TRAC Reports

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Search returned 31 reports containing keyword: 'volume'
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Hallenbeck, M.E. Guidelines for Obtaining AADT Estimates from Non-traditional Sources 2021 TRAC/UW
This document provides decision making guidance that highway agencies can use to purchase or acceptance test traffic volume estimates such as annual average daily traffic (AADT) from the private sector when those estimates are based on non-traditional data sources, such as vehicle probe or smartphone data.

Hallenbeck, M.E., Schewel, L., Co, S., Wergin, J.

AADT, probe data, volume, Big Data, LBS, GPS, machine learning, MADT, volume, AADTT, K-Factor, D-Factor, AAHT

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McCormack,E. D. WA-RD 607.1 Options for Benchmarking Performance Improvements Achieved from Construction of Freight Mobility Projects 2005 TRAC/UW
This report documents the development of data collection methodologies that can be used to cost effectively measure truck movements along specific roadway corridors selected by transportation agencies in Washington State. The intent of this study was to design and test methodologies that could be used to measure the performance of freight mobility roadway improvement projects against benchmarks, or selected standards, that would be used both as part of the project selection process and to report on speed and volume improvements that resulted from completed freight mobility projects. One technology tested was Commercial Vehicle Information System and Networks (CVISN) electronic truck transponders, which are mounted on the windshields of approximately 20,000 trucks in Washington. By using software to link the transponder reads from sites anywhere in the state, the transponder-equipped trucks could become a travel-time probe fleet. The second technology tested involved global positioning systems (GPS) placed in volunteer trucks to collect specific truck movement data at 5-second intervals. With GPS data it was possible to understand when and where the monitored trucks experienced congestion and to generate useful performance statistics. The study found that both data collection technologies could be useful; however, the key to both technologies is whether enough instrumented vehicles pass over the roadways for which data are required. This basic condition affects whether the technologies will be effective at collecting the data required for any given benchmark project. The report also recommends the traffic data that should be collected for a benchmark program and the potential costs of using either data collection technology.

McCormack,E. D., Hallenbeck,M. E.

agencies, commercial vehicle, condition, congestion, construction, corridors, cost, costs, data, data collection, design, development, freight, freight mobility, freight movement reliability, global positioning, global positioning systems, GPS, improvement, methodology, mobility, networks, performance, positioning, probe program, project, research, roadway, software, speed, statistics, Study, System, systems, technology, traffic, traffic data, transportation, travel time, truck, truck monitoring, trucks, volume, Washington, Washington state

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http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/research/reports/fullreports/607.1.pdf http://wsdot.wa.gov/Research/Reports/600/607.1.htm
Hieber,D. G. WA-RD 611.1 Precast Concrete Pier Systems for Rapid Construction of Bridges in Seismic Regions 2005 TRAC/UW
Increasing traffic volumes and a deteriorating transportation infrastructure have stimulated the development of new systems and methods to accelerate the construction of highway bridges. Precast concrete bridge components offer a potential alternative to conventional reinforced, cast-in-place concrete components. The use of precast components has the potential to minimize traffic disruptions, improve work zone safety, reduce environmental impacts, improve constructability, increase quality, and lower life-cycle costs. This study compared two precast concrete bridge pier systems for rapid construction of bridges in seismic regions. One was a reinforced concrete system, in which mild steel deformed bars connect the precast concrete components and provide the flexural strength of the columns. The other was a hybrid system, which uses a combination of unbonded post-tensioning and mild steel deformed bars to make the connections. A parametric study of the two types of systems was conducted using nonlinear finite element models to investigate the global response and likelihood of damage for various frame configurations. On the basis of this study, a practical method was developed to estimate maximum seismic displacements from the cracked section properties of the columns, the elastic design displacement response spectrum, and the base-shear strength ratio. The results of the global nonlinear finite element analyses suggest that the systems have the potential for good seismic performance. Further analytical and experimental research is needed to investigate the constructability and seismic performance of the connection details.

Hieber,D. G., Wacker,J. M., Eberhard,M. O., Stanton,J. F.

Alternative, bridge, bridges, columns, concrete, concrete bridge, connections, constructability, construction, cost, costs, damage, design, developed, development, environmental, environmental impact experimental, finite element, highway, impact, impacts, infrastructure, methods, models, performance piers, precast, precast concrete, prestressed concete, quality, Rapid construction, Regions, reinforce concrete, research, response spectra, response spectrum, safety, seismic, seismic performance, steel strength, Study, substructures, System, systems, traffic, traffic volumes, trasportation, volume

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http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/research/reports/fullreports/611.1.pdf http://wsdot.wa.gov/Research/Reports/600/611.1.htm
Nee,J. WA-RD 584.2 HOV Lane Performance Monitoring 2002 Report -- Vol. 1 2004 TRAC/UW
High occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes, also known as carpool lanes and diamond lanes, are designated for use by carpoolers, transit riders, ride sharers and motorcyclists that meet the occupancy requirement. By restricting access, the HOV lanes benefit users by allowing them to travel the freeway system at a faster speed, thus saving time, and experiencing greater time reliability in comparison to motorists on general purpose (GP) lanes. To accurately evaluate the system's effectiveness, a state policy requires an annual HOV system report to document system performance, examining the HOV lanes' person-carrying capability, travel time savings, and trip reliability benefits in comparison to adjacent GP lanes. HOV lane violation rates are also evaluated. This report describes the results of an extensive monitoring effort of HOV lane use and performance in the Puget Sound area in 2002. It presents an analysis of data collected to describe the number of people and vehicles that use HOV lanes, the reliability of the HOV lanes, the travel time savings in comparison to GP lanes, violation rates and public perceptions. This information is intended to serve as reliable input for transportation decision makers and planners in evaluating the impact and adequacy of the existing HOV lane system in the Puget sound area, and in planning for other HOV facilities. This is volume 1 of a two-volume set. Volume 2 provides an overview of major trends in HOV lane performance by comparing data presented in the 2000 HOV Performance Report.

