Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics - IN THE NEWS

NOTE! This section does not provide instructions on preparing your In The News activity. This section only provides archived versions. For instructions, go to the Clinics & Activities In The News link

Past Articles

March 22, 2006 (Treating moms depression treats the kid, too)
March 27, 2006 (Antidepressant limitations)
March 30, 2006 (We're not supposed to sleep all night)
April 3, 2006 (Fish Oil and Child Development)
April 4, 2006 (Autologous artificial bladders and spina bifida)
April 5, 2006 (Autism Not Rising?)
April 6, 2006 (Brain development rate and intelligence linked)
April 7, 2006 (T & A fixes behavior like ADHD)
April 12, 2006 (Premies experience pain)
April 13, 2006 (Mumps rising - parents not vaccinating)
April 14, 2006 (Problems in pediatric psychopharmacology)
April 17, 2006 (Home Drug Screening Teens Controversies)
April 18, 2006 (Developmental problems that don't meet diagnostic criteria)
April 19, 2006 (No neurotoxicity or renal damage with mercury fillings)
April 20, 2006 (Love and sexuality in adults with mental retardation)
April 21, 2006 (DSM-IV authors had undisclosed drug company ties)
April 25, 2006 (Bullying)
April 26, 2006 (Mentors)
April 27, 2006 (Sex Education - toddlers to teens)
May 8, 2006 (Ballet for kids with CP)
May 10, 2006 (Daytrana - transdermal stimulant)
May 11, 2006 (New TV channel for babies)
May 15, 2006 (Pediatricians fail to screen for autism)
May 16, 2006 (CBT and sleep)
May 17, 2006 (Medical Home)
May 22, 2006 (Attractivenss enhances development)
May 23, 2006 (British doctors tell NHS to stop funding alternative healthcare)
May 24, 2006 (Sexual assault - developmental manifestations)
May 26, 2006 (methylphenidate and ER visits)
May 29, 2006 (Kids and TV)
May 31, 2006 (Hutch School - for kids and families with cancer)
June 6, 2006 (Parenting accounting for parent-child personality mismatch)
June 7, 2006 (Women hide abuse from doctor, but do tell via computer)
June 9, 2006 (Home schooling with private teachers)
June 12, 2006 (Happiness abnormal? Yes, per "Acceptance and Commitment Therapy")
June 14, 2006 (Effective advocating strategies for "best teaching" at school)
June 15, 2006 (Anorexia not treatable with Rx)
June 19, 2006 (Foster Parents try to unionize)
June 20, 2006 (Medical Home)
June 21, 2006 (TV variables result in sleep disturbance in kids)
June 23, 2006 (Autism "inclusion" programs closing - IDEA discussed)
June 26, 2006 (Mother kidnaps child from CHRMC due to belief in naturopathy)
June 27, 2006 (Assistive technology device for the blind)
July 11, 2006 (Age-based recommended guidelines)
July 13, 2006 (Purpose of Sleep in Memory/Learning)
July 17, 2006 (Brain implant enables paralyzed people to move via robots)
July 20, 2006 (Couple with Down syndrome wed)
July 21, 2006 (Baby study gives clue to brain link in receptive to expressive language development)
July 24, 2006 (Face blindness - not just in autism)
July 25, 2006 (Conflicts of interest - docs with drug company ties are on FDA medical advisory boards)
August 7, 2006 (Home DNA kits promise more than they deliver)
August 14, 2006 (Adoption)
August 16, 2006 (Coffee and kids)
August 21, 2006 (School Lunch Programs - Jordan and United States)
August 22, 2006 (Thrive-By-Five program and the Gates Foundation)
August 24, 2006 (Temple Grandin - gifted adult with autism tells what it's like)
August 25, 2006 (Body-conscious moms breed body-conscious toddlers)
August 28, 2006 (Cultural Competency: Diminished safe healthcare access for some kids)
August 29, 2006 (Cerebral Palsy - overcoming limitations)
August 31, 2006 (School refusal)
Sept 1, 2006 (Assistive technologies)
Sept 5, 2006 (Teachers paddling & flogging students)
Sept 6, 2006 (Chubby toddlers become chubby teens)
Sept 7, 2006 (Advanced father-age at conception and autism risk)
Sept 8, 2006 (ADHD - parents pushing for medications inappropriately)
Sept 13, 2006 (Antipsychotic use in kids quintuples: but are they safe?)
Sept 15, 2006 (Changes in prefrontal cortex of fathers' brains)
Sept 18, 2006 (TV can work for kids if done via interaction)
Sept 19, 2006 (Pre-natal smoking and very low post-natal serum lead associated with ADHD)
Sept 21, 2006 (Virtual schools now in Washington State)
Sept 22, 2006 (Gay and lesbian parents' struggles in finding inclusive schools)
Sept 25, 2006 (Family members of hospitalized kids may catch important medical clues otherwise missed)
Sept 26, 2006 (Intersex and ethical dilemmas in gender assignment)
Sept 27, 2006 (Tourette syndrome and Chinese medicine)
Sept 28, 2006 (Temperament -and crankiness- endures lifetime and associated with intelligence)
Sept 29, 2006 (Injury prevention)
Oct 2, 2006 (Brain map atlas - Paul Allen's project and how it will help developmental pediatricians)
Oct 3, 2006 ("Back to Sleep" causes infants to skip crawling)
Oct 5, 2006 ( and teen vulnerability to harmful behaviors)
Oct 6, 2006 (Picky eaters)
Oct 9, 2006 (Risperdal in Autism OK'd by FDA)
Oct 10, 2006 (Play is vital!  AAP new report recommends increase unstructured playtime)
Oct 11, 2006 (Dyslexia: earlier early screening)
Oct 13, 2006 (Diet, diabetes, inflammation and neurodevelopment)
Oct 16, 2006 (New BIG gov't study on causes of autism)
Oct 17, 2006 (Mirror Neurons: activity in our brain influences similar regions in our partner's brain - social implication)
Oct 20, 2006 (Neighborhood House)
Oct 23, 2006 (Delaying kindergarten entry to give an "edge" over peers)
Oct 24, 2006 (New law allows same-sex education in public schools)
Oct 26, 2006 (Honeybee genome coded - gives clues to human hardwired social behavior)
Oct 27, 2006 (Play is vital!  Additional perspectives and thoughts by Mel Levine)
Oct 30, 2006 (Co-sleeping: Parents choose not to follow AAP Policy guideline)
Oct 31, 2006 (Bullying in new videogame is controversial)
Nov 2, 2006 (Rett syndrome - potential therapy)
Nov 6, 2006 (Food Psychology - how we're tricked into eating too much, and what to do)
Nov 8, 2006 (Elevated lead in Seattle schools' water)
Nov 13, 2006 (Overdiagnosing and ambiguous diagnoses in child psychiatry)
Nov 17, 2006 (Ethics committee says OK not to save extreme preemies)
Nov 20, 2006 (Rett syndrome - role of MeCP2 discovered[?] and treatment[?])
