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Search returned 28 reports containing keyword: 'experimental'
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Pearson,W. H. WA-RD 614.1 Protocols for Evaluation of Upstream Passage of Juvenile Salmonids in an Experimental Culvert Test Bed 2005 WSDOT
The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and its partner agencies developed a research program to design new and retrofit culverts. The goal of this program is to identify culvert bed configurations, designs, and associated hydraulic conditions that allow successful movement of juvenile salmonids upstream, while safely passing water, sediment, and debris downstream. WSDOT, in cooperation with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), constructed a culvert test bed at the WDFS's Skookumchuck Hatchery in western Washington State. Battelle conducted experiments to establish protocols for future research on bed conditions, culvert shape, etc. This technical report describes various protocols, such as time of day, duration of test, and density of test fish, and provides hydraulic and biological characterizations of a baseline culvert.

Pearson,W. H., Richmond,M., Johnson,G., Sargeant,S. L.

agencies, condition, culvert, culvert passage, culvert test bed, culverts, density, design, developed, evaluation, experimental, fish, ITS, juvenile salmonid, juvenile salmonid passage, program, research, retrofit, salmonids, transportation, Washington, Washington state, wildlife, WSDOT

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http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/research/reports/fullreports/614.1.pdf http://wsdot.wa.gov/Research/Reports/600/614.1.htm
Inouye,B. WA-RD 596.1 Seismic Analysis and Retrofit Study of the SR 99-Spokane Street Over-Crossing 2004 TRAC/UW
The SR99-Spokane Street Over-crossing is located in Seattle, Washington, and was built in the late 1950s. Its construction is mostly of reinforced concrete; the reinforcement detailing is poor by modern seismic standards, particularly with respect to confinement, and the underlying soils are also weak. Furthermore, the structure contains many "outrigger bents", in which columns are displaced from their ideal locations to accommodate passage of railroad tracks beneath the structure. These outrigger bents cause significant asymmetry in the structure that could lead to unusual and undesirable seismic response. In this study, the seismic response of the structure was evaluated analytically and seismic retrofit strategies were developed and evaluated. In a companion experimental study by Washington State University (WSU), the as-existing structure was investigated by testing scale models of representative bents, and one retrofit strategy was also tested. In this report, modeling approaches are discussed in detail, and the results of evaluations of the as-existing structure as well as the retrofit strategies are presented. Some components of the structure (e.g. the deck, the already-jacketed columns and the soil-foundation-structure system) were found to be critical to an accurate determination of response and were therefore modeled in some detail. Site-specific ground motions at three different hazard levels were used. The structure was found to be vulnerable, especially to the 72- and 475-year ground motions. The knee-joints that connect the outrigger beams and columns were found to be the most critical components, and their vulnerability was shown to be influenced by the type of retrofit performed on the outrigger column. Retrofit strategies included some designed to increase the strength and ductility of the components, and some intended to reduce the demands on them.

Inouye,B., Lehman,D. E., Stanton,J. F., Kramer,S. L.

columns, concrete, construction, ductility, evaluation, experimental, hazard, ITS, knee-joints, modeling, models, outriggers, reinforced concrete, reinforcement, retrofit, seattle, seismic, seismic response, soil-structure interaction, strength, Washington, Washington state

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http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/research/reports/fullreports/596.1.pdf http://wsdot.wa.gov/Research/Reports/500/596.1.htm
Holtz,R. D. WA-RD 532.1 Internal Stability Analyses of Geosynthetic Reinforced Retaining Walls 2002 TRAC/UW
This research project was an effort to improve our understanding of the internal stress-strain distribution in GRS retaining structures. Our numerical modelling techniques utilized a commercially available element program, FLAC (Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua). In this research, we investigated and appropriately considered the plane strain soil properties, the effect of low confining pressure on the soil dilation angle, and in-soil and low strain rate geosynthetic reinforcement properties.Modeling techniques that are able to predict both the internal and external performance of GRS walls simultaneously were developed. Instrumentation measurements such as wall deflection and reinforcement strain distributions of a number of selected case histories were successfully reproduced by our numerical modeling techniques. Moreover, these techniques were verified by successfully performing true "Class A" predictions of three large-scale experimental walls.An extensive parametric study that included more than 250 numerical models was then performed to investigate the influence of design factors such as soil properties, reinforcement stiffness, and reinforcement spacing on GRS wall performance. Moreover, effects of design options such as toe restraint and structural facing systems were examined. An alternative method for internal stress-strain analysis based on the stress-strain behavior of GRS as a composite material was also developed. Finally, the modeling results were used to develop a new technique for predicting GRS wall face deformations and to make recommendations for the internal stability design of GRS walls.

