 1.The principal objective of this research project has been to conduct a search of the literature to identify state-of-the-art air quality predictive schemes applicable to motor vehicle transportation. The available models have been analyzed in detail and evaluated in terms of selected characteristics that serve to describe the predictive capabilities of each. Limitations in the models have also been noted where appropriate.Section 2.0 o f this report describes the methods used in conducting the research. Sections 3.0 and 4.0 present the models analyzed and a general discussion of applicability, in both narrative and tabular form. Section 5.0 summarizes the study and presents the recommendations for future consideration.

Rossano,A. T., Lamb,Donna V., Badgley,Franklin

air quality, Alternative, carbon monoxide, Concentrations, condition, construction, cost, data, design, environment, highway, highway construction, Highways, hydrocarbons, impact, model, modeling, models, nitrogen, particulate matter, Pollutants, quality, research, state-of-the-art, transportation, Washington, Washington state

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Rosenthal,Russell N. WA-RD 014.1 Vegetative Cover For Highway Rights Of Way - Interim Report April 1970-July, 1973 996 1973
A four year study of landscape plant establishment as affected by a number of environmental conditions was initiated in April, 1970. The relationship between plant survival and soil texture, soil temperature and exposure were evaluated. The affect of exposure on percent ground coverage of various grass species used in erosion control was also evaluated.

Rosenthal,Russell N.

condition, control, environmental, erosion, erosion control, exposure, highway, Landscape plant establishment, plant survival, soil, soil temperature, soil type, temperature

Krukar,M. WA-RD 009.1 Studded Tire Pavement Wear Reduction and Repair - The Effect Of Studded Tires On Different Pavements And Surface Texture... 1972
This report presents results obtained from testing at the G. A. Riedesel Pavement Testing Facility at Washington State University during the period from February 11 to May 4, 1972. The purpose of this project was fourfold: 1) to determine pavement wear caused by studded tires ; 2) to evaluate the resistance of different pavement materials and textures used in the states of Washington and Idaho to wear caused by tire studs; 3) to test pavement materials and overlays to reduce tire stud damage; and, 4) to study the effect of studded truck tires on pavements. Ring #5 consisted of three concentric tracks on which 16 tires travelled in eight wheel paths. Three studded types and unstudded passenger tires , three studded and unstudded truck tires, and 46 sections of various types of pavement materials surface overlays and surface textures were tested. The results are based on wear in terms of rate of wear, area removed, maximum and average rut depth using the WSU Profilometer, and the camera wire shadow apparatus, and are valid only under WSU testing conditions. The findings indicate that some pavement materials are more resistant to the effect of studded tires than others. All types of studded tires tested caused some pavement wear and this affected the skid resistance values. The new types of studs reduced wear of various pavement materials. Studded truck tire wear was less than expected due to equipment problems.

Krukar,M., Cook,J. C.

camera, condition, damage, equipment, facilities, materials, overlay, overlays, pavement, Pavement Durability, life & performance, asphalt pavement, portland cement concretes, overlays, surface textures, studded tires, skid resistance, pavements, project, repair, resistance, skid resistance, studded tire, studded tires, studs, Study, tire, tires, truck, Washington, Washington state

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Krukar,M. WA-RD 009.2 Studded Tire Effects Wear Reduction and Repair Phase II - Final Draft 1008 1972
This report presents results obtained from testing at the A. Riedesel Pavement Testing Facility at Washington State University during the period of November 20, 1972 to May 1973. The purpose of this project was three-fold: (1 to determine pavement wear caused by studded tires; 2) to evaluate the resistance of different pavement overlays used in the states of Washington and Idaho to wear caused by studs; and 3) to test pavement materials and overlays to reduce tire stud damage. Ring and Phase of this project consisted of three concentric tracks on which 16 tires traveled in eight wheel paths. Four types of studs in passenger snow two types of passenger tires, and unstudded truck tires, and 22 sections of various types of pavement overlays and surfacings were tested. Four different stripes were also tested. The results are based on wear in terms of rate of wear, area removed, maximum and average rut depths using the WSU profilometer and the camera wire shadow box apparatus. Skid resistance values were measured using the California Skid Tester and the English Portable Skid Tester. The results are valid only under WSU testing conditions. The findings indicate that some pavement overlays are resistant to the effect of studded tires than others. All types of studded tires tested caused some pavement wear and this affected skid resistance values. Some of the newer types of studs reduced wear of various pavement overlays. The pavements having the most wear resistance had the skid resistance retention characteristics. Additives to asphalt skid resistance helped wear resistance characteristics but lowered skid resistance on characteristics.