Nov 27, 2006 (Serving as role models by our style of dress as physicians)
Nov 28, 2006 (Pediatric interpretations on why taller men make more money)
Nov 30, 2006 (Prenatal counseling is too late)
Dec 4, 2006 (Gender-variant children)
Dec 8, 2006 (Adolescents with mental illness - transition to college)
Dec 12, 2006 (Sleep problems - any approach works, if....)
Dec 14, 2006 (Anorexia online - teaching girls 'successful' anorexia)
Dec 18, 2006 (Our taste experience changes measurably based on expectation)
Dec 19, 2006 (Memory - how and where the brain forms and uses it)
Dec 22, 2006 (Obesity and gut flora - so maybe it IS something in the water?)
Dec 29, 2006 (Scant proof for psychopharm in kids)
Jan 2, 2007 (Social clubs in high schools with special-needs and typical peers)
Jan 4, 2007 (MMR-Autism doctor got big $ from lawyers who were suing vaccine makers)
Jan 8, 2007 (Are we over-diagnosing/pathologizing?)
Jan 10, 2007 (Directed learning while we sleep?)
Jan 16, 2007 ("Pillow Angel" - the case of Ashley)
Jan 19, 2007 (Suicide identification and intervention/prevention)
Jan 23, 2007 (Temper Tantrum on Flight 109!)
Jan 24, 2007 (Brave New World? Prenatal screening)
Jan 26, 2007 (Caffeine and pregnancy)
Jan 29, 2007 (A dying parent)
Feb 1, 2007 (Freeways and lung function in kids)
Feb 2, 2007 (Spanking and California law to prohibit in birth-to-3)
Feb 6, 2007 ("Rapid Prompting" in Autism treatment, created by "Cure Autism Now" founder)
Feb 7, 2007 (Autistic diet)
Feb 9, 2007 (Jordanian facility for developmentally disabled)
Feb 12, 2007 ("Black Box" warnings on anti-depressants may result in increased suicide)
Feb 14, 2007 (New autism prevalence - 1 in 150)
Feb 16, 2007 (Teen oral and vaginal sex have emotional consequences)
Feb 21, 2007 (Epilepsy - underappreciated and lack of appropriate advocacy)
Feb 22, 2007 (Kids get smarter if they believe they can)
Feb 26, 2007 (Rett Syndrome - reversed with gene therapy)
Feb 28, 2007 (CHIPS threatened, governors say "No")
Mar 2, 2007 (Older fathers and genetic risks)
Mar 6, 2007 (Napping your way to better heart health)
Mar 8, 2007 (Medical marijuana research may open up in U.S., with implications for kids)
Mar 9, 2007 (Smelling as a tool for improving learning during sleep)
Mar 13, 2007 (Perinatal hospice)
Mar 15, 2007 (Laughter and how/when/why we express it is critical)
Mar 19, 2007 (Middle school - understanding "tweens" issues to help teach them)
Mar 21, 2007 (Cattle prod to treat autism)
Mar 22, 2007 (Too many psychiatric diagnoses, too little agreement)
Mar 26, 2007 (Morality is hard-wired: implications in autism)
Mar 28, 2007 (Day care preschool results in later behavioral problems)
Mar 30, 2007 (Executive functions, not IQ alone, shape academic success)
Apr 2, 2007 (TV ads target kids with junk food despite pledge to do otherwise)
Apr 3, 2007 (Stanford Prison Experiment and lessons for pediatricians)
Apr 5, 2007 (Importance of play, and how we're losing it)
Apr 9, 2007 (Behavioral strategies to eliminate pain in invasive procedures)
Apr 18, 2007 (Shyness in kids and parenting consequences)
Apr 19, 2007 (Autism Genome Project - genes discovered)
Apr 23, 2007 (Foster care despite birthparents who work to turn around)
Apr 24, 2007 (Doctors need to learn to listen to patients)
Apr 27, 2007 (Doctors need to teach and model preventive lifestyles)
Apr 30, 2007 (Neurorecovery of walking after paralysis)
May 7, 2007 (Serotonin Discontinuation Syndrome)
May 9, 2007 (Autism and dyslexia may share phonemic awareness problems)
May 14, 2007 (Down syndrome - problems with prenatal diagnosis)
May 16, 2007 (Early screening for autism)
May 22, 2007 (Former resident Rupin Thakkar - keeping drug industry reps out of the Med Home)
May 25, 2007 (Cerebral palsy and stem cells - therapies in China provided, but valid?)
May 29, 2007 (IDEA victory - parents can represent themselves)
June 1, 2007 (Doctors who publish memoirs and opinions become better doctors)
June 4, 2007 (Dogs as research model for understanding morality, learning and emotions)
June 7, 2007 (Sensory Integration Therapy)
June 11, 2007 (People may choose dysfunction despite opportunity for "better" life)
June 13, 2007 (Legal proof may trump scientific proof in autism-vaccine connection)
June 14, 2007 (Transcripts & advocacy to yesterday's autism-vaccine court hearing)
July 9, 2007 (Williams syndrome - very verbal, very social, and promising opportunities)
July 12, 2007 (When docs talk about themselves with patients, it doesn't help patient)
July 16, 2007 (Playground that takes the "dis" out of "disability"
July 20, 2007 (Father's Network - emotional supports for dads of kids with special needs)
July 23, 2007 (Teen sex and pregnancy rates in U.S. no longer dropping)
July 26, 2007 (Cultural differences among doctors)
July 31, 2007 (Subconscious priming of the old brain is easily altered by environment, informing new brain decisions)
Aug 6, 2007 (Deep Brain Stimulation - promising treatment for minimal consciousness; and for Tourette)
Aug 13, 2007 (Baby Einstein harmful to language development)
Aug 16, 2007 (Social influences of gender on autism)
Aug 20, 2007 (Med students taught to be suspicious of patients)
Aug 22, 2007 (IQ and birth order)
Aug 23, 2007 (CBS Child reality show abuses kids?)