Nee,J., Ishimaru,J. M., Hallenbeck,M. E.

analysis, benefit, benefits, carpool, data, facilities, freeway, GP lanes, high occupancy, high occupancy vehicle, HOV, HOV facilities, HOV lanes, HOV performance, monitoring, occupancy, performance, performance monitoring, planning, policy, public, reliability, research, speed, transit, transportation, travel time, violation, volume

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http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/research/reports/fullreports/584.2.pdf http://wsdot.wa.gov/Research/Reports/500/584.2.htm
McCormack,E. D. Options for Benchmarking Performance Improvements Achieved from Construction of Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Bo... 2004 TRAC/UW
This report documents the development of data collection methodologies that can be used to cost effectively measure truck movements along specific roadway corridors selected by the Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (FMSIB.) The intent of this study was to design and test methodologies that could be used to measure the performance of freight mobility roadway improvement projects against benchmarks, or selected standards, which would be used both as part of the project selection process and to report on speed and volume improvements that resulted from completed FMSIB projects. One technology tested was Commercial Vehicle Information System and Networks (CVISN) electronic truck transponders, which are mounted on the windshields of approximately 20,000 trucks traveling in Washington. These transponders are used at weigh stations across the state to improve the efficiency of truck regulatory compliance checks. By using software to link the transponder reads from sites anywhere in the state, the transponder-equipped trucks could become a travel time probe fleet. The second technology tested involved global positioning systems (GPS) placed in volunteer trucks recruited for this project to collect specific truck movement data at 5-second intervals. With GPS data it was possible to understand when and where the monitored trucks experienced congestion. By aggregating this information over time, it was possible to generate performance statistics related to the reliability of truck trips, and even examine changes in route choice for trips between high volume origin/destination pairs. The study found that both data collection technologies could be useful; however, the key to both technologies is whether enough instrumented vehicles pass over the roadways for which data are required. This basic condition significantly affects whether the transponder and GPS technologies will be effective at collecting the data required for any given FMSIB benchmark project . The report also recommends the traffic data that should be collected for a benchmark program and the potential costs of using either data collection technology.

McCormack,E. D., Hallenbeck,M. E.

freight movement reliability, truck monitoring, development, data, data collection, methodology, cost, truck, roadway, corridors, freight, freight mobility, mobility, design, performance, speed, volume, commercial vehicle, networks, trucks, Washington, software, travel time, probe, global positioning, global positioning systems, positioning, systems, GPS, congestion, statistics, reliability, condition, traffic, traffic data, program, costs

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Hallenbeck,M. E. NCHRP Report 509 - Equipment for Collecting Traffic Load Data 2004 TRAC/UW & Cambridge Systematics, Inc
This report identifies the key issues that must be considered by state and other highway operating agencies in selecting traffic equipment for collecting the truck volumes and load spectra needed for analysis and design of pavement structures. The report also identifies steps that must be taken to ensure that the equipment performs appropriately and that, as a consequence, the data collected accurately describe the vehicles being monitored. The report is a useful resource for state personnel and others involved in the planning and design of highway pavements and structures.

Hallenbeck,M. E., Weinblatt,H.

analysis, data, design, highway, pavement, pavements, structures, traffic, truck, volume, Miscellaneous Library

Collins,B. M. WA-RD 595.1 The Long-Term Performance of Geotextile Separators, Bucoda Test Site--Phase III 2004 TRAC/UW
This research was Phase III of field investigations carried out over 12 years at a test section in southwest Washington State in an effort to quantify the contribution of geotextile separators to the long-term performance of pavement sections. Five different geotextile separators, as well as a control (soil-only) section, were installed in a test section covering two lanes with different base course thicknesses on a low volume but heavily loaded rural highway west of Bucoda, Wash. Phase I evaluated the performance of the separators during construction. Phases II and III were conducted to evaluate the performance of the separators 5 and 12 years after construction, respectively. Field and laboratory tests were conducted on the subgrade, granular base materials, and the geotextiles as part of the effort to correlate the performance of the pavement section to the presence of the geotextile separators. Falling weight deflectometer (FWD) testing was also performed at the site as part of the effort to quantify the performance of the pavement section. The laboratory tests indicated that the geotextiles successfully performed their separation function over the 12-year period. However, the soil-only sections had a minimal amount of intermixing at the base course/subgrade interface, indicating that the separation benefits of geotextiles may not be realized under relatively thick pavement sections. Field density tests indicated that the density of the subgrade in the sections with a geotextile generally increased between construction and the first field investigation, whereas the density of the soil-only sections remained about the same. Similarly, the FWD tests showed that the most significant increase in the subgrade moduli occurred in the first few months following construction. However, the soil-only sections exhibited behavior similar to the sections with geotextiles during the FWD testing, suggesting that for the relatively thick pavement sections, incorporation of geotextiles may not have provided a significant contribution to the overall performance of the section over the 12-year period. Some of the FWD results did suggest that geotextiles might contribute to an increase in the base course modulus over time.

Collins,B. M., Holtz,R. D.

base, behavior, benefit, benefits, construction, control, density, falling weight deflectometer, field investigations, geotextile, geotextile separators, highway, materials, moduli, pavement, pavement performance, pavement section, research, rural, separators, subgrade, tests, volume, Washington, Washington state, weight, performance

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External Links:
http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/research/reports/fullreports/595.1.pdf http://wsdot.wa.gov/Research/Reports/500/595.1.htm
Chayanan,S. WA-RD 562.1 Interaction Between the Roadway and Roadside--An Econometric Analysis of Design and Environmental Factors Affecting Segm... 2003 TRAC/UW
The purpose of this research was to explore the relationship between roadway and roadside accidentrates for Washington State highways to improve the Washington State Department of Transportation's(WSDOT) process of modeling roadway and roadside accident rates and to arrive at possible improvements in the efficiency of WSDOT's safety project programming process.The project tested the use of the seemingly unrelated regression estimation (SURE) model to modelthe roadway and roadside simultaneously. The theoretical advantage of the SURE approach is that it does not impose any a priori assumptions on the explicit linkage between roadway and roadside accident rates, and there is no theoretical support for explicit linkage, either. The data used to derive this model were from a random sample of 500 one-mile sections from the Washington State highway system. Traffic dataincluded traffic volumes, truck compositions, AADT, traffic speeds, and other relevant information.Geometric data included lane, shoulder, median, curve, and intersection information. Historical weather data such as monthly precipitation and temperature were collected from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration database.In comparing significant explanatory variables between the roadway accident rate and roadsideaccident rate models, very few variables were common. This confirms that it is preferable to specifyseparate functional forms for roadway and roadside accident rates. Empirical results indicated thatcorrelation between roadway and roadside accident rates was insignificant, indicating that efficiency gainsfrom the SURE model would be minimal. The important finding from a programming standpoint is thatjointly modeling the roadway and roadside simultaneously would not result in significant efficiencyimprovements in comparison to the current state-of-the-practice in Washington State.

