TRAC Reports

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Search returned 18 reports containing keyword: 'facilities'
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Kopf,J. WA-RD 619.1 Measurement of Recurring and Non-Recurring Congestion: Phase 2 2005 TRAC/UW
In 2003, the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) initiated a research effort to develop and test a methodology for estimating congestion delay on Seattle area freeways. The initial phase of the research developed a preliminary methodology for both measuring congestion and assigning that congestion to specific lane blocking incidents. In Phase 2 of this study, that methodology was automated and extended to include an examination of the effects of incidents occurring on the shoulders of the freeway, spillback from incident-caused congestion on one freeway that affects a second freeway that feeds traffic onto the initially congested facility, special events, and weather. Because funding for this effort was extremely limited, only three corridors (with both directions analyzed independently) and two months of data were analyzed. The project found that the Phase 1 methodology works well in assigning traffic congestion that occurs in the immediate time frame and geographic location of incidents to those incidents. It also showed that this process can be automated, making the data preparation effort now the primary determinant of the cost of additional work of this kind. Unfortunately, even with the addition of shoulder incidents, special events, and weather to lane blocking events, the automated process is unable to assign a significant proportion of the non-recurring delay occurring on Seattle freeways. The detailed analysis of freeway performance showed that much of the delay caused by specific incidents occurs in places or at times removed from the incident itself. The result is that much of the observed non-recurring delay can not be assigned to specific causes by the current analytical process. New analytical procedures will need to be developed in Phase 3 of this work. The Phase 2 analysis also confirmed that the congestion effects of specific incidents and other traffic disruptions are highly dependent on the background traffic conditions at the time of the disruption. While the Phase 2 analysis did not produce all of the results desired, the additional analyses showed that the summary statistics output from the Phase 2 software are useful as input to other analytical procedures.

Kopf,J., Nee,J., Ishimaru,J. M., Hallenbeck,M. E.

congestion causes, freeway performance, traffic congestion, Washington, Washington state, transportation, WSDOT, research, methodology, congestion, seattle, freeway, developed, incident, Study, effects, traffic, facilities, corridors, data, project, cost, analysis, performance, in-place, condition, statistics, software

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http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/research/reports/fullreports/619.1.pdf http://wsdot.wa.gov/Research/Reports/600/619.1.htm
Nee,J. WA-RD 584.2 HOV Lane Performance Monitoring 2002 Report -- Vol. 1 2004 TRAC/UW
High occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes, also known as carpool lanes and diamond lanes, are designated for use by carpoolers, transit riders, ride sharers and motorcyclists that meet the occupancy requirement. By restricting access, the HOV lanes benefit users by allowing them to travel the freeway system at a faster speed, thus saving time, and experiencing greater time reliability in comparison to motorists on general purpose (GP) lanes. To accurately evaluate the system's effectiveness, a state policy requires an annual HOV system report to document system performance, examining the HOV lanes' person-carrying capability, travel time savings, and trip reliability benefits in comparison to adjacent GP lanes. HOV lane violation rates are also evaluated. This report describes the results of an extensive monitoring effort of HOV lane use and performance in the Puget Sound area in 2002. It presents an analysis of data collected to describe the number of people and vehicles that use HOV lanes, the reliability of the HOV lanes, the travel time savings in comparison to GP lanes, violation rates and public perceptions. This information is intended to serve as reliable input for transportation decision makers and planners in evaluating the impact and adequacy of the existing HOV lane system in the Puget sound area, and in planning for other HOV facilities. This is volume 1 of a two-volume set. Volume 2 provides an overview of major trends in HOV lane performance by comparing data presented in the 2000 HOV Performance Report.