Aug 27, 2007 (ADHD and Neurofeedback v. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy)
Aug 31, 2007 (Chelation death in autism: Doctor found guilty)
Sept 4, 2007 (Recalled Chinese toys with leaded paint)
Sept 6, 2007 (Gender identity variance in young children)
Sept 10, 2007 (Face scan computer program diagnoses genetic syndromes)
Sept 18, 2007 (Kids disrespectful to parents and professionals as culture shifts)
Sept 19, 2007 (The brainstem may have consciousness)
Sept 20, 2007 (Concussions are common, dangerous and usually missed in sports)
Sept 24, 2007 (Food dyes and preservatives cause hyperactivity in 3- and 8-year-olds)
ADDENDUM (Dr. Esther Wender commentary on Food dyes/preservatives & ADHD study)
Sept 28, 2007 (Medical student with disabilities and infant requests testing accommodations)
Oct 3, 2007 (Quirky kids and the label "Asperger")
Oct 9, 2007 (Bipolar diagnosis in kids up 4000% in 10 years)
Oct 11, 2007 (About 27% of US kids without dental care)
Oct 15, 2007 (Controversial new recommendations on permissible fish consumption during pregnancy)
Oct 19, 2007 (Risks in raising children when parents are wealthy)
Oct 24, 2007 (MRSA and how to sensibly guide families)
Oct 30, 2007 (Crying differences between genders and the perceptions)
Nov 2, 2007 (Environmental lead and developmental and behavioral results)
Nov 5, 2007 (Schools going nutritious)
Nov 8, 2007 (TV viewing linked to violent behavior in male toddlers)
Nov 13, 2007 (Young kids with behavior problems or ADHD mature by school age)
Nov 16, 2007 (Judith Warner replies to parent replies on the Nov 13 article)
Nov 19, 2007 (New dental facility for underprivileged kids and those with special needs)
Nov 26, 2007 (Babies show innate social morality awareness)
Nov 29, 2007 (Court permits 14-year-old to refuse life-saving treatment due to religious belief)
Dec 3, 2007 (Toddlers and young kids reject make-believe toys, insisting on the real thing)
Dec 6, 2007 (Is Sensory Integration Dysfunction for real?)
Dec 10, 2007 (Chimps show superior intelligence to humans)
Dec 13, 2007 (fMRI shows how some do better than others in remembering)
Jan 7, 2008 (Microarray "Chip" genetics analysis is changing how we diagnose and manage)
Jan 10, 2008 (Siblings of kids with disability)
Jan 18, 2008 (Vaccine for drug addiction)
Jan 22, 2008 (Gene testing for psychiatric illness)
Jan 28, 2008 (Autism services scarce - advocacy available)
Jan 31, 2008 (Early temperament and attachment influence later nightmares)
Feb 4, 2008 (Vaccine mercury leaves body much more quickly than previously thought)
Feb 7, 2008 (Bullies and ADHD)
Feb 13, 2008 (Tourette syndrome and self-advocacy)
Feb 25, 2008 (Safe Toys - are they?)
Feb 27, 2007 (Nazis in the comics: teaching kids cultural awareness and ethics)
Feb 29, 2008 (Bullied: a study among identical twins)
March 3, 2008 (Kids eligible for free lunch at school opt to go hungry instead)
March 6, 2008 (Vaccines and autism: Senator McCain speaks)
March 11, 2008 (Anti-depressant Rx may not be very effective)
March 13, 2008 (Non-verbal girl with autism suddenly speaks by keyboarding)
March 19, 2008 (First names and social outcomes)
March 20, 2008 (Japanese vs. American response to frowning)
March 24, 2008 (Hyperactive girls more likely to become dysfunctional women)
March 27, 2008 (Autism - 3 new documentaries)
April 1, 2008 (School readiness - Too early or too late in the U.S.?)
April 11, 2008 (Actors with disabilities)
April 14, 2008 (Many juvenile animals use "pester power" to get more than they need)
April 28, 2008 (Retrospectively diagnosing adults as if children, find autism isn't increasing)
April 30, 2008 (Teens now hangout at clubs, and it's "kewl")
May 2, 2008 (Teen girls and fitness: ups, downs and barriers)
May 5 (Aging and Developmental Disabilities)
May 12, 2008 (Athletics and disability)
May 22, 2008 (Breast feeding and IQ scores)
May 23, 2008 (International vs. Domestic adoption vs. non-adopted kids: Behavior)
June 2, 2008 (ADHD "voices" - audio recordings of people with ADHD)
June 5, 2008 (Sarcasm and "theory of mind" is not language-based)
June 9, 2008 (Girl-Boy gap in math and science disappears in countries w/gender equality)
June 23, 2008 (ADHD and alternative healthcare: Some new evidence)
July 1, 2008 ("TeachTown" as a software "alternative" to behavior therapy in autism)
July 8, 2008 (Vaccines?!  See what Time Magazine says about their safety)
July 17, 2008 (Physical restraints by teachers)
July 21, 2008 (Autism "on/off switch" genes identified)
July 24, 2008 (Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg to fight forces of worldwide smoking)
July 28, 2008 (Swedish "school voucher" program is gaining popularity)
July 31, 2008 (Foods and brain development)
August 4, 2008 (Malaria vaccine - how Americans may respond if malaria returned to US)
August 15, 2008 (Activity decreases and obesity increases through adolescence)
August 19, 2008 (Fast foods not so sensible)
August 21, 2008 (Parenting effects limited by child's genes)
September 3, 2008 (Wider faces predict aggression in males)
September 5, 2008 (Depression and Suicide increase after Black Box Warning)
September 15, 2008 (BPA in consumer plastics possible neurological hazard)
September 18, 2008 (Most gifted kids aren't)
September 22, 2008 (Newer vs. older generation antipsychotics: unclear benefit)
September 26, 2008 (Tummy Time too, not just "back to sleep")
September 30, 2008 (Better living through sleep)
October 6, 2008 (Melamine contamination of food supply)
October 13, 2008 (New prenatal tests for Down syndrome: practical and ethical issues)
October 20, 2008 (Anorexia Nervosa: patient audio accounts of their experience)
October 24, 2008 (Allergies and Medical Home emergency preparedness)
October 27, 2008 (Miscarriage and bereavement)
October 31, 2008 (The "Today Show" and Autism: controversy??)