Holtz,R. D., Lee,W. F.

analysis, behavior, design, experimental, FLAC, geosynthetic, geotechnical, materials, modeling, models, performance, prediction, pressure, program, reinforcement, research, retaining wall, retaining walls, stability, structures, systems, walls

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http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/research/reports/fullreports/532.1.pdf http://wsdot.wa.gov/Research/Reports/500/532.1.htm
Muench, S. T. WA-RD 476.2 Evaluation of the Transtech Pavement Quality Indicator 1999 TRAC/UW
Recently, WSDOT acquired a non-nuclear, non-destructive, density measuring device manufactured by TransTech called a Pavement Quality Indicator (PQI). TransTech\\\\\\\'s PQI measures pavement density indirectly by measuring its dielectric constant. A non-nuclear gauge is advantageous because it contains no radioactive source and is therefore not subject to radiological controls, and it can obtain readings in about 5 seconds versus to 4 minutes with a nuclear gauge. Currently, TransTech is collecting data from different agencies to determine the suitability for measuring asphalt pavement density. This brief study presents density measurements from PQI and compares them with nuclear density gauge and core density measurements from three WSDOT 1998 paving projects. This evaluation was a secondary study to 1998 study Asphalt Concrete Temperature in Washington State; therefore this study\\\\\\\'s experimental design was based entirely on the Temperature study requirements, which resulted in non-random samples and multiple populations within the same sample groups. Despite these problems, results indicate that, when averaged, PQI readings compare favorably with both nuclear measurements and core measurements.

Muench, S. T., Mahoney, J. P., Cawley, B.

Agencies, asphalt, asphalt concrete, asphalt pavement, concrete, control, core densities, data, density, design, evaluation, experimental, group, indicator, ITS, nuclear gauge, pavement, pavement quality, pavement quality indicator, population, project, quality, Study, temperature, Washington, Washington state, WSDOT

Livingston,J. WA-RD 347.1 Rubber Modified and PBA-6 Asphalt Binder Pavements, SR-5, Lewis County Line to SR-12 368 1994
This report documents the construction of two experimental test sections of asphalt concrete pavement containing polymer and ground rubber additives. The two sections are located on I-5 south of Olympia, Washington and were constructed in the summer of 1992.The test sections were paved with an open-graded using PBA-6 and asphalt cement binders. PBA-6 is a performance based asphalt cement with a polymer additive. is a performance based asphalt cement but with ground tires as the additive. The is a for a new product developed by the U.S. Oil and Refining Company of Tacoma, Washington. The completed test sections are performing well, although the PBA-6GR section is flushing due to too high of an initial asphalt content. The sections will be monitored of 10 years to determine long-term performance.

Livingston,J., Anderson,K. W.

additive, asphalt, asphalt concrete, Asphalt Concrete pavement, Asphalt content, asphalt pavement, concrete, construction, counties, crumb-rubber, developed, experimental, line, open-graded, pavement, pavements, performance, performance based specifications, polymer, rubber, tire, tires, Washington

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Swearigen,D. L. WA-RD 252.1 Use of Recycled Materials in Highway Construction 1992
The major objectives of this study were to examine: (1) the types of recycled materials that are appropriate and feasible as alternative paving materials such as glass and tires; and (2) the types of recycled materials, such as mixed-plastics and compost, that can be utilized in all types of transportation applications other than pavements. Seven key products are investigated: tires; glass; asphalt concrete fly ash; compost; mixed plastics; and sign stock. Performance and cost data for pavements is documented for both in-state and nationwide applications. The national experience \'with the use of waste glass as an additive to asphalt concrete and its use in unbound base material is so highlighted. Programs for experimental use of recycled material are outlined. Recommendations for staffing and program changes to deal with recycling are also discussed.

Swearigen,D. L., Jackson,N. C.

additive, Alternative, applications, asphalt, asphalt concrete, base, base materials, concrete, construction, cost, data, experimental, fly ash, Glasphalt, highway, highway construction, ITS, materials, objectives, pavement, pavements, performance, program, recycled ACP, recycling, Rubber-asphalt, tire, tires, transportation

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Carney III,J. F. WA-RD 308.1 Development of Maintenance-Free Safety Appurtenances 1992
This final report demonstrates the feasibility of employing high molecular weight/high density polyethylene cylinders as the energy dissipating medium in highway safety appurtenances. It is shown that this polymer can dissipate large amounts of kinetic energy, undergo large deformations and strains without fracturing, and essentially restore itself to its original size, shape, and energy dissipation potential when the forcing function is removed.This research involves a quasi-static and impact loading experimentalinvestigation to determine the energy dissipation characteristics of HMW HDPEtubes as functions of temperature, radius to wall thickness ratio, strain,strain-rate, deformation, and repeated and cyclic loading. The results ofthis experimental program are analyzed to develop analytic energy dissipationexpressions which are then employed in the design of truck mountedattenuators (TMA), Finally, an expert system computer program, CADS, ismodified to use HMW HDPE tubes in the generalized design of crash cushions.The potential financial, legal, and safety payoffs for highway operationsassociated with developing highway safety devices which are essentiallymaintenance free are significant. Maintenance costs associated with therepair of impacted safety devices would be greatly reduced or eliminated.Tort liability exposure related to damaged or collapsed hardware would besignificantly decreased. Finally, the safety of the motoring public and themaintenance personnel involved in maintaining and repairing damaged hardwarewould be enhanced.