Nee,J., Ishimaru,J. M., Hallenbeck,M. E.

analysis, benefit, benefits, carpool, data, facilities, freeway, GP lanes, high occupancy, high occupancy vehicle, HOV, HOV facilities, HOV lanes, HOV performance, monitoring, occupancy, performance, performance monitoring, planning, policy, public, reliability, research, speed, transit, transportation, travel time, violation, volume

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External Links:
http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/research/reports/fullreports/584.2.pdf http://wsdot.wa.gov/Research/Reports/500/584.2.htm
Anderson, K.W. WA-RD 344.1 ADS HDPE Sewer Pipe, I-90 Third Lake Washington Bridge Maintenance Facility 1994 WSDOT
The construction and pressure testing of a field installation of ADS HDPE corrugated PVC sewer pipe is documented in this report.

Anderson, K.W., Gubbe, J.

Bridge, construction, drainage, facilities, maintenance, pipes, plastic, pressure, PVC, Washington

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Carr, D.H. WA-RD 194.1 Clear Zones for Local Agencies 1989 WSDOT
The reported study was used to investigate clear zone practices, policies and standards that are employed both within Washington State and throughout the United State. Emphasis was placed on those standards or guidelines that apply to local city and county roadways which are predominately low volume and low speed facilities.The review of nationwide clear zone practices pointed to a need for a set of clear zone guidelines or standards that apply specifically to low volume, low speed facilities. The research also pointed to the need for guidelines or standards that could be easily applied by city or county agencies with limited staff and limited budgets.One of the findings of the research is a step by step format for agencies to use in establishing a program to address existing clear zone deficiencies.

Carr, D.H., Curtin, J.J., Dorvel, P.E.

Agencies, Clear zone, control zone, counties, facilities, policy, program, recovery area, research, review, roadway, speed, volume, Washington, Washington state

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Casavant, K.L. WA-RD 135.1 A Preliminary Review of Impacts on Washington County Roads of Grain Transportation Changes 1987 TRAC/WSU
This preliminary study identified the impact on county roads of changes in the grain transportation system. County engineers were surveyed in a 10 county study area in eastern Washington to identify the location, cause and magnitude of these impacts. It was found that railline abandonment and traffic to multiple car loading facilities were principal causes. Total needs were estimated by the county engineers to be about $1.5 billion, abot $219 million per county for the seven responding counties. Specific impacts caused by grain transportation changes could range up to 60-70% of that value, based on preliminary analysis in two of the counties. These preliminary estimates lacked hard data; the forthcoming RJC study should give a more specific estimate of that impact. As private decisions continue to impact public infrastructure, new funding processes may be needed.

Casavant, K.L., Sanders, B., Lenzi, J.C.

County road impacts, grain transportation, rail line abandonment, multiple car loading, facilities

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Kiernan, K. WA-RD 060.1 Recreational Vehicle Waste Disposal Stations at Highway Rest Areas 1983 TRAC/UW
A study of recreational vehicle waste disposal at highway rest areas was conducted from RV wastewater is significantly stronger than wastewater in BOD, COD, and suspended solids. It also contains preservative compounds, most of which contain formaldehyde or a formaldehyde derivative. With adequate dilution, these wastes should not interfere with waste by mixed cultures of aerobic or anaerobic bacteria or There that waste treatment facilities be affected by improper use of the disposal stations, such as for disposal of hazardous wastes. In addition, improper use may lead to temporary unsanitary conditions around the station. Equations to estimate disposal station use and loading factors, and design equations for treatment of wastes are presented. The public perceives the stations to be and cost-effective provided they are paid for by RV owners. RV owners are willing to pay an annual fee which will cover the costs of construction, operation and maintenance of the stations.

Kiernan, K., Brown, C., Benjamin, M., Ferguson, J.F.