Krukar,M., Cook,J. C.

asphalt, California, camera, condition, damage, facilities, materials, overlay, overlays, pavement, Pavement Durability, life & performance, asphalt pavement, portland cement concretes, overlays, surface textures, studded tires, skid resistance, pavements, project, repair, resistance, skid resistance, snow, studded tire, studded tires, studs, tire, tires, truck, Washington, Washington state

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Brands,F. WA-RD 003.3 Pavement Deflection Measurement Dynamic Phase II Impluse computer Section I, Suitcase 1016 1972
The development of the Impulse Index as an indicator of pavement condition has been previously described in a report of the College of Engineering Research Division of Washington State University entitled, "Pavement Deflection Measurement-Dynamic-A Feasibility Study, Final Report," June 1970, by Frank W. Brands, P.E. and John C. Cook, P.E. To implement the convenient acquisition of the Impulse Index, a self-contained hand-carriable "Impulse Index Computer" was to be designed and built; The unit is especially adapted for demonstration purposes and for determining the Impulse Index at specific locations. This report describes the Impulse Index Computer which has been built. Some illustrative test results are also included.

Brands,F., Cook,C. J.

computer, condition, development, impulse index, index, Non-destructive tests, pavement, pavement condition, pavement deflection, pavement evaluation, Portable tester, research, Washington, Washington state

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Krukar,M. WA-RD 015.5 Pavement Research At WSU Volume No. 5 - Evaluation and Analysis of Results From Experimental Rings No. 1-4 1020 1971
The purpose of this study was threefold: (1) Develop empirical equivalencies from all four rings, (2) develop a design method for overlays based on field deflections; and (3) evaluate the validity of data obtained from instrumentations in terms of n-layer elastic theory and then develop theoretical equivalencies.This was done. Field equivalencies were developed and they indicated that superiority of the treated base materials over the untreated. A design method was developed which could be used for predicting when an overlay was needed and what thickness was needed to withstand certain equivalent wheel loads and deflections.Using computer programs for n-layer elastic theory developed by Chevron Research Company, deflection stresses and strains were computed and compared with field data. Assumptions about the material behavior and condition were made based on laboratory data obtained from The Asphalt Institute and field knowledge, and were used to help predict the behavior of pavements. The results were encouraging and indicate that field measurements generally were comparable with elastic layer theory predictions. This will help to develop and modify existing design limits for stresses, strains and deflection for future work.Equivalencies based on theoretical deflections, stresses and strains indicate the difficulty of assigning precise values. These values also indicate the superiority of treated materials over the untreated materials.

Krukar,M., Cook,J. C.

analysis, asphalt, base, base materials, behavior, computer, computer program, condition, data, design, equivalencies, evaluation, experimental, loads, materials, overlay, overlays, pavement, pavements, prediction, program, research, strains, stresses, volume, wheel load

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Brands,F. WA-RD 003.2 Pavement Deflection Measurement Dynamic Phase II 1022 1971
The Impulse Index as a measure of pavement condition was previously described in a report of the Research Division of Washington State University entitled, "Pavement Deflection Measurement - Dynamic-A Feasibility Study, Final Report, June 1970," by Frank W. Brands, P. E. and John C. Cook, P. E.Implementation of automatic data acquisition using impulse testing requires the development of a mechanical device to set an instrument package on the pavement, deliver an impulse of energy, and retrieve the instrument package. This is to be done automatically with the vehicle proceeding down the highway. This report describes a test model built to facilitate the determination of data necessary for design of a prototype vehicle.