Chayanan,S., Nebergall,M., Shankar,V., Juvva,N., Ouyang,Y.

roadway, roadside, accident rates, safety programming, research, Washington, Washington state, highway, transportation, WSDOT, modeling, safety, regression, linkage, data, traffic, traffic data, volume, truck, speed, median, temperature, database, models

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http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/research/reports/fullreports/562.1.pdf http://wsdot.wa.gov/Research/Reports/500/562.1.htm
Ishimaru,J. M. WA-RD 555.1 North Seattle Advanced Traffic Management System (NSATMS) Project Evaluation 2002 TRAC/UW
This report documents the findings of the evaluation of the North Seattle Advanced Traffic Management System (NSATMS) Project. The evaluation was originally designed to analyze the potential transportation benefits and costs of a regional arterial traffic data sharing system that would obtain traffic signal system information (volumes, signal timing plans, etc.) from participating agencies and then share the data among those agencies. The operational goal was to allow each agency to make better control decisions by providing it with real-time knowledge of traffic conditions outside of its own control system boundaries. Because of a series of technical and project management issues, the system as originally envisioned was not successfully implemented. As a result, this evaluation does not include an analysis of direct operational benefits. It does, however, include a discussion of the expected institutional benefits, as well as an extensive "lessons learned" section based on the project team's review of the NSATMS effort. Of particular note were the importance of effective and ongoing lines of project communication, and the critical need to properly evaluate the fundamental nature of the project and provide a well-matched project management structure. The lessons learned from this project provide instructive guidelines for those who are contemplating future ITS system development efforts of comparable scope and complexity. Despite the limited successes of the NSATMS effort, the evaluation team found continued support for the regional arterial ATMS concept within the Puget Sound region. Follow-on research that contributes to a better understanding of the benefits, costs, and technical requirements of an arterial traffic management system is desired by many of the project participants.

Ishimaru,J. M., Hallenbeck,M. E.

intelligent transportation systems, advanced traffic management systems, arterial signal control systems, traffic control strategies, Archived Data User Services (ADUS), data sharing, evaluation, seattle, advanced traffic management systems, traffic, traffic management, management, management system, transportation, transportation benefit, benefits, benefit, costs, cost, arterial, traffic data, data, volume, control, condition, ITS, project management, analysis, line, development, ATMS, research

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http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/research/reports/fullreports/555.1.pdf http://wsdot.wa.gov/Research/Reports/500/555.1.htm
Leahy,R. B. WA-RD 486.1 Superpave--Washington DOT's Assessment and Status 1999 Civil Construction and Environmental Engineer
Funded by the 1987 Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act, the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP), was a five year, $150 million research program to improve the performance of the nation's roads by addressing four key areas: concrete and structures; highway safety and maintenance; asphalt; and long-term pavement performance. Nearly one-third of the $150 million was allocated for the study of asphalt, specifically to develop performance based specifications that would relate material properties of the binder and the mix to field performance. Superpave (Superior PERforming asphalt PAVEments) encompasses the products of the SHRP asphalt research program and consists of three interrelated elements: an asphalt binder specification with supporting tests; a mix design and analysis system with supporting tests; and performance prediction models. This report is a compilation and synthesis of Washington DOT's (WSDOT) experience with selected components and concepts of the SHRP/Superpave technology to include the following: performance graded (PG) binder usage and specification validation; gyratory mix design; the Superpave Shear Test (SST); and field performance of the Superpave mixes.Binders typically specified by WSDOT (AR400OW and PBAs -2, -5, -6. -6GR) were classified in terms of five Superpave performance grades: PG 58-22; 64-22; 64-28; 64-34; and 70-28. Although data from 171 weather stations suggest that as many as 6 low- and 5 high-temperature grades could be specified, binder availability and regional pavement distress were used to develop guidelines for statewide PG usage. Three binders were recommended for use in the western, northeastern and southeastern regions of the state as follows: PG 58-22; PG 58-34; and PG 64-28, respectively. Validation of the binder specification with respect to low temperature cracking was accomplished using binder and field performance data from 28 projects. The results were very encouraging: the original SHRP algorithm for binder selection correctly "predicted" field performance in 22 of 28 cases, whereas the LTPP algorithm for binder selection correctly "predicted" field performance in 26 of 28 cases.Additionally, a laboratory experiment using the Superpave Shear Test (SST) apparatus was undertaken to test the effectiveness of binder "bumping," i.e., increasing the high temperature grade because of exceptionally high traffic volume and/or slow or standing traffic. The data clearly indicate that the SST is an effective tool for discriminating between binders and that 'bumping" may be effective in reducing pavement rutting. Permanent shear strain for specimens made with a PB 70-xx binder was only 25 to 33% of the shear strain for specimens made with a PG 58-xx binder.As originally configured, the Superpave mix design matrix included seven traffic levels and four temperature regimes for 28 possible compaction levels. Recognizing that the 28 compaction levels made for a somewhat unwieldy system, WSDOT attempted to reduce the number of compaction levels by conducting a series of mix designs at each compaction level. The results of the limited experiment suggest that it might be possible to limit the number of compaction levels required for mix design. Research by Brown et. al. (NCHRP 99) tends to confirm this as they have suggested reducing the number of compaction levels and provided more definitive guidance with respect to each level.Since 1993 WSDOT has place 44 projects which include some component of the Superp ave technology. For 17 of these projects parallel Hveem and Superpave mix designs were conducted. In 13 of the 17 cases, the Superpave design asphalt content was equal to or greater than the Hveem design asphalt content, though the difference was usually no more than 0.2%. A fundamental difference between Hveem and Superpave mix design methods is the compaction device. Data from these field projects indicate that the current kneading and gyratory compaction protocols (at least for 109 gyrations) yield similar air void contents.As noted previously, Washington DOT has placed 44 projects which involve some component of the Superpave technology. For 18 of the projects a conventional Hveem mix design was conducted using a PG binder (Hveem-PG). The remaining 26 projects were truly Superpave, i.e., the materials selection and mix design were established in accordance with the Asphalt Institute's SP2, Superpave Level 1 Mix Design. According to WSDOT practice the following numerical indices trigger maintenance: Pavement Structural Condition (PSC) 10 mm; or International Roughness Index (IRI) > 500 cnVkm. Although relatively "young", the 44 projects are performing quite well. The average values of rutting, PSC, and IRI (4, 91, and 121, respectively) are all well below the "trigger" values. With respect to rutting and PSC, the performance of Hveem-PG and Superpave projects is virtually identical. However, the ride quality of the Superpave projects is a bit rougher than the Hveem-PG binder projects: IRI of 134 for the former and 103 for the latter. The higher values of IRI measured on the Superpave projects may be the result of the typically coarser aggregate gradation or differences in construction techniques.WSDOT's Superpave experience has not been without challenges. Still, its overall experience has been very encouraging. Experimentation with the revised compaction matrix, continued use of the SST, field validation of the "bumping" experiment, and long-term monitoring of field performance will provide the necessary data to allow WSDOTs critical assessment of Superpave's technical merit and economic viability.