Annual, biological waste treatment, condition, construction, cost, cost effective, costs, design, disposal, equations, facilities, fee, Formaldehyde Toxcity, Hazardous, hazardous wastes, highway, maintenance, public, recreational vehicles, rest area, rest areas, Study, suspended solids

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Jacobson, R. WA-RD 054.1 Impacts of land use, changes on major highway facilities-Alternate approaches 1982 WSDOT
In high growth areas, highways frequently become congested as the result of land use changes. Local use controls have not prevented the adverse impacts. Further, state funds are inadequate to address the critical problems in growth areas. This study investigates six study areas in Washington compare land use change impacts and the effectiveness of the various procedures applied to prevent or correct such problems and to fund highway improvements in growth areas. A survey of practice in other states provides information concerning their approaches to the problem. The study concludes that comprehensive land use planning supported by inter-agency cooperation has been ted. Local governments have applied a number of innovative techniques for financing local roads and streets. Cooperative interagency planning before growth is out of control has benefited both the local jurisdiction and the state. However, state and local jurisdictions lack the authority to apply these techniques to state highways in Washington State. The study makes recommendations for increasing interagency cooperation and for legislative remedies.

Jacobson, R.

Control, effectiveness, facilities, highway, highway financing, Highways, impact, impacts, improvement, Interagency planning, land use, land use controls, land use planning, land-use, land-use/transportation planning, local government, mitigation, planning, planning coordination, Study, survey, Washington, Washington state

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LaChapplle, E.R. WA-RD 023.4 Central Avalanche Hazard Forecasting - Summary Of Scientific Investigations 1978 UW
The Central Avalanche Hazard Forecasting project had had two principal aims : The design and establishment of an avalanche data network and central avalanche and mountain weather forecasting facility to serve the highway passes and other hazard areas of the Cascade Mountains in Washington. Improvements in the practices of conventional avalanche forecasting and the introduction of new techniques in statistical analysis and pattern recognition. Achievement of the first aim has been described in previous Reports 23.2 and 23.3. This present Report 23.4 gives the results of fundamental research into avalanche forecasting theory and discusses the application of these results is to central avalanche forecasting for the Cascade Mountains of Western Washington .

LaChapplle, E.R., Furguson, S.A., Marriott, R.T., Moore, M.B., Reanier, F.W., Sackett, E.M., Taylor, P.L.

Analysis, avalanche, avalanche forecasting, snow, weather, data, design, facilities, forecasting, hazard, highway, project, research, Washington

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Iverson, E.A. WA-RD 025.6 Guidelines For the Identification And Analysis Of Social Factors In Transportation Planning 1976 WSDOT
The objective of study was to develop criteria and procedures for the identification and measurement of social in transportation planning and the process by which such analyses are integrated into the decision-making process. The guidelines developed from this address several related but different parts of the total planning and design process. Two of the reports prepared as a part of this study are concerned with identifying and measuring social factors and conducting social and economic surveys to obtain necessary data. A third report is concerned with the development and implementation of involvement programs. The is made that an effective planning and design process must provide means by which the values and of residents of affected and users of transportation facilities can be incorporated in technical studies and the decision-making process. Two additional reports contain guidelines for the operation of interdisciplinary teams and team scheduling and management. The systematic interdisciplinary approach undertaken in the State of Washington provides a means by which technical data, values and opinions, and planning and design concepts and standards can all be evaluated by the team in reaching a solution to a problem.

Iverson, E.A.

Analysis, Community Involvement, Social Factors, Socio-Economic Surveys, Inter-disciplinary Team Operation and Management, criteria, data, design, design process, developed, development, facilities, impacts, management, planning, program, scheduling, survey, Surveys, transportation, transportation planning, Washington

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WA-RD 025.2 Guidelines For The Identification And Measurement Of Social Factors In Transportation Planning 1975 WSDOT
The purpose of this study is to establish guidelines and procedures for the measurement of the social effects of transportation systems and facilities on both a regional and community or neighborhood level. This coincides with the increased emphasis on human factors in the planning and design of transportation systems and facilities, which has necessitated the development of a systematic approach to gathering social data and developing normative standards. In part of this increased emphasis has been mandated by Federal statutes such as the National Environmental Policy Act o f 1969 and the Intergovernmental Act of 1968.A detailed examination of the seven-fold classification scheme of social factors and an emphasis on the methodologies used to evaluate social impacts is discussed. Emphasis is placed on the analytical framework utilizing the major phases of inventing existing social conditions, identifying potential changes and measurement of probable impacts. From this analysis a systematic approach to identifying and measuring social impact in transportation planning is put forth, for use by those assigned this responsibility.