Brands,F., Cook,C. J.

condition, data, design, development, Energy, highway, impulse index, index, model, pavement, pavement deflection, research, Washington, Washington state

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Krukar,M. WA-RD 015.4 Pavement Research at the WSU Test Track - Volume No. 4 Experimental Ring No 4 A Study of Untreated, Sand Asphalt, and As... 1970
Three different kinds of base material of varying base thicknesses were tested at the Washington State University Test Track on Ring #3 during the fall of 1967 and the spring of 1968. Twelve 18-foot test sections consisting of 4.5, 7.0, 9.5 and 12 inches of untreated crushed rock surfacing top course base; 3.0, 5.0, and 7.0 and 9.0 inches of emulsion treated crushed surfacing top course base; and 0.0, 2.0, 3.5 and 5.0 inches of special non-fractured screened aggregate asphalt treated base, covered by a uniform 3.0-inch thick Class "B" asphalt concrete wearing course were tested during this period. This pavement structure was built on a clay-silt subgrade soil.Instrumentation consisted of moisture tensiometers, strain gages, pressure cells, LVDT gages and thermocouples for measuring moisture, strain, stress, dynamic deflections and temperatures. Benkleman beam readings were taken.The testing period revealed that the fall failure modes were different from the spring failures. The fall failure patter started from transverse cracks in the thin sections which developed into alligator cracking patterns. These cracks appeared after a period of cold weather and heavy rains followed by a warming period. It seems that thermal and mechanical loads were responsible for the fall failures on the thin sections. The spring failures were very rapid and sudden and were due to environmental factors which led to saturated subgrade, thus resulting in poor bearing capacity. Punching shear was the failure mode. The thickest sections survived without cracks but developed severe rutting. Examination revealed that these ruts extended into the subgrade and that fatigue cracking was developing on the bottom of the bases.Comparison of the results with those obtained from Ring# 2, which was similar in base materials and thickness, show that they were similar in many respects. This indicates that the test track is capable of replicating results and is a reliable research instrument.Equivalencies were developed for the different materials. On this basis the special aggregate asphalt treated base was superior to the emulsion treated and untreated crushed rock bases in that order. These results were comparable to those obtained from test Ring #2.Maximum values for static and dynamic deflections, strains and stresses for different times and temperatures were developed. The lateral position of the dual tires with respect to the gage severely affected the strain, stresses and deflection values. Temperature also caused variations in the measurements. Spring instrument readings for static and dynamic deflections, strain and stress show increased values by as much as 2 to 4 times of those obtained in the fall. Spring subgrade conditions probably are responsible for these differences.Ring #3 series operational time was twice that of Ring #2 and sustained four times the wheel load applications. Construction and testing environmental conditions were superior to those for Ring #2 and hence contributed to the longer test period. This points out that environmental factors are very important in pavement life.


aggregate, Alligator Cracking, applications, asphalt, asphalt concrete, base, base materials, bearing capacity, Benkleman beam, concrete, condition, construction, cracking, dual tires, environmental, experimental, fatigue, fatigue cracking, loads, materials, pavement, pavement life, pressure, pressure cell, rain, research, research at the WSU, strains, stresses, subgrade, temperature, test track, tire, tires, volume, Volume No.4, Washington, Washington state, wheel load

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Brands,F. WA-RD 003.1 Pavement deflection Measurement Dynamic (A Feasibility Study) 1025 1970
The objective of this study was to determine the feasibility of developing a device or technique to provide rapid measurement of parameters indicative of roadway condition or structural capacity. Currently existing equipment is inadequate for making meaningful measurements with speed and convenience. Consequently, a new system called "impulse testing" has been proposed and its concepts proved in this study. This system incorporates new techniques of non-destructive testing, and is adaptable to mechanization for automatic operation. The system is based on the deflection of the pavement under impulse loading, and also on the energy propagation characteristics of the pavement. These two parameters are combined to formulate a quantity which is called the impulse index and which has a high degree of correlation with the structural properties of the pavement.