Leahy,R. B., Briggs,R. N.

SHRP, Superpave, asphalt, intermodal, transportation, transportation efficiency, highway, research, program, performance, concrete, structures, highway safety, safety, maintenance, pavement, specifications, specification, asphalt pavement, pavements, tests, design, analysis, prediction, models, Washington, WSDOT, data, temperature, cracking, LTPP, traffic, volume, compaction, materials, condition, international roughness index, roughness, index, ride quality, quality, aggregate, construction, ITS, monitoring

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Dailey,D. J. WA-RD 410.1 ITS Data Fusion 1996 TRAC/UW
This project has accomplished three significant tasks. First, a state-of-the-art literature review has provided an organizational framework for categorizing the various data fusion projects that have been conducted to date. A popular typology was discussed which situates data fusion technologies in one of three levels, depending on the degree to which sensor data is correlated to provide users with meaningful transit recommendations. The trade-offs that accompany higher-level data fusion efforts -- in terms of computing power and memory requirements -- were noted. The advantages of multiple-sensor data fusion projects in terms of cost, accuracy, and reliability were also discussed and contrasts were drawn with the traditional deployment of highly accurate, single sensors. Specific techniques of data fusion were described and their possible applications to ITS projects were explored. In fact, this report is one of the first to consider how data fusion technology might be productively applied to the needs of transportation management. A second major component of this report is the description provided of a local data fusion application. This project employs data fusion techniques to correlate input from multiple highway sensors and generate reliable traffic predictions. The resulting information can be displayed for use by commuters as they choose from among various transit options. The architecture of this data fusion system is described in detail. The third component of the project was to create a statistically based algorithm to estimate speed from volume and occupancy measurements. The algorithm presented explicitly accounts for the statistics of the problem and provides a robustness test for the speed estimate.

Dailey,D. J., Harn,P., Lin,P.

traveler information, ITS backbone, distributed computing, client server model, ITS architecture, speed estimates, volume, occupancy, research

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Dailey,D. J. TRB 940424 An Optimal Recursive Estimate for Detecting Traffic Anomalies using Real Time Inductance Loop Data 1994
This paper describes the use of an optimal recursive predictor (Kalman predictor) with inductance loop data to produce an anomaly detector. It details the construction of the system function or transition matrix, used in the optimal predictor, directly from the statistics of the problem. It demonstrates the use of a prediction algorithm with inductance loop data gathered on Interstate Five in Seattle, Washington. It discusses the scaling of thresholds necessary for anomaly detection but does not provide specific threshold values. This technique of dynamic prediction used with thresholds could have potential value to traffic management systems that rely heavily on inductance loop data.

Dailey,D. J.

traveler information, ITS backbone, distributed computing, client server model, ITS architecture, speed estimates, volume, occupancy, traffic surveillance and control, inductance loop data, traffic management systems, TRB

Dames & Moore- Inca Engineering WA-RD 324.1 Foundation-Soil Interaction Analysis of Bridges - Volumes I and II 478 1993
Dames & Moore And their subcontractor, Inco Engineers, have prepared this Manual of Practice for conducting bridge foundation-soil interaction analyses. The manual is intended to assist engineers in the Bridge Design office at the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) who perform dynamic analysis of bridge-foundation systems. The primary purpose of the manual is to present practical and accurate methods of estimating the foundation stiffness matrices for abutment or pier foundations supported on footings or piles. These matrices are needed for soil-structure interaction analysis to more accurately determine the seismic loads acting on the bridge superstructure and on the abutment and pier foundations.This Manual of Practice consists of two volumes. Volume I presents five bridge example problems:1. Coldwater Creek2. Deadwater Slough3. Ebey Slough4. Northup Way5. FHWAThe first four examples are actual WSDOT bridges and the fifth example is a fictitious bridge that appeared in a 1991 FHWA course notebook on seismic design of highway bridges.Volume II presents the input and output files of the SEISAB computer program for the dynamic soil-structure interaction analysis of bridges. The SEISAB computer program is currently used by WSDOT in the seismic design of Washington state bridges.Dames & Moore recommends the FHWA and Novak methods to estimate bridge foundation stiffness matrices. These methodologies are presented in detail in the Coldwater Creek example problem in Volume I. In this example, the basic theory and relevant equations or inputs for implementing these methodologies are provided first and are immediately followed by their application to the Coldwater Creek bridge. The appropriate equations or inputs from the FHWA and Novak methodologies presented not the Coldwater Creek example problem are identified and applied in the other four bridge example problems. Volume I also contains three appendices. The basis for the recommendation of the FHWA and Novak methods is provided in Appendix A, which is a reproduction of the 1992 Dames & Moore report to WSDOT on the evaluation of methods to estimate foundation stiffnesses. Appendix B consists of selected pages from the BMCOL 76 computer program user guide; this computer program, which computes the load-deflection and moment-rotation curves for single piles, is part of the FHWA methodology. Appendix C presents the method for transforming the foundation stiffness matrices from one coordinate system to another. This transformation process is important because the coordinate systems assumed in the FHWA and Novak methods are generally different and therefore are not necessarily the same as the SEISAB coordinate system. Coordinate transformations are also discussed in the ColdWater Creek example problem.