Nov 5, 2008 (Vision therapy in convergence insufficiency: ADHD?)
Nov 11, 2008 (Increased autism in regions with higher rainfall)
Nov 13, 2008 (Genes: moms cause psychosis, dads cause autism?)
Nov 17, 2008 (Conduct Disorder: differences in fMRI findings - pleasure in pain)
Nov 24, 2008 (Anti-psychotics up in kids, thumbs down in FDA-panel)
Dec 10, 2008 (Early childhood "object control" motor skills predict adolescent fitness)
Dec 15, 2008 (Early childhood daycare and adolescent/adult outcomes)
Dec 18, 2008 ("HBOT"/Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment in neurodevelopment)
Dec 30, 2008 (Prenatal mercury: What is safe in fish-eating mothers)
Jan 5, 2009 (Bullied kids start out as aggressive toddlers)
Jan 8, 2009 (Sugar spikes and cognitive impairment)
Jan 12, 2009 (Health literacy - alarming results of recent national survey)
Jan 15, 2009 (Manners matters - comments by Dr. Perri Klass)
Jan 27, 2009 (Segregated prom in Mississippi)
Feb 2, 2009 (Mercury in up to half of high-fructose corn syrups)
Feb 11, 2009 (Pediatricians taking care of disabled adults because internists unavailable)
Feb 17, 2009 (Congenital anomalies in offspring of obese mothers)
Feb 26, 2009 (TV linked to teen depression)
March 3, 2009 (Birth defects and IVF)
March 9, 2009 (Targeted Muscle Re-innervation: fine motor control in arm prosthesis)
March 17, 2009 (Repeating a working memory task increases fluid intelligence/IQ)
March 23, 2009 (Autism increase in an immigrant community: cultural factors)
March 30, 2009 ("Sexting")
Apr 6, 2009 (Daylight Savings Time & cognition)
Apr 17, 2009 (Media and brain response to social v physical pain)
Apr 24, 2009 (Self-control difficulty and obesity)
Apr 28, 2009 (Sleep and electronic light sources)
May 14, 2009 (Autism recovery - may occur, but unpredictably)
May 21, 2009 (Recess is necessary for learning & behavior)
May 28 (Sotomayor and Type 1 diabetes: A "handicap"?)
June 30, 2009 (Time perception disortion in ADHD)
July 29, 2009 (No difference in G.I. problems in kids with & without Autism)
Sept 15, 2009 (Research support for Neurofeedback in ADHD)
Sept 21, 2009 (Teens with autism - social training may benefit some)
Sep 30, 2009 (Cochlear implants - role for young children)
Dec 8, 2009 (Autism and ESDM: Early Start Denver Model)
Jan 11, 2010 (Post-partum depression in fathers)
Feb 8, 2010 (Lancet withdraws Wakefield's Autism-Measles article)
Feb 11, 2010 (Evidence that obesity programs work)
Feb 23, 2010 (Parental ages and age differences are associated with Autism)
Mar 5, 2010 (Stuttering and 3 genetic mutations)
Mar 29, 2010 (Older sibs of kids with Autism may have developmental problems)
Apr 2, 2010 (Neurodiversity in Autism)
Apr 12, 2010 (Robotic legs in paraplegia)
May 3, 2010 (Teen male sexual health counseling is poor)
May 7, 2010 (Plastic peril)
Jun 2, 2010 (Resident version)
Jun 14, 2010 (Shaken baby risks in economic hard times)
Jun 23, 2010 (Even following AAP TV-viewing recommendations may be excessive)
Aug 24, 2010 (Wealthy toddlers take test-prep for best KG)
Aug 27, 2010 (Infants of working mothers have advantages over infants of non-working mothers)
Sep 2, 2010 (Depressed children)
Sep 28, 2010 (Vaccines and autism - no association known. Still, families don't know this.)
Oct 4, 2010 (Exercise resulting in larger basal ganglia, hippocampi & better cognitive performance)
Oct 11, 2010 (Bipolar in kids may evolve to Temper Dysregulation Disorder in DSM-5)
Oct 25, 2010 (Bullying and adulthood impact)
Oct 27, 2010 (iPhones & toddlers)
Nov 25, 2010 (Ketogenic diets)
Dec 1, 2010 (Iron deficiency anemia and cognitive impact)
Dec 6, 2010 (Safe Minds vaccine warnings not so safe)
Dec 14, 2010 (Toddlers don't learn from TV)
Dec 17, 2010 (Acupuncture vs. Eye-patching for lazy eye)
Dec 30, 2010 (Violence linked to depression, not to media)
Jan 25, 2011 (3D videos - Nintendo warns against use in toddlers)
Feb 7, 2011 (Mother working outside home associated with child overweight)
Feb 17, 2011 (Asthma and early learning)
May 9, 2011 (Autism screening at 12 months)
May 12, 2011 (Autism reported as 2.6% in Korean study)
May 23, 2011 (ADHD medication not associated with death or stroke)
June 2, 2011 (Crying predicting language)
July 6, 2011 (Amanda Knox and autism)
July 15, 2011 (Chemical bans and Neurodevelopment)
Aug 8, 2011 (Bullying)
Aug 12, 2011 (Co-sleeping)
Aug 30, 2011 (Prenatal smoking associated with post-natal child's psychiatric Rx use)
Nov 28, 2011 (Aggression in childhood linked to health problems in adulthood)
Jan 3, 2012 (Diet and putative association with ADHD)
Jan 17, 2012 (Autism diagnoses increase based on location & other influences)
Feb 13, 2012 (Autism DSM-5 anticipated changes)
Feb 21, 2012 (Arsenic in baby formulas)
Mar 19, 2012 (Self-feeding babies rather than spoon-feeding)
Apr 23, 2012 (Sleep disorders may account for ADHD profile in many)
June 11, 2012 (Autism risk and head-lag)
July 10, 2012 (PAH and later development)
July 16, 2012 (38-week gestation as "premature" based on later academic performance)
Aug 23, 2012 (Vaccines & autism caused by encephalitis)
Sep 28, 2012 (Letting babies cry out sleep)
Oct 8, 2012 (Autistic children who run away)
Nov 2, 2012 (Puberty occurring earlier)
Dec 6, 2012 (Maternal obesity during pregnancy & autism)
Dec 10, 2012 (Foster children do equally well in homes of homosexual parents)
Dec 27, 2012 (DNA tests & dietary supplements for autism)
Jan 8, 2013 (Helping children deal with trauma & violence)
Feb 4, 2013 (Overcoming autism?)