analysis, condition, data, design, development, environmental, facilities, framework, human factors, impact, impacts, Measurement of Social Impact, social factors, community identity, community values and desires, community cohesion, disruption, displacement, relocation, minority interest, methodology, planning, policy, systems, transportation, transportation planning

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Cook, J.C. WA-RD 022.1 Test Track Evaluation Of Patching Materials - Final Report 1975 WSDOT
Evaluation of pavement patching materials was accomplished by simulating potholes in the surface, repairing the holes and subjecting them to traffic loadings. Loadings were applied utilizing the Pavement Test Facility, which applies truck simultaneously. Measurements of strength resulted in a comparative evaluation. tires was determined. Tire and various passenger car tire .types s skidding potential and pavement performance. Tread wear and protrusion of studs in the tires was determined.

Cook, J.C.

Evaluation, facilities, materials, pavement, Pavement Patching Material, Polishing, Skidding Potential, Studded Tires, Garnet Impregnated Tires, pavement performance, performance, strength, studs, test track, tire, tires, traffic, truck

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Sorensen, H. WA-RD 009.3 Studded Tire Pavement Wear Reduction And Repair Phase III 1973 WSU
This report presents results obtained from the analyses of data which were collected during the performance of Phase I and Phase of this project. The data were at the A. Riedesel Pavement Testing Facility which is operated by Washington State University and is located in Pullman, Washington. Regression analyses were formed in order to relate various factors to each other. The factors used in the analyses included stud type, stud protrusion, speed, air temperature, pavement temperature, environmental conditions, stud hardness and tread depth. The purpose was to evaluate the relative importance of these factors pavement wear. It was found that the type of overlay, the type of stud and the protrusion length were the most important factors affecting pavement wear under Test conditions. The other factors could not be sufficiently isolated to determine their relative importance. Average wear rates were calculated for the different types of pavements and by the different stud types. A formula was developed which can be used to calculate pavement life under certain conditions. The results obtained for Phase I and Phase were compared and the difference in these results is discussed. Some of the difference was due to the different between the two phases A comparison with other associated research was madeA striping paint study was made and the results are in this report.

Sorensen, H.

Condition, data, developed, environmental, facilities, overlay, pavement, Pavement Durability, life & performance, asphalt pavement, portland cement concretes, overlays, surface textures, studded tires, skid resistance, pavement life, pavement temperature, pavements, performance, project, regression, repair, research, speed, striping, striping paints, Studded, studded tire, Study, temperature, tire, Washington, Washington state

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Krukar, M. WA-RD 009.2A Studded Tire Effects On Pavement Overlays Interim Phase II 1973 WSU
This report presents some data obtained from testing twenty-two different types of overlays on three concentric tracks at the G.A. Riedesel Pavement Testing Facility at Washington State University. Six different passenger winter tires were tested, including unstudded, a garnet dust snow retread, and four different types of studs. The data represents a testing period from November 20, 1972 to February 20, 1973 and a total 300,000 revolutions, that is 900,000 wheel applications on the inside track and 300,000 wheel applications on the outside track.The results reveal that the different polymer, concretes show the least wear, and that rubber additives improved the performance of some of the asphalt concrete overlays. The type #2 stud continually showed less wear than the other types of studs. Comparisons with the previous ring reveals that the present ring overlays showed less wear, and that stud protrusions are much less. A comparison and discussion of the results from both rings a t this wheel application range is presented. The results from the present data are also discussed. The results are tentative and may change as the present test continues.

Krukar, M., Cook, J.C.