Dames & Moore- Inca Engineering

analysis, bridge, bridge design, bridge foundation, bridges, computer, computer program, design, equations, evaluation, Foudation-Soil, foundation, foundation stiffness, highway, interaction, loads, manual, methodology, methods, piles, program, seismic, seismic design, soil-structure interaction, superstructure, System, systems, transportation, volume, Volumes I & II, Washington, Washington state, WSDOT

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Dailey, D.J. Travel Time Estimation Using Cross Correlation Techniques 1991 TransNow/TRAC
This project demonstrates the viability of using cross-correlation techniques with inductance loop data to measure the propagation time of traffic. The propagation time between loops separated by 0.5 miles is measured using time averaged activation counts (\\\"Volume\\\") from inductance loops. The resulting time delay is used to estimate the mean speed. This independent speed estimate is used to improve the Volume/Occupancy ratio estimate of speed. A functional form relating speed to the Volume/Occupancy ratio is developed and evaluated using real traffic data. This result can be used to improve the total travel time estimates for commuters in the I-5 corridor in Seattle, Washington.

Dailey, D.J., Haselkorn, M., Nihan, N.L.

Travel time, cross-correlation, inductance loop, volume, occupancy

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Carr,D. H. WA-RD 194.1 Clear Zones for Local Agencies 1989
The reported study was used to investigate clear zone practices, policies and standards that are employed both within Washington State and throughout the United State. Emphasis was placed on those standards or guidelines that apply to local city and county roadways which are predominately low volume and low speed facilities.The review of nationwide clear zone practices pointed to a need for a set of clear zone guidelines or standards that apply specifically to low volume, low speed facilities. The research also pointed to the need for guidelines or standards that could be easily applied by city or county agencies with limited staff and limited budgets.One of the findings of the research is a step by step format for agencies to use in establishing a program to address existing clear zone deficiencies.

Carr,D. H., Curtin,J. J., Dorvel,P. E.

agencies, Clear zone, control zone, counties, facilities, policy, program, recovery area, research, review, roadway, speed, volume, Washington, Washington state

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Toney,C. A. WA-RD 133.1 Fiber Reinforced Asphalt Concrete Pavements 1987
The use of BoniFibers fiber reinforced Asphalt Concrete Pavement (ACP) at three City of Tacoma intersections is reported. Product selection, fiber reinforced ACP mix design, old pavement removal, construction and evaluations are documented.BoniFibers fabric reinforced ACP appears to provide a durable roadway at intersections that have a high volume of turning and heavy traffic. Continued monitoring of the City of Tacoma fiber reinforced ACP is recommended until major deterioration occurs.

Toney,C. A.

asphalt, asphalt concrete, Asphalt Concrete pavement, Bonifibers, concrete, construction, design, deterioration, evaluation, fiber Reinforced ACP, fiber reinforced pavement, monitoring, pavement, pavements, Polyester Fibers, Polymar Fibers, roadway, traffic, volume

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Peters,A. J. WA-RD 130.1 PlusRide Asphalt Pavement (SR 405/S Curves) 1987
This is the post construction and one year evaluation Report of being used as the wearing course on a bridge deck overlay under very high traffic volumes. A rubberized Class D Asphalt Concrete Pavement friction course was used on an adjacent bridge to compare against the PlusRide. The properties evaluated were friction resistance, noise, fatigue properties and deicing characteristics. The friction and noise properties are the same. The PlusRide has deeper ruts and large areas in the traveled lane have delaminated. The deicing characteristics have not been confirmed. The rubberized class ACP is performing better than the PlusRide.

Peters,A. J., Schultz,R. L.

asphalt, asphalt concrete, Asphalt Concrete pavement, asphalt pavement, bridge, bridge deck, bridge deck overlay, bridges, Class D, concrete, construction, Deck, evaluation, fatigue, friction, friction course, noise, overlay, pavement, PlusRide, resistance, Rubberized, traffic, traffic volumes, volume

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Ritchie,S. G. WA-RD 083.1 Statewide Highway Data Rationalization Study 1986
This study involved an in-depth evaluation of the Washington State Department of Transportation highway data development and analysis activities. It developed statistically-based procedures and recommendations for a streamlined highway data collection program. Opportunities to reduce manpower and equipment costs, streamline work activities, improve the quality of data collection and provide accurate and timely data for the various users were identified. Given the focus on highway data, the major effort was devoted to the Department's traffic counting program. However, many data items and programs were considered, with the following receiving particular attention: traffic volume counting, including estimation of annual average daily traffic at any location throughout the state highway system; associated seasonal, axle and growth factors; vehicle classification; truck weights; and the relationship between the statistical sampling requirements recommended for these items and those associated with the FHWA Highway Performance Monitoring System in the state.

Ritchie,S. G., Hallenbeck,M. E.

analysis, Annual, axle, cost, costs, data, data collection, developed, development, equipment, evaluation, highway, monitoring, performance, performance monitoring, program, quality, sampling, seasonal, Study, System, traffic, traffic counting, transportation, truck, vehicle classification, volume, Washington, Washington state, weight, weights

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Malsch,D. A. WA-RD 085.1 Evaluating The Effectiveness Of Liquid Anti-Strip Additives In Asphalt Cement 1986
The use of liquid anti-stripping additives (LAA) for reducing moisture damage in asphalt concrete pavements was evaluated using pavement cores from pairs of projects with-and-without LAA. Results were analyzed using the tensile strength ratio (TSR). In addition, a diazo-dye for determining the presence and concentration of LAA was attempted to access the value or the test as a field procedure. The chemical additive detection tests proved inclusive, but the TSR analysis gave a positive indication of the need for the use of LAA in the wetter environments of the state, For drier environments and for low traffic volumes, use of LAA may not be cost effective. The indirect tensile test was judged to be a potentially valuable tool for statewide use in the evaluation of stripping additive needs.