Carney III,J. F.

computer, computer program, cost, costs, cyclic loading, density, design, development, Energy, experimental, expert system, exposure, highway, highway safety, impact, impact attenuation devices, ITS, maintenance, maintenance free, polyethylene, polymer, program, public, research, reusable, safety, self-restoration, strains, temperature, truck

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Roper,T. H. WA-RD 243.1 Thin Overlay, South 154th Street Overcrossing 5/523E Experimental Feature 1991
The Washington State Department of Transportation is conducting experimental field evaluations of selected polymer concrete thin (1/4 inch) overlays. The polymer concrete material is manufactured by private industry firms and installed on selected bridge decks under standard WSDOT construction contracts. Approximately 24 bridges will be involved in the experiment; eight of these are included in federal participating construction projects as experimental features.A polymer concrete thin overlay, The Conkryl Broadcast System (methlmethacrylate), was applied to the deck of the South 154th Street Overcrossing, Bridge No. 5/523, under Contract No. 3354, SR 405 Tukwila to South Renton HOV Lanes. This bridge is a prestressed girder bridge located on the mainline I-5 at the intersection with I-405 in Seattle, Washington.

Roper,T. H., Henley,E. H. Jr

bridge, bridge deck, bridge deck repairs, bridge decks, bridges, concrete, construction, contracts, Deck, evaluation, experimental, HOV, HOV lanes, lanes, overlay, overlays, polymer, polymer concrete, prestressed, project, seattle, thin overlay, transportation, Washington, Washington state, WSDOT

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Roper,T. H. WA-RD 149.1 Pacific Avenue O\'Xing Evazote 50 Expansion Joint Seal / Bridge #5/332 1990
Bridge expansion joints pose a special problem in the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) bridge deck management system. These devices are subject to repeated heavy dynamic loading, and premature failure has occurred in many cases. It is WSDOT policy, as part of the Bridge Deck Management System, to make expansion joints watertight in order to reduce the potential of substructure corrosion induced by roadway deicing salts and other contaminants.Expansion joint seals play an important role in keeping expansion joints watertight. A relatively new material, Evazote 50, looks promising in its performance characteristics as an expansion joint seal. It is able to accommodate considerable joint movement, its durability and corrosion resistant properties are excellent, and it is resistant to absorption of oils and greases. The purpose of this experimental project is to gain knowledge about the material\'s effectiveness over time and to gain knowledge about field installation techniques. It was very beneficial to have the manufacturer\'s representative on the job during installation. This was required by special provision and is a practice that should be continued on future projects.In-place performance will determine acceptance of Evazote 50 for general use.

Roper,T. H., Henley,E. H. Jr

absorption, bridge, bridge deck, bridge deck rehabilitation, corrosion, Deck, durability, effectiveness, expansion joints, experimental, in-place, ITS, Joints, management, management system, performance, policy, roadway, salt, transportation, Washington, Washington state, WSDOT

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Allison,R. E. WA-RD 130.2 PlusRide Asphalt Pavement (I/90) 1990
The performance of an experimental installation of PlusRide ACP as a bridge deck overlay is summarized in this report. Visual inspections, friction tests, noise readings, and rut depth measurements were taken on both the PlusRide and a rubberized ACP control section. No evidence of better frictional properties, noise reduction or increased service life could be attributed to the PlusRide in comparison with the rubberized ACP control section.

Allison,R. E.

asphalt, asphalt pavement, bridge, bridge deck, bridge deck overlay, control, Deck, experimental, friction, inspection, noise, noise reduction, overlay, pavement, performance, PlusRide, resistance, Rubberized, tests

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Roper,T. H. WA-RD 148.1 Thin Overlay- Yakima River Bridge - Experimental Feature 1989
The Washington State Department of Transportation will be conducting experimental field testing of several selected polymer concrete thin (1/4 inch) overlays over a ten-year period. The polymer concrete material is manufactured by private industry firms and installed on selected bridge decks under standard WSDOT construction contracts. Approximately 21 bridges will be involved in the experiment; eight of these are included in federal participating projects as experimental features.Washington State Department of Transportation will be conducting experimental field testing of several selected polymer concrete thin (1/4inch) overlays over a ten-year period. The polymer concrete material is manufactured by private industry and installed on selected bridge decks under standard WSDOT construction 21 bridges will be involved in the experiment; eight of these are included in federal participating projects as features. The polymer concrete thin overlays were applied to the decks of the River Bridge and the Yakima River Bridge under Contract No. 3 SR 90 and SR 82, Interchange to Terrace Heights. Both bridges are steel truss bridges located on SR 82 just outside Yakima, Washington. Both the epoxy overlay and the methacrylate overlays were versatile products apply under difficult traffic control conditions. Starting and stopping the various pours to accommodate opening and closing of lanes for traffic proved satisfactory. To the extent possible, work was performed at night when traffic was light. All three lanes were then opened to traffic in the early morning to accommodate peak traffic conditions.