Feb 7, 2013 (Overcoming autism? Another view/Another article)
Feb 11, 2013 (School safety)
March 6, 2013 (Maternal caffeine during pregnancy)
March 7, 2013 (TV and preschoolers - quality may matter more than quantity)
April 4, 2013 (ADHD: New York Times interprets CDC national survey data, notes increase)
April 23, 2013 (Asperger Syndrome: A father's perspective of quirks and skills)
April 25, 2013 (Colic associated with later migraines)
April 29, 2013 (Music Therapy in the NICU)
May 28, 2013 (Marijuana use in teens and long-term cognitive outcome)
June 3, 2013 (Stimulants for ADHD & later drug use)
June 11, 2013 (Measuring BMI in schools - association w/self-esteem & eating disorder)
June 18, 2013 (Tummy Time controversy)
July 8, 2013 (BPA & obesity)
July 29, 2013 ("tablets" and children's socialization skills)
July 31, 2013 ("NEBA" [EEG] and ADHD)
Aug 5, 2013 (Micromovement-detection technology to identify autism)
Aug 9 (Routine bedtime & cognition)
Aug 13, 2013 (Child's IQ & breastfeeding)
Aug 20, 2013 (Bone health)
Aug 22, 2013 (Autism and induced and/or augmented labor)
Sep 25, 2013 (Autism and absence of pleasure in hearing voices)
Oct 14, 2013 (Naps for toddlers and memory/learning)
Oct 15, 2013 (Premature infants and outcomes as related to environmental variables)
Oct 17, 2013 (ADHD & diet)
Oct 22, 2013 (ADHD & artificial food dye)
Oct 24, 2013 ("Boy Genius" with autism)
Nov 5, 2013 (Autism - induced vs. augmented labor)
Dec 2, 2013 (Baby's gaze/eye-tracking & later autism diagnosis)
Dec 16, 2013 (Oxytocin and Autism)
Jan 2, 2014 (ADHD & Stimulants - Is enough enough?)
Jan 13, 2014 (Autism in Somali children in Minneapolis)
Jan 15, 2014 (Boys being taught to be aggressive - or not)
Jan 27, 2014 (Early education is under-invested)
Feb 12, 2014 (Bumetanide use in Autism)
Mar 28, 2014 (Autism & pollution)
Apr 1, 2014 (ADHD: Stimulant use and later weight gain)
Apr 7, 2014 (Talking to babies increases skills)
Apri 9, 2014 (Medication in ADHD & Depression - too controlling)
May 12, 2014 (Talk more to babies)
May 15, 2014 (Screentime)
May 27, 2014 (ADHD medications harmful to memory?)
June 3, 2014 (Media/Tablet time and toddlers)
July 7, 2014 (Autism & pesticides)
July 9, 2014 (Read to babies)
July 15, 2014 (ADHD and stimulant medication/cardiovascular risk)
July 23, 2014 (Screentime)
October 6, 2014 (Sleeping in later before going to school)
October 13, 2014 (FAS around the globe)
October 15, 2014 (Tylenol during pregnancy linked to later ADHD)
Nov 3, 2014 (Dental care for children with autism)
Nov 10, 2014 (Autism cured through early intervention)
Nov 17, 2014 (Autism recovery)
Nov 25, 2014 (Dads talk with their kids to improve literacy & intellectual skills)
Jan 5, 2015 (Epilepsy and inflammation: mega-steroid for SUDEP prevention)
Jan 12, 2015 (Music and brain cortex: motor and emotion changes)
Mar 23, 2015 (ADHD medication meta-analysis)
Apr 6, 2015 (Toddlers with handheld devices - implications and social and learning development)
May 26, 2015 (Helping young adults with autism get work and advanced education)
July 27, 2015 (ADHD - Fidgeting helps concentration)
July 30, 2015 (ADHD - Food coloring and behavior revisited)
Aug 3, 2015 (C-sections and Autism)
Aug 7, 2015 (Transgender youth)
Aug 10, 2015 (EEGs in toddlers to predict later reading difficulty)
Aug 17, 2015 (Tourette & "TicHelper" home-based treatment)
Aug 24, 2015 (Guinea pigs as 'guinea pigs' in treating kids with Autism)
Sep 21, 2015 (Reading w/toddlers & brain imaging)
Sep 24, 2015 (Autism as a creative bent)
Sep 28, 2015 (Autism and genetic testing for diagnosis)
Oct 12, 2015 (Umbilical cord clamping - delayed vs. immediate clamping)
Oct 15, 2015 (Half of all autism cases result from single-gene mutations)
Nov 3, 2015 (MRI of prenatal and neonatal infants: identifying risk for autism)
Nov 16, 2015 (ADHD - concerns regarding diagnosis v. over-diagnosis)
Dec 14, 2015 (Blood lead level testing changes in WA State)
Dec 16, 2015 (Psychoactive medications in infants and toddlers)
Jan 4, 2016 (Maternal Rx use and later autism in children)
Jan 11, 2016 (Folate in tortillas to reduce neural tube defects)
Jan 13, 2016 (Spate of anencephaly cases in WA State)
Jan 20, 2016 ("Savant Syndrome" - nearly 1/2 of people w/autism)
Feb 8, 2016 (Reading from screens not the same as reading from books)
Feb 11, 2016 (30-million word project)
Feb 18, 2016 (Talking toys temper toddler talking)
Mar 1, 2016 (Animal therapy)
Mar 28, 2016 (ADHD and late birthdays - a question of appropriate youthful immaturity?)