Brands,F., Cook,C. J.

condition, Energy, equipment, impulse index, index, ITS, nondestructive testing, pavement, pavement deflection, roadway, speed

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Krukar,M. WA-RD 015.3 Pavement Research at the WSU Test Track, Volume No. 3 Experimental Ring No. 3: Study of Untreated Emulsion Treated and A... 1969
Three different kinds of base material of varying base thicknesses were tested at the Washington State University Test Track on Ring #3 during the fall of 1967 and the spring of 1968. Twelve 18-foot test sections consisting of 4.5, 7.0, 9.5 and 12 inches of untreated crushed rock surfacing top course base; 3.0, 5.0, and 7.0 and 9.0 inches of emulsion treated crushed surfacing top course base; and 0.0, 2.0, 3.5 and 5.0 inches of special non-fractured screened aggregate asphalt treated base, covered by a uniform 3.0-inch thick Class "B" asphalt concrete wearing course were tested during this period. This pavement structure was built on a clay-silt subgrade soil.Instrumentation consisted of moisture tensiometers, strain gages, pressure cells, LVDT gages and thermocouples for measuring moisture, strain, stress, dynamic deflections and temperatures. Benkleman beam readings were taken.The testing period revealed that the fall failure modes were different from the spring failures. The fall failure patter started from transverse cracks in the thin sections which developed into alligator cracking patterns. These cracks appeared after a period of cold weather and heavy rains followed by a warming period. It seems that thermal and mechanical loads were responsible for the fall failures on the thin sections. The spring failures were very rapid and sudden and were due to environmental factors which led to saturated subgrade, thus resulting in poor bearing capacity. Punching shear was the failure mode. The thickest sections survived without cracks but developed severe rutting. Examination revealed that these ruts extended into the subgrade and that fatigue cracking was developing on the bottom of the bases.Comparison of the results with those obtained from Ring# 2, which was similar in base materials and thickness, show that they were similar in many respects. This indicates that the test track is capable of replicating results and is a reliable research instrument.Equivalencies were developed for the different materials. On this basis the special aggregate asphalt treated base was superior to the emulsion treated and untreated crushed rock bases in that order. These results were comparable to those obtained from test Ring #2.Maximum values for static and dynamic deflections, strains and stresses for different times and temperatures were developed. The lateral position of the dual tires with respect to the gage severely affected the strain, stresses and deflection values. Temperature also caused variations in the measurements. Spring instrument readings for static and dynamic deflections, strain and stress show increased values by as much as 2 to 4 times of those obtained in the fall. Spring subgrade conditions probably are responsible for these differences.Ring #3 series operational time was twice that of Ring #2 and sustained four times the wheel load applications. Construction and testing environmental conditions were superior to those for Ring #2 and hence contributed to the longer test period. This points out that environmental factors are very important in pavement life.

Krukar,M., Cook,J. C.

aggregate, Alligator Cracking, applications, asphalt, asphalt concrete, base, base materials, bearing capacity, Benkleman beam, concrete, condition, construction, cracking, dual tires, environmental, equivalencies, experimental, fatigue, fatigue cracking, loads, materials, pavement, pavement life, pressure, pressure cell, rain, research, research at the WSU, soil, strains, stresses, subgrade, temperature, test track, tire, tires, volume, Washington, Washington state, wheel load