Roper,T. H., Henley,E. H. Jr

bridge, bridge deck, bridge deck repairs, bridge decks, bridges, concrete, condition, construction, contracts, control, Deck, Epoxy, experimental, lanes, light, overlay, overlays, polymer, polymer concrete, steel, steel truss bridge, thin overlay, traffic, traffic control, transportation, Washington, Washington state, WSDOT

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Livingston,J. WA-RD 198.1 Carbon Black Additive in Asphalt, SR 290, Spokane Vicinity 1989
This report describes the construction of an experimental section of asphalt concrete pavement overlay which contained the additive carbon black. A long term evaluation of the overlay seeks to determine if there is a significant difference in performance between it and an adjacent control section of pavement which contains no additive.Preliminary laboratory results indicate that the viscosity/temperature curve for the carbon black asphalt binder has been altered in a way that the temperature susceptibility of the pavement is decreased.


additive, asphalt, asphalt concrete, Asphalt Concrete pavement, Carbon black, concrete, construction, control, evaluation, experimental, overlay, pavement, performance, susceptibility, temperature, terperature susceptibility

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Allison,R. E. WA-RD 185.1 Rubber Asphalt Binder Stress Absorbing Membrane Interlayer - Experimental Feature WA 78-06 & 07 1989
Experimental installation of rubber-asphalt binder stress absorbing membrane interlayers were evaluated for their ability to delay or prevent reflective alligator cracking. The final results are inconclusive in that after 10 years of service life neither the control sections paved without an interlayer or the remainder of the projects paved with the interlayer have shown any reflective alligator cracking. It is suspected that the thickness of the overlay in combination with the sound structure of the underlying pavement has masked any of the benefits of the interlayer.

Allison,R. E.

Alligator Cracking, asphalt, benefit, benefits, control, cracking, experimental, membrane, overlay, pavement, Reflection Cracking, rubber, Rubber-asphalt, SAMI, stresses

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Toney,C. A. WA-RD 111.1 National Experimental and Evaluation Program: Washington State\'s Experience 1987
This document presents a summary of Washington State Department of Transportation\\\'s experience with the 28 projects of the National Experimental and Evaluation Program (NEEP).

Toney,C. A.

counties, evaluation, experimental, management, management system, microcomputer, NEEP, pavement, pavement management, program, transportation, Washington, Washington state

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Roper,T. H. WA-RD 101.1 Snake River Bridge Thin Overlay: Experimental Feature 1987
The Washington State Department of Transportation will be conducting experimental field testing of several selected ploymer concrete thin overlays over a ten-year period. The ploymer concrete material is manufactured by private industry firms and installed on selected bridge decks under standard WSDOT construction contracts. Approximately 14 bridges will be involved in the experiment.The study was conducted in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. The Washington State Department of Transportation will be conducting field testing of several selected concrete thin overlays over a ten-year period. The polymer concrete material is manufactured by private industry and installed on selected bridge decks under standard WSDOT construction contracts. 14 bridges will be involved in the experiment. The Snake River Bridge at Clarkston, Washington, Bridge No. 12/915, is the first bridge of the to receive a 1/4 thin overlay. The polymer concrete used is by Polycarb. The deck was repaired and overlaid in June of 1986. Work on the thin overlay began on June 8 and was completed on June 20. A total of 6,477 S.Y. of overlay was involved. Traffic was accommodated at all times on the portion of the bridge not being overlaid. Construction progressed relatively smoothly per the inspector\'s report. The material permitted the contractor flexibility in the rate of installation and in starting and stopping the work. Width of installation was varied to accommodate temporary traffic lanes. Pavement skid tests and bond tests all proved satisfactory. Ninety-one percent of the resistivity tests exceeded the minimum required by the specifications. The majority of the test points that did not meet the minimum specified occurred at the beginning of the work, where the contractor attempted to apply the material with spray that apparently did not provide accurate proportionate mix of the epoxy components. Subsequent tests and reports delamination, half-cell, chloride content, and rutting values to the original deck survey values.

Roper,T. H., Henley,E. H. Jr

bridge, bridge deck, bridge deck repairs, bridge decks, bridges, chloride, concrete, construction, contracts, Epoxy, experimental, half-cell, highway, lanes, overlay, overlays, pavement, polymer, polymer concrete, specification, specifications, survey, tests, thin overlay, traffic, transportation, Washington, Washington state, WSDOT

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Roper,T. H. WA-RD 114.1 Grays River Bridge At Roseburg - Thin Overlay 1987
The Washington State Department of Transportation will be conducting experimental field testing of several selected polymer concrete thin (1 1/4 inch) overlays over a ten-year period. The ploymer concrete material is manufactured by private industry firms and installed on selected bridge decks under standard WSDOT construction contracts. Approximately 21 bridges will be involved in the experiment; eight of these are included in federal participating projects as experimental features.The Grays River Bridge at Roseburg, Washington, Bridge is the second bridge of the federal aid projects to receive a thin concrete overlay. The polymer concrete used was Degadur 330, made by Degussa Company and installed by Floor. The deck was overlaid in August of 1986. Work on the thin overlay began on August 4, 1986 and was completed on August 5, 1986. A total of 586 S.Y. of overlay was placed. There was no traffic on the bridge during the overlay placement. The overlay contractor had a well trained crew and the overlay placement went very smoothly. The experience showed when the different operations of primer, overlay, and sealer were sequenced so that when one layer cured out, the next operation was ready to go. Friction tests and electrical resistivity tests were all satisfactory.