Mar 31, 2016 (Zika virus and microcephaly)
Apr 18, 2016 (fostering creativity in children by setting fewer rules)
May 2, 2016 (Arsenic and "safe" levels)
May 5, 2016 (Anti-Depressant medications in pregnant women)
Jun 29, 2016 (Aggression and Spanking)
June 30, 2016 (Obese mothers lack a bacerium species in stool, increasing risk for offspring ASD)
July 6, 2016 (Kids worldwide in impoverished circumstances show delay)
July 25, 2016 (Screentime and real vs. "fake" violence; impact on neurodevelopment)
July 28, 2016 (Violence in the media)
Aug 15, 2016 (Breastfeeding and telomere length)
Aug 22, 2016 (Tylenol use during pregnancy and subsequent childhood behavioral problems)
Sep 7, 2016 (Fruit-eating pregnant mothers and bright infants)
Sep 9, 2016 (Concussions - stop playing immediately)
Sep 26, 2016 (Informed assent and consent)
Oct 11, 2016 (Turning public places like the supermarket into learning environments)
Oct 17, 2016 (Paid parental leave)
Oct 20, 2016 (Outdoor play and child development)
Oct 24, 2016 (ADHD and suicide in young children)
Oct 31, 2016 (ADHD and stimulant addiction)
Dec 13, 2016 (Marijuana to treat epilepsy)
Dec 19, 2016 (Zika)
Dec 22, 2016 (Anesthesia and early childhood brain development)
Jan 9, 2017 (Parent obesity and influences on early childhood development)
Jan 12, 2017 (Bedtime and obesity)
Jan 18, 2017 (Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome [opioid]: rural v. urban)
Jan 25, 2017 (Early Childhood Programs)
Feb 27, 2017 (Food insecurity of developmental outcomes)
Mar 27, 2017 (Sleep and behavior)
April 3, 2017 (Breastfeeding and association with later cognition and with hyperactivity)
April 6, 2017 (Cerebral Palsy and stem cell therapy)
April 10, 2017 (DHA in infant formula)
April 13, 2017 (Preschoolers and ADHD diagnosis)
April 24, 2017 (Brain MRI in children identified as high-risk to develop autism)
April 27, 2017 (Anti-depressants during pregnancy and subsequent autism)
May 2, 2017 (Fathers and children bonding)
May 8, 2017 (Toddlers and screentime - association with later speech/language delay)
June 28, 2017 (Older mothers and child cognition)
July 10, 2017 (Attachment)
July 13, 2017 (Preschool ADHD)
July 17, 2017 (Autism Nest Program - "no more being hushed")
Aug. 7, 2017 (Hospital vs. Family - Infant w/terminal disease)
Aug 10, 2017 (Raising bilingual kids)
Aug 14, 2017 (Exposure to violence and impacts on sleep and learning)
Sep 11, 2017 (NICU Care quality based on race)
Sep 14, 2017 (Lifetime benefit of having best friend in adolescence)
Sep 18, 2017 (Sleep deficiency and diabetes)
Sep 21, 2017 (Gender and perception of smart)
Oct 4, 2017 (Fidget Spinners and ADHD or Anxiety in classroom)
Oct 19, 2017 (Genetics contribution to ASD)
Oct. 26, 2017 (Marijuana in treatment of ASD)
Nov. 2, 2017 (Is recess important?)
Nov. 9, 2017 (ACEs and outcomes)
Nov. 17, 2017 (Racial differences in Early Intervention)
Nov. 20, 2017 (Toddler tantrums)
Feb. 1, 2018 (When kids lie)
Feb. 12, 2018 (Sexual assault)
Feb. 27, 2018 (Behavioral dysregulation)
Apr. 9, 2018 (Weaning babies and obesity)
Apr. 11, 2018 (Collaborative Problem Solving)
April 30, 2018 (Technology use in early childhood development)
May 3, 2018 (Autism rise related to higher recognition)
May 14, 2018 (Teaching kids about #MeToo)
May 17, 2018 (Breastfeeding & child IQ)
June 27, 2018 (Tummy Time and positional plagiocephaly)
June 29, 2018 (Separating children from parents at the border crossing)
July 5, 2018 (Detention Centers and outcomes)
July 10, 2018 (Helicopter Parenting)
July 13, 2018 (Video Game Addiction: WHO v DSM-5)
July 17, 2018 (Toys and learning)
July 20, 2018 (Teen self-harm)
Aug. 3, 2018 (Attention and motivation: Study of Guatemalan children)
Aug. 6, 2018 (Nature Deficit Disorder)
Aug. 8, 2018 (When babies should start sleeping on their own)
Aug. 15, 2018 (Education and genetic makeup)
Aug. 20, 2018 (Happy kids in the digital age)
Aug. 23, 2018 (Screen time and teen ADHD)
Aug. 27, 2018 (Alcohol consumption while breastfeeding)
Sep. 11, 2018 (Solid foods and sleep in infants)
Sep. 18, 2018 (Benefits of play)
Sep. 24, 2018 (TV is OK)
Oct. 15, 2018 (Deep Brain Stimulation in Tourette syndrome)