Malsch,D. A.

additive, analysis, anti-stripping agents, asphalt, asphalt concrete, Asphalt Concrete pavement, bituminous concrete, Chemical, concrete, cost, cost effective, damage, detection, diazo-dye test, effectiveness, environment, evaluation, indirect tension test, moisture damage, pavement, pavement life, pavements, project, strength, stripping, tests, traffic, traffic volumes, volume

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Nihan,N. L. WA-RD 063.1 Telecommunications Link: Traffic Systems Management Center and University of Washington 1984
This report describes a newly established telecommunications link between Seattle\'s Traffic System Management Center (TSMC) and the University of Washington\'s (UW) Information Retrieval System. Volume data in five-minute intervals collected by the TSMC is transferred to the UW computer system. The reports contains a description of this 1 ink and a User\'s Guide for those who wish to access the data.

Nihan,N. L.

computer, data, freeway surveillance, information retrieval, management, seattle, System, systems, telecommunications, telecommunications link, traffic, traffic systems management, traffic volumes, volume, Washington

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Newcomb, D.E. WA-RD 065.1 State-Of-The-Art On Pavement Overlay Procedures: Volume I, Review Pavement Plan 1983 TRAC/UW
The study is reported in two volumes. The first volume summarizes the state-of-the-art on pavement overlay design and presents a research plan to develop an overlay design procedure for the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) The second volume contains an annotated bibliographyof significant pavement overlay literature published since 1968.The state-of-the-art review presented in Volume I addresses pavement evaluation using nondestructive testing and subjective ratings. These are discussed along with the topics of traffic and seasonal variations. Pavement overlay design concepts are identified and discussed. A research plan is presented forthe development of a pavement overlay design system for WSDOT.

Newcomb, D.E., Bubushait, A.A., Mahoney, J.P., Sharma, J.

Design, development, evaluation, nondestructive testing, overlay, pavement, pavement evaluation, performance, research, review, seasonal, seasonal variation, seasonal variations, state-of-the-art, Study, System, traffic, transportation, volume, Washington, Washington state, WSDOT

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Newcomb, D.E. WA-RD 065.2 State-of-the-Art on Pavement Overlay Procedures: Volume II Annotated Bibliography 1983 TRAC/UW
This report is presented in two volumes. The first volume summarizes the Final Report Sept. 15 - Dec. 15, 1983 14. Sponsoring Agency Code state-of-the-art on pavement overlay design and presents a research plan to develop an overlay design procedure for the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) . The second volume contains an annotated bibliography of significant pavement overlay 1iterature pub1ished since 1968.The state-of-the-art review presented in Volume I addresses pavement evaluation using nondestructive testing and subjective ratings. These are discussed along with the topics of traffic and seasonal variations. Pavement overlay design concepts are identified and discussed. A research plan is presented for the development of a pavement overlay design system for WSDOT,

Newcomb, D.E., Bubushait, A.A., Mahoney, J.P., Sharma, J.

Agencies, design, development, evaluation, nondestructive testing, overlay, pavement, pavement evaluation, performance, research, review, seasonal, seasonal variation, seasonal variations, state-of-the-art, System, traffic, transportation, volume, Washington, Washington state, WSDOT

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Mar,B. W. WA-RD 039.16 Summary Of Runoff Water Quality Study 1977-82 907 1982
A highway storm water runoff pollutant loading. model has been developed based on results from con3posire sampling of approximately 600 storms at nine locations in the State of Washington over five years. The model expresses total suspended solids (TSS) loading in proportion to the product of highway segment length, average runoff coefficient, and vehicles traveling during storm periods. It was dem-onstrated that loadings of contaminants such as chemical oxygen demand, nutrients and trace metals could be estimated from TSS loadings using ratios derived from the data, The model described was developed and validated for assessing total loadings over a time span encompassing a number of storms (monthly or annually). To predict pollutant concentrations and loadings in runoff from a given storm, cumulative distributions were plotted and analyzed to determine the probability of exceeding specific concentration and loading values in a given case. Bioassay studies using highway runoff indicated toxicity to aquatic life when elevated metals deposition from high traffic volumes (in excess of 10,000 -20,000 vehicles per day) or high metals concentrations in rainfall caused runoff concentrations to exceed lethal levels. Draining highway runoff through grass channels 60 meters in length greatly reduced TSS and metals concentrations and the consequent toxic effects. The major product of this research is a guide to assessing and mitigating the impacts of highway runoff to receiving waters.

Mar,B. W., Horner,R. R., Spyridakis,D. E., Welch,E. B.

Assessment, Channel, Chemical, Concentrations, data, demand, deposition, developed, highway, highway runoff, impact, impacts, Loadings, Highway runoff, metals, mitigation, model, models, pollutant loading, Pollutants, quality, rainfall, research, runoff, sampling, span, stormwater, suspended solids, Toxicity, traffic, traffic volumes, volume, Washington, Washington state, water quality

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Nihan,N. L. WA-RD 035.1 Use of Volume Data To Reduce Ramp To Ramp Freeway Trip Patterns, A Pilot Study 1979
This report presents the results of a pilot study to determine the utility of developing a particular travel forecasting technique. The technique in question is a gravity-based model which requires ramp volume data as inputs. The model is used to forecast ramp-to-ramp trip tables. The preliminary study indicates that this technique is sufficiently accurate to warrant furthur investigation.