Roper,T. H., Henley,E. H. Jr

bridge, bridge deck, bridge deck repairs, bridge decks, bridges, concrete, construction, contracts, experimental, friction, overlay, overlays, polymer, polymer concrete, sealer, tests, thin overlay, traffic, transportation, Washington, Washington state, WSDOT

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Anderson,K. W. WA-RD 131.1 Asphalt-Rubber Open-Graded Friction Course 1987
This report describes the construction of experimental asphalt-rubber open-qraded friction course overlays on I-5 in Vancouver, Washington. A 1200 foot section of open-graded pavement was included as a control section. Evaluations will be conducted over a period of three years to measure the performance of the rubber and polymer sections against the control section of conventional open-graded pavement.Initial observations and tests show no significant differences between the control and the asphalt-rubber and polymer sections.

Anderson,K. W.

asphalt, asphalt pavement, Asphalt-Rubber, construction, control, evaluation, experimental, friction, friction course, open-graded, overlay, overlays, pavement, performance, PlusRide, polymer, rubber, tests, Washington

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Sorensen,H. WA-RD 084.1 Determination of the Capability of a Side Bearing Block Foundation as a Fixed Support to Resist Overturning 1986
A side bearing block foundation is used to resist overturning moments and lateral forces. Theoretical and experimental investigations were made to determine the ultimate moment capacity of a reinforced concrete footing subjected to vertical and horizontal loads and an overturning moment. The theoretical ultimate moment capacity was assumed to occur when the ultimate soil resistance was reached along the side bearing walls. It was found the resultant friction force at the base of the foundation greatly influenced the foundation to resist an overturning moment. The experimental ultimate moment capacity was determined from a deflection curve obtained from field data. A theoretical ultimate moment capacity was determined with the use of a finite el computer The results each of the three determinations were in acceptable agreement. Recommendations for further are made.

Sorensen,H., Toreh,R.

base, computer, concrete, data, experimental, finite element, footing, forces, foundation, foundations, friction, loads, overturning, piles, reinforced concrete, resistance, soil, soil mechanics, soil pressure, stability, walls

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Foss,Rene N. WA-RD 033.1 Ground Plan Wind Shear Interaction On Acoustic Transmission 949 1978
Experimental data indicate that the combined effects of wind shear and ground plane attenuation can have a strong influence on sound propagation near the ground even at distances as short as 100 ft, The effectmanifests itself experimentally as a noticeable difference between sound propagation upwind vis-8-vis downwind that becomes more pronounced with either increased distance or increased wind speed. Differences of up to 25 dBA were found between into-the-wind and with-the-wind propagation fora listening height of 4 ft and a transmission distance of about 300 ft. Even a very moderate wind (4 mph) produced a difference of 12 dB at 150 ft for the same listening height. A large body of spectral data was also taken under a variety of wind conditions for path lengths of 150 ft and 225 ft. The resulting spectra agreed reasonably well with theoretical predictions for frequencies below 500 Hz, where ground and surface waves predominate; an important observation is that these waves were not affected substantially by wind conditions. Above approximately 500 Hz, the attenuation was frequently more than that predicted theoretically, and it was wind sensitive. The effect of wind was, in many cases, large, and could well mean that much experimentally obtained highway noise data is considerably less useful than previously thought, unless wind shear was taken into account during the measurements. In general, to "hear" the full effect of existing traffic, measurements should be made when the test positions downwind from the traffic.

Foss,Rene N.

account, attenuation, condition, data, experimental, highway, Highway acoustics, ground plane attenuation, wind shear, interaction, noise, prediction, speed, traffic, wind

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Foss,R. N. WA-RD 024.3 Noise Barrier Screen Measurement - Double Barriers 1976
This report documents the results of an investigation to determine the attenuative effect of two cascaded walls or barrier screens on the transmission of sound. The study was for point sources and involved the use of tone burst techniques for the experimental determination of the attenuation produced by a wide variety of two-wall configurations. This work was modeled at 5 and 10 kHz. The final result was the development of an algorithm for accurately predicting the attenuation of two-wall systems.