Applications, asphalt, asphalt concrete, concrete, concrete overlays, data, effects, facilities, Interim, overlay, overlays, pavement, Pavement overlays, performance, Phase II, polymer, rubber, snow, Studded, studded tire, studs, tire, tires, Washington, Washington state, winter

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Terrel, R.L. WA-RD 006.1 Resilient Behavior Of Asphalt Treated Base Course Materials 1972 UW
In many parts of the world, the design of flexible pavement is still based on empirical methods which have developed from engineering experience. These empirical methods cannot be extrapolated beyond their limits without full scale trials to prove their applicability. In recent years, however, the increase of traffic, both in volume and axle loads, has led to the failure of many roads previously considered well designed. For this reason, therefore, researchers realized that a closer look at the pavement materials was desirable in order to develop a rational design procedure. Due to the complexity of characterizing pavement materials, and the limitations of instrumentation, much of the reported work offered little help in changing design practice. This is, perhaps, due to many simplifying assumptions which had to be introduced in the experimental procedure as well as the interpretation of the test results. Recently, however, there has been a sharp advancement in test instrumentation and an outstanding progress in processing the experimental results. This has been reflected through many fine investigations and has increased the demand for more improvements. An asphalt pavement is a complex structure whose function is to provide a suitable surface for a highway, an airport, or other off-highway facility. The load of a vehicle or an aircraft is transmitted through the multilayered system of processed materials which have different mechanical properties. The stress distribution within this system is highly complex and to a large extent is dependent on the relative stiffnesses of the individual layers.

Terrel, R.L., Awad, S.

Asphalt, asphalt pavement, axle, base, behavior, demand, design, developed, experimental, facilities, fine, highway, improvement, loads, materials, methods, pavement, stiffness, stresses, System, traffic, volume

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Krukar, M. WA-RD 009.1 Studded Tire Pavement Wear Reduction and Repair - The Effect Of Studded Tires On Different Pavements And Surface Texture... 1972 WSU
This report presents results obtained from testing at the G. A. Riedesel Pavement Testing Facility at Washington State University during the period from February 11 to May 4, 1972. The purpose of this project was fourfold: 1) to determine pavement wear caused by studded tires ; 2) to evaluate the resistance of different pavement materials and textures used in the states of Washington and Idaho to wear caused by tire studs; 3) to test pavement materials and overlays to reduce tire stud damage; and, 4) to study the effect of studded truck tires on pavements. Ring #5 consisted of three concentric tracks on which 16 tires travelled in eight wheel paths. Three studded types and unstudded passenger tires , three studded and unstudded truck tires, and 46 sections of various types of pavement materials surface overlays and surface textures were tested. The results are based on wear in terms of rate of wear, area removed, maximum and average rut depth using the WSU Profilometer, and the camera wire shadow apparatus, and are valid only under WSU testing conditions. The findings indicate that some pavement materials are more resistant to the effect of studded tires than others. All types of studded tires tested caused some pavement wear and this affected the skid resistance values. The new types of studs reduced wear of various pavement materials. Studded truck tire wear was less than expected due to equipment problems.

Krukar, M., Cook, J.C.

Camera, condition, damage, equipment, facilities, materials, overlay, overlays, pavement, Pavement Durability, life & performance, asphalt pavement, portland cement concretes, overlays, surface textures, studded tires, skid resistance, pavements, project, repair, resistance, skid resistance, studded tire, studded tires, studs, Study, tire, tires, truck, Washington, Washington state

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Krukar, M. WA-RD 009.1A The Effect Of Studded Tires On Different Pavement And Surface Textures 1972 WSU
This preliminary report presents data obtained from testing at the L A Riedesel Pavement Testing Facility during the period from February 11 t o May 4, 1972. The purpose of this project was four fold: (1) to determine pavement wear caused by studded tires; (2) to evaluate the resistance of different pavement materials and textures used in the states o f Washington and Idaho to wear caused by tire studs; (3) t o test pavement materials and overlays to reduce tire stud damage; and, (4) to study the effect of studded truck tires on pavements.This preliminary report presents data obtained from testing at the G. A. Riedesel Pavement Testing Facility, during the period from February 11 to May 4, 1972.