Nihan,N. L.

data, forecasting, freeway, model, Ramp-to-Ramp trips, freeway trip tables, trip distribution, traffic volumes, travel patterns, gravity model, travel, volume

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Koontz,B. WA-RD 028.1 Evaluation of Origin-Destination Data for an External Cordon Line Survey 1975
The primary travel characteristic in question is the mirroring of the magnitude and distribution of the inbound trip patterns to the patterns of the outbound trips. The linear regression analysis for the internal-external (IE) trips plotted by direction and zone volume provided a correlation of 0.09885 for all survey stations combined. The association of the regression lines with the expected 45 degree line when plotting inbound versus outbound trips by zone is a second indicator, and showed an average intercept of about +2.6 trips with a slope of 0.989. The standard error of the estimate was calculated to by 37 trips for all stations combined. The average number of trips per zone is 237.5.A similar analysis of the external-external (EE) trips produced a regression correlation of 0.9954 and the regression lines had an average intercept of +1.5 trips with a line slope of 0.996. In addition to studying the distribution of the trips by zone, the O-D data was stratified into four purposes: 1) work 2) personal, business and shopping 3) social recreation, and 4) other. Percent trips by purpose and by direction were calculated and for all stations combined there was less that a 2% discrepancy for any single purpose. The best match was work trips (0.4% difference) and the greatest difference was in the social-recreation trips, with a 1.9% difference.A comparison of the distribution of trips by trip length was the final area investigated. For I.E. trips inside the cordon line the inbound direction showed an average trip length of 8,86 minutes with a standard deviation of 3.44 minutes and the outbound direction produced and average trip length of 8.89 minutes with a standard deviation of 3.43 minutes.

Koontz,B., Kirkland,C. K.

analysis, cordon, data, Error, evaluation, External Cordon, line, Line Survey, Origin-Destination, recreation, regression, regression analysis, survey, travel, trip length, volume, work trip

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Terrel,Ronald L. WA-RD 006.1 Resilient Behavior Of Asphalt Treated Base Course Materials 1003 1972
In many parts of the world, the design of flexible pavement is still based on empirical methods which have developed from engineering experience. These empirical methods cannot be extrapolated beyond their limits without full scale trials to prove their applicability. In recent years, however, the increase of traffic, both in volume and axle loads, has led to the failure of many roads previously considered well designed. For this reason, therefore, researchers realized that a closer look at the pavement materials was desirable in order to develop a rational design procedure. Due to the complexity of characterizing pavement materials, and the limitations of instrumentation, much of the reported work offered little help in changing design practice. This is, perhaps, due to many simplifying assumptions which had to be introduced in the experimental procedure as well as the interpretation of the test results. Recently, however, there has been a sharp advancement in test instrumentation and an outstanding progress in processing the experimental results. This has been reflected through many fine investigations and has increased the demand for more improvements. An asphalt pavement is a complex structure whose function is to provide a suitable surface for a highway, an airport, or other off-highway facility. The load of a vehicle or an aircraft is transmitted through the multilayered system of processed materials which have different mechanical properties. The stress distribution within this system is highly complex and to a large extent is dependent on the relative stiffnesses of the individual layers.

Terrel,Ronald L., Awad,S.

asphalt, asphalt pavement, axle, base, behavior, demand, design, developed, experimental, facilities, fine, highway, improvement, loads, materials, methods, pavement, stiffness, stresses, System, traffic, volume

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Krukar,M. WA-RD 015.5 Pavement Research At WSU Volume No. 5 - Evaluation and Analysis of Results From Experimental Rings No. 1-4 1020 1971
The purpose of this study was threefold: (1) Develop empirical equivalencies from all four rings, (2) develop a design method for overlays based on field deflections; and (3) evaluate the validity of data obtained from instrumentations in terms of n-layer elastic theory and then develop theoretical equivalencies.This was done. Field equivalencies were developed and they indicated that superiority of the treated base materials over the untreated. A design method was developed which could be used for predicting when an overlay was needed and what thickness was needed to withstand certain equivalent wheel loads and deflections.Using computer programs for n-layer elastic theory developed by Chevron Research Company, deflection stresses and strains were computed and compared with field data. Assumptions about the material behavior and condition were made based on laboratory data obtained from The Asphalt Institute and field knowledge, and were used to help predict the behavior of pavements. The results were encouraging and indicate that field measurements generally were comparable with elastic layer theory predictions. This will help to develop and modify existing design limits for stresses, strains and deflection for future work.Equivalencies based on theoretical deflections, stresses and strains indicate the difficulty of assigning precise values. These values also indicate the superiority of treated materials over the untreated materials.

Krukar,M., Cook,J. C.

analysis, asphalt, base, base materials, behavior, computer, computer program, condition, data, design, equivalencies, evaluation, experimental, loads, materials, overlay, overlays, pavement, pavements, prediction, program, research, strains, stresses, volume, wheel load

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Krukar,M. WA-RD 015.4 Pavement Research at the WSU Test Track - Volume No. 4 Experimental Ring No 4 A Study of Untreated, Sand Asphalt, and As... 1970
Three different kinds of base material of varying base thicknesses were tested at the Washington State University Test Track on Ring #3 during the fall of 1967 and the spring of 1968. Twelve 18-foot test sections consisting of 4.5, 7.0, 9.5 and 12 inches of untreated crushed rock surfacing top course base; 3.0, 5.0, and 7.0 and 9.0 inches of emulsion treated crushed surfacing top course base; and 0.0, 2.0, 3.5 and 5.0 inches of special non-fractured screened aggregate asphalt treated base, covered by a uniform 3.0-inch thick Class "B" asphalt concrete wearing course were tested during this period. This pavement structure was built on a clay-silt subgrade soil.Instrumentation consisted of moisture tensiometers, strain gages, pressure cells, LVDT gages and thermocouples for measuring moisture, strain, stress, dynamic deflections and temperatures. Benkleman beam readings were taken.The testing period revealed that the fall failure modes were different from the spring failures. The fall failure patter started from transverse cracks in the thin sections which developed into alligator cracking patterns. These cracks appeared after a period of cold weather and heavy rains followed by a warming period. It seems that thermal and mechanical loads were responsible for the fall failures on the thin sections. The spring failures were very rapid and sudden and were due to environmental factors which led to saturated subgrade, thus resulting in poor bearing capacity. Punching shear was the failure mode. The thickest sections survived without cracks but developed severe rutting. Examination revealed that these ruts extended into the subgrade and that fatigue cracking was developing on the bottom of the bases.Comparison of the results with those obtained from Ring# 2, which was similar in base materials and thickness, show that they were similar in many respects. This indicates that the test track is capable of replicating results and is a reliable research instrument.Equivalencies were developed for the different materials. On this basis the special aggregate asphalt treated base was superior to the emulsion treated and untreated crushed rock bases in that order. These results were comparable to those obtained from test Ring #2.Maximum values for static and dynamic deflections, strains and stresses for different times and temperatures were developed. The lateral position of the dual tires with respect to the gage severely affected the strain, stresses and deflection values. Temperature also caused variations in the measurements. Spring instrument readings for static and dynamic deflections, strain and stress show increased values by as much as 2 to 4 times of those obtained in the fall. Spring subgrade conditions probably are responsible for these differences.Ring #3 series operational time was twice that of Ring #2 and sustained four times the wheel load applications. Construction and testing environmental conditions were superior to those for Ring #2 and hence contributed to the longer test period. This points out that environmental factors are very important in pavement life.