Foss,R. N.

attenuation, barrier, barriers, development, experimental, Fresenel diffraction, Highway acoustics, noise, noise screens, Noise supression, systems, walls

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Foss,R. N. WA-RD 024.1 Noise Barrier Screen Measurement - Single Barriers 1975
This Laboratory has undertaken an extensive series of experimental measurements to determine the effect of barrier screens on the transmission of sound from a point source. By exercising great care in the experimental procedures, the data spread was kept within a narrow band about 1 dB wide. The results of these experiments indicate that the correct attenuation curve (in decibels vs Fresnel number \"NH) for apoint source is given by Fresnells equations. This is an important determination because computer programs based on the widely used National Cooperative Research Program Report 117 use a curve suggested by the work of Maekawa that is lower than Fresnel\'s curve. The results of calculations that convert this point source curve to the incoherent line source (and line source segment) case are also given. The measurements were conducted at two frequencies, 5.19 and 10.019 kHz, and employed a variety of source-to-wall and wall-to-microphone spacings. They were carried out indoors using pulse techniques to eliminate unwanted bounces and reflections.

Foss,R. N.

attenuation, barrier, barriers, computer, computer program, data, equations, experimental, Fresenel diffraction, line, noise, Noise supression, program, reflections, research

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Terrel,Ronald L. WA-RD 006.1 Resilient Behavior Of Asphalt Treated Base Course Materials 1003 1972
In many parts of the world, the design of flexible pavement is still based on empirical methods which have developed from engineering experience. These empirical methods cannot be extrapolated beyond their limits without full scale trials to prove their applicability. In recent years, however, the increase of traffic, both in volume and axle loads, has led to the failure of many roads previously considered well designed. For this reason, therefore, researchers realized that a closer look at the pavement materials was desirable in order to develop a rational design procedure. Due to the complexity of characterizing pavement materials, and the limitations of instrumentation, much of the reported work offered little help in changing design practice. This is, perhaps, due to many simplifying assumptions which had to be introduced in the experimental procedure as well as the interpretation of the test results. Recently, however, there has been a sharp advancement in test instrumentation and an outstanding progress in processing the experimental results. This has been reflected through many fine investigations and has increased the demand for more improvements. An asphalt pavement is a complex structure whose function is to provide a suitable surface for a highway, an airport, or other off-highway facility. The load of a vehicle or an aircraft is transmitted through the multilayered system of processed materials which have different mechanical properties. The stress distribution within this system is highly complex and to a large extent is dependent on the relative stiffnesses of the individual layers.

Terrel,Ronald L., Awad,S.

asphalt, asphalt pavement, axle, base, behavior, demand, design, developed, experimental, facilities, fine, highway, improvement, loads, materials, methods, pavement, stiffness, stresses, System, traffic, volume

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Foss,Rene N. WA-RD 005.2 Tire Noise Properties And Two Resurfacing Materials Used By Highway Bridges For Repair Of Wear 1014 1972
The purpose of this study was to investigate the acoustic effects of two topping materials used on bridges in the Seattle area. One material was applied to the bridge on Interstate-5 which crosses the Duwamish River. It is an English product called Sprag-Grip which is supposed to have very good anti-skid properties, as well as the ability to stick to the road in thin layers thus making it suitable for the repair of worn surfaces. The other material is an epoxy -asphalt mixture which was applied to some sections of the Evergreen Point Floating Bridge over Lake Washington, particularly over sections where worn grating was causing excessive noise. Hopefully, this substance will be capable of long-term sticking in relatively thin layers. Of the two materials, it was found that the epoxy-asphalt topping on the Evergreen Point Floating Bridge was by far the quieter, and, at least as newly applied, proved to be very quiet at the road/tire interface. It is likely that this good acoustic performance is due to the smoothness of the surface rather than directly to the fact that the material contains epoxy. The role of the epoxy would be as an adhesive and to resist wear so that its original acoustic performance could be maintained for a considerable length of time. Spray-Grip, on the other hand, although slightly quieter than the rutted, worn roadway, was not as quiet as the original unworn road surface. Experimental Procedures The primary contribution of a road surface to the noise 'radiating from a vehicle is in the noise emitted at the road/tire interface; therefore, the major thrust of this effort was directed toward measuring this effect. There also were some measurements of community noise levels before and after the resurfacing of the bridges. The tire noise tests were taken on the right rear wheel of a Laboratory station wagon upon which a new tire was mounted (a Pennsylvania Patrol Special, size 8. 55-15). (The tread design and depth of this tire are shown on page 2. ) This tire was mounted on a wheel and used on the vehicle only daring tests. Between tests it was stored so that unnecessary wear would not change its acoustic character-teristics. The noise pickup device was a specially baffled microphone located about 7 inches from the road/tire interface by a bracket holding it on the outside of the tire. One of the major problems in making noise measurements of this type is to have a microphone that will pick up only tire noise and be baffled from wind noise. This problem has been solved by a microphone baffling system especially designed by this Laboratory.