Oct. 23, 2018 (CBD use in children diagnosed with ASD)
Oct. 26, 2018 (When a country bans spanking)
Nov. 16, 2018 (Screen time and mental health)
Nov. 27, 2018 (Spanking)
Dec. 6, 2018 (Autism rates on the rise)
Dec. 27, 2018 (Screen Time)
Jan. 2, 2019 (Sleeping in/later school start time)
Jan. 8, 2019 (ADHD and August birthdates)
Jan. 15, 2019 (Insufficient evidence screentime is harmful)
Feb. 22, 2019 (Acetaminophen in pregnancy and later childhood diagnosis with ADHD)
Feb. 25, 2019 (Old-fashioned non-screen toys and development)
April 25, 2019 (Biomarkers in early autism diagnosis)
May 3, 2019 (Differences in Sexual Development)
May 17, 2019 (ASD and neurodiversity)
June 5, 2019 (Special dental care)
June 24, 2019 (Avoiding food allergy in children)
July 23, 2019 (Milestones)
July 31, 2019 (Speech & Language delays)
Aug. 2, 2019 (Screen Time not so bad)
Aug. 7, 2019 (Adverse Childhood Events and team sports as management)
Aug. 12, 2019 (Having fun in sports)
Aug. 15, 2019 (Sexual abuse)
Sep. 13, 2019 (Autism/Early diagnosis and biomarkers)
Sep. 18, 2019 (e-Cigarette ban)
Sep. 25, 2019 (Sexual assault on TV as entertainment)
Oct. 8, 2019 (Cyberbullying)
Nov. 4, 2019 (Vaping)
Dec. 9, 2019 (Exercise during pregnancy)
Dec. 10, 2019 (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy)
Jan. 27, 2020 (Obesity & brain development)
Feb. 3, 2020 (Screen time)
Feb. 4, 2020 (Doctors on social media go viral)
Feb. 19, 2020 (Tribal adoption law)
Feb. 21, 2020 (ASD biomarker)
Mar. 3, 2020 (Mental health benefits to adolescents of even just a bit of exercise)
Mar. 24, 2020 (Cell phones and mood disorders in adolescents)
Mar. 27, 2020 (Preschoolers and ADHD: Medication?)
Apr. 17, 2020 (Sleep in the time of COVID-19)
May 15, 2020 (Parenting/Teaching kids w/special needs during COVID-19)
May 28, 2020 (Autism and early intervention)
June 1, 2020 (ADHD in the time of COVID1-19)
June 8, 2020 (The Three C's of screen time)
July 13, 2020 (Zoom and preschoolers)
July 22, 2020 (Special Education & COVID-19)
July 28, 2020 (Anxiety & COVID-19)
Aug 11, 2020 (No school during COVID-19)
Aug 13, 2020 (Diversifying the toybox)
Aug 17, 2020 (Marijuana during pregnancy & neurodevelopmental outcomes)
Aug 24, 2020 (COVID-19 stress and impact on young child development)
Aug 27, 2020 (COVID-19 in kids and neurological sequelae)
Sep 3, 2020 (Remote learning among student with ADHD)
Sep 11, 2020 (Food insecurity during COVID-19)
Oct. 5, 2020 (Lead checks down during COVID-19)
Oct. 14, 2020 (Remote learning in students with ADHD during COVID-19)
Oct. 16, 2020 (Screen time during COVID-19)
Oct. 26, 2020 (Screen time)
Nov. 5, 2020 ("Time Out" as disciplinary strategy)

Housestaff-prepared versions
Abernathey, Liz
Abudiab, Seja
Afridi, Seema

al-Haddad, Benjamin
Allen, Jennie
Allenspach, Eric
Allhusen, Erikka
Aminoff, Alex
Arbon, Kate
Arellano, Janetta
Asp, Rebecca
Avesar, Michael
Awori, Jonathan
Bailey-Plough, Kat
Baker, Rachel
Baldwin, Lane
Barker, Lisa
Barnett, Heather
Baumeister, Susanne
Beatty, Chris
Beck, Jeff
Beckstrom, Andrew
Bell, Shaquita
Bemanian, Amin
Bensimon, Julia
Bercovitz, Rachel
Berkman, Emily
Berry, Jonathan "Jono"
Bevilacqua, Maggie
Bhatti, Rahat
Bhutta, Omar
Bingham, Matthew
Blessing, Matthew
Blumenfeld, Alyssa
Boateng, Abena
Bodnar, Chelsea
Bollinger, Lucy
Bongiovanni, Kathleen
Bonura, Pia (MS4)
Bonura, Pia (R2)
Borbón, Tiffany
Boyle, Katie
Breslin, Gillian
Broadman, Kate
Brooke, Dacey
Burrell, Thelben
Burton, Heather
Campbell, Julie
Cantor, Emma
Carrasco, Carmela
Carazo, Carmen
Carter, Amy
Case, Jen
Castera, Mark
Chambers, Christina
Chan, Jeremy
Chao, Christina
Chau, Van
Chen, Laura
Chilcote, Heather
Chou, Cassie
Choudhary, Rewa
Clough, Juliana
Collins, Jennie
Colton, Ben
Connell, Sarah
Cook, Jill
Correia, Danielle
Coryell, Jason
Craig, Carolyn
Czaja, Jackie
Dalan, Aaron
Davis, Emily
Davis, Jeremiah
Del Rosso, Chelsea
Delostrinos, Catherine
Delostrinos, Catherine, R2
Deming, Hannah
Denny, Sarah
Diddle, Wes
Dietz, Andrew
Dimenstein, Nico
Dixon, Sarah
Dodge, Meagan
Dolan, Greg
Dossetter, Benji
Douglas, Chloe
Downing, Amy
Duarte, Horacio
Dubner, Sarah
Dundon, Kelly