aggregate, Alligator Cracking, applications, asphalt, asphalt concrete, base, base materials, bearing capacity, Benkleman beam, concrete, condition, construction, cracking, dual tires, environmental, experimental, fatigue, fatigue cracking, loads, materials, pavement, pavement life, pressure, pressure cell, rain, research, research at the WSU, strains, stresses, subgrade, temperature, test track, tire, tires, volume, Volume No.4, Washington, Washington state, wheel load

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Krukar,M. WA-RD 015.3 Pavement Research at the WSU Test Track, Volume No. 3 Experimental Ring No. 3: Study of Untreated Emulsion Treated and A... 1969
Three different kinds of base material of varying base thicknesses were tested at the Washington State University Test Track on Ring #3 during the fall of 1967 and the spring of 1968. Twelve 18-foot test sections consisting of 4.5, 7.0, 9.5 and 12 inches of untreated crushed rock surfacing top course base; 3.0, 5.0, and 7.0 and 9.0 inches of emulsion treated crushed surfacing top course base; and 0.0, 2.0, 3.5 and 5.0 inches of special non-fractured screened aggregate asphalt treated base, covered by a uniform 3.0-inch thick Class "B" asphalt concrete wearing course were tested during this period. This pavement structure was built on a clay-silt subgrade soil.Instrumentation consisted of moisture tensiometers, strain gages, pressure cells, LVDT gages and thermocouples for measuring moisture, strain, stress, dynamic deflections and temperatures. Benkleman beam readings were taken.The testing period revealed that the fall failure modes were different from the spring failures. The fall failure patter started from transverse cracks in the thin sections which developed into alligator cracking patterns. These cracks appeared after a period of cold weather and heavy rains followed by a warming period. It seems that thermal and mechanical loads were responsible for the fall failures on the thin sections. The spring failures were very rapid and sudden and were due to environmental factors which led to saturated subgrade, thus resulting in poor bearing capacity. Punching shear was the failure mode. The thickest sections survived without cracks but developed severe rutting. Examination revealed that these ruts extended into the subgrade and that fatigue cracking was developing on the bottom of the bases.Comparison of the results with those obtained from Ring# 2, which was similar in base materials and thickness, show that they were similar in many respects. This indicates that the test track is capable of replicating results and is a reliable research instrument.Equivalencies were developed for the different materials. On this basis the special aggregate asphalt treated base was superior to the emulsion treated and untreated crushed rock bases in that order. These results were comparable to those obtained from test Ring #2.Maximum values for static and dynamic deflections, strains and stresses for different times and temperatures were developed. The lateral position of the dual tires with respect to the gage severely affected the strain, stresses and deflection values. Temperature also caused variations in the measurements. Spring instrument readings for static and dynamic deflections, strain and stress show increased values by as much as 2 to 4 times of those obtained in the fall. Spring subgrade conditions probably are responsible for these differences.Ring #3 series operational time was twice that of Ring #2 and sustained four times the wheel load applications. Construction and testing environmental conditions were superior to those for Ring #2 and hence contributed to the longer test period. This points out that environmental factors are very important in pavement life.

Krukar,M., Cook,J. C.

aggregate, Alligator Cracking, applications, asphalt, asphalt concrete, base, base materials, bearing capacity, Benkleman beam, concrete, condition, construction, cracking, dual tires, environmental, equivalencies, experimental, fatigue, fatigue cracking, loads, materials, pavement, pavement life, pressure, pressure cell, rain, research, research at the WSU, soil, strains, stresses, subgrade, temperature, test track, tire, tires, volume, Washington, Washington state, wheel load

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Krukar,M. WA-RD 015.2 Pavement Research at WSU Track Volume No. 2 Experimental Ring No. 2: A Study of Untreated Emulsion Treated and Asphlatic... 1968
This report describes the results obtained from Experimental Ring No. 2, the first ring of a three-ring tests series on treated bases at the Washington State University Test Track. This experiment was concerned with studying the effects of controlled wheel load repetitions on untreated, emulsion, and specialaggregate asphalt - treated bases of four varying thicknesses. Construction, instrumentation, results , and conclusions are described and drawn. Benkelman beam, LVDT, strain gages, pressure cells and moisture tensiometers were used to measure deflections , strains , stresses and moisture. Maximum values are tabulated. Temperatures were also recorded. Testing can be divided into two time periods - fall of 1966 and spring of 1967. Values obtained from instruments show that different conditions existed during those testing periods, and that deflections , strains and stresses were two to four times higher in the spring than in the fall. Modes of failure were also different . Equivalencies between the different base materials were established. Other conclusions were drawn. Since this is a continuing experiment, it should be emphasized that results and conclusions are subject to change, depending upon data from the remaining experimental rings.

Krukar,M., Cook,J. C.

asphalt, base, condition, construction, data, experimental, materials, pavement, pressure, research, strains, stresses, temperature, test track, tests, volume, Washington, Washington state

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Riedesel,G. A. WA-RD 015.1 Pavement Research at the WSU Test Track- Volume No. 1 Experimental Ring No. 1: A study of cement treated and asphaltic t... 1967
Using full-scale construction equipment and truck loadings on a circular track of 260 feet circumference, evaluation of various base thicknesses and types has been accomplished in this first of a series of tests. Fractured and non-fractured aggregatre, treated and untreated bases, asphaltic and portland cement type bases are used. Results of the firest ring indicate type of failure under varied enviornmental conditions with pavement systems subjected to millions of load applications. Difficulties in determining comparative equivalencies are discussed. Instrumentations used and possibilities for future use in rational design are reported.

Riedesel,G. A.

applications, base, condition, construction, design, equipment, evaluation, experimental, pavement, research, systems, test track, tests, truck, truck loadings, volume

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