Foss,Rene N.

asphalt, bridge, bridges, community noise, design, Epoxy, experimental, floating bridge, highway, ITS, materials, mixture, noise, Noise Levels, noise measurements, performance, repair, roadway, seattle, Study, System, tests, tire, tire noise, Washington, wind, Wind Noise

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Krukar,M. WA-RD 015.5 Pavement Research At WSU Volume No. 5 - Evaluation and Analysis of Results From Experimental Rings No. 1-4 1020 1971
The purpose of this study was threefold: (1) Develop empirical equivalencies from all four rings, (2) develop a design method for overlays based on field deflections; and (3) evaluate the validity of data obtained from instrumentations in terms of n-layer elastic theory and then develop theoretical equivalencies.This was done. Field equivalencies were developed and they indicated that superiority of the treated base materials over the untreated. A design method was developed which could be used for predicting when an overlay was needed and what thickness was needed to withstand certain equivalent wheel loads and deflections.Using computer programs for n-layer elastic theory developed by Chevron Research Company, deflection stresses and strains were computed and compared with field data. Assumptions about the material behavior and condition were made based on laboratory data obtained from The Asphalt Institute and field knowledge, and were used to help predict the behavior of pavements. The results were encouraging and indicate that field measurements generally were comparable with elastic layer theory predictions. This will help to develop and modify existing design limits for stresses, strains and deflection for future work.Equivalencies based on theoretical deflections, stresses and strains indicate the difficulty of assigning precise values. These values also indicate the superiority of treated materials over the untreated materials.

Krukar,M., Cook,J. C.

analysis, asphalt, base, base materials, behavior, computer, computer program, condition, data, design, equivalencies, evaluation, experimental, loads, materials, overlay, overlays, pavement, pavements, prediction, program, research, strains, stresses, volume, wheel load

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Krukar,M. WA-RD 015.4 Pavement Research at the WSU Test Track - Volume No. 4 Experimental Ring No 4 A Study of Untreated, Sand Asphalt, and As... 1970
Three different kinds of base material of varying base thicknesses were tested at the Washington State University Test Track on Ring #3 during the fall of 1967 and the spring of 1968. Twelve 18-foot test sections consisting of 4.5, 7.0, 9.5 and 12 inches of untreated crushed rock surfacing top course base; 3.0, 5.0, and 7.0 and 9.0 inches of emulsion treated crushed surfacing top course base; and 0.0, 2.0, 3.5 and 5.0 inches of special non-fractured screened aggregate asphalt treated base, covered by a uniform 3.0-inch thick Class "B" asphalt concrete wearing course were tested during this period. This pavement structure was built on a clay-silt subgrade soil.Instrumentation consisted of moisture tensiometers, strain gages, pressure cells, LVDT gages and thermocouples for measuring moisture, strain, stress, dynamic deflections and temperatures. Benkleman beam readings were taken.The testing period revealed that the fall failure modes were different from the spring failures. The fall failure patter started from transverse cracks in the thin sections which developed into alligator cracking patterns. These cracks appeared after a period of cold weather and heavy rains followed by a warming period. It seems that thermal and mechanical loads were responsible for the fall failures on the thin sections. The spring failures were very rapid and sudden and were due to environmental factors which led to saturated subgrade, thus resulting in poor bearing capacity. Punching shear was the failure mode. The thickest sections survived without cracks but developed severe rutting. Examination revealed that these ruts extended into the subgrade and that fatigue cracking was developing on the bottom of the bases.Comparison of the results with those obtained from Ring# 2, which was similar in base materials and thickness, show that they were similar in many respects. This indicates that the test track is capable of replicating results and is a reliable research instrument.Equivalencies were developed for the different materials. On this basis the special aggregate asphalt treated base was superior to the emulsion treated and untreated crushed rock bases in that order. These results were comparable to those obtained from test Ring #2.Maximum values for static and dynamic deflections, strains and stresses for different times and temperatures were developed. The lateral position of the dual tires with respect to the gage severely affected the strain, stresses and deflection values. Temperature also caused variations in the measurements. Spring instrument readings for static and dynamic deflections, strain and stress show increased values by as much as 2 to 4 times of those obtained in the fall. Spring subgrade conditions probably are responsible for these differences.Ring #3 series operational time was twice that of Ring #2 and sustained four times the wheel load applications. Construction and testing environmental conditions were superior to those for Ring #2 and hence contributed to the longer test period. This points out that environmental factors are very important in pavement life.


aggregate, Alligator Cracking, applications, asphalt, asphalt concrete, base, base materials, bearing capacity, Benkleman beam, concrete, condition, construction, cracking, dual tires, environmental, experimental, fatigue, fatigue cracking, loads, materials, pavement, pavement life, pressure, pressure cell, rain, research, research at the WSU, strains, stresses, subgrade, temperature, test track, tire, tires, volume, Volume No.4, Washington, Washington state, wheel load