Krukar, M., Cook, J.C.

Damage, data, facilities, materials, overlay, overlays, pavement, Pavement Durability, life & performance, asphalt pavement, portland cement concretes, overlays, surface textures, studded tires, skid resistance, project, resistance, studded tire, studded tires, studs, Study, tire, tires, truck, Washington

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Krukar, M. WA-RD 009.2 Studded Tire Effects Wear Reduction and Repair Phase II - Final Draft 1972 WSU
This report presents results obtained from testing at the A. Riedesel Pavement Testing Facility at Washington State University during the period of November 20, 1972 to May 1973. The purpose of this project was three-fold: (1 to determine pavement wear caused by studded tires; 2) to evaluate the resistance of different pavement overlays used in the states of Washington and Idaho to wear caused by studs; and 3) to test pavement materials and overlays to reduce tire stud damage. Ring and Phase of this project consisted of three concentric tracks on which 16 tires traveled in eight wheel paths. Four types of studs in passenger snow two types of passenger tires, and unstudded truck tires, and 22 sections of various types of pavement overlays and surfacings were tested. Four different stripes were also tested. The results are based on wear in terms of rate of wear, area removed, maximum and average rut depths using the WSU profilometer and the camera wire shadow box apparatus. Skid resistance values were measured using the California Skid Tester and the English Portable Skid Tester. The results are valid only under WSU testing conditions. The findings indicate that some pavement overlays are resistant to the effect of studded tires than others. All types of studded tires tested caused some pavement wear and this affected skid resistance values. Some of the newer types of studs reduced wear of various pavement overlays. The pavements having the most wear resistance had the skid resistance retention characteristics. Additives to asphalt skid resistance helped wear resistance characteristics but lowered skid resistance on characteristics.

Krukar, M., Cook, J. C.

Asphalt, California, camera, condition, damage, facilities, materials, overlay, overlays, pavement, Pavement Durability, life & performance, asphalt pavement, portland cement concretes, overlays, surface textures, studded tires, skid resistance, pavements, project, repair, resistance, skid resistance, snow, studded tire, studded tires, studs, tire, tires, truck, Washington, Washington state

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Karlfritz, L. WA-RD 011.1 Weekend And Recreational Development of a New Concept 1971 WSDOT
The ProblemThe growth of population in metropolitan areas and the increasing affluence and leisure time of that population is exerting ever-increasing pressure on recreational resources and the transportation facilitiesconnecting the metropolitan areas with the recreation areas. Historically, travel for recreational purposes has grown more rapidly than that for other purposes and if forecasted increases in real income andleisure time materialize this trend will continue. There is increasing concern that proper attention has not been given to recreational travel as a factor in transportation planning either at the state or urban area level. Recreational travel occurs primarily on weekends and holidays whereas the urban transportation studies, almost without exception, are concerned with weekday travel. Recreational travel serves both as a means to an end and as an end in itself. Access to a variety of recreational activities is an importanthuman need and is presumed to be an agreed-upon objective of-public policy. In addition travel has an intrinsic recreational value, the extent of which depends on place and circumstances. This study proposes a concept far long-range planning of transportation facilities needed to serve the weekend travel demands of a metropolitan area. The planning concept is proposed as a means of achieving more effective utilization of resources in providing for recreational needs. Where data have been used in this study to support conclusions, they have been extracted from surveys conducted by agencies in the state of Washington and from selected studies undertaken elsewhere. Despite the limited availability of certain data, the method of analysis and the planning process presented in this report are considered to have general applicability.

Karlfritz, L.

Agencies, analysis, availability, data, demand, development, facilities, planning, policy, population, pressure, recreation, Recreational travel, survey, Surveys, transportation, transportation planning, travel, urban, Washington

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