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Krukar,M. WA-RD 015.2 Pavement Research at WSU Track Volume No. 2 Experimental Ring No. 2: A Study of Untreated Emulsion Treated and Asphlatic... 1968
This report describes the results obtained from Experimental Ring No. 2, the first ring of a three-ring tests series on treated bases at the Washington State University Test Track. This experiment was concerned with studying the effects of controlled wheel load repetitions on untreated, emulsion, and specialaggregate asphalt - treated bases of four varying thicknesses. Construction, instrumentation, results , and conclusions are described and drawn. Benkelman beam, LVDT, strain gages, pressure cells and moisture tensiometers were used to measure deflections , strains , stresses and moisture. Maximum values are tabulated. Temperatures were also recorded. Testing can be divided into two time periods - fall of 1966 and spring of 1967. Values obtained from instruments show that different conditions existed during those testing periods, and that deflections , strains and stresses were two to four times higher in the spring than in the fall. Modes of failure were also different . Equivalencies between the different base materials were established. Other conclusions were drawn. Since this is a continuing experiment, it should be emphasized that results and conclusions are subject to change, depending upon data from the remaining experimental rings.

Krukar,M., Cook,J. C.

asphalt, base, condition, construction, data, experimental, materials, pavement, pressure, research, strains, stresses, temperature, test track, tests, volume, Washington, Washington state

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Riedesel,G. A. WA-RD 015.1 Pavement Research at the WSU Test Track- Volume No. 1 Experimental Ring No. 1: A study of cement treated and asphaltic t... 1967
Using full-scale construction equipment and truck loadings on a circular track of 260 feet circumference, evaluation of various base thicknesses and types has been accomplished in this first of a series of tests. Fractured and non-fractured aggregatre, treated and untreated bases, asphaltic and portland cement type bases are used. Results of the firest ring indicate type of failure under varied enviornmental conditions with pavement systems subjected to millions of load applications. Difficulties in determining comparative equivalencies are discussed. Instrumentations used and possibilities for future use in rational design are reported.

Riedesel,G. A.

applications, base, condition, construction, design, equipment, evaluation, experimental, pavement, research, systems, test track, tests, truck, truck loadings, volume

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Rossano,A. T. WA-RD 012.3 Acoustic Radar and Its Applicability To Highway Air Pollution Studies 1032
At the request of the Washington Department of Highways two studies have been conducted by a team of specialists at the University of Washington Air Resources Program to determine the applicability of the Acoustic Radar to air quality modeling to mobile sources.At the request of the Washington Department of Highways two studies have been conducted by a team of specialists at the University of Washington Air Resources Program to determine the applicability of the Acoustic Radar to air quality modeling of mobile sources. Following an exploratory investigation, a comprehensive study was undertaken in which the atmospheric structure was measured by a modified Monostatic Acoustic Radar and the derived stability conditions were compared with the commonly used Pasquill-Turner stability classes, which are based on empirical data. This comprehensive study was performed over a three month period in the fall of 1976, when an unusually persistent air stagnation existed in the study area caused by a stationary high pressure system over the entire Northwest.The Evergreen Point Floating Bridge Toll Plaza in Bellevue, Washington was selected for test location.The carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations were measured at six strategically located sampling points and then compared with the computer model predictions utilizing atmospheric stability data derived by both the Pasquill-Turner and the Radar echo methods. The results indicated that the Acoustic Radar method of determining D & E stability classes is a more realistic approach than that of the Pasquill-Turner Method. Furthermore, the Radar method can also provide continuous remote sensing and recordings of atmospheric parameters. The variation of the inversion height, as measured by the Radar echoes has shown a reasonably good correlation with the variation of the measured CO concentration.

Rossano,A. T., Badgley,F. I., Juhasz,P. C., Bang,G., Carsey,F.

Acoustic Radar, air pollution, air quality, Air Quality Modeling, bridge, carbon monoxide, Carbon Monoxide Perdictions, computer, Concentrations, condition, data, floating bridge, highway, Highways, ITS, model, modeling, prediction, pressure, program, quality, remote sensing, Remote Sensing Atmospheric Structur, sampling, stability, Transportation Pollutio, Washington

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