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Krukar,M. WA-RD 015.3 Pavement Research at the WSU Test Track, Volume No. 3 Experimental Ring No. 3: Study of Untreated Emulsion Treated and A... 1969
Three different kinds of base material of varying base thicknesses were tested at the Washington State University Test Track on Ring #3 during the fall of 1967 and the spring of 1968. Twelve 18-foot test sections consisting of 4.5, 7.0, 9.5 and 12 inches of untreated crushed rock surfacing top course base; 3.0, 5.0, and 7.0 and 9.0 inches of emulsion treated crushed surfacing top course base; and 0.0, 2.0, 3.5 and 5.0 inches of special non-fractured screened aggregate asphalt treated base, covered by a uniform 3.0-inch thick Class "B" asphalt concrete wearing course were tested during this period. This pavement structure was built on a clay-silt subgrade soil.Instrumentation consisted of moisture tensiometers, strain gages, pressure cells, LVDT gages and thermocouples for measuring moisture, strain, stress, dynamic deflections and temperatures. Benkleman beam readings were taken.The testing period revealed that the fall failure modes were different from the spring failures. The fall failure patter started from transverse cracks in the thin sections which developed into alligator cracking patterns. These cracks appeared after a period of cold weather and heavy rains followed by a warming period. It seems that thermal and mechanical loads were responsible for the fall failures on the thin sections. The spring failures were very rapid and sudden and were due to environmental factors which led to saturated subgrade, thus resulting in poor bearing capacity. Punching shear was the failure mode. The thickest sections survived without cracks but developed severe rutting. Examination revealed that these ruts extended into the subgrade and that fatigue cracking was developing on the bottom of the bases.Comparison of the results with those obtained from Ring# 2, which was similar in base materials and thickness, show that they were similar in many respects. This indicates that the test track is capable of replicating results and is a reliable research instrument.Equivalencies were developed for the different materials. On this basis the special aggregate asphalt treated base was superior to the emulsion treated and untreated crushed rock bases in that order. These results were comparable to those obtained from test Ring #2.Maximum values for static and dynamic deflections, strains and stresses for different times and temperatures were developed. The lateral position of the dual tires with respect to the gage severely affected the strain, stresses and deflection values. Temperature also caused variations in the measurements. Spring instrument readings for static and dynamic deflections, strain and stress show increased values by as much as 2 to 4 times of those obtained in the fall. Spring subgrade conditions probably are responsible for these differences.Ring #3 series operational time was twice that of Ring #2 and sustained four times the wheel load applications. Construction and testing environmental conditions were superior to those for Ring #2 and hence contributed to the longer test period. This points out that environmental factors are very important in pavement life.

Krukar,M., Cook,J. C.

aggregate, Alligator Cracking, applications, asphalt, asphalt concrete, base, base materials, bearing capacity, Benkleman beam, concrete, condition, construction, cracking, dual tires, environmental, equivalencies, experimental, fatigue, fatigue cracking, loads, materials, pavement, pavement life, pressure, pressure cell, rain, research, research at the WSU, soil, strains, stresses, subgrade, temperature, test track, tire, tires, volume, Washington, Washington state, wheel load

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Krukar,M. WA-RD 015.2 Pavement Research at WSU Track Volume No. 2 Experimental Ring No. 2: A Study of Untreated Emulsion Treated and Asphlatic... 1968
This report describes the results obtained from Experimental Ring No. 2, the first ring of a three-ring tests series on treated bases at the Washington State University Test Track. This experiment was concerned with studying the effects of controlled wheel load repetitions on untreated, emulsion, and specialaggregate asphalt - treated bases of four varying thicknesses. Construction, instrumentation, results , and conclusions are described and drawn. Benkelman beam, LVDT, strain gages, pressure cells and moisture tensiometers were used to measure deflections , strains , stresses and moisture. Maximum values are tabulated. Temperatures were also recorded. Testing can be divided into two time periods - fall of 1966 and spring of 1967. Values obtained from instruments show that different conditions existed during those testing periods, and that deflections , strains and stresses were two to four times higher in the spring than in the fall. Modes of failure were also different . Equivalencies between the different base materials were established. Other conclusions were drawn. Since this is a continuing experiment, it should be emphasized that results and conclusions are subject to change, depending upon data from the remaining experimental rings.

Krukar,M., Cook,J. C.

asphalt, base, condition, construction, data, experimental, materials, pavement, pressure, research, strains, stresses, temperature, test track, tests, volume, Washington, Washington state

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Riedesel,G. A. WA-RD 015.1 Pavement Research at the WSU Test Track- Volume No. 1 Experimental Ring No. 1: A study of cement treated and asphaltic t... 1967
Using full-scale construction equipment and truck loadings on a circular track of 260 feet circumference, evaluation of various base thicknesses and types has been accomplished in this first of a series of tests. Fractured and non-fractured aggregatre, treated and untreated bases, asphaltic and portland cement type bases are used. Results of the firest ring indicate type of failure under varied enviornmental conditions with pavement systems subjected to millions of load applications. Difficulties in determining comparative equivalencies are discussed. Instrumentations used and possibilities for future use in rational design are reported.

Riedesel,G. A.

applications, base, condition, construction, design, equipment, evaluation, experimental, pavement, research, systems, test track, tests, truck, truck loadings, volume

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