Dunn, Meredith
Ebner, Jamie
Espinoza, Jason
Esposito, Valentine
Evans, Yolanda
Fahl, Gregory
Farris, Reid
Field, Leslie
Fife, Ben
Fleishman, Rachel
Fleming, Leah
Flores, Ana
Force, Lisa
Foster, Jennie
Freeman, Erica
Fox, Lindsay
Francis, Kendra
Frankland, Joshua
Frost, Lindsay
Gadzik, Erica
Gallagher, Emily
Gandhi, Meeka
Germann, Emma
Gifford, Wesley
Glass, Susan
Golden, Alana
Gonzalez, Luz
Grafelman, Michelle
Grant, Abby
Grassia, Kalee
Greenzang, Katie
Greer Phillips, Alexsandra
Grelli, Kimberly
Griego, Elena
Griffin, Georgia
Grigg, Aaron
Grimm, Amy
Guse, Sabrina
Gust, Julianne
Gustafson, Eric
Hadland, Brandon
Halbach, Susan
Hall, Akiko
Hallberg, Chris
Hallet, Brooke
Harley, Amy
Hartford, Emily
Hauser, Jessica
Hawkins, Lauren
Hazra, Dia
Henne, Heather
Henricksen, Wes
Hernandez, Rafael
Herzog, Thiebaut "Bo"
Higgins, David
Hilgenberg, Sarah
Hiruy, Hiwot
Hixson, Erin
Ho, Katelynn
Hogan, Caroline
Hogeland, Emily
Homer, Paul
Hoover, John
Horvat, Chris
House, Taylor
Hryniewicz, Kathryn
Hsieh, Wei-Jen
Huang, Maria
Hughes, Maya
Huntington, Taylor
Hutcheseon, Sarah
Jackson, Benjamin
Jackson, Caroline
Jardine, Brooke
Johnson, Eric
Johnson, Erin
Jorgensen, Selena
Juj, Harbir
Kadunc, Kelley
Karvonen, Kristine
Kassebaum, Jeremy
Kays, Colleen
Kazmier, Katie
Keene, Jen
Kelley, Mara
Kelley, Melissa
Kerr, Michelle
Killien, Liz
Kim, Janice
Kinghorn, BreAnna
Kinghorn, BreAnna
Kinley, Amanda
Kironde, Tendo
Kiyonaga, Kristi
Kneen, Lindsay
Kohn, Sam
Koff, Abby
Kolsky, Rebecca
Kosydar, Marla
Kow, Richard
Krober, Janet
Lang, Benjamin
Larson, Emma
Lawler, Lauren
Lazzarini, Laura
Lee, Brittany
Lee, James
Lee, Jonathan
Lerman, Julie
Leuche, Viviane
Lewis, Brenna
Liekweg, Kimi
Lin, Ava
Lin, Michael
Lindsay, Jessie
Little, Beth
Lockrow, Jason (#1)
Lockrow, Jason (#2)
Longnion, Alison
Lopez, Nicholas
Lucas-Roberts, Ben
Luginbill, Jena
Lum Ho, Rachel
Lund, Erika
MacKintosh, Erin
Mackowiak, Benjamin
Maloney, Christine
Mallon, Danny
Manangan, Jocelyn
Marcus, Brian
Marlowe, Max
Marquardt, Michelle
Marriott, David
Martos, Melissa
Marvinsmith, Bridget
Maxwell, Jennifer
Maxym, Maya
McDade, Jessica "Jesi"
McGeehan, Megan
McHugh, Sarah
McNeil, Michael
Mehta, Ami
Meikle, Jennifer
Mejias, Dane
Mendoza, Gabriel
Mendoza, Megan
Metz, James
Meyers, Nicholas
Meylor, Jennifer
Miller, Isaac
Mockler, Blair
Molina, Kim
Mook, Louisa
Moore, Eva
Moore, Jennifer
Morris, Melanie
Movius, Fabiola
Murdoch, Mary
Murguia, Felipe
Murray, Alastair "Alex"
Neary, Cedar
Nelson, Hailey
Nielsen, Katie
Nguyen, Anthony (Vu)
Nguyen, Elizabeth
Nutman, Sarah
O'Connell, Meghan
O'Mahoney, Lila
O'Neill, Laura
Olsen, Jillian
Olszewski, Aleks
Otten, Cate
Pang, Dennis
Patel, Alok
Patel, Anisha
Peach, Sally
Pearson, Rachel
Perkins, Alexandra
Perry, Sarah
Philogene, Maraisha
Pidaparti, Vaidehi
Pineros, Vanessa
Pokorney, Rachel
Poole, David
Porter, Will
Poull, Lauren
Priest, James
Prior, Megan
Puhl, Kristin
Quitiquit, Celeste
Rabbani, Naveed
Radesky, Jenny
Ravindran, Ammu
Records, Maria
Reece, Julia
Reiner, Christoph
Richards, Becky
Richardson, Kelsey
Rivers, Julie
Roberts, Alissa
Rodriguez, Sade
Rosen, Kathi
Rosenthal, Jen
Rowinsky, Peter
Ruth, Tammy
Ryan, Daniel
Saha, Priyanka
Said, Lisa
Salisbury, Louisa
Samdan, Hamar
Sanders, Virginia
Sarangam, Maithri
Sauza, Gabriela
Savitz, Jennifer
Schwarz, Anisha
Semanik, Michael
Serna, Matthew
Shea, Erin
Shen, Crystal
Shubin, Corinne
Sibanda, Dawn
Simms, Benjamin
Simonich, Cassandra
Smith, Kimberlee
Smokey, Jenny
Soma, Vijaya
Spurr, Rebecca
Srinivas, Gowri
Stier, James
Stinger, Amanda
Sun, Bob
Sun, Katie
Swedo, Elizabeth
Sylte, Derek
Tate, Ramsey
Tate, Tyler
Taylor, Molly
Test, Matt
Thomas, Ildiko
Thurman, Joy
Tith, Solina
Trout, Susan
Urae, Seiya
Van Cleve, Alisa
Van Cleve, Wil
Vaz, Louise
Viggiano, Emily
Vijay, Anu
von Zychlin, Kara
Vu, Thu
Wallace, Jordan
Walsh, Melissa
Walz, Katie
Webster, Danielle
Weisner, Annie
Werny, David
Weyand, Angela
White, Michelle
Wightman, Aaron
Wild, Jennie
Witkin, Ariana
Wittekind, Sam
Woeltje, Maeve
Won, Tiana
Wong, Charlene
Wright, Lydia
Wright, Maggie
Wu, Amie
Wu, Rebecca & additional
Wu, Florence
Young, Allison
Youngblood, Gigi
Zaleski, Elizabeth
Zemanek, Alyssa
Last modified: 8/